Oh no no no! How could that be? ST characters unpopular? WTF Disney?
see full trends and graphs here:
Oh no no no! How could that be? ST characters unpopular? WTF Disney?
see full trends and graphs here:
I don't know if more searches means it's more popular exactly. Could be, but could not be.
Kill yourself
hey, Boyega! Butthurt that trends reveal you are bottom of the barrel, eh? have sex.
Jar Jar is a based character
George was right in the end. We owe him an apology.
Wow, we botted thousands of JarJar searches that’ll totally BTFO women who won’t give us sex and minorities!
Caring enough to look them up on Google is a valid metric, but yes, "popular" may not be the right word.
Emma Watson BTFO's all SW actors too
Based best Emma absolutely MOGGING every other actor
>countries in grey don't give a fuck
>I-It's the russian trolls!
>It was the alt-right nazis!
>It was sabotage, I tell you!
>Please don't fire me, mister shareholder!
OR MAYBE you just made a really shitty movie, Rian
>How could that be?
racism and misogyny
yes we do
they also have no money so it's easy not to give a fuck.
jar jar binks was central to the plot and actually did everything in the prequels there's a whole lot to unravel meanwhile the new characters just ran from A to B and blew stuff up
Dilate, Discord tranny.
>russian bots
George's sale will probably be considered one of the shrewdest business moves of the century.
this is underrated. jar jar was an actual character with an actual character arc and a place in the story that only he could accomplish (get Gunguns to meet with Naboo-ans). new characters indeed run from A and B and blow shit up without moving the plot forward, without growing as characters and certainly without justifying why they are in the movie and why we need them and their sidequests.
why are people googling Count Dooku?
At least Jar Jar had a personality and an arc. That is more than most ST characters.
it turns out the "Female Future" was a reference to desperate women in chinese sweatshops who sleep at their work stations and never see their children because they have to sell plastic Disney toys
lol at you communists who support mega-corporations
>le jar jar is bad
I bet those boomers still make chuck norris jokes too
that's what's happening idiots, russian bots are doing mass jar jar searches, Rey is the most popular star wars character.
How did chuck norris beat jar jar binks?
- He didn't
I can genuinely see my dad saying that, then laughing for ten seconds at my grandma's wake
well, the trends didn't say Jar jar is more popular than Rey or Kylo, just more popular search than Finn, Poe and Rose.
Got you.
The absolute state of Finn
Your dad is based.
oh i am laffin
Holy Based
Yes sir, I was trolling the whole time. Just cashing out my (you)s now before the market crashes.
Finncels in shock. everyone else: "toldja"
Most of the sequel characters suck because they are both bland looking with boring personalities. Not to mention that most of them at just dull Humans. The only new non-human important characters are BB8 (a knock-off of R2) and the feminist robot LEE7 or whatever There are no cool aliens or robots..
>Forgetting based K2
also ugly actors. from ford and christensen to boyega and ehrenreich, yikes.
Jar Jar is based. He is the true dark one.
forgetting seems to be the state of NuWars characters
Jar Jar was goofy but at least creative design. Finn is a token black #17854, Rey isn't interesting either. Poe is barely in these movies.
>Phasma trending in South East Asia
What do the gooks see in her?
R1 is a prequel.
same shit. the graphs are about RO characters too who fair even poorer than already poor ST ones.
gee I wonder
>people remember a weird minstrel show frog more than an ugly Asian janitor
Why didn't the focus groups say anything?!?
same focus groups that said Hillary would win easily?
>20 year old meme character more relevant that than mouse wars
Now THAT subverted my expectations
>sea monkeys fear captain phasma
That's amusing
Imagine if the sequels were real films.
say what you will about based george but he knew how to create memorable characters. whether they were memorable for just wearing cool armor (Boba fett) or for being annoying (jar jar) they remain memorable. Disney wars characters are too cookie cutter and interchangeable with other characters that it's impossible to remember them. Poe and RO Poe look the same. if you showed the picture of either to normalfags they wouldn't know what movie they were from let alone distinguish between them. etc
So is Solo