Anti-Semetic Heckler vs Jewish Comedian

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Wow this dude looks like shit. I remember when he was shilling his meme videos 10 years ago. Sad. Anyway could you imagine being a comedian? What an embarrassing life. Pathetic.

They want to rule everyone else's life from start to finish, but they literally CANNOT take the slightest criticism without being utterly emotionally upset.

>pasty, soft gutted, total beta
Should be culled.

It's fucking funny how accurate that Goebbels quote is

If he was a halfway decent stand up comic he could have said something witty to dismiss the heckler rather than grinding the whole thing to a stop in the most humourless and pathetic fashion.
This is the left-wing equivalent of Kramer screaming about fucking NIGGERS.

how you can even deny that the jews control hollywood lmao
im not even a big believer in the whole global jewish conspiracy shit but its so completely obvious they are dominant in hollywood

Those comments are based.

lower than crowd work still trying to ride the wave of that bill burr philly video ten years later

how can someone so thin skinned get up on stage like that

quick rundown? too cringey for me to watch

All of you retards haven’t seen his channel which is literally just clips of him refuting “hecklers”.

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A disgusting antisemite uses the n-word... I'm not surprised.

FUCK you, your shitty beta "comedy", and your shilling for your stupid heeb video cancer.

*counter-semitic hero vs. jewish """comedian"""

>haven’t seen his channel
Why would I want to watch some pasty, beta, fat kike stand up and talk about "SjW" identity cancer? Why would anyone?

So im guessing what happened is here is that he paid this guy to do this and he "conviently" had a camera set up so he could record the entire thing. The guy who interrupted him could have easily blown him the fuck out and this "comedian" didn't even really say much of anything.

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>wow 6 million views

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What a ginger faggot

How is it even controversial to say Jews control TV.
Is he trying to say its all black and asian guys in executive positions in these companies?