Will hollywood ever depict realistic army on army combat one day?

Will hollywood ever depict realistic army on army combat one day?

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>White people have no cult-

waste of dubs


no cause it's probably boring and we don't really know how a real battle would play out

>army marches
>half dies of dysentery
>lots of waiting
>they meet up
>a couple of guys die due to commanders being retarded and the rest start running away and getting slaughtered

throws like a girl

parts of Gladiator demonstrated some good tactics, as did the christian movie, Risen

also, Gettysburg and Waterloo, and parts of Barry Lyndon

>not white
Found the jew.

who the fuck says this?

No, and we'll always have dirty peasants and no bright, clear colors for the nobility.

Attached: landsknecht outfits.jpg (600x797, 153K)

Romans were more similar to scandinavians/germans.
Italians are shitskins.
Found the shitskin

Was this realistic? youtube.com/watch?v=J7MYlRzLqD0

They literally came froom Anatolia.

>muh ancestor
>we wuz romens n shiet
Maybe share some of those genetic studies with us pal

shut the fuck up luigi

this scene is kino
Gauls fought in shield walls with spears and not rabbles of screaming retards.

>nordicist larper
Europeans are not "white". Whiteness is a mutt self-identification thing, only a mongrel with no nationality and ethnicity identifies himself as "white", that's why it's mostly a new world thing, Murrikans, brazillians, etc. In europe you are Basque, Bavarian, Kven, Alsacen etc.

Is that why White British exists as a term?

Probably about as good as it gets for movies and Yea Forums.

Can you /pol/niggers fuck off already

>Romans were more similar to scandinavians/germans
oh? what the fact that they kept referring to the germans of the north with light hair, looked like giants and pale

Didn't The last kingdom have some decent combat scenes?

aaaaand we blew our budget

>in europe you are
Well, were.

Are you one of those retards that think Anatolians look like Turks?

They literally called themselves the descendants of Troy. Germans are the ones who sacked Rome, the Goths and Vandals and finally the Lombards. Fuck off with your revisionism you're as bad as niggers who claim Egypt

Attached: medsarebest.jpg (960x960, 111K)

Not sure, never watched it. I remember hearing the series as a whole was pretty silly and suffered from the "normalfag expectations of medieval" problem though.

Today they do. Before they looked like midget slavs.
Not germanic in any way, Romans themselves talked about germanics looking like freaks.

The battle and fight scenes in that are about average, nothing overly special.

Attached: the last kingdom finan and sihtric battle.webm (640x800, 2.81M)

This but unironically.

I don't ever imagine any one film will EVER be able to capture the sheer scale of the types of battles that you're probably talking about. The amount of men you'd need to hire, the amount of period-appropriate armor, the location, the permits, the time, the red tape, all the insurance you'll need, the union contracts, etc. etc.

Training ALL those extras to march and fight and coordinate themselves just like their period-appropriate counterparts would cost a gabajillion dollars. It would be as costly as training real pre-gunpowder soldiers to train for real pre-gunpowder warfare. Actors and extras aren't psychic. You can't just expect them to wear Roman armor and suddenly begin marching in cadence without proper training. You can't just put someone in Samurai armor and expect him to ride a horse without first paying for someone with either the skills or the training to ride a horse. Shit costs money. Medieval armies could number 10,000 men easily, and using CGI to fill in those ranks just doesn't capture the TRUE spirit of a real pitched battle between thousands of flesh and blood men.

The closest pretenders are movies like Gladiator, where despite the MASSIVE budget and surplus of extras, it STILL pales in comparison to the real thing (and also it still wasn't historically accurate, but who gives a shit?)

They done good with the raiding of the baggage and the camp.

>parts of Gladiator demonstrated some good tactics,
>Somehow get your cavalry around the German army
>Ride cavalry through the fucking woods
>Immediately sit still on horses while riding cavalry
>Legionaries just slowly walk and take the barbarian charge, without throwing their pila and meeting the charge head on

I really like Gladiator, but its combat is inaccurate as shit. Check out Alexander for the most realistic depiction of ancient combat

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That looks like shit.

>realistic combat
>yeet some pointy bois

Waterloo (1970) is close. Just the wrong time period.

Nordicism was literally Afrocentrism for germanics and then mutated into a mongrel theory in the hands of americans. It's just insananity that results from protestant autism and colonialism. Even Hitler rejected nordicism, as always anglos ruin everything.


>saying "yeet"
Forgivable, though still an odd choice of words for someone from Yea Forums to use

>saying "X/Y Bois"
Get the fuck back to discord/reddit/tumblr/wherever the fuck you come from

It's behind the scenes stuff, of course it looks off.

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Yes divide the whites perfect

Divide and conquer
Good work

>lorica segmentata

probably not because realistic battles are not very exciting to watch

>back in the 50s
>they make movies movies massive in scale with no CGI what so ever
>despite CGI being fucking everywhere, about the only movie who has actually used it to make large battles is fucking Lotr, a fantasy series, and even then it was barely brutalized apart from a few money shots

I dislike CGI as much as the next guy, but having CGI characters and camps far away in the background to pad shit out is more than okay and isn't all that distracting in my book.
Where the fuck are my war movies dammit!

niggers and kikes

Battle of Gaugamela from Alexander is legit. Too bad nobody liked that movie, even though it’s one of my all time favorites, as a guy who studies the period for a podcast

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Outlaw King

any others?

dumbest post i've read all day

But they are the real descendants of Rome and Ancient Greece. Nordictards are the ones LARPing about being their heirs.

didn't troy do a pretty good job?

It was very faithful but pretty boring.

>all the skellington lanklet americans using the term "white" to describe ancient and even modern europe

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That tunic looks so comfy

which is pretty ironic, not that i really know what that term means

kill yourself

Can someone explain where the "Italians are not white" meme came from? Typical Jewish crap? /pol/ autism? Could be either/or.

Attached: Outlaw King Knights.jpg (1280x1068, 451K)


Are you american?

Jewish divide and conquer nonsense.

>one long sock on left leg

DAMN that guy got swagger

For how the battle might have gone down, yeah, it's pretty close. The Gauls were known for just kind of running at the enemy, and the Romans wouldn't really have to do anything but stand there and wait for them to get tired. As for the tactics and weaponry, probably not, no. I don't think they used whislts in battles, and I don't think they would be refreshing the line that often.
However, this isn't the kind of fighting you would see if they were an actual army in a pitched battle. Generals liked to avoid battles when they weren't %100 sure they could win, and were very reluctant to commit much of the time, and the same goes for the soldiers. Often, battles would be hours of standing, moving forward a bit, yelling and insulting the enemy, then falling back a little bit. That would go on until one side raised the courage to actually fight.

The one thing I'm not sure about in that scene is
Pullo breaking formation. I'm not sure that his commanding officer would really care that he did this, and I really doubt he would move the entire unit to get him back. There are lots of storied of individual Roman soldiers breaking formation like this, and when it goes well they are treated as heroes, often their actions are said to have won the battle. All of my knowledge of that comes from much earlier periods in Roman history,

Nordcucks at it again at stealing our culture and history,

fat people can't go a single thread where the topic is history without this "white" nonsense



Attached: grossmith.png (407x364, 308K)

But you also have to remember the Roman consul (Marcus Valerius Corvus? Or was it Torquatus) who beheaded his own son for breaking rank to successfully duel some local Italians. Romans were pretty ambiguous about that shit, there’s a great book called “Soldiers and Ghosts” which discusses that fine line of virtus and obedience that the Roman army always seemed to tread upon

t. 1/4 polish, 1/3 german, 1/3 irish, 4/3, italian american.
Reminder that "white" nationalism is an oxymoron.

They were barely even similar to Northern Italians, let alone Scandinavians. They cluster with Southern Italians and Greeks.

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What the fuck?

>Europeans are not "white". Whiteness is a mutt self-identification thing, only a mongrel with no nationality and ethnicity identifies himself as "white", that's why it's mostly a new world thing, Murrikans, brazillians, etc. In europe you are Basque, Bavarian, Kven, Alsacen etc.
Pretty much this.
As a spaniard there is nothing I want more than to see the EU crumble so we can go back to being truly independent countries instead of this fucking German Empire 2.0.

>thou is a chicken
>no thou is!
war never changes

>As a spaniard
Spaniards literally invented the term "white" as an ethnic descriptor.

nordniggers are pathetic when its about ancient rome and ancient greek suddenly we are white, then we are niggers and spics, lol you guys are pathetic its because of u europe entered the dark ages we could have been in space by now if wasnt for nordniggers tearing down everything on their path, what a bunch of savages you are the niggers of europe, you are so funny your nazism noridcism is literally based of rome greatness with the nazi salute and the nazi eagle,literally being based of the based ceaser salute and the based roman eagle your ubermench muhh genes its literally your admiration for the spartan agoge you guys have no culture other than copying the southern euros and stealing their achievements and history by claiming eveyrone was blondehaired blue eyed,

It could be very well done if the director knew what the fuck he was doing.

>Heavy war drums with an energetic beat that makes your heart pound in your ears
>As the two sides get closer, focus on the different emotions of individual soldiers to get a "human" feel of the battlefield
>Scared frontline soldiers clearly marching a bit slower, only keeping pace because the guys behind them are pushing him forward
>That one brave veteran in the frontlines shouting out commands, desperately trying to inject some confidence into the noobs around him "Steady, brothers! Steady! Keep marching! Don't you fucking stop!"
>Those guys who are completely silent as the enemy slowly approaches them, nervous, anxious, probably thinking about their sweethearts, and their wives, and their families back home, knuckles white as they grip their shields and spears
>That one guy who fucking snaps in the middle of all those silent, nervous men and begins screaming out of sheer impatience like "C'MON! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR? CHARGE US ALREADY, YOU COWARDLY FUCKS! I'M RIGHT HERE!"

And then after they clash, there should be lots of camera movement weaving in and out of the carnage, Saving Private Ryan style, to put you in the action and make you feel disoriented and right in the thick of the chaos. You hear trumpets in the background, but you just gloss over it because the screen is too busy and you don't want to think about it, when suddenly you hear footprints and you instantly figure it out a second too late, "Oh shit, that trumpet was the cavalry charge!", and suddenly men are being bowled out of the way from the flank, and it's fucking sweet, the equivalent of when that guy ragdolls in the tank fire explosion in Saving Private Ryan in the ending battle.

Lots of fast, heavy cuts, with maximum screaming and brutality, like knights getting yanked off their horses and getting shivved through the chinks of their armor with knives.

Since when is Germany northern Europe?

So basically a generic Hollywood movie?


This. Plus a lot of battles would be non-starters:
>Armies line up across from each other.
>Commanders don't like the terrain, the numbers, the weather, the auspices, whatever. Don't order an assault
>Armies go back to respective camps. Maybe fight the next day. Maybe move to a different location.

shut the fuck up, I'll fucking kill you

I mean you were basically describing a slimmed down version of the battle of Helm's Deep.

all the nordic people come from the germanic tribes, they are related that is why a pure german and pure swede look the same expect those occasions where u have finnagolians with asian admixture or something

You really have no idea what nordicism is right?
Not as an identity, just a DESCRIPTION, as in PHENOTYPE, that's why Criollos were not equal to European born spaniards. The modern concept of "whiteness" retards in /pol/ use is just result of the american census, and it relates to how society develops in places where racial based slavery existed, whiteness as an identity makes poorfags and serfs believe they are closer to the rich elite than to the negro slave. That's why Scientific racism and racial realism never considered "whiteness" a thing, it's unironically a meme that new worlders took too seriously.


Dude, just because there are a bunch of battles in real life that started that way, doesn't mean hollywood has to portray those battles. The Greco-Persian war, Agincourt, Lexington and Concord were all slow as fuck like that, but there were also PLENTY of instances of fast-paced, "every second matters" type of battles in real life.

What's stopping the director from just throwing up his hands and saying "this was one of those fast-paced battles because I'm the fucking director and I said so"?

Even one of those slow-paced battles could be the whole movie in its entirety; kind of like how Zulu was a 2 hour-long movie focusing on just 1 battle, with 1 wikipedia entry for that 1 battle, but the story was stretched out over a couple days. In 300, the whole movie revolved around just one battle too, yet the pacing and the direction allowed it to take up 2 hours of screen time.

You could turn just the Battle of Alesia by itself into a 2 hour long movie. There's no law that says "you need to have more than one battle in your movie". You can pad the run time with scenes of skirmishes, training, or in-fighting in order to easily fill the audience's fix of violence, and save the big final battle for the movie's climax.

So why are you calling them nordniggers and not centralniggers?

>You really have no idea what nordicism is right?
I guess not. I assume you aren't referring to the romantic nationalism movement or race biology of the early 20th century then?


Aside from genetics what do scandinavians have in common with germans?

Boy am I impatient for the next burgerland Civil War. Picking their territory apart after they wreck themselves is going to be glorious.

Language roots

> light hair
Romans actually had a fetish for blonde hair and blue eyes, so as Ancient Greeks.

Religion, culture, language and history.

Still not sure what it has to do with his rant about German's though. It's a bit like calling out the Koreans for Chinese nationalism being silly because they share a lot of history and culture.


Hello, Nigel

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I honestly don't see how this is a bad thing. I mean say you make a movie about a famous battle where there was a lot of prepping and maneuvering before the battle, all that allows you to do is build a flashback narrative. You get to show how the characters came to be present, what they're fighting for, the rivalry and camaraderie within the ranks and so on. Then once you've concluded all of that, you just have a giant battle at the end. Would the character drama be realistic and historically accurate, no, but I think as a movie or a miniseries it would work great.

The uniforms and such obviously aren't great - but Spartacus has one of the better depictions of a Roman army marching into battle.


They even correctly depicted them marching in a chequerboard formation - which I haven't seen any other historical movie/show depict.

>Landsknecht kino will never exist
It's a shame really. Imperial Central Europe is just kind of neglected as a whole.

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he would have impaled your dumb ass, gaul


I am white

I think he is just insane. Sweden and germany have been to war many times.

just 1 post to fuck up a thread, thanks /pol/ you are truly the master race

Germans themselves had fought with each other during feudal times, so what?

Meds like Italy and Greece are not white.
Otherwise Arabs would also be considered white.

God that's so fucking hardcore.
Imagine standing in formation with your brothers at your shoulders, in a shitty wet forest in Gaul. The hordes of subhumans charging you clutching their cleavers.
You and a hundred other men step forward as one. Pilums thrown like you're all one beast of war. Your gladius drawn as you step to meet the enemy. The gods will welcome you.
Look at what have we lost.

French are not white either.

Theres something about movies/media always making Landsknecht look very prissy and faggy. I think its a great style.

>all those extras
Cinema truly is dead

Jupitors Cock

Hmm yes interesting. In that case, are americans white?

Anglos are not white.

Right? No matter how big an army you create with CGI, it just doesn't have the same effect as all those real people coming over that hill

No, Anglos are not white.

You're just jealous because you wish you had our heritage. For the rest of your life, you will use letters we have invented. Suck on that fat cock, white trash.

Italians are truly the best. Think of all the things you owe us.

>coffee of all sorts
>pasta of all sorts
>the letters you use
>your wife's orgasms

Coffee is Turkish and noodles are Chinese. I killed my wife a long time ago.

The term "white people" normally refers to White Americans which, in fact, have no culture

>modern italians

In your dreams lmao. Long has the Orontes flowed into the Tiber, as they say.

Not even American, but how can you say that when the whole world copies their culture, watches their movies, celebrates their festivals etc.

The four guys in the front are the only non-cgi elements.

That's a legionary so it would probably be a Gaulic or Germanic bvll while the Italian sissies stayed in their peninsula drinking lead water and raping little boys.

>Every white person is an american

Juvenal, a Roman poet in the first and second centuries AD

Their hands look too small. You know what they say about men with small hands?
That they are literally Hitler

>their culture, watches their movies, celebrates their festivals
Name one aspect of contemporary American culture that isn't a commercial product

Halloween has its roots in pre-Christian traditions. Don't move the goal post.

>Lombard mutt riding on the coattails of the Greek

>Arabs would also be considered white.
They are according to the American census

>that isn't a commercial product

>espresso, cappuccino, ristreto

>implying Asian noodles are even comparable with Italian pasta

Stay plebeian.

Remind me which Europeans set immigrants on fire again and shoots at them in the street?

Oh yeah, modern Italians.

Just because it's exploited by commercialism doesn't mean it is commercial in and of itself

>if a festival is being catered to by the industry it stops being an aspect of culture
>definition freshly pulled out of my ass

Ok, user.

Alright that was pretty based you got me there

>two pilas


Yeah i got that, but that CGI looks insane.


Halloween isn't even an American holiday and the only uniquely American aspect of it is its now commercialized nature, which many countries are resistant to.

Wasn't there one small and one big?

Pretty impressive actually.
Now is such a good time to make movies with real sized armies that look realistic enough. Imagine a battle with tens of thousand men fighting on each side.
Yet they can't do anything decent.

>parts of Gladiator demonstrated some good tactics
The moment the battle commence it devolves into the classic random mushpit. Rome did good if it weren't for fooking Pullo breaking formation. It even show the rotation system.

Attached: Vorenus.jpg (1105x765, 123K)

Did they figure out how did legionnaires carried drinking water? Lindybeige demands to know.

>Halloween isn't even an American holiday and the only uniquely American aspect of it is its now commercialized nature, which many countries are resistant to.

All modern holidays are commercialized to some degree. Many holidays have their roots in preceding cultures. Not an argument.

Attached: osterhase.jpg (336x150, 10K)

>angl*ids and le epic storm cucks thinking meds are white

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Gotta have those flying CGI space bugs fighting CGI superheroes with their CGI lasers in CGI environments.

>Rome did good if it weren't for fooking Pullo breaking formation.

He was a drunk fool.

>All modern holidays are commercialized to some degree.
Spoken like a true American

Not American.Name a holiday that isn't then....they sell chocolate bunnies for Easter, foods and drinks for midsummer festival and go full Jew mode on Christmas.

>Outlaw King
>looks great the whole way through, fairly realistic
>ends with the English king dueling the Scottish king in the middle of the scottish army after the english retreat
>the English king loses and just stumbles away through the whole of the scottish army
What the FUCK were they thinking?

sounds like they wanted the GoT audience

Attached: knights training.webm (800x450, 2.94M)

>not a jew

t.1/4 sub-saharan shitskin, 1/4 north African sand nigger, 1/2 hook nosed semite shitskin

Holidays have always been "commercialized" user. That's why the Christ Jew sperged out in the temple against the money changers....if you believe in that kind of thing.

>only the arms and legs are exposed
>focus all armor on the most protected part
never understood this

looks gay

Legions were a gay thing back then.

the first two things you think to list and they aren't even italian. whites truly don't have culture

Why would you keep your sword on your right side like that? Looks awkward.

1 arm and both legs are behind the shield. The other arm is actually retarcted behind the shield too and only pops out for stabs.

considerer it extra armor. it's a metal bar covering part of your leg while you expose yourself to thrust or throw the pilum

Hard to draw sword from the left with the shield and in right formation

Just imagine if World War 3 turns out like World War 2. It would have all of the stuff we have always read about except people would be filming the war 24/7. War kino.

This is beautiful

I've always found pilum's weirdly terrifying; Imagine those fucking things flying at you. I can understand why the romans fucked peoples shit up for as long as they did.

Niggers kikes spicks and trans

>Europeans are not "white"
White is just an American replacement term for "European" or "Christian". It's the same concept and has the same meaning it used to back all the way to ancient Greece. Europeans saw themselves different from the rest, of superior culture and people.

I believe they are referring to American whites having no culture. Which is true

It's a very jewish tactic. The same kikes who push this nonsense will turn around a second later and pile on the white guilt when arguing that Italians must accept the "refugees" flooding their country.

They literally *thought* they came fron Anatolia.

Literally not the point

>Europeans saw themselves different from the rest
>Greeks saw hyperborean snowniggers and celtiberians as the same as them
Are you retarded? Paneuropeanism has never been a thing, it's a literal meme.

Only for a very small group of potato faced mongrels who dont know where their grandads came from.

Nordicucks eternally BTFO
It's over.

Dont bother, he will hear you 'dramatic drums' a mile off.

Fuck off rick

ah yes time to inherit my rightful throne of sodomizing young boy slaves in my free time hmm yes

what's "PC1" and "PC2"?

"principal component pee" and "principal component poo".

Theres no pepe in that image, that means is divide and conker jew shit.

They have several times, they generally don’t bother now beucase it has all been done by the 70s and critics get board

Your point "1/4 polish 1/3 german 1/3 irish etc" doesn't apply to most europeans

based nationalist

Romans were blonde and nordic look. Modern Italians are just moorish rape babies

Just like in the movies. They also had british accents.

Europeans have ethnicities, your identity isnt tied to phenotype when you are not a mongrel.

>has to shop a nigger wewuz comic

>it's probably boring
>we don't really know how a real battle would play out

Attached: 8679499.png (800x800, 708K)

Gotta admit I really enjoyed the combat in this movie. Felt brutal and chaotic without looking ridiculous.

>Y-you're not Roman!
>They are though.
>W-well you're a pedo!

>Romans were more similar to scandinavians/germans

Literally what the fuck?

Attached: germans.jpg (640x1545, 112K)

Europe is 90% white. USA is 50% white.

Shit like this coming from americans is always fucking incredible.

>thinks I shopped it instead of saving for banter

Attached: 1561775569179.png (210x260, 15K)

It takes actual effort so no. Better make CGI people shooting lasers.

did you skip your history lessons to suck dick at the bathroom?

British is a nationality. English is an ethnicity

It's entirely possible to be a white european and a white nationalist.

That CGI looks good when it's standing still and not moving, the moment thnks are in motion you can tell what is real from fake in terms of battle sets.

Long story short, they don't make battles like they used to.

Attached: Braveheart Battle of Stirling.webm (800x400, 2.99M)

While exciting to look at the battle scenes in this made no fucking sense at all.

It's a good thing that it's an action drama not a historical re-enactment.

Attached: Braveheart Pikes vs Cavalry.webm (800x400, 3M)

basically I remember reading that only 5-10% of battle field casualties occur during the actual battle and 90% are suffered during the rout of the losing army