looking for some kino films and shows with this general aesthetic
Looking for some kino films and shows with this general aesthetic
not bad, not good either
>GUN homicides
yeah I'm sure the dead guy really cares about the weapon that was used to kill him
Now do acid attacks or stabbings
How many of those are gang related?
Whiter than you Ahmed
amerimutt cope. like clockwork
Now split the bars by race
nice chart dude
What the FUCK is Brazil's problem?
This is an anti-black thread in disguise.
this is what happens when you have niggers in your country
now do USA without nigger numbers
nope just an ausfag who recognises that cucked gun laws do absolutely nothing
every city in Brazil is basically Chicago and Detroit
homicide only matters if it's with a gun
you probably want a film with a lot of black people
what about kinos where black crime in america is on par with subsaharan africa whereas white crime is on par with europe?
id rather get shot than live in london though
Post the black vs white gun rates for america. White america is lower than canada. Black america is top 10 worldwide.
You are deliberately or unintentionally misrepresenting reality as anti-black. We used to call this tilting at windmills.
don't you dare show the gun homicide statistics broken down by race!
Plot that against population
There's that many? I feel like a single one in most countries would make front page news.
>do nothing
>homicides go down despite the population growth
then it'd just be a slighter downtrend with the gun buyback still having zero visible impact
Daily Reminder that Libshits are the ones that want us to mass-import people from South American countries.
>muh race
there is only one race. The human race.
>"weapons make us safer!" Says the country with the most weapons and the most homocides
homicide rates have also declined in america significantly since the 90s
Not great but not terrible
>the most homicides
The UK has one of highest rates of acid attacks in the world, according to the police. According to the Metropolitan Police, 2017 was the worst year for acid attacks in London, with 465 attacks recorded, up from 395 the previous year and 255 in 2015.
>outlaw EVERYTHING you could stab or shoot someone with
>shitskins now throw acid at each other
it says so much about the human condition.
How many of those are niggers?
>this policy actively leads to niggers killing each other and white people
>lets keep it
I thought republicucks was just a meme. You really like Tyrone killing off your race huh?
>only gun homicides
why? does it matter if you're murdered with a gun or with a knife?
Most of them. If you filtered for race, white Americans have the same gun crime per capita as Switzerland.
>the most homicides
>nigs and spics shooting and killing each other over drugs
This is a good thing. A self-eliminating problem.
Do you have a chart on the number of innocent people/non-criminals murdered randomly by guns each year? Because that would be more interesting.
>If I don't defend myself with anything but my fists I'll be safer!
around half, the other half is people shooting themselves, some of these stats are dishonest & count gun suicides as homicides by gun
>300,000 gun related deaths
>Hahaha look at these 500 acid attacks that everyone survives GOTCHA
Wow you are retarded.
damn I wonder how many niggers Japan has?
Also I would rather be shot than have acid thrown on my face eurocucks lmao
>Says the country with the most weapons and the most homocides
Per capita?
Imagine being the butthurt yuromutt who made this
>doesn't own a gun
Hahahaha I know this is B8 but it still pisses me off.
>surviving an acid attack
i'd really rather take my chances at get shot
Everytime I do it makes me laugh
>if I have a gun in my house im 4x likely to kill myself
What is up with the small nations with the higher ratios? Portugal is tiny, why have anything about a tenth?
>300,000 gun related deaths
What does suicide have to do with preventing criminals from getting in your home?
>defending the absolute subhuman behavior of tossing acid in someones face
ask me how I know your brown
One where the law abiding population imports it's own demise? I mean, you could just watch European news.
What a fucking horrifying problem for a nation to have.
I am amazed that Britain has the fucking balls to talk shit about other nations when their capital city is one of the world leaders in having innocent people getting sprayed in the face randomly with acid.
At least they're more diverse now I guess.
normal people arent trannys, dilate and contribute.
we need race based gun control
Reminder that Switzerland allows weapons and doesn't have weekly school shootings.
Yeah, it isn't like we are importing mexicans and southern mexicans in by the 1000s on a daily basis.
Lol London’s crime rate is almost as bad as NYC now and they don’t even have guns.
>criminals shooting each other
>random innocent law-abiding citizens getting acid thrown in their eyes
Guess which one I'd prefer, Euroshit.
>The most homicides
You gonna cite bee stings next? 500 "attacks" not even deaths, is literally nothing compared to 30,000 deaths due to firearms
>actually having to worry about your own suicide
Yeah, no, people who aren't fucking psychos don't have to worry about this.
Lots of the portuguese equivalent of rednecks who also happen to be hunters.
Nice selfie
Blacks mostly have them illegally already, the vast majority of gun crime is perpetrated by illegally owned firearms, leftist politicians and media are just deliberately excluding facts because reality doesn't conclude with their desired message.
Why did they change the the color indicating white people for no reason?
because swiss education is based on science not the bibble.
It's actually not that bad because it's mostly brown men throwing acid on brown women.
>suicide due to guns? No its just because were americans
literal mutt.
sounds comfy
you guys are cucked by the EU, dont even pretend to be "the cool" euro nation. have fun with those 10 round mags subject.
Purely as a matter of principle, I really dislike how weapons are illegal for self-defense.
>No, you don't need a gun for self-defense. But if you're ever in a situation that might require self-defense, just call a man with a gun!
I'm not a libertarian personal nuke fag, and I think a good compromise is allowing citizens to own generally the same weapons as police. But self-defense being outlawed is just disgusting to me.
70% of illegal firearms are originally obtained legally dipshit
love when they dont separate hispanics
Those numbers include suicide. So the chart is a lie
>500 "attacks" not even deaths, is literally nothing
Literally having flesh-destroying acid thrown in your fucking face isn't "nothing" you terrorist-apologist nigger.
And because Switzerland is a white country who's culture isn't about worshipping niggers.
Switzerland is not part of the EU, you stupid burgerclap.
>300,000 gun related deaths
It's 40,000, most of those are suicides, and we live in a country the size of all of Europe with a population of 350 million people.
Here's my favorite one.
>majority of murdered cops are shot by blacks
>blacks complaining about being murdered by cops
>majority of people killed by cops are white
Reminder that the US are bigger than Europe and have to deal with gangster culture.
>well over half the deaths are suicides
>well over 90% of them are inner city thugs murdering each other in cities with strict gun laws
>stil not even .001% of firearms in the US are used in crimes
>b-ban firearms
Why are yuropoors so obsessed with trying to restrict our rights? I don't get the obsession after helping to bail them out with the Marshall Plan after they destroyed their own continent twice.
Do you have any actual arguments? Ones that make sense?
>demographics of people that are vilified and ostracized are more likely to kill themselves
would be perfect if they did it back in their brown shithole, instead of shitting up our countries
You should hang yourself to counter balance any firearm related suicides.
Relative to 30,000 people literally dying its nothing you dumb nigger.
>Reminder that the US are bigger than Europe
>have to deal with gangster culture
You glorify and praise it, for Americans there's nothing "cooler" than a dumb nigger.
Even twitter is all about
>haha you and your ebonics are so cool
To the point where even those hate them speak like niggers.
And lets not even mention how pitiful the far right of America is where even they want to racemix.
Just embarassing.
>acid attacks are the same as suicides
confirmed men are vilified and ostracized worldwide, thanks
they do it because they're not kawaii past 22
Yet you still accept the new laws and grovel at EU-s feet. A nigger from somalia believes in freedom more than a subject like you.
Why are amerimutts killing themselves at above average rates? Inferior genetics?
>when your country is so fucking terrible that there's more people killing themselves than people murdered
>I get all my knowledge of other countries from social media posts by people living in blue counties
You sound like a nigger.
Yes? And it's not 30,000 murders , the majority of "gun related deaths" are suicides. Any death involving a firearm goes into the statistics. Including accidental discharges and suicides. Yes, we have a high murder rate in certain cities but that's not just because we have guns. Felons can't own firearms. They can, however, find illegal firearms very easily. Which is why citizens are allowed to defend themselves because we don't believe that our state is some incorruptible god of justice who can stop you from being assaulted by some crack head on your walk home from work.
>3.6 gun homicides
Not great, not terrible
>Why are yuropoors so obsessed with trying to restrict our rights?
Because misery loves company. They gave away their rights and regret it now, so they're going to try and make everyone else as miserable as they are.
How about homicides in general? Or knife homicides? You need a control.
>moving the goalposts this hard when called out
Niggers want to disarm the whites, dummy.
Oh no, what will we do without them ?
>Amerimutt accusing others of talking shit about other countries
Whatever you have to tell yourself, tranny.
Your rates of suicide are just as high in shitty leftist-controlled Scandinavian nations that claim to be faggot-utopias.
>its not murders its just 30,000 deaths, but look this 500 attacks is really scary
now do per capita
And guess what, we still have guns, while we don't have a country full of subhumans who do nothing but kill each other.
You need guns because your country is full of scum.
Here we could get rid of them and nothing would change because we have decent people, and our culture doesn't worship criminals.
>nigger want to disarm the whites
>but I like to keep the niggers armed
literal cuck, you cant make this up
You mean like every other civilized country on the planet?
>Euroshit /pol/tard accusing others of talking shit about other countries
No, 60% of firearms *found at crime scenes* are legal. Keep in mind that suicides are treated as crime scenes. 40% of all weapons acquired in the US in general come from unlicensed dealers
>having shit reading comprehension
>fucking yuropoors of all people accusing others of talking shit about other countries
My fucking sides
Everyone, here, I offer a challenge. Try to find gun homicide convictions by race in the US. You will note that it is actively suppressed and not even government research studies graph that shit because of how terrible the imbalance is.
Oh boy, this is even worse than an average American, an American leftist.
Please, go preach about how drag queens teaching 5 year olds about anal sex is totally fine.
shoot 'em up
>total numbers
Curious why not percentage of population? Afraid of what you might see?
How the fuck is Ireland 4th?
>niggers buy guns legally
The absolute state of liberal retards
do not insult the bibble
Goddamn, Asians are bulletproof.
>Europe: Give up your guns so you can get arrested for racist Facebook posts
>America: I doubt it
Per capita police killing by race still doesn't remotely match per capita murdered police by race of perpetrator, that's the point and switching it to per capita graphing will actually make that comparison look even worse.
They also don't have niggers... Yet
Strongest correlation to gun homicide in the US is race. Not even sheer amount of guns matters much.
Now remove white people from the U.S. bar and see how it looks.
The Wire
Remember the LA Riots? Liberals want that to happen again, but for the people that the the rampaging niggers looted from, raped and murdered to NOT have guns to defend themselves with this time. They want a one-sided slaughter along racial lines, because the idea of blacks murdering innocent whites is something that unironically makes liberals horny.
I really really need to get away from Bible fags, been around them my whole life and I've come to despise them. Like, I need a place with 100% atheists or something
Neither are really that bad, it's just that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. We have four times your population and you keep thinking that we have 30,000 gun related homicides a year.
It's retarded.
What is Nikolai's problem?
>calls people "mutts"
>not a /pol/tard
Because the USA even with its faults is a better country overall than any of theirs and they know it, so they have to try and find reasons why theirs is so much better.
Their socialism is propped up by US military bases which means they don’t spend as much on military. They don’t have to worry about trading goods cause the USA patrols the oceans. They get cheap medicine because most of the cost and experimentation is paid for by Americans. They don’t worry about being invaded because the moment they are the Americans will be there to fight back. The EU wants to become a country to compete with the US.
/pol/ is right about everything, only way you'd be against them is if you were a leftist, in which case you are not even human.
it wasn't actually hard at all
>all it takes to buy a gun legally is a pulse
>this leads to a country with 4 guns per person
freedom isnt free
>And guess what, we still have guns, while we don't have a country full of subhumans who do nothing but kill each other.
Yeah, it's almost like you're in a 99.9% white country with zero total immigration in a country that's literally surrounded by barriers.
It's funny how when Americans want their country to be the same thing Europeans get triggered and call them "racist" for it.
Meh don't go that overboard. They're ignorant in their own way, not malicious. Black crime is excused in cities as a product of "poverty and oppression", not really encouraged or anything like that. Still really shitty.
oh no
>/pol/ is right about everything
Rather shoot an armed nigger that be killed by an armed nigger, dummy.
>we still have guns
how fucking sad
>You need guns because your country is full of scum
I dont need them, i dont need any reason to have them you retard, im not a subject whos rights are mandated by Brussels.
>Here we could get rid of them and nothing would change because we have decent people, and our culture doesn't worship criminals.
I cant wait until Europe Succumb to war and beg for help again. Wish the US would have stayed isolated and let you retards tear each other apart.
Now look at white male suicide rates
nevermind, that's actually "victims"
they really are hiding the offenders' race though
No, the problem is that you are not nearly racist enough.
How about instead of voting for republicans, you all vote for the constitution party?
60% are alcohol related and they never track how many are "romantic" related
let's abolish romantic discord!
And you think 500 attacks means anything. More people fucking die drowning a year you dumb nigger
are you retarded? 13% and 258 vs 58% and 494. It would look vastly different. But whatever fits your agenda
I think his point is that in raw numbers you have far more whites being killed by cops, but you would never know that from what MSM peddles. It's almost like they don't want whites and blacks coming together for a common good and want to keep the "fuck whitey" narrative going.
What does "percentage of population" have to do anything?
Libshits are unironically claiming police have declared an open season on blacks and are shooting them left and right. Why don't the statistics back up that claim, libshit?
The Troubles?
The more dead Americans the better
And we still can't get rid of niggers. Impressive.
No, not victims. Perpetrators. It's even worse because blacks kill a lot of whites and hispanics too, in addition to almost exclusively killing each other.
>how fucking sad
Yeah, how sad that we have guns even though we don't need them.
>I dont need them
Yes you do, your country is full of niggers and spics.
>I cant wait until Europe Succumb to war and beg for help again
What help?
By the time such a war happens here the USA will have turned into a gigantic favela.
Hows that working out for you?
According to that, 20% of the people shot by a cop are black. Blacks are 13% of the population, so they're slightly "over represented." Now factor in the amount of crime they commit........
>It's actually not that bad because it's mostly brown men throwing acid on brown women.
Isn't it increasingly popular with youths of colour attacking people with acid during street robberies since it's easier to buy a bottle of drain cleaner than a gun?
>all it takes to buy a gun legally is a pulse
do yuropoors actually believe this?
>not really encouraged or anything like that.
Libshits literally riot when violent criminals get shot if they're black as if it were any kind of "injustice".
>all it takes to buy a gun legally is a pulse
*No prior criminal convictions , which is why a lot of black people just get their shit illegally
Do you faggots even bother to look at our gun laws before you start shitposting?
Pretty damn good, nigger. Want to come get some?
you're welcome to leave anytime
>I really really need to get away from Bible fags, been around them my whole life and I've come to despise them. Like, I need a place with 100% atheists or something
Aw, did the "Bible fags" make fun of your trench-coat and brony pins?
Begins its obvious whites have a larger total number when they are 70% of the population. Niggers are 13% yet are 40% of the cops murders.
I wonder why
they love criminals
they literally raise money to bail them out of jail after they beat their wives
liberals can't decide who to care about more- the battered wife or the poor misunderstood batterer
don't let it surprise you. they have no standards and think "logic" is a conspiracy
lmao what.
I live in Spain and managed to smuggle an M4A1, and one of the automatic ones.
Gun control in Europe is garbage because they assume that nobody has any guns to begin with.
In fact, i'd say all the efforts at forcing gun control are in the UK, since they are stupid.
>unironically being a soccer mom
>open season on blacks and are shooting them left and right. Why don't the statistics back up that claim, libshit?
13% of the population, 40% of cop murder victims
Really makes me think
where do europeans get acid from? and why aren’t there acid attacks in the us? are there just acid fountains in the uk or something?
Time to kick out everyone in favor of Asians
I thought only commies larp'd this hard, oh well ill turn on news and watch another nigger murder a white family tonight.
Daily Reminder that this is merely how it always was before the modern liberal clown-world.
Back in the 60's and 70's kids were literally allowed to bring hunting rifles to high school and repair/modify them in Woodshop Class.
It's almost like demographics really started changing during the 60's and 70's that made such freedom unacceptable afterwards, huh libshits? I wonder what it could have been.
colorblindness is racist too
did you learn that in the Hitler Youth, you Nazi scum?
>More people die from drowning
>Therefore 500 people having acid thrown in their face is a trend we can just ignore
No? More people die from heart attacks than gun show wounds in the US but that doesn't mean we don't have an issue with gun violence.
How the fuck is this thread still up?
>expecting anti-gunners to actually check what laws are on the books currently or to learn what terms like "semi-automatic" mean
They unironically think you can go in a store and buy a machine gun when they've been banned here since fucking FDR was president (like they actually know what a machine gun is lmao).
Whites are 60% of the population and dropping like flies. In twenty years we will be about 50% of the population and that's when this country will get really spicy. Prepare for Civil War 2.0, cracker.
acid attacks are quintessentially british
they've been doing it since victorian times
>Yeah, how sad that we have guns even though we don't need them.
Swiss in full cope as they pretend to not understand what i meant as you give up your guns bit by bit.
>Yes you do, your country is full of niggers and spics.
Ditto, im sure when EU decides to diversify you, Switzerland will definetly take a stand, unlike when they came for your guns.
>By the time such a war happens here the USA will have turned into a gigantic favela.
Keep coping as the sea of somalis closes in around you.
In 2013, number and percentage of murder arrests by race were:
Black or African Americans 4,379 = 51.3%
White Americans (non-Hispanic Americans) 2,861 = 33.5%
Hispanic Americans 1,096 = 12.8%
American Indians or Alaska Natives 98 = 1.14%
Asian Americans 101 = 1.18%[52][53]
Inversely, the percentage of individuals in each racial demographic arrested for murder in 2013 (with 2016 population estimates) was:
0.0102% of Black or African American population (4,379/42,975,959)
0.0023% of American Indian or Alaska Native population (98/4,200,658)
0.0019% Hispanic American population (1,096/57,516,697)
0.0014% of White American (3,799/198,077,165)
0.0010% of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander population (6/646,255)
0.0005% of Asian American population (101/18,418,268)
Here we go, I can't even find this shit graphed, just hidden on government tables. It's almost like there is an active conspiracy to hide how bad black people are.
janny's at church
watcha doin' /pol/?
I think they actually use something like drain cleaner that is basic, but has the same result
>Amerimutts unironically support keeping these violent niggers armed
>Swiss in full cope as they pretend to not understand what i meant as you give up your guns bit by bit.
Ah yes, cope, the favourite buzzword of American millennials that not even them understand fully to use it properly, and think you can use "cope" on it's own.
>Ditto, im sure when EU decides to diversify you, Switzerland will definetly take a stand, unlike when they came for your guns.
Considering the stats, even by 2050, and in the highest case of immigration, Switzerland would still be 88% white.
You are 56% today.
Even Sweden would be 70% white by 2050.
>Keep coping as the sea of somalis closes in around you.
You say that when the US is already half white and not even your right wing parties do anything about it, which means nothing will ever be done.
>13% of the population, 40% of cop murder victims
And that same 13% is more than 50% of the criminals.
You think that might have something to do with it? You think maybe being a violent criminal might make it more likely to get plugged by a cop?
But no, that makes too much sense. Instead let's believe a baseless conspiracy-theory concocted by obese Tumblr whiners.
There very clearly is. They've even gone as far as creating some new meme narrative about "white college rapists" and "white domestic terrorists" to shed any possible heat, as well as the whole BLM thing.
I don't understand how people get so worked up over 17,000 murders in a population of 350,000,000. Look at Brazil or Mexico. That's a problem. Those 17,000 won't be at European rates unless we abolish gangs, drugs, alcohol, and tempestuous marriages. The occasional mass shooting like in Vegas is purely individual and we' won't get rid of them until the government has 100% control of our lives. Just admit it.
>introduce gun bans
>only law abiding citizens (mostly white) will follow them
Great plan yurocuck
They don't walk into gun stores and buy guns legally, their guns are already illegal and won't magically go away if you make legal guns illegal.
What a moron.
TARS, show homicide rates by race
45% of cop murderers score above a 30 on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist, but those people make up less than 1% of the general population. In all cultures, time periods, and nations.
Are you serious? You're comparing something that's not even the size of half a state to a continent sized country and you fail to see the problem?
>where do europeans get acid from? and why aren’t there acid attacks in the us? are there just acid fountains in the uk or something?
They shoplift a bottle of drain cleaner from the grocery store
EU just passed a new firearm directive and it will apply to Switzerland as well, which they voted for after all the talk of "gun coutry"
the swiss cope as "its okay, they are only taking our standard capacity magazines"
ban ammo
>I don't understand how people get so worked up over 17,000 murders in a population of 350,000,000.
Normal people don't. The CIA just stages a school shooting every once in a while to get people all riled up.
>the swiss cope as
This is not English.
You say "you cope with", not "you cope as", you stupid American.
Why do I have to teach you your own language?
>having extremely easy means of buying guns legally doesn't increase the supply of illegal firearms
are you a commie? Because it seems you don't understand basic economics
So that means that black murder rates are, what, 8 or 9 times higher than white rates?
>no response to this
Every fucking time
Alcohol consumption is ok and inevitable. Romance is unavoidable, and violent escalation in romantic conflicts are as good as avoidable.
Guns are on another level than acid and knife attacks for the very reason they were first produced: guns increase the likelihood of committing a murder, both premeditated and impulsive ones.
Knife murders are way less common because our instinct of self-preservation usually kick in when you need to use a close ranged weapon.
Humans are cowards, have always been - that's why we developed slingshots, spears and gained the ability to throw way better than any animal. Millions of years of evolution has made humans afraid and more emotional in close combat, and precise, emotionless killing machines in long-range.
Guns are the perfect utilisation of this instinct. To kill with a gun, you don't need skill, a strong will or be a psychopath. That's what makes guns so much more deadly.
The average scorn lover isn't capable of strangling or stabbing their target even if they wanted to. Give them a gun, and all they need is to want.
>introduce gun bans
>legal firearm supply drops
>illegal supply also drops
>less illegal firearms for Tyrone to murder you with
>this is bad
I kill three niggers before breakfast everyday, and I am a commie, you pajeet.
Nothing, America was always a failed experiment.
Califags are all the same, no matter the continent.
Keep pretending you are free, when bogaloo comes, i wont be the faggot with nothing more than a barrel and a round because ive voted away every other part of my gun.
>Considering the stats, even by 2050, and in the highest case of immigration, Switzerland would still be 88% white.
You are 56% today.
Even Sweden would be 70% white by 2050.
Il take a nigger whos willing to kill and follow the "come and take it" over a euro mayo who votes away my rights and demands me to pay my tax and give up my freedoms.
Fucking based, America really is the greatest at everything
Because yuropoors need to stick to retarded /int/ meme narratives at all costs and never admit defeat.
accept christ
Want to know what you can get rid of to really reduce violence, that none of those other countries have to deal with?
Let's play hangman style!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
>guns increase the likelihood of committing a murder, both premeditated and impulsive ones.
That's funny, I've handled guns since I was a kid and I've never had the urge to kill anyone in my life. Cute projection coming from someone with nogunz though lel.
It seems like you don't understand the basic mechanics of having a continent-country of 350,000 people already filled with millions of firearms with no paper trail, hundreds of thousands of people with machining tools and lathes in their basements, and vast mostly open borders to the north and south.
One doesn't ban anything in this country, it isn't possible to do and only affects people who behave within the law.
>ban ammo
Fuck you Chris Rock.
>Il take a nigger whos willing to kill and follow the "come and take it"
What kind of nigger is that?
You mean Jamal, the gangbanger who doesn't even vote because of how little he cares about the country, all between thievings?
>euro mayo
Of course the Amerimutt introduces a subtle anti-white pun, because there's nothing that American creatures hate more than whiteness, something that you are not, you are a country of anti-white, nigger worshippers.
Even you, a right-winger, just praised niggers while shitting on whites.
Thank god the US will collapse soon enough from spic immigration.
America has always been the biggest traitors that Europe has ever had. Even Russia are better allies for Europe than your country of leftism.
>illegal supply also drops
Except it doesn't, we had an assault weapons ban in the 90's through early 2000's here and it increased the supply of illegal guns tenfold.
Do you also think the Prohibition of alcohol was a success?