ITT: pozzed trash Yea Forums tricked you into watching

Taboo was

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Wow you mean the show called “taboo” didn’t promote Puritan Christian values and lifestyles? That’s really weird bro


Come up with better low effort shitposts

Haha britnigger larping as a colonial, fuck YOU I'm so happy your people are neutered and muzzies are everywhere kek karma is a bitch

hes right, go shove that dild up your gaping wound tranny


Based call outer
Cringe samefagger

Mhmm tell me, was op crown? Or company? Hmmmhmmmmhm

It was worth watching for Yea Forums memes alone.

The show itself was trash.

settle down muttley


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How about you settle for being third class citizens in your own country LMAO

trash Yea Forums tricked you into watching?

mh very careful now

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Written by hacks. Protagonist only wins because the antagonists are completely braindead

Avatar was anti white propaganda
>technological progress and military BAD
>colored savages and trees GOOD
One of the most one note and superficial movies I’ve ever seen

Yeah that’s the threadname, nice job figuring it out you fucking moron

Written by Tom Hardy and his father, to further push the nonsensical idea that Tom 'manlet' Hardy is some kind of hard-man.

There there, lil brainlet

Being conservative and pushing Christian values would be far more taboo today.

You're a stupid person

For you