cast him
Cast him
frank yang
>"mr. Yang what do you think about the ever growing China threat?"
>"well you see, we have to stop this Russian interference"
What did Sneed mean by this
Jackie chan
Give me my neetbux faggot
based MSNBC moderators with the racism. cringe meme candidate with not calling out CHYNA
jackie chan
Idris Elba
Dude Winnie the Poo lmao
Jet Li
How would the thousand dollars thing even work? If elected, how much do you want to bet he wouldn't even get it off the ground before his term is over.
You'd sign up and the money would appear in your account like any other government program. It would replace subsidies and other social security programs so there is no overlap.
idris elba
they didn't let him talk because he's the only one bringing new non-retarded ideas desu
>ten yuan has been deposited into your account
His family is from Taiwan
He talked so little, and when he did it was embarrassing. The audience even laughed at him at one point. The only thing he said all night that made him look good was his closing statement
Only problem is he'd never get rid of those gibs programs if he ever became president and supports amnesty.
>it's a "candidate makes an outrageous campaign promise that has no chance in hell of ever coming to fruition" episode
He would just be Trump 2.0, and his UBI platform would be his wall.
Why couldn't he grown some balls and talk about ISRAEL. For fucks sake, are they that untouchable?
>how would you stop global warming?
>I would give every American $1000
*audience laughs*
>because with the boot-heel off their throat, we can devote our full energy to solving global warming in a meaningful way.
*audience falls silent and contemplates*
>chinese candidate
>let's make 1 of 2 questions about china
UBI is real and workable, study it out