/ffg/ - Found Footage General

Featured film: The Blair Witch Project

What is found footage? Found footage consists of feature length movies, shorts, or webseries designed to have the look and feel of actual (non-fictional) filmed events that were lost and subsequently discovered and made available to the viewer. That is why it is the most creative subgenre ever to exist, with over 700 movies and counting!


FF IMDB: foundfootagecritic.com/found-footage-films-database/

Conversation starters for newbies:
>What is your favorite found footage film?
>What found footage film are you looking forward to?
>What is your idea for the perfect found footage film?


a) Download Sources from best (1) to worst (5)

1) Private Torrents (PTP, CG, and THC are the best for FF and THC is easy to join)
2) Public Torrents (use BTDB, torrentz2, zooqle, rarbg)
3) Private Usenet accounts (Get these from private torrents and private piracy forums)
4) Public Usenet (use Binsearch, get a free usenet account, slow but it works)
5) Public and private DDL (warez-bb, filehosts)

b) Streaming sites have quite a few. Type in google "[name of movie] 123movies"

c) Amazon Prime has a lot of them if you already have an account.

d) Ask /ffg/ for the ones you can't find using above methods. Remember to archive the rare ones for your fellow FF fans!

e) Here's a still-evolving pastebin of FF movies you can watch on Youtube. These are NOT recommendations!

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Other urls found in this thread:


>what is shaky-cam gimmick cinema and why do I obsessively spam it on Yea Forums like it's ever going to become a legitimate genre
Keep making this thread OP

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Sure thing

my computer died and now I cant get on THC anymore :(

I appreciate your attention for detail but FF is the worst subgenre Horror has ever seen, there hasn't been a single good one since Blair Witch Project. I remember your threads and every single movie I took from them to give the genre another chance in the hope to find something good were absolute trash and unwatchable.

right now I'm trying to download Bad Ben but I'm already mentally prepared for the next disapointment.

You didn't have your password saved? What about your email?

>right now I'm trying to download Bad Ben
Bad Ben is decent. Badder Ben (3rd one) was the best though.

>c) Amazon Prime has a lot of them if you already have an account.

see, that's a bad fucking sign right there. movies on prime are 95% pure fucking cheap trash. no wonder there's a shitload of found footage on there

Nah. It's natural for mostly low budget movies to end up on Prime. It's the easiest way to regular people to sell their movies.


there hasn’t been a /ffg/ thread in weeks, so they’re doing a piss poor job of spamming

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Summer has been busy

you’re obviously going to hate it, why even bother watching it?

Yeah but THC has been steadily churning out more FF movies while we were gone.

Go dilate these are the only decent threads here

true, I’m still like 30 movies behind. but my sound issues are finally resolved at least. I’ve been trying to keep up to date with downloading them anyway, to save them for a rainy day.

We keep getting 10 knives all the time, too. THC is a fucking gold mine.

they have a massive selection of non-FF too, which I have barely even looked through.

Honestly, THC has given me 90% of the movies I've been watching lately and it's crazy when I think about the fact that I almost didn't get an account because I though it was a meme.

What is the best found footage movie that doesn't resort to cheap jumpscares?

have you watched any good FF lately?
I saw Monster Movie but it was pretty bad. like hilariously low budget and one dude played twins who would just switch off for different scenes.

Lake Mungo, Man Bites Dog, Leaving DC, lots of them really.

>implying Blair Witch Project is a good movie worth watching

I'm still catching up with the latest THC releases. Last one I saw was The Fear Footage, which was disappointing.


I liked the wraparound segment in the spooky house and the first segment or two, but there were some disappointing parts. plus it was hyped for months before release

The trailer was pure b8 for anybody who likes FF.

I actually liked that clown scene a lot, when the kid was at the top of the stairs yelling down for his mom, and when he was opening the doors and whatnot.
but I know exactly what you mean

>spam thread for your shitty torrent tracker


I might watch In A Stranger's House tonight since it's Sunday. Hopefully this thread will keep going all night.


I’ll look in my folder and see if I’ve got it. I’m dogsitting this weekend so he never leaves me alone which is annoying when I’m trying to watch anything.

Aw be nice to doggo

he’s a good boy and I’ll miss him when he goes back.
but he can drive me nuts when he’s here.

I’ve got it. I’ll watch it tonight.




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*doll screeching intensifies*

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My favorite terror movie.

I hate that sound.

How do I get an invite code?

>How do I get an invite code?

it’s a good one. I know that it’s a bit of an acquired taste but I think that people who like horror can appreciate it for what it is, they don’t have to dive deeper into the genre but it is definitely one of the better found footage movies.

Thanks, I'll try

do ittttt soon

I hope it works out for you. it’s a pretty laid back group but they’re always uploading new stuff.

It's so good. It's not PTP but it's a good first private tracker for a horror fan.

I told a friend about Alien Abduction (2014) the other day and half way through explaining I realized that he didn’t care about found footage and I changed the subject

sounds like a pleb

I don’t think he’s a big movie buff and I realized that I was just going on and on about it and he didn’t really care.
no one I know irl has ever shown any interest in found footage if I bring it up.

fucking rangebanned reeeee
god bless the pass

That's what /ffg/ is for, bro. To connect you to your kindred FF spirits.

truth. a couple of people don’t trust my suggestions anymore after I told them to look up the album cover for No Love Deep Web by Death Grips.
it’s good that there are at least a handful of anons with compatible taste in movies around these parts.

>No Love Deep Web by Death Grips.
wish I could say I knew what that is, FF bro.

what are the best alium found footage movies? the more obscure the better

I've seen Alien Abduction, Incident at Lake County, and Zone of Silence

it’s a picture of the drummers penis with the album title written on the shaft in sharpie.

yikes. might want to skip showing people that.

Phoenix Forgotten was pretty good

you’re probably right. they’re the type of dudes who make dick and fart jokes all the time, but I guess they didn’t appreciate that I sold it to them under false pretenses
>holy shit you guys have to see this cover it’s so dope

The last /ff/ movie I saw was Skew on Amazon Prime. It was really good, seedy motels and backroads creep me out.

Have any good /ff/ been added to Amazon Prime or tubi recently?

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Most people don't like Skew so your bar is low for FF.

Thought you got banned for never posting The Other Side of the Wind as afeayured film. Oh well, back to plebness.

shit... he’s onto us

Does Chronicle count as ff?


no I just didn't post because of GOT

I wish Chronicle could have gotten a sequel. The way physical cameras were used to present the film was really novel.

well it’ll need a new director now.
but I liked how the cameras were used too. like when he’s controlling it and just letting it float around. that was pretty unique.

I thought Skew was interesting. the face distortion was a cool idea. I don’t remember much more about it but it was definitely on my “enjoyed it” list.

I noticed another handful of FF on Netflix, that are now slipping my mind, but I haven’t checked the other spots. I bet tubi at least has some new stuff.

It's even cooler when considering that every shot was through an in-world camera. That's what the "Chronicle" is, I suppose. Like the whole movie was put together like a video collage.

that makes sense. I never thought about the title like that. but that might just be because i don’t remember the last time I called it anything other than cronkle
I liked how it was shown from a bunch of different sources at the end, it gave it a sense of realness like it showed that all these people standing around filming and freaking out which is exactly what would happen.

the 2016 Blair Witch sequel is underrated. Instead of doing what the first movie did and go for understated quiet realistic minimalism. It went to opposite direction and went full loud maximalist spook house ride. its the Alien to Aliens dichotomy. The last 30 minutes of the movie is legit some of the best and energetic /ff/ film making out there

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is that the freeze frame from the very beginning?

No, that's the Witch at the end


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oh DUH i was looking at it like it was a drawing on the wall for some dumb reason.
i was asking because i was gonna say i never really got a good look at that still and it looked nothing like heather. but i guess that makes sense cuz its not supposed to.

i loved how the "witch" looked. it was weird that they showed so much, but they also went the maximalist route with Exists too. so i assume they were just going in the opposite direction of BWP, for whatever personal reasons they had.

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doesnt look like much

I also loved how the witch looked (implying that thing in the end is the witch since its never explicitly stated)

it actually looks like a the stickman figure which i thought was a neat touch. They don't show much at all though. Theres like maybe 6 or 7 seconds of full on witch/monster in the 90 minute run time


>unironically discussing The Blair Witch Project as if its a movie worth viewing
What is wrong with you found footage fags?

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I bet you watch capeshit, nigger.

I watched it in hospital recovering from bowel surgery and it still managed to piss me off. It should have never been a BWP sequel.

you're right but it showed a hell of a lot more than the first one. it did kind of look like a stickman but also like a spider (or at least thats how i remember it).
i wonder what it really was, i think it might be the witch cuz she could fuck with time and space too.

The face cam black eye part and weird naked guy were solid moments

i just started it

hell yeah i loved this part

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one of the best scenes in FF ever.

Great scene in an otherwise meh movie.

it would appear so.
i already know that ill be all but useless at bumping tomorrow though.

No worries fren, I'll be here all day to bump.

good stuff. I’m usually willing to do the same when there’s an /ffg/ in the catalog but I’ve gotta run around a bunch tomorrow.

In a Strangers House has a nice spooky mood so far. I’ve gotta be up pretty early though so I may not finish it tonight.
I feel like the guy barely has an accent at all though.

that part freaked me out the first time I saw it because I kept expecting him to rush at the camera so I was tense the whole time in anticipation. I suppose I’ve been conditioned by modern horror movies to expect that kind of thing.

just light up a bong ;)

this user speaks words of wisdom

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before i forget, here's the Occult song.
its almost like a droning loop that keeps building.
and now all my denbts are paid.

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Kino, my man.

thanks. glad to hear it. theres another new one on there too. it's a bit different than the others though. would definitely recommend headphones for this one.

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good night

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The three Phoenix movies (Incident, Forgotten, Tapes) are all good, Incident at Lake County is great, don't think I've seen Alien Abduction or Zone of Silence though.

Night, bro

How bout a found footage film that diesnt have the protagonist die a the end.

based. been looking for this, thanks

I don't actually. Even if I did it wouldn't matter. Capeshit is better then found faggotry.

I watched The Devil Inside tonight, pretty gud, but ending was absolutely terrible even for a ff movie

me too

she is so creepy

nite bud

there's lots of those but I don't wanna spoil

>Capeshit is better then found faggotry.
typical pleb opinion

Anyone know of some found footage flicks for free on Roku? I'm too lazy to hook my laptop up to the tv tonight. Just want to hit play with my remote.

There's tons of them for free on the Tubi channel for Roku. That's been a good resource. Use the tubi website to browse faster. The horror and sci-fi sections have them.

>Capeshit is better then found faggotry.
imagine being this much of a shill

I'm still willing to give it a chance.

it actually is. in retrospective not as much as when it was released though. back then it was a really new and innovative concept, it was fucking great. than the flood of bad FF movies came