Could THIS be anymore of a Friends thread?
Could THIS be anymore of a Friends thread?
Could this Sneed anymore of a feed thread?
Am I supposed to find this character likeable?
Am I missing anything here?
hot nipples
The whole show is a projection of how normies want to live specially women. 90% of the women that like Friends love her because she is their fantasy. Men usually like Monica better because she is the perfect wife: obsessive maid, chef, supports shark fetish, desperately wants to have your babies, etc.
why did Chandler have the most ugly wardrobe of any character on tv, ever?
>those ties
>those vests
>those baggy shirts
>has no prior experience
>becomes highly paid executive at World Wide Fashion companies
Makes total Sense
Really stupid how they were all successful professionaly by the end. The only ones that made sense was Ross and maybe Chandler.
>The whole show is a projection of how normies want to live specially women
This. Obviously sitcoms are not realistic but Friends really takes the cake. This show is almost like a fever dream it's really uncanny.
am I the only one who liked Joey?
Never watched it to this day.
>becomes highly paid executive at World Wide Fashion companies
did she really become an executive? fuck. slept her way to the top
no he was best character
Friends is for faggots and racemixers.
She betrayed her race with (((Ross))).
Rachel (((Green))). Did you not see her nose?
You're supposed to find her hot. The likable characters are Joey and Chandler.
love that episode
I find her more attractive now that she is old. the idea that now she cant even doggy style because her knees cant take it anymore is incredibly hot to me
what's wrong with me bros?
Emphasis is on the wrong word it's: "Could this BE anymore of a Friends thread?"
perfect thick nipples and toes made for sucking
I liked the qt blonde neighboor and that scene where Drea was barefoot at the pool
She got a job making coffee and cleaning out cupboards
She's canonically into toe sucking
her and the episode of monica & phoebe waxing their legs are what made me into a foot fag
yeah. whatever, they just decided to let their fans enjoy the fantasy. season 8 was the last good season
no. he was cute (in demeanor i mean, although he's good-lookin too). chandler's the one whose appeal i didn't get. self-deprecating sense of sarcasm despite the fact he keeps landing and having the privilege of dumping chicks. guy's a loser
foot friend*
the bushier the eyebrows, the cuter the monica
yes yes of course friend
I meant the spin-off show
you have mom issues
it's the only reason why anyone would find an older woman attractive
Growing up, my mom's best friend was always around, and for some reason if it was just me and her she would always ask me if I thought she was pretty and if I liked her. She kissed me when I was 10 and when I was 14. Nothing ever happened other than that. Now if I ever see her at one of my mom's things, we always end up going off on our own and talking and she always gets really touchy. She's a straight milf, and that is why I (different poster) have a milf fetish.
Daily reminder that Paolo did nothing wrong and Rachel should have gone for him instead of Ross.
Based Pauloposter
Could I be ANY more Chandler?