omg so deep
omg so deep
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Mods? Do you need any more evidence these idiots just want to spam on every board possible? This is not Yea Forums.
Its a film bro. Theres loads of threads about it on here all the time. Not my fault this one goes against your agenda
Anime belongs on Yea Forums you stupid idiot. You also posted this exact thread on more than one board.
Stinkeh space pusy, haha.
ok gustave coubert
did they really need to include the clit? i think its pretty easy to grasp without that part.
If you post about entry-level anime on Yea Forums you will get bullied relentlessly. Blame them, not us.
why should've they excluded it tho? that's what vaginas look like
Hideaki Anno and Gainax literally know nothing about christianity all of the imagery is just window dressing.
what seems to be problem here?
the white thing is lilith not adam
ok, then why do they call evas the creatures geting out from him?
so is there like any point to referencing things like the dead sea scrolls and the lance of longinus and things like that or were they just like "hmm that'd be cool"
a bit on the nose, just like your mom's (my nose)
yeah those are just the only two judeochristian references in the show
they just thought it was cool. EoE is an extra ending Anno didn't want to make but had to because all the loser fans were mad there was no 'real' ending to all the weird shit in NGE. It isn't meant to say anything, I think Anno got all of his 'artistic message' across in the ending of NGE. The rest of the symbolism was just cause it looked cool. It's still good, it just doesn't have an obvious interpretation because it wasn't created with any.
there is no air in space so space pusy can't stink
how's the post circumcision op going, jose mctyrone?
>pretending to be a 90's soccer mom
>on Yea Forums
kys brainlet
>not pretending to be a 90's soccer mom in real life
Anno is a hack and all the symbolism is surface level
The series is just about mentally ill teenagers with mommy issues with a veneer of robot action. And the lead learns to accept himself (or doesn’t if EoE is counted)
If you want something artsy with heavy Judeochristian symbolism, watch Angel’s Egg instead
>he believes in transubstantiation
>he actually believes wine, without alcohol, turns to blood in his stomach
>he believes little crackers become flesh
how come you never shit out flesh and blood then, user?
I'm pretty sure Anno himself said that all the Christian symbolism was entirely meaningless and he just thought it looked cool
being so retarded you dont understand the plot of Eva so you cope believing it didnt make sense
no, it's eva-01 inseminating the yonic Guf
the Eye of the void dilating in anticipation of Force/Light/Logos
the Third Impact is alchemical, the reconciliation of One and Many
Lilith is the Many/Dyad SEELE wanted to fuse with the Adamic embryo: the pure point of selfhood
The overall arc of the series is, in one sense, Thelemic: the marriage of Nuit and Hadit: point and circumference: self and Other.
Shinji acts as a mediator between the Adamic embryo and Lilith as the intensive Zero
The FAR, in their original forms, are the Platonic androgyne, which sundered into masculine and feminine halves (Angels and Lilim, respectively)
this people pretend that eva is a lot deeper than it really is
>how come you never shit out flesh and blood then, user?
yeah that happens
he said so you retards would be offended by your own stupidity
What exactly doesnt make sense?
I can smell the flamin hot cheetos breath from here
kabalists use fallen angel carcasses to become a god and the rest of the angels dont want to
somehow this is complicated to understand
It’s like people trying to defend Prometheus and Alien Covenant as spiritual, deep works when in actuality they were slasher shit with extremely heavy handed symbolism beaten over your head
He’s black?
S2 Engines are like spiritual fusion cores, Angels are solar beings: self-grounded like stars, but infinitely alone
Angels are repulsive, centrifugal
Humans are attractive, centripetal
The alchemical fusion of these two principles produces the FAR, a truly god-like being and the immortal progenitor of all life
Shinji is like a magnet who is equally repulsed by both poles
Shinji is the Self, Atma undergoing the nigredo of Instrumentality
The show's creator literally never intended for it to be deep, it's other peopel who try looking too much into it. It's still a good show and has a lot of cool concepts but some stuff isn't really trying to be that edgy or woke. It's literally just the brainchild of a severely depressed otaku
>he thinks all the christian symbolism actually means something
it's only there because it looks cool
who said it was deep?
it's just a cool video
I've heard somewhere before. Hard to believe all that stuff is in there yet things like "the FAR" is never mentioned even once
If you actually read the bible and weren't just a speed watching plebe it makes plenty of sense.
you mean transubstantiation?