Why did disney choose melissa? Do they hate talent?
Why did disney choose melissa? Do they hate talent?
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I’m pressedt ya’ll...
>a woman
>to play Ursula
This is the ONE TIME you actually need to cast a drag queen and they fucked it up. Disgraceful.
>Why did disney choose melissa?
Because she's fat.
>we need you for a role of a fat, nasty bitch, you in?
to be fair if they cast a skinny chick instead they'd never hear the end of it
It's fine to replace traditionally white characters with blacks, but traditionally obese characters must be portrayed by fatties.
Why didn't they cast a strong queer drag queen? Yet another example of absolute fucking racism by Disnep
They need a name for people to recognize on the poster.
She in bomb after bomb. The Ghostbusters movie was horrible, but she white so... Fuck white women.
>This is the ONE TIME you actually need to cast a drag queen and they fucked it up. Disgraceful.
Does anyone actually give a single flying fuck about The Little Mermaid? I thought this was an 18+ board. You fucking losers.
>She in bomb after bomb
She kind of reminds me of Chris Farley. Chris had talent and could have played other roles, but all he ever did was the Loud And Fat roles.
>this is the only somewhat decent acting fat actress we could find.
Drag queens often arent trans though
Drag Queens aren't trannies, you moron.
Ew Melissa McCarthy isn't funny and not bbw Thicc enough
Should have picked a fat moocow black mix
They're transvestites, and fall into the category of "trannies"
Or if you like, "unbreedable freak shows"
Drag queens are CIS men who dress up as women to sing on stage
Transvestites then, like I said
You fuckwit
Dial 8, trannies.
Oops they dialed 1488
I can't wait to hump your slack skull
Rumors say that:
Ariel -Halle from Halle x Chloe
Eric - Harry Styles
Wasn't she just being nominated to an oscar?
transvestite, not transgender
>black girl as Ariel
The gingercide continues.
>even more live action remakes of classic cartoons instead of making new traditional animated features
This company needs to die off already, it's just a shell of its former self since the turn of the millenium.
they are determined to blackfy her. It's bullshit.
>implying the talent to make a traditional animated movie even exists these days
Ol' Walty must be spinning in his grave
Once Upon A Time had skinny black Ursula and no one cared.
>Chris had talent and could have played other roles
Yeah, but the only person I've ever met that watched Once Upon A Time is my dad
Absolutely awful casting.
Yes she's a greedy fat pig but I dont remember Ursula ever saying (shouting) e.g. "oh hey Ariel sorry I was just having a shit on the toilet out of my asshole, just ate some crabs, the sea kind, not the kind on my fat hairy pussy and hairy asshole boy they both stink by the way, but they smell different. Anyway what can I do for you? Oh huh legs? Huh right legs. Legs legs legs. Well yeah I guess I could do legs, get rid of that tail you got there and you would have an asshole too to shit out of, and it would stink just fyi. Oh you want to impress that guy huh? Well dont let him go ass to mouth then. Well not on the first date. Not like I do, because I do do that. But guys are all retarded so fuck them. Oh hang on I feel a bit sick from the crabs I ate again, I need to go diarrhoea out of my hairy smelly asshole again boy they did a number on me."
Because that's her kind of style you know.
she would of been purfect
Did Divine die of GRIDS or something
Yeah fucking right. Disney is all about brand recognition they're going to try their damndest to make sure their most iconic characters can be identified as themselves between animation and live action.
OP why are you lurking drag queen twitter profiles?
Lizzo would be a better choice desu
At least Lizzo can sing
heart failure actually and way back in 1988
Didn't Ursula have a deep black woman's voice? Lmao Disney are a fucking joke. I wish people weren't so devoid of intelligence, so they could skip these trashy films completely
Culture is just non-existent past about 2012 I swear. It's just a redo over of old shit and everything is the same
They made her black so woke people couldn't complain about fatshaming
every fucking time
>Didn't Ursula have a deep black woman's voice
>I am a lazy faggot who cannot google something because I'd have to change apps on my phone spoonfeed me like my boyfriend's cum
based psychopathic trannies
they have so much in common with /pol/
it's odd they don't get along with each other
I think they're doing this just to retain rights
I didn't care enough to google it, I prefer to be conversational on Yea Forums rather than being a know-it-all
>thinking Yea Forums knows about films outside of their internet hug boxes
How naive of you
>Villain is white.
Ariel is going to be nigger.
it's from pink flamingos you dip
Maybe because their worldview is completely different and trannies want to fuck kids while /pol/ doesn't?
Roberto, knock it off.
>trannies want to fuck kids while /pol/ doesn't
you've got it backwards lol the reactionaries are the ones jerking off to little naked anime girls
>Not giving Rebel Wilson singing lessons and giving her the role.
>/pol/ doesn't
No, you're an obeast.
So the naked men getting kids to hold out dollar bills for them at "drag queen story times" is just an innocent thing
Nothing sexual about stripper culture right
>the naked men getting kids to hold out dollar bills for them at "drag queen story times"
aww, were those 3 individual clickbait items starting to fall flat so you had to smash them all together into something that sounds shocking?
Lmao, I'm talking hundreds of hours of video footage of these events. Not an article. You can't fake video so easily, tranny.
oh so you can post the video of that specific thing you described then? it wasn't just 3 separate ones of your failed propaganda pieces smashed together?
and just because i already know that you're coming up with some dipshit response along the lines of "how is it propaganda if it's REAL???", that's exactly the point, selling people on wholesale falsehoods is not a sustainable propaganda model in the 21st century. what is a sustainable propaganda model is playing to people's existing biases by selectively boosting specific events/people/phenomena to build a narrative while providing implicit or explicit cues to your audience on how to interpret these things and how they are a part of the pattern
You mean this one tranny?
Ugly, disgusting, fat. The perfect fit. For once.
hmm, noticing a distinct lack of naked men. also, it's literally in the fucking description what this actually is
>All ages drag show performance at Ames Public Library
god you fucking suck at this
>giving Rebel Wilson singing lessons
yeah I guess she faked it for three fucking Pitch Perfect movies
>not seeing the kid giving money to the drag queen
If they could get away with stripping off, they would. Most of the Pride parades have their asses or dick hanging out around children. But go ahead, keep denying reality tranny. It's the only thing that lets you exist as you are
Couldn't they just release a bullshit digital remaster? Is that really what all these remakes are accomplishing? Fucking hell.
>one person: I would have liked to play Ursula and I think I would have done it well, I’m sad I wasn’t chosen
Have sex
>not seeing the kid giving money to the drag queen
saw it, didn't give a shit because it was no more sexual than the manner in which you would hand a store clerk money to pay for something
you act like we arent living in clown world and this is just a thread about one persons opinion
yes everyone knows there are lots of you dipshits, it's rather painfully obvious
The kids are giving dollar bills to a "performer" on stage. The only places that happens are strip clubs. It's literally grooming them.
Go join the 40%
She would have been perfect, and I didn't even know about that vid.
>Go join the 40%
you're so fucking stupid you don't even realize this is the attempted suicide rate, not the actual suicide rate. you're not even telling somebody to kill themselves with your 40% memes, you're just telling them to unsuccessfully attempt it lol
Hey for the record I think Lizzo would be 1000% better than MM as Ursula. But social media in the last 48 hours makes it pretty clear there's a lot more than just Lizzo posting a sadface emoji and most of it is URSULA IS BLACK AND THAT'S THE TEA invariably posted by white cis girls as though Disney owed them their headcanons.
>Throwing shade at Beverly Hills Ninja
Please remove yourself from this world.
you guys know who this nigress is?
first time i've heard of her