This is just embarrassing to release. How could they sink so low?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is anyone supposed to know what this is?
Do you plan on explaining?
This is the extra scene people who paid for the re release are getting to see
Get out from your basement cave retard
Looks like marvel re-released the endgame movie with an unfinished scene
Get out of the basement and go watch Marvel movies.
The irony.
Wait I thought this was being marketed as new scenes added into the movie, not bonus Blu-Ray footage after the end credits.
You know its a cash grab. Truly embarassing.
wtf is that?
Imagine if DC did something like this. The press and media would never let them hear the end of it
Fucking hell that's awful. Disney kikes have no shame if it grabs more money
See the youtube link
So all the scenes come at the end with explanations of what they are?
>Steve who?
Literally what the fuck did he mean by this?
>it's literally just a few blu ray deleted scenes, not deemed good enough to make the movie
>marveltards will lap this up
Steve who? What Steve is he talking about?
Is this the alternate timeline maybe?
Can someone explain what this actually is? Some kind of alternative introduction for Hulk that they didn't use? What's the point?
>Don't watch the most influential series of movies of all time
Ok edgelord
>go to Mexico
>it's all ruins
checks out
Harry Potter?
Ah yeah, must have been to show what Hulk had been up to in the 5 years between. He's still doing superhero work, but for some reason not with the Avengers and in contact with Nat?
I know he hadn't spoken to Steve in 5 years but is really long enough to forget about him?
Maybe for books, but Marvel revolutionized how to tell large scale stories on the big screen. Look how many other companies are following their formula now. The Marvel movies changed cinema forever and if you try and deny it you are delusional or an idiot
there's only one bro
You also get a fucking amazing poster. I ended up buying 3 tickets (only saw it twice yesterday tho) to get a couple of them
Nfi and I watched endgame when it premiered
Wait, so they re-released this shit just to beat Avatar and all they could deliver was a shitty unfinished scene?
*inhales deeply*
Why is the cgi unfinished? Seriously what the fuck was the point of this extra scene
Post the poster
>Literally putting unfinished footage into a movie theater
>Disney shills will see it anyway
Fucking hell, a blooper reel would have been less embarrassing
>You dont want any part of this shit Nick Fury
>My powers take all your bad feelings and turn them into good feelings
Avatar did a rerelease too. Cope more you antifun pessimistic bastard
with 8 minutes of properly finished scenes
Not DURING the initial run you fucking dumbass
>that laugh when it's revealed to be hulk
I never watched Avatar and never will but I doubt they re-released it with unfinished CGI, you dumb shit eater.
>Fucking hell, a blooper reel would have been less embarrassing
good idea
they will probably do that for the 5th re-release
With all the money they made from Infinity War and Endgame, they couldnt finish the CGI for this???????? I could kinf od understand if this was in the extra section on a bluray, but putting thin in a re-release in this crude state is an insult, spend a little of the fucking billion you just made and finish the fucking Hulk CGI. ffs.
If this is real its a fucking joke.
LMAFOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you'd be crying like bitches if it left theaters and came back I just fuckin know it.
James Cameron won't pay you to defend his Pocahantus remake online so why bother lol
Avatar wasn't written and directed by an AI. All Marvel movies look the same because they're made by an algorithm, not by actual people.
Take it marvelcuck, take it all.
>we love you 3000
Dear God oh no fuck dont give (them) any more ideas
Steve Roggers of the fantastic 4, brainlets
It's a bonus scene that comes after the movie you dumbo. Its just a thank you for coming to see it again. They didn't have to do it do, including an amazing 3hr film AND a free poster would be worth it. This is just icing on the cake
Thats basically what happened with the entire Justice League movie. Remember the weird cgi'd lip in the first 10 mins of the movie.
why not wait until the home release? these people are retarded
and embarrassingly, most hate capitalism
Go see the movie. Its an emotional call back to a touching scene between Tony Stark and his daughter
I didnt know that was shown in theaters. I thought it was the classic trollbait thread where some user finds an early CGI image from pre-production that was used as a placeholder then tries to pass it off as being the final product
I cant believe these assholes actually released that for general audiences. They couldnt put the actual hulk CGI model in for the final render? That's like...four clicks in Autodesk Maya
leaked footage
Please don't remind me of the mustache fiasco. I could tolerate everything else, but the lip was unforgivable.
Because they want to dethrone le Pocahauntus remake that got lucky to get to #1 by being the first 3D film with a movie that actually matters and will be remembered for more than 2 weeks after its release
>We NEED to beat Avatar
>let's release some shitty unprocessed scene
>having to crawl and beg for money to defeat a shitty movie
>Every single DC and Avatar shill in this thread pretenting that viewers didn't get a poster that would MSRB for more than the cost of a ticket for free
Bitching about an unfinished scene thrown in for fun ON TOP OF a touching tribute, and an extended preview of Spider Man is like bitching they accidently gave you two orders of Fries when you ordered one and the 2nd one was only half full
I know it's a bonus scene after the credits, you illiterate ape. We all know the real reason why it was released so stop talking shit and defending this trash already.
So glad I only snuck in to see this one time.
I've seen it.
Got bored multiple times have no desire to rewatch it the funeral scene sucked the memes and cringe was off the scale and I enjoyed endgame much more Tbqh
It's not civil war bad/uneven but it hasn't grown on me.
Thanos got epic nerf and the whole movie really fell apart between the time travel bits and the ending apart from captain boomer and his waifu
Imagine being as bereft and pathetic as this guy
>How could they sink so low?
Desperation to beat Avatar. How could you not know this? It's so obvious.
I have a printer
>being the first 3D film with a movie that actually matters
Imagine believing this. Avatar made money for the same reason Titanic made money. It was an original big-budget summer blockbuster. Independence Day made a ton of money too for the same reason.
It's kind of a new phenomenon that such films release periodically throughout the year and all come from the same company
>Got bored multiple times
>Usimng cringe and memes as a real critque
>Captain boomer and his waiifu
Either a /pol/tard, 14 and thinking hating Marvel will make Cindy like him (it won't sweetie), or dumb as rocks
oh boy a shitty deviantart poster what a steal
I thought it was an extended cut, not one scene at the end ? Lol
>paying for a half-rendered scene they didn't even splicing into the movie
>paying for a Spiderman commercial like a good cuck
There were 3 scenes at the end shitposter
No, if they included a scene of Iron Man and Cap interacting one another then that's one thing but this scene is unfinished and literally served no purpose to the plot or story. Also, the preview of the spiderman sequel was in the trailer you fucking idiot.
Please fuck off back to Reeeeddit where you came from. You're not even hiding it with all that spacing.
>"sneak peek" at Far From Home
>it's 45 seconds, shorter than the clips they put on youtube and television
>a scene that is already on the trailers and features no Spider-Man
it's more offensive than the Amazing Bulk
Every film in the MCU is based on an existing comic.
Cindy? Is this some new leftypol r9k thing?
>user: I don't like movie
>basednon: DURRR I don't like u hahaha I'm so original
Nah that boards dying but no my issues with it is that it just dragged at the funeral part and the cringe parts dangling quips around like shiney objects to attract normal people and make them laugh.
Movies not as good as endgame
I know, right? I didn't mind Endgame but from them to be so lazy and desperate to beat Avatar that they didn't even finish the CGI on the Hulk in that deleted scene before putting it in theaters for the re-release of Endgame makes me want Endgame to not beat Avatar. Marvel should have to settle for second place if it's going to do cheap shit like this.
WAIT, it gets better, people are ACTUALLY defending this
>enemy of cinema doesn't know what original movie means
* for them to be so lazy
So 3 shit scenes stuck on at the end?
>an amazing film
And they don't pretend it isn't unlike Avahauntus
>Marvel movies are the enemy of cinema
>They are the only movies people are going to see, thus keeping them going
Based reductive reasoning! Maybe shit for you
Nah, I just call bad people bad when I see em. The only boards I browse are this and /out/
>Its just a thank you for coming to see it again. They didn't have to do it do, including an amazing 3hr film AND a free poster would be worth it. This is just icing on the cake
now THIS is delicious bait
Name a better film that isn't
>Mumblecore indie shit
>Boring as dirt shit
>"Its independent and no one has heard of it so its based!"
I'm bad people? You've never even met me mate some text on a screen can only tell you so much
That’s some Yonggary-tier CGI what the fuck
>Marvel will still lose to Avatar
>it will be remembered as the runner up who shit himself at the very end in a final attempt to race past Chad
>failed anyway and ended up embarrassing himself and covered in shit
I forgot to add "no kids movies". Figured it was a given but guess not
Feels good being an Avachad.
>the uhhvengurrs isn't a childrens movie
Honestly they could have just made a scene where some guy was watching the final scene on a screen before walking away.
I don't know why people are eating this shit up it is just a slap in the face directly telling people to buy more without engagement.
How many main characters die in Shazam 0
>I can't refute his argument so I instead post funny frog faec
I will take that as a win. Anyone else dare try?
Who are you talking to ?
>doesn't look at the swears
>the businessmen get bit off
>the sins themselves
Did you even watch the movie?
they are so desperat to beat avatars record
Do I am an adult but that doesn't nearly as mature as hundreds of warriors dying, and two main characters self sacrificing for the good of the world, leaving a family behind
look at that cgi, what the flying fuck were they thinking
I remember seeing avatar in iMax and leaving the theater and feeling immense depression walking through the boring ass concrete parking lot back to our car
No MCU film has had that impact on me.
>deaths are not violent they just fall or sleep
>warriros deaths are not shown directly all in the background
I'm getting big Christmas Story vibes with this
"All that for a crummy commercial?"
Have sex
shilling SO hard that he even managed to slide a Dumbo plug in there
Both Shazam and Endgame are children's entertainment. The fact that you think character deaths = maturity only reveals how underdeveloped you are. It's not your fault, though. You've been conditioned to consume uncritically and without shame - leaving you in a permanent state of arrested development. The perfect customer.
Is this fucking real
lol he mad af
This is when steve calls banner for help with time travel dumbass
makes you realize just how bad things are
also, lmao. nice try, thanos
And you are programmed to hate anything fun. Everything must have le deeper meaning
why are marvelfags so pathetic?
lol characters dying doesn’t stop it from being a kids movie you ever even seen lion king? lol even bambi’s mom dies nigga lmao
She didn't have blue eyes in the movie.
Yes, adults should want more then pew pew laser fight dbz shit. If “fun” is all that matters to you, you’re mentally underdeveloped.
*tips fedora*
I too dislike fun, leaves a bad taste in my mouth
Oh yeah, because thor, guy-in-lots-of-metal-man, mr hyde but green and retarded, and captain-hitler's-wet-dream are so original right?
because, el oh el, anything with tribal people = Luis and Clark's Expedition? Or that pure unoriginal thing you just posted?
>unironically defending capeshit.
Have sex
>muh fun
The last holdout for bugmen of all stripes.
desu all this debacle has made me want to do is finally buy Avatar on blu-ray
Friendly reminder to all capeshit zoomers that Avatar is MUCH MUCH more important movie than Avengers too. Avatar helped blow out the Chinese market, the only reason Endgame is even in contention. Being the first digital-only release, Avatar was also instrumental in accelerating the adoption of digital screens worldwide. This made Endgame's massive opening weekend possible, btw. That aside, Avatar also introduced new filmmaking techniques that are now used everywhere, in movies and video games, such as performance capture, the simulcam, and the virtual cam. P.S. the performance capture technique used to make Thanos in the last two movies was first implemented in Avatar.
no, fans have to shame if they fall for this shit. Disney announced that the end credits scene will be unfinished deleted scene and that there was Far from Home exclusive. So idiots who flocked to cinema this weekend for that shit and added 8M to Disney coffer only have themselves to blame.
>*breathes in*
Petition to replace Captain Marvel with Aquaman
>cash grab
Yes but unironically this is the point where Marvel got too greedy. Normalfags will subconsciously note this. Even shill factory sites like WeGotThisCovered are muted on the Endgame re-release
women approve
this is just pathetic
>non-rendered footage
kek, they must've really not edited much out if this is what they dredged from the bottom of the barrel for the rerelease gimmick. I thought that they were going to extend a battle scene or at least tease the next Avengers movie instead of just being an ad for Spiderman.
>literally just a "deleted scenes" DVD feature tacked onto the end
WTF, how desperate can you be?
How can a franchise make almost three billions in one movie and STILL be this much of a fucking LOSER? This is cringe incarnation
Why is he wearing the stupid time travel tights
Amazing Bulk?
>What did it cost?
You are correct. Avatar is fucking based.
Holy shit marvel this is pathetic even for you. Last DC movie barely broke even and they still look like a better franchise after this
Reminds me of the absolute brainlets that thought the remake would make 28 million domestic and 12 million international
If im new should I try out that omniescence draft?
Can't wait for Avengers 5
Will they remove this version from theaters now that everyone is making fun of it?
I mean, the sneak peek at Far From Home won't even make sense after this week either since the movie will be out
>they still look like a better franchise
lmao and you DC fans still look butthurt Marvel movies have been such a success compared to DC movies.
The bring back was always only intended as a week-long thing
Reminder Marvel and Disney are the most pathetic and desperate companies on the planet. Their sheep loyalists too.
the drop next weekend will be huge, it might even make less than it would normally do lmao
Imagine paying $10 + taxes + tip for this shit, lol.
Can I have your attention for just one sec, friends? There's something I'd like to share
Seriously, look at the Joker trailer and then this shit
Marvel fags should insulted by how little respect they have for you. They think you’ll swallow any shit that turtles out their turd cutter.
They also trimmed down a few scenes for runtime so that the new material could be added to the end.
Jesus Christ zoomers should be purged.
No wonder it was cut, that shit was kinda cringe.
>we're sorry the last rerelease was so bad, here's the new and improved one
You know it's going to happen
DC deserved all the hate it got. Warner tried to outkike The Mouse and got mindlessly greedy, crashing their abortion of a franchise with no survivors
>the most influential series of movies of all time
>fucking marlel
>less popular than game of thrones even among zoomers
Jesus christ
Fucking pathetic, dude
Donate the exact same amount of money you spent yesterday to a children's hospital otherwise you're a total asshole
>people actually paid to see this
of courshe
this one is not even being officially counted as a re-release which is bullshit
lmao this
And there are people unironically defending it, it's like living in bizarro world. Disney can literally release a 3 hour tape of birds shitting then stamp it with Marvel Studios and those bugmen would crowd to watch it 20 times
>that shitty increase on the average per theater
Wait people paid to sit through that piece of shit A G A I N for that???
hi DCucks and pretend avaturds!
friendly reminder that the blue fags re released too :) NOTHING you can say brings down Endgame more than it already has Avatar. Endgame will now beat Avatar, and in this day and age with actual competition and 5000% increase in piracy. have a great day!
>re released too
kind of you to confirm this is a re-release, since you'll be saying it wasn't when it has to re-release again to beat Avatar
so is this just for this weekend or? how much more until Endgame passes Avatar? spoonfeed me pls
Yeah and Avatar BTFOd Endgame, and that's not even counting inflation my dude! In fact your shit movie was never even close !
20,000% increase in piracy and more competition for months > a few dollars more in inflation
sorry :)
That long ass countdown building up to the retarded minute-long clip didn't help things.
>Go for Hulk!
I'm guessing that phone is a Samsung.
thats LITERALLY PS2 graphics.
now i understand the meme. and they actually shit on ang lee hulk tsk tsk tsk...
Reminder that regardless of money the quality of blockbusters peaked in 1993 with Jurassic Park
Serious question, how much do you get paid and where can I sign up? It’s some I start making some money here
You know piracy has actually gone down and not up since 2009, right? Is there even a decent Endgame torrent out yet? They take (((suspiciously))) long to drop for Disney movies for some (((reason))) ;^)
and how much does DC pay you? really need to decide if I want to jump ship.
Boomer af.
> Dear Diary - This year I'm a Freshman! So stoked!
just the same amount that Avatar had when they re released :)
mcu is fucking ded
"He bought?"
Disney movies come out on home release around the same time as other movies (roughly 3 months after release)
Usually once a movie is out on digital (typically 3 weeks before physical), that's when clean rips come out
Avatar was already #1 before the release though. It was also 1 year later due to popular demand not 5 weeks after
Jesus Christ, when they said the cgi was unfinished I didn't think it would be this bad.
>o-oh it's that bad?
>well we were just rusing!
>it's actually footage f-for our new retro hulk game!
Avatar wasn't competing with anyone, it was already the KANG by the time they rereleased. It wasn't a desperate, sad, embarrassing move that even normies make fun of like this Avengers cringe shit
The call that saved Avatar.
>shut it down!
Sad to see Endgame finally pass Avatar. It’s a sad day.
how is it looking? will Endgame beat Avatar or will Avatar remain king?
This looks like a low budget Xbox 360 game.
I wouldn't be surprised if this gained Endgame enough to pass Avatar, its only like 20 million.
so they put unfinished deleted scenes as some kind of after credits scene?
the only one sinking low is the dumbasses who paid to see it. in that yt video those farts were screaming like crazy fangirls for a trailer of far from home. marvel fans are embarassing and stupid and they deserve to get scammed, they deserve every bad thing that happens in their lives for supporting this movies like proud pieces of shit. worst thing is that they get out of that theater after being scammed and will be paying again to marvel to see fff in 2 days. they could show a video of feige fucking their moms and they'd paid if it's Marvel tm.
still $27 million off.
*shits on your deleted scene*
when did misterio become good?
>waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!! People like things!!!!
Source: ASS
Dude I showed my gf who could care less about this and thought it was pathetic. This is a cheap attempt at cash grab. This shit is embarassing
look it up
Because even bigger losers pay to watch it
It made 5.4 million this whole weekend, no chance in hell it makes the remaining 30 million it needs
I dont care for avatar or capeshit but I'm pretty fucking happy these disney fucks aren't going to beat it
This is how low Disney thinks of their fans. No wonder Star Wars franchise were given to a bunch of talentless hacks.
tell your girlfriend to have sex
why is the prince of persia in spiderman?
Not gonna lie that's was pretty embarrassing
They should have filmed Tom Holland taking a shit, I'd have paid to see that. I'd like to see the turd coming out of his asshole
Can someone give me a quick rundown on Bogdanhulk?
that phone is embarrassing
prolly something stark pulled out of his ass
>in contact with jews
>tim roth bows to him
even as someone that liked Endgame and casually enjoys a capeshit movie...
This is embarrassing and won't help beat Avatar by any means.
If they want that title, they need to put in at least 15 minutes, finish the CGI, and have it in the actual movie. In other words, spend more money.
air traffic controllers hate him
>nigger speak
>reddit spacing
I'm not racist but Hitler is coming.
>pic unrelated because they clearly didnt.
this is like if dreamworks re released Shrek and put one of their technical outtakes at the end of the movie
The ones Pixar put on the Incredibles DVD are unironically kino
shrek? how old are you, 47?
>MARVEL FANS: "Why would you want to see the #SnyderCut with unfinished cgi?"
>Also MARVEL FANS: "Whoa! There is an extra scene after the credits of Endgame. It doesn't matter if it is unfinished cgi of Hulk, we're gonna beat Avatar!"
I truly miss the days when DVDs came loaded with bonus content. All those Disney 2 disc sets had a ton of great stuff.
you can't just throw money at something like CGI and have it be done quickly. you obviously don't know anything.
what do you go to? a discount movie theater with paper seats?
Imagine paying to see Endgame again and all you get is an alternate Hulk intro with unfinished CGI and a teaser that reminds you to go see the NEXT Marvel movie
This is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen.
>"bonus content"
>can't even be arsed to finish the Hulk's CGI
I really don't understand why they would this...
Also, amazing script. "Ding ding". Just like the amazing dialogue in age of ultron with "beep beep".
ummm... yikes!
the state of MCUcks
>revolutionized how to tell large scale stories
Include a tacked on scene to the end of your movie with cameos of characters from your other movies. REVOLUTIONIZED
based truthposter
sorry but shazam is so far the best movie of 2019 alongside with alita
>DC FANS: I want to see #SnyderCut with unfinished cgi REEEEEEEEE
>MARVEL FANS: I want to see Endgame again, what a great movie. Oh neat, a deleted scene. Let's go home and have sex.
>fuzzy donkey 4
Snydercut NEVER EVER
How can anyone, ANYONE, see this as anything other than pathetic? It made the film even less than what it would have been without
DCucks are really grasping at straws now, it's really embarassing.
By that logic every movie home release that includes deleted scenes is "pathetic" and "less than".
it is when you have to pay to see it, and the scene is shit, and everyone knows the reason they did it
Bro it's a simple as swapping the model/textures, apply the same key frames, bake the lighting and then render/ composite into footage. This is a weekend project at the most.
This is ILM working on this film, they do character work in their sleep
As opposed to paying to see it in home release? idiot
heres your (you)
there's a lot more bonus material on home release, making of, concept art, interviews, commentary track, etc
not to mention owning the movie to watch it whenever you want
no, but they invented faux worldbuilding through that shit
Jesus christ MCUcks have some dignity and kys already
>Its an emotional call back to a touching scene
>low budget Xbox 360 game
more like a dreamcast
>marvelcucks paid for this
I'll probably go see this tomorrow afternoon
Disney can have my neetbux
sorry, it was for this weekend only, should have been a more loyal fan
you're now banned from watching any disney movie ever again
Worst thing is, isn't like they don't have money to finish that CGI.
This is why bullying is necessary, I should be able to kick your lumpy ass and take your money to use it more productively
Jesus, can Marvel sink any lower?
>t. fat bullied
With the billions Disney makes, you think they could finish this one fucking scene?
And you people wonder why women won't touch you.
>They didn't have to do it
Yes they did, they wanted to beat Avatar with the re release, but couldn't even finish the CGI
>reveals twink hulk
>what the
Why didn't they just leave the mustache and say that Superman was growing one at that point in time?
This. Actually, it might have been easier to just give him a beard and mullet.
head back to eddit, you sòy licking faggot.
why does box office mojo list endgame as only 800m?
they fucked it up and deleted the entire previous foreign grossing
that's it, Endgame flopped now
Holy shit they really didn't plan for this, they weren't expecting to not beat Avatar. And this is such a blatant cash-grab to get there as well.
nooooo, Marvel was supposed to win!
If it doesn’t have shit cgi, it ain’t a Whedon film
Wow you are really fucking underaged
imagine being THIS desperate you re-release the film 2 months later with a bluray deleted scene with unfinished cgi
>performance capture
Wait a second, wasn't Gollum the first one?
isnt it like 20m inbetween endgame and Avatar, no way Disney is gonna let that be. Theyre gonna buy 30m worth of tickets to have people go.
When did Mary Jane become a beaner?
it was, Avatarfags are just seething. Lotr, even just the first movie, is far better than Avatar.
their ace up their sleeve really was this unfinished Hulk phone scene
How will you seething marshills win now?
>when did misterio become good?
Remember when Syndrome invented bad guys for himself to defeat?
Surreal Entertainment dude really grew on me lately
omega yikes
>Surely our Mouseketeers will get us to surpass Avatar by paying to see an incomplete deleted scene for blu-ray and an ad for our next movie.
>rereleased and STILL COULDN'T beat it
Avatar was a anomaly
>cash grab
I never understood this. Of course it's a cash grab. That's the point of a movie like this - to make as much money as possible.
This isn't an art film
>they do character work in their sleep
>imagine being over 18 and making yourself part of "teams" of different producers of capeshit movies
literally disgusting.
Grow up.
Have Sex.
Get a job.
Pay bills.
Pay your family a nice sunday lunch.
>director shows up to apologize
LMAO the absolute STATE of MKEKS
Reminder they really couldn't be bothered to re-edit the film properly and finish the cgi work, employing a paki for a day or 2.
they really did just put in an unfinished scene at the end of the reel (so to speak)
>Get a job.
>Pay bills.
>Pay your family a nice sunday lunch.
Kek, get fucked wagie. You should stop shitposting on Chans and start preparing for another 14 hour shit for 9$ per hour.
I am a neet
when would the Hulk scene take place in the movie?
epic win Yea Forums
epic win
>talking to police chief about a fire
>refers to it in Kelvin
the man is a glorified genius Im sure he knew the conversion to fahrenheit or celsius
another "smart" line written by dumb person
> faux worldbuilding
So your entire shitpost don't apply to you.
Can’t tell if this is b8 or just a 12 year old who doesn’t know what the word “influential” means.
Why do these ducking faggots keep turning the camera sideways. Just shoot the fucking thing straight
>Avatar wasn't written and directed by an AI
You could’ve fooled me.
Because its fans are also a generation of losers.
>soiling your own franchise for a few extra bucks
Idk man, I think I'm gonna stick to the comic books.
If Endgame already won, why are they still trying?
the point is some lazy soft faggots in here could well use some time of answering to a superior, following rules, being on time, and also, having their own hard earned money.
I've worked for a good while and it has done me good.
It sucks ass being a slave but it has its positive sides.
You clearly dont
Because instead of gracefully bowing out at a respectable second place after beating fucking Titanic, they decide to make a desperate and pathetic cash-grab AND THEY DON'T EVEN TRY TO HIDE IT'S JUST THERE TO BEAT AVATAR.
Disney is absolutely fucking shameless and in doing this they soiled their biggest work. Genuinely what the fuck
What did this capeshit influence?
avatar is the reason why cinema is ruined with shitty 3d tech that blurs and obscures visual fidelity and they are often forced on moviegoers because the tickets are more expensive
james cameraon can suck my dick
not his fault others are running a scam, his stuff was legit
>avatar is the reason why cinema is ruined with shitty 3d tech that blurs and obscures visual fidelity and they are often forced on moviegoers because the tickets are more expensive
>james cameraon can suck my dick
But fuck Avatar, I agree. Endgame was unironically a better film too. But this Disney cope is embarrassing.
>we love you 3000
the absolute cringe
lmao, fuck off avacucks. This is a good fucking scene regardless of CGI. Do you really think movies are just about the effects? This is a pretty hardhitting scene, emotionally speaking and would have added a LOT to this movie.
Get that through your fucking skulls or maybe Thanos will have to use the dummy cracking stone to do it for you. This scene is not only emotional in its won right, its a piece of history. If you saw this scene at the cinema you KNOW you helped break Avatars record. You KNOW you are a piece of history and a piece of the most massive thing to happen in Hollywood.
Who care if the CG is bad? we know Hulk looks like based on the movies other scenes. they could have 1 hulk scene and the rest like this and it'd still have GOAT CGI
imagine having grown so delusional from your fame that you actually think this is acceptable to ask people to pay another $20 to see. very big yikes