What are some Yea Forums shows that have changed the structure of our society?

what are some Yea Forums shows that have changed the structure of our society?

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Is marriage worth it bros?

>in front of the kids
What a cunt


I can't imagine being this dense.

>women cant even figure out the right reason to hate Game of Thrones

Military wives are bigger welfare queens than sheboons.

Domineering, hysterical nag makes her husband watch a bad show in secret. More at 11.

Where can I get a waifu that doesn't watch mainstream garbage? Women seem afraid to be out of the loop in any way and it makes them the NPCs of gender. Asking for a friend

>Military style
>our kids

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Get a mormon or another Christfag.

I want a free thinker not a mong. For a friend

I would unironically murder a horde of black children if it meant having a wife who hated degenerate shit like GoT.

>homophobic relations

>homophobic relations
>t. Shanaan Watts

>*keeps entrenching themselves in in it* LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO THIS FAMILY

Every time I see a man succumb to a woman's bitching I die inside. I never want to become that guy who stops watching GoT because his "laydee" tells him to. I'd rather shoot myself in the mouth. She was brainwashed into thinking violence/sex = bad and now she's unable to question it because she's a woman. So she shit-tests her husband and he fails to teach her that GoT depicts real things too. And so she cheats on him cause she is desperate for someone to tell her how to think and show her the way again


>marrying and having kids with women
>year of our lord 2019

He deserves the hell hes gonna go through in the divorce once she cheats on him.

no you wouldn't because it would involve getting out of your chair and then subsequently being able to maintain a relationship with a woman

>GoT depicts real things

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>Bro just get a Christian GF Is that easy, they are the only ones that are not insane roasties 14/88

The only reason she's going to cheat on him and divorce him is because he can't fucking stand up and slap the shit out of her, or at the very least show her why she's a crazy overreacting bitch. Feminism is a shit test. All women need a leader that shows them the way and that leader is a man who stands his own ground.

Murdering the nigger babies wouldnt be the hard part. Having to deal with this cunt for 40+ years would be.

>Leaving out the "too" at the end of your quote to make it seem like I wasn't talking about violence and rape and not fantasy shit

Nice attempt at bait

She is right but shes going about asserting her point in the worst most typically feminine fashion

Christian bitches have accepted that they need a leader. The only being who can possibly lead them to a better life and not succumb to their ego is a well-adjusted man. That's what all women are craving. A leader that won't back down.

still got my (you)

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my favourite right wingers are the ones having an identity crisis between being edgy memelords and the modern day equivalent of 90s "POKEYMANS ARE SATANIC" moral panic moms

>making sure you're dressed nice and the photographer gets a good angle of you looking cute/ virtue signaling

How do people not see this shit for what it is.

>he new

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Not even gay
But genocide of women when

rent free

She was looking at an empty parking lot. The only thing in front of her was a fence and a desert wasteland

>making sure you're dressed nice
yes that's a thing that most people do when leaving the house

People do see through it, its only faggots in the media and liberal Facebook moms who prop it up as real

>I even found an article that says the man that wrote the original book series is a possible pedophile
lmao GRR Martin posts here?

I guess thats why ill never marry. I want a life partner i can love and respect, not an adult with a childs brain whos gonna constantly play games with me to see if im worthy or not worthy of being cheated on because i dont yell at her or put her in her place enough. And the fact so many dudes willingly play this game pisses me off too.

Biggest redpill I ever took was watching my goofy dorky friend in high school go from beta white knight to a complete womanizing asshole and watching all these women who shot him down before throw themselves at him because hed treat them like dirt.

>Military wife
>Super christcucks
>"Our" kids and not Tyrone's from before she met her husband or Tyrone's that he pumped into her while her husband was collecting welfare money in the world's biggest sandbox
>Implying that GoT is more graphic than the Bible
>Implying the bible wasn't written by a culture where fucking kids is cool


Have sex.

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>against violence
>marries someone in the military

Society really went downhill when people started paying attention to what women think about things and their opinions. Democracy unironically doesn't work anymore.

>biggest womanizing asshole
Seething roastie detected

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Fucking kids is more natural than trannyism and homosexuality

>Implying that GoT is more graphic than the Bible
>implying christians actually read the bible

My favorite left wingers are the ones who act like right wingers did in the 50s when they were banning Animal Farm and shit from libraries.

>She was looking at an empty parking lot. The only thing in front of her was a fence and a desert wasteland
And the refugee detention center two miles down the road beyond the gated fence.



Here come the pedo and pedo apologist chucklefucks. There isn't enough rope in the world.

>the bible is more graphic than game of thrones
Well first off, the bible is a written work, not visualized degeneracy. Second, the bible was written with the intention of making degenerates look like the vile subhumans they truly are and warns people of what will befall them if they behave sinfully, rather than glorifying it like GoT does. I'm not even a christian but all of this is readily apparent to me, why is it so difficult for you? Fedora boy

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Is that fucking Skyler?

>be christcuck
>be faggot


they're mad that you can tell ten random strangers that you are trans and they won't really care, but if you tell ten strangers you like jerking off to drawings of children all ten of them will be disgusted by you

>Society really went downhill when people started paying attention to what women think about things and their opinions. Democracy unironically doesn't work anymore.
Also, the social contract is dead, as is any sort of group identity or cohesion. You can thank women and jews for that one.

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>Yea Forums gets mad at jews, blacks, zoomer and liberal values
>is shocked and appalled at a woman with real conservative values
Really makes you think

the ultimate weapon against women: not caring.

Anything they make a fuss about, say "whatever" it drives them mental

>too much of a repulsive and incompetent shithead to belong in any group
>"this must be somebody else's fault!"
nope, it is actually yours

First they came for the birther goons, and I did not speak out for I thought it was kinda silly.
Then they came for the conspiracy theorists, and I did not speak out for I wasn't working nights anymore and Coast to Coast AM kinda sucks anyway.
Then they came for the social media profiles of random people, and I did not speak out because social media is gay as hell.
Then they started filing lawsuits and demanding the livelihoods/arrest of people engaged in wrongthink, and I did not speak out because it was hilarious.
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.

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The Three Silver Bullets That Killed America
1) women's suffrage and their gaining the right to vote
2) importing niggers as slaves and then just keeping them around after slavery is abolished
3) jews from germany fleeing the nazis all resettling in america and western europe, corrupting and subverting the old institutions and cultures therein

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>women with real conservative values
Either dont exist, or always go about implementing these values and viewpoints in the worst misguided ways

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>Implying anyone other than /pol/ is interested in conservative values and we don't just want to be left alone to our hedonistic libertarian self-indulgences

Fucking retard lmao

the based one speaks

Problem Child 2