Are there any other good movies or documentaries about NEETs and white males who've dropped out of society?

Are there any other good movies or documentaries about NEETs and white males who've dropped out of society?

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shy boys


To be a NEET sucks but what else is there?
Wagecucking and being bottom feeder in normalfuck society is even worse.

This is great whether you root for the parking lot guys or against them.

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where can i watch this ive been looking for this and
"Sōshoku-kei danshi"
herbivore men or something

Confederacy of Dunces (1991) dir. Terry Guilliam starring John Candy

Watch the one about the /fit/izen living with his mother. Someone post it please.

A fulfilling career and meaningful, intimate human relationships

It’s on YouTube

I get rejected by women even in my dreams, the few that I have and actually remember.

>Wagecucking and being bottom feeder in normalfuck society is even worse.
You're right, but even that dead-end work gives you more opportunities to find someone to while away your worthless life with. Or you could take the NEETpill and realize relationships aren't the key to happiness. But most people settle for weakness and the fear of dying alone and have the audacity to look down on those who see it for what it is

>Or you could take the NEETpill and realize relationships aren't the key to happiness.
Successful people are miserable for the same people as NEETs. Instead of shutting themselves off in home, they shut themselves off at work. Fulfilling relationships are about the only thing that can bring you happiness that isn't fleeing.

>find me a video that glorifies my shitty life so i can put a jewish band aid on my ego
Imagine being this white. No wonder your (((owners))) waltz all over your nations.

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That's what Anthony Bourdain thought.

people will tell you to put effort into your life but honestly in this day and age you’ll probably just end up working some tedious bullshit job regardless of how hard you try

And Chester Bennington, and Robin Williams.

>the fear of dying alone
I will never understand this. I want to die alone.

That's just not real for the average person in this day and age. You can say it is all you want, but most people don't have that anymore.

After living in Japan for a few years I realize why so many people there drop out. Japanese society is totally crushing. Work is your entire life. The people in your office are the only people you can know because you spend all your time there. It's so expensive to live there you simply can't make it on even an average paying job. There's no point in working there.

this makes me feel better, but also, worse

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Densha otoko somehow is like that

I think one of the reasons pop culture is so big there is because those poor people need an escape valve of some kind or they'd all go crazy.

True. Also why karaoke bars are so popular over there. They HAVE to go get drunk and act stupid at the end of the shift if they don't want to end up hanging themselves in a forest.

why is crime so low?

blade runner 2049
joker (2019)

>just be a top percenter lol anyone can do it

Teddy Bear was the name if I recall correctly.

You're too busy working to commit crime.

>white males


based retard

Why not just move out of the city?

what the fuck is this even about? I just read up on it and watched the trailer.still no idea

>A fulfilling career
name literally one (1) (one)

professional rapist

>tfw overhear my parents legitimately talking about arranging my marriage
it's like being an elizabethan era peasant.

Doctor, therapist, some types of attorney, construction industry, professions where you can work in your own style and have a degree of ownership of your product in general.

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mine's pretty fun, I catch and dissect fish and pretty samples for stable isotope analysis. But i like fishing

>doctor/lawyer as definition of fullfilling career
Are you boomer taken fresh out of 90s movie?

>white males
>posts a chink
what did he mean by this

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elizabethans knew what was up. those western european-styled family structures lead to a rise in iqs in the population, the opposite of what we have now

Better than slaving away in IT or stem for a corporation

>tfw season 2 of danmachi soon
hestia keeps me going

The biggest Jewish scam of them all. Nothing but pleasure matters and this shit will bore you to death after the first two years.

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>tried at life
>27 make 140k
>girls finally hitting on you
>still want to die
It ain’t success chief , there’s a malaise in our generation

Analrapist, like Tobias Funke


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>the biggest jewish scam is them tricking you into doing what they're doing & what's making them so successful

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>A fulfilling career
literally does not exist

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It's about a parking lot culture created by generations of its autistic dropout employees.

>To be a NEET sucks
Did you learn nothing from NHK? being a NEET is a luxury, I wish I could be a NEET.

or you can take your NEET money and use some of it to seek people.

Im allergic to mayo

why is it that being a NEET is looked down upon but the children of the rich who are also basically not employed, in education, or training, and who can live it up with their parents' money, are glorified in media as living the good life?

candy is also a luxury. doesn't make it a good thing.

I guess I already live in japan minus all the good stuff

Everyone dies alone so the odds are in your favor

It's not very good though. One part goes for shock value by showing the shooting and the other, hybrid documentary by showing how it affects the lives of 2 people without much depth. And there's a not so subtle feminist message about how strong women are. It's quite weak.

because at least they engage with the world, neets are too frail, weak-minded and pathetic even for that
and where rich kids become that way due to overprotection, neets become that way from mere exposure. neets have themselves to blame.

no its not. When you are "slaving away" you at least have fix income. When you are an attorney you have to attract clients and basically deal with all the same bullshit they have in the fast food industry. if you don't have a fixed scheduled then you are on call all the time, you get no vacation days or healthcare. If you have a fixed schedule it just means all that plus you have to hang around the office daily for at least 4 hours

you can shove your "good thing" where the sun does not shine.
because NEETs are poor and often also shut ins.

>you can shove your "good thing" where the sun does not shine.

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101 reykjavik

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based. but are you a neet? unless you are rich I don't see why she would want to marry a neet. no offense, m8.

haven't been a NEET since my folks forced me into a job a year ago. and from what i could glean, they're considering marrying me off to a girl from my mom's old country in eastern europe. some of her family lives in a old fashioned traditional village and know loads of girls whose families want to send them to the new world. i'm seriously considering packing up my things and running away.

nice! is she cute? i've been neet for time on and off. now i'm working a bit and have plans. Feel like shit, but also trying to be a bloomer when I can; also doing therapy.

are you planning to marry her? do you know each other? what country is she from?

i like reading stories like this, user

i was trying to be cautiously reticent and not give too much away, but since you're interested i'll say a bit more.
my mom's come up to me with a photo of one particular girl so far, her family is apparently old friends with my mom's side of the family. i suppose she's cute in a quaint sort of way. but my mom's being really roundabout with the whole thing, squeezing stuff like "i hear she's a very nice girl" and "is just dying to come live here, just needs to find a man" into our conversations. i really don't know what to say to her in these situations, so i just kinda nod and say "uh huh" and "i'm sure things will work out for her." that takes us to my mention of an arranged marriage, where i overheard my mom talking to my dad of bringing me over to europe on the pretense of a vacation.
i really value my own privacy and loved living alone when i had the chance to do so some years back in my own apartment. i really don't think i could manage living the married life, especially with an old-fashioned housewife that'll probably want kids right away. i'm just not cut out for that sorta thing. don't know how i'm going to handle it.

>Feel like shit, but also trying to be a bloomer when I can; also doing therapy.
good luck with that user. it's tough, but stick to it.

bro lend me your time machine.

talk to the girl over skype or something. you already seem to be making assumptions. if you don't like being indoors all the time (like me) take the trip, at minimum you get a vacation. are your parents well off? how much property do they own and can they support your wife too?

Fucking NEETs trying to justify ignoring all responsibilities by shitting on wagecucks.

Sitting on Yea Forums all day and eating your moms groceries isn't giving it to the man, you're just a leech on society, much worse than any wagecuck.

>you're just a leech
and? If Im getting away with it then I have it made while others work to aid me in this.

Less than 24 hours until you have to get back in your cagie, wagie.

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interesting. something like that happened to me but not pre-arranged like you mention

>talk to the girl over skype or something. you already seem to be making assumptions
it's not really that girl i have a problem with, it's any girl, and marriage, in general. i just really want to live alone.
and my parents do pretty well. my dad's high up in a fairly profitable company, which is the only way i was able to get that job i mentioned.

The true red pill is a NEET-live funded by passive income and/or minimal work. Getting gov money is a cherry on top. Go rage in your cage wagie, but do not forget to pay those taxes for the NEET gibs and make sure to buy useless shit from me after you wasted your time playing my games or watching my YT videos. Tick tock, pay up!

get the girl. maybe she is not interested that much or something. Chances are the 2 of you could conspire and milk your parents for money. She might be willing to be your beard, instead of being gay you will be hiding a different truth

Im so jealous of one faggot I know who got an apartment he rents out for mad cash from his grandpa. still mad my brothers gambled away everything our grandpa left us.

i'm not gay

That sucks, I had similar shit happen in my family. One family member basically got everything handed out to him. Still, you can turn at least one skill into a passive income. It is way easier than you thing. Go for it. Every coin earned by not investing your finite time is a treasure.

I did not say you are. I was just saying that when I said she could be your beard I did not mean it in the covering up gay way. I mean you get to keep your loner style while money keeps rolling in

Brack peeoporu aren’t welcome anywhere

>you can turn at least one skill into a passive income
like what?

having love-making sessions with your child's mother

i don't think i have enough money to make that viable.

It's an anime, but yes

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yeah but everyone and their mom has seen this. it's like the only good NEET related media out.
also nice digits.

>120k last year
>gf for 7 years

same thing. Guess it's time for a kid.

t. incel

I love comfy sunday NEET threads. The wageniggers waste their limited time arguing with me.