Neon lights and a pounding synth soundtrack

>neon lights and a pounding synth soundtrack

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I've noticed that in most of these soiboy pictures they're eyes are empty, soulless.
They don't know how to achieve true happiness, so they keep digging into the nerd loser culture trying to find it. But they never will, because spending all of your money on video games will never make a grown man happy.
They will forever be soiboys, cucks, and losers.

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You just know he has an effeminate Southern accent.


People settle for a level of despair they can tolerate and call it happiness.

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This guy looks like a chad unlike the virgin in OP's post.

This can't be real. It's a joke right?

unlike /pol/tards who become very happy by alienating their friends and family by being obnoxious racists

15 years ago fagorts like this were ALL OVER the internet, including here. they were just so loud, obnoxious, and protected by moderators that it became impossible to mock them.
now that most of the old generation of soibois died of cancer and suicide the vacuum has been filled by retards with even less clout

>the chad boomer vs the soi zoomer

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>Soitendo 64? SOITENDO 64!

honestly man if you have a gf or wife or kids or whatever, feel free to do whatever the fuck with your life and money if that makes you happy
it's those losers who are 20+ years and still a virgin that should start fucking doing something with their lives instead of playing videogames and buying collectibles

i wish i could be as happy as these guys

yeah man its like, you basically already won if you have a few kids and a new mommy to protect you! may as well start smoking crack, you've already made it.

>They don't know how to achieve true happiness

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>wow those women who let themselves go and get fat after getting married are such cunts!
>now that I'm settled I can play video games whenever I want! YAHOO!

People like this guy are unironically more manly and respectable than your average Yea Forums poster.


I'm happy that i now understand just how dangerous niggers are

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>butthurt virgins detected
how does it feel that those soiboys you keep laughing at still get more pussy than you do?

>15 years ago fagorts like this were ALL OVER the internet, including here. they were just so loud, obnoxious, and protected by moderators that it became impossible to mock them.
So much of Yea Forums is like that right now. Posting shit like cunny and racist memes is what keeps some places like /pol/ and Yea Forums free of soiboi cucks

>posing for a photo is unnatural and soulless
Wow breaking new ground here

>manly and respectable
That's where you're wrong.
Yea Forums is for actual chads (like myself). I never gape my mouth like an insecure faglord for pictures.

You know this guy is married and has an adopted kid with his Christian wife right?

The soiboy face is literally a happy mask, hiding the failed man on the inside.
>if i take a picture and open my mouth as wide as possible, people will think i'm fun!

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Some nostalgiafag opening an n64 on Christmas isn’t really a big deal desu

whats the point of having sex with someone who doesnt respect you

There are ex-cons and junkies on this site, quit projecting your own bullshit not everyone is a fat chomo like you.

That's what posing for a picture is for, yes

>The soiboy face is literally a happy mask, hiding the failed man on the inside.
you described every form of posing

Maybe if you're a faggot.
Posing for a picture that way is as dishonest as a soiboy's happiness.

how do you know he's unhappy

people who smile like grown-ups for pictures aren't doing it to hide their idiotic consumption-based mindset, they are just being polite and likable.

I hate to admit this but I used to be a total soiboi

It took a bunch of other young men massively BTFOing me here every single day to get me to change. My hair grew back, I have pecs now, a hot conservative girlfriend and I voted Republican in the last election.

Thank you for bullying me. Seriously, I fucking owe all of you guys.

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So what do you do in photos? Scowl so the world knows how badass you are?

Anyone who has a stroke over a video of make-believe fantasy land needs better priorities

The switch is unironically a good console
and im not even a soibaj

It's convenient and has some good games for it, but it all depends on if you want to spend 400 dollars for it.

I usually smile, instead of overreacting because i'm worried about what other people think

You Guys Are a lot like soibois ya know

>smiling at all
Why hide behind a mask? Trying to a force a smile at all is unnatural

>if you mock me you are me

Nothing wrong with this. He's happy and surprised but not crying and his wife is hot. She more excited than he is. It's obvious that the dude mentioned something about n64 at one point and she latched onto the idea of getting a thoughtful gift. V wholesome desu

>happy and surprised
>for a children's toy
>"but he has a hotwife guys, he must be so happy when the bull is over!"

>But they never will, because spending all of your money on video games will never make a grown man happy.
It will if you're genuinely passionate about them. These creeps aren't, though.

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>genuinely passionate
>about children's media
>not even involved in the creation process
my lord

OP here , can we please keep the discussion centered around my post? Thanks

Buddy I got quads I'm right and you are wrong. Yes people are usually happy when they get gifts. Gtfo faggit misanthropist

>misanthropist because you mocked me
you are correct; only retarded soibois like ryan gostling movies.

it's OK to be a little soibased

Misanrhropist because you are bitter about somebody opening a gift with no other context. They are happy and you are not

Can someone tell me what the ideal Yea Forums mans' man watches for kino? I'm talking the most anti soi stuff out there

>bitter because you mocked me

>look, i posted the funny open mouth beard man with glasses again!
>that means i am right and you are wrong!

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shit online as with every nintendo console but now you have to pay a subscription for it

Reminder that Chad can literally be a basedboy and people will still defend him

I buy n64 games because i played them as a kid so I know I liked them and games today are fucking insane pieces of garbage that will give you epilepsy. This guy is based for being excited over a gift that literally costs like 50$. Seems like a comfy night

That was not my argument. It is supporting evidence though.

Switch and Zelda are good things, I dknt get this meme

>That was not my argument
according to someone with an obvious emotional investment in the "soiboi" meme.

>online gaming

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Holy shit do all women have the same mannerisms? My gf does the same exact movements when she's excited.

I think you are more invested in hating them than I am defending them.

>mockery is hatred
soiboi levels of overly emotional victimhood complex

>duuuuhhhh i posted weeb shit do i fit in

I'm unironically looking for films with that theme. Fuck your memery, faggot. Recommend me these now.

she cute

Yea Forums is made of mostly pissed virgins, not cucks who LOVE their wife's son

Am I supposed to believe that anyone in this thread is a good example of masculinity?

masculinity means not caring what self-obsessed faggot fucks think
next time make a post that isnt about you and how you feel

And yet we still find you here

Lol fucking what? He didn't mention how he feels at all retard

why did you post then?
admit it was to get some (you)s
get mine it's the last one you'll ever see

Kek you're mocking somebody for recieving a thoughtful nostalgia driven gift from his wife/gf who is super psyched to see his reaction. Do you even realize how edgy you sound?? Lmao

>has a cute wife
>loving family, buying him gifts
>seems to be a decent and caring guy
>will probably happier than most of us

I don't get what's wrong with the webm?


If you're over 25 and you still play videogames as your main hobby you failed at life and your kids will be complete morons

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Nice dubs

yes he did
you soibois cant even work in cohesion, too emotionally driven:
feed me the (You)s, video game addicts. there is absolutely no nostalgic value to plastic japanese toys.
trying to be a kid again=/=nostalgia

This comic doesn't make sense. The guys on the ground have already left the union and California is going to join them?

He's from the west coast of the US or from England but says folks, low-key, and y'all.

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Do you even know what nostalgia means??

>i feel like mommy is protecting me from all the bad things again, this is totally just like european mercenaries longing for their families and their homelands!


I fucking hate it when people use “y’all“.

No he didnt

>that guy
You don't understand what a chad is retard

Guys, I just clicked on 4 deleted threads in a row. Not aged threads, mind. But 4 threads deleted by mods. And rightfully so. They were all off topic nonsense. I realized I hadn't refreshed the catalog in 3 hours, so I did that and then came here.

This makes my 5th offtopic thread in a row. What is wrong with me? Why can't I stop contributing to cancer? Why am I attracted to Yea Forums tier garbage?

I've noticed that maybe about 6 years or so, ago i would be extremely excited for a game like cyberpunk 2077, but now i don't really care about video games that much. I can't even get back into new vegas with mods. I'm not really sad about it though. I'm glad i'm slowly moving away from that shit.

Women are like animals they all behave by similar patterns

Not cool dude. Being excited about an actually good system like the PS4 is not cringe at all.

Stick to posting ones about Nintendo.

Come on now, guys. Don't act like men aren't incredibly similar too. I mean, this thread is about a group of men all acting in a similar manner.

all goyim are animals

S.o.y boys aren't men

>Being excited
>good system

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The E3 2015 where gamers pissed themselves over 3 shit games has really hurt the credibility of console gaming.

Big words coming from a movie enthusiast.

Lol shut up retard

A grown man, supposed to be head of the family, the authority figure, act like a 6 years old child because of a 6 year toy his family gifted him.

You people praise this shit and then act surprised why does society turn to shit.

Anime website, newfag

>The Chad Soiboi
>good amount of money from his STEM job
>has time to enjoy hobbies, once considered "childish" but now stylish and charming. he doesn't care much about labels in any case
>loving attractive wife who also shares interest in his hobbies
>strong social media prescence, people know him and care about him
>is not racist
>stays healthy, enjoys tasty onions products and avoids big industry meats that kead to heart disease

>The Virgin 4channeler
>has no friends, aspirations or motivation
>brain completely rotted by porn and the /pol/schizo dementors roaming his home board
>kissless virgin
>horrible health and hygeine
>diet entirely dependent on red meat, not even from local farmers but from big fast food chains
>chronically obssesed with the Soiboi, posts about him 24/7
>projects his weird cuck fetish on him

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Oh ya what do you do?? He doesn't even act that excited lmao

oof, yikes!


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He honestly looked like he was pretending to be happy about that lol

If someone is taking a picture of me it's probably at a special event so the smile would be natural. I wouldn't smile if i'm not happy. I'd probably do pic related to show my lack of comfort.

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Well i'm glad you're here to be the white knight for the white knights.

There are still big movies who are directed by actual movies directors.
There's no big videogame directed by game designers anymore. Gameplay and everything interactive have been standardised in the videogames industry. Videogames directors don't work on the gameplay anymore and only direct actors and cinematics. Game designers are yes men who don't have any creative freedom and have to obey to the cinematics guys. It's now a wannabee movie medium. It's not even its own art anymore.

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It was, retard

>Oh ya what do you do?? He doesn't even act that excited lmao

You can't read body language.
So it's true what they say about Yea Forums and autism

Yes it is. You can't even separate a dude opening a gift from a guy that cries at trailers for YouTube views.

What am I white Knighting?

Based autist overthinking facial expressions

Actually the "so.y-face" is universally a fear expression among primates. so.ys are both extremely fearful and dead inside.

Look at that: a woman that loves him

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>face turn red
>mouth wide open
>eyes wide open.
>hold his breath.
>look all around him as to say "is it for real"
"He..he's not that excited...haha...."

Don't come crying again on other boards that men are becoming women and women are becoming men and that family doesn't last anymore if you can't accept to review one of your manchild behavior that allows it.

i really doubt a self-defensive soiboi gives a fuck about family. probably hates his own parents.

>white knight for the white knights.

I dont cry about it lol you do. I dont understand why people are so upset about a guy getting an n64 as a present

It's been really helpful for me

yet again
>mockery means you're upset
please understand that people can find you hilariously inept and pathetic without being angry about it.

I'm gonna respond just so you feel the need to

it's symptomatic of a society where men doesn't exist anymore.

I'm just saying, we are right to make fun of this guy and his behavior.

You are the one defending his behavior. Naaah, he's acting like a 6 years old child

It should be ridiculed but you get offended because you take it personnal.

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You can have hobbies that include n64, hold down a job, and raise a family all at the same time. Criticising people for the stuff they look is a sign of insecurity. It as more like you're upset that you're not ad macho as you'd like and take it out on random Posts onlime

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>The state of geriatric Facebook immigrants

My point is he could be a productive member of society otherwise. He has a wife of and apparently he didn't buy himself an n64 before this so it's not like he collects this shit. Are we not allowed to have any childlike moments of weakness anymore? If so why are you on this site? Do you have a good job? Have you started a family? This honestly seems like people with low self esteem piling on a group of people they see below them just so they are not at the bottom of the totem pole anymore.

>disliking Refn

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>internet forums are "childlike"
underage B& outs itself

>Yea Forums is mature

Sounds like he's right


This one’s not even that bad. And there’s a hundred percent chance he looks better and has a hotter gf/wife than whoever posted this desu

This post screams tourist.
Get out dumb nigger, most of us here don't like soiboy cucks and posting faggoty shit like this will just get you more responses like this one. Also, you can post here and be a productive member of society. I come here to laugh at the stupid memes and to relax, but no, some mister good guy like yourself has to stink up the whole board. Go to facebook.

The actual soiboi
>graduated STEM but didn't do anything because he expects job to fall into his lap now that he has a an undergraduate degree
>either managed to get a job at the lowest possible position in his field, making $50k or $60k a year despite being STEM, or is still at Walmart, Best Buy, Starbucks, Home Depot, (insert retail company here)
>seems to have no real work ethic and no real drive to seek out an actual position in their field
>they never put their resume out there, never apply for anything, and eventually they just seem to end up at Walmart forever
>hasn't been in a relationship ever, or has only been in an online relationship, despite the fact that they're in their mid twenties now
>you suspect this person will snap and shoot up the college campus one day, you just hope you're far away in the metalworking shop when it happens
>complains about college debt... even though you are taking the same classes they are and it just isn't that expensive
>whenever they bring this up you wonder what they spent their money on but you can't seem to get an answer
>it's always just "college is expensive and made to keep poor people down"
>is somehow incredibly racist, despite the fact that they vote for democratic representatives consistently
>somehow has a beer belly or a protruding roll or two in the torso area despite the fact that you never see them eat much of anything
>you aren't sure if they even eat real food besides Monster and a granola bar
>is somewhat thin but gets winded walking up a flight of stairs
>is in their mid twenties but still plays with Legos
>is white, but uses ebonics or meme words from Facebook/Instagram in real life conversations
>the more time you spend on campus, the more you come to realize that this is the average millennial and the more you are concerned for humanity's future

These are all people that I have seen at my local university.

>still not removed from the 18+ forum he is posting in
guessing you clean messes for free?

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Are N64's supposed to be hard to find these days?

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It's a autistic guy and his sister

Not samefagging. Cope more.

>can’t in to times

Literal 45+ year old

Fuck you faggot I dont even have Facebook and I'm tired of you sacks of shit pretending to be superior to other faggots on my kino board


>thank god my local cell tower isnt rangebanned yet!

Your mad that college kids are taking jobs at walmart and talking in slang? Are you 70?

>So what do you do in photos?

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Still not samefagging. You're a loser

i mean it obviously doesnt imply good things for academia and what higher education means in this country

If you graduated with a STEM degree and you're still at Walmart three or four years later, what are you doing with your life?

If you're white and you use ebonics, again, what are you doing with your life? Why are you so cringey and embarrassing?

Are you having a stroke?

>it'll seem more authentic if i space it out

You seriously think basing the entire countries future off of the observations you've made of the loudest and most visible demographic of fanboys at your local university isn't misguided? What gives you any right to question an entire generations work ethic? Because some guy was excited his wife bought him an n64?

It's not about the hobbies or the stuff he look for.
It's the way he act


I'm questioning where you get your Walmart college graduates statics from because I don't believe you. And howdoes the way anyone chooses to speak affect you?

you fucking retards it's that nintendo 64 kid from that viral video he's all grown up now.

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im not that guy im just saying that in a country where valueless degrees are common academia begins to lose it's merit and legitimacy among the general public.

Someone needs to make another version of this with Dragon Dildos