If you think changing the song that plays over the end credits ruins a series, you're a fucking retard.
If you think that karaoke cringefest was better than the beautiful piano music that replaced it, you're a fucking retard.
If you think the horrible original dub was better than the new dub, you're a fucking retard.
If you think watching a cartoon (which is dubbed no matter what because cartoon characters aren't real and so cannot speak themselves) in a language you don't speak while reading translations of every line is better than simply watching it in your native language, you're a fucking retard.

This series is fantastic.

It's fans are absolute fucking idiots.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:



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anime is fucking gay, loser

I heard it's not the same without the song so I'm not going to be watching this on Netflix. You talk like a big gay fag, so I think I made the right choice.

>I'm a fucking retard
Thanks for sharing

What if my native language is Spanish? Should I watch Evangelion only dubbed in Spanish? Well fuck you, I ain't doingthat. I'd use subs even with the ugly English dub so I'd rather stick to the Japanese voices cause I just like them more, even if I don't understand them.
Also fuck you for not liking Fly Me To The Moon.
Have sex.


Attached: image.jpg (560x418, 14K)

Have sex.
Have sex.

>the autistic weaboo cringelords described in the op are the same anons who use the "have sex" maymay
it all makes sense


No one:

Literally no one:

Not even a single soul:

OP: If you think changing the song that plays over the end credits ruins a series, you're a fucking retard.
If you think that karaoke cringefest was better than the beautiful piano music that replaced it, you're a fucking retard.
If you think the horrible original dub was better than the new dub, you're a fucking retard.
If you think watching a cartoon (which is dubbed no matter what because cartoon characters aren't real and so cannot speak themselves) in a language you don't speak while reading translations of every line is better than simply watching it in your native language, you're a fucking retard.
This series is fantastic.
It's fans are absolute fucking idiots

This isn't Yea Forums you fucking weeb

>No one:
>Literally no one:
>Not even a single soul:
End your existence

it's spelled "its" dummy

Which is worse, crying about an anime show like OP or pretending to cry about an anime show like OP when shilling for Netflix? I think they're both embarassing.

>Neon Genesis Evanjellyon.

Attached: one_hour_photo_2.jpg (400x211, 28K)

anime is fucking gay, loser


Attached: 1557587624852.jpg (800x640, 108K)

>OP shitting on all the fags on Yea Forums and the internet as a whole who have been crying about an anime show
>accuse OP of being the one crying about an anime show
Are you literally retarded?

i watched this show with my dorm and everyone knows its evanJELion:
are you stupid or something?
have sex

Great thread, OP.

Attached: Stop watching anime.webm (774x420, 2.9M)

based and redpilled

>This series is fantastic.
If you're easily impressed by grade schooler philosophy and sad virgin retard characters
Which clearly you are since you know you couldn't make this thread on Yea Forums without being laughed off the board

redpilled and based

Rei is the absolute BEST

What's this from lmao

>generic taiko drumming
Sorry, no, FMTTM *complements* the story too well