Why are there so few films about NEETs

Why are there so few films about NEETs

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Because noone cares about you, get a fucking job and contribute something and support yourself

The biggest contribution to the human race would be the end of it.

Just watch welcome to the NHK again.

I don't watch anime as I'm not a degenerate.

Heroin addict = NEET
plenty of films m8

Then get to work you lazy ass

then you're not a NEET you're just independently wealthy.

Double based

losers who sit around at home all day wouldn't make a very interesting story

And wagetards do? Only to laugh at them.


Because nobody cares about these useless pieces of shit

No, I came here from 9gag.


I'd love nothing more then a better job but what can you do?

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>Yea Forums now has an overwhelmingly negative opinion of neetdom

lmao. this place is normalfag wagie central these days. and they actually think their lives have more meaning than neets lmao because they pull a lever all day

normalfags can't deal with the idea of humanising outcasts, mentally ill etc

their entire idea of the world is rooted in just world fallacy. if you made an endearing movie about a neet it literally would not compute to them or it would shake their worldview so viciously they might have a breakdown


what will normalfags do when jobs are a thing of the past? they seem to pride themselves on such mindless work ethic that their entire ego is attached to it.

Apply my work effort to my various hobbies.

>dude contribute lmao
>apply for hundreds of jobs
>nobody wants me to contribute


Because it won't make a profit. TV is the normalfag medium, and none of them want to watch a movie about an unlikeable protagonist who doesn't try. Who would fund that?

Inside Llewyn Davis
Captures the NEET essence very nicely.

literally me except I'm too shy to play in front of people

>someone criticises neet lifestyle
>neets chimp out
every time

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because nobody wants to watch you jack off and play games entire day

I don't care about if you critique my lifestyle. but most people completely misunderstand neetdom which is what makes me and other neets angry. most neets are not just "lazy bums". there are a multitude of reasons why we haven't been able to succeed in life and to just simply paint that myriad of extremely complex reasons as "lol ur lazy" is just ridiculous

This. Their programming makes them preach 'love' but you are an enemy to them if you don't work.

am I the only NEET on Yea Forums?

Oh yeah I've only been a neet for a year, there's tons more factors than just being lazy. Normalfags will never understand the mentality of neets, and there probably isn't films about them since it would so really fucking hard to present that on screen. Thanks for actually giving a good response

because neets are fucking boring

>Normalfags will never understand the mentality of neets, and there probably isn't films about them since it would so really fucking hard to present that on screen.


here's one that comes close

a: neets don't even want to watch an honest analysis of their life
They want something romanticising it and making it out to be inevitable

b: neets in general aren't even interested in simple character dramas (which is what a film about a neet would be), they tend to go for escapist fantasy and high concept stories with larger budgets.

Rectify is the best parable for neet life and issues that's been made though imo.

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>he doesn't try because he doesn't have a job
Jesus normalfags are OBSESSED with work

other way around

do you try user?

Women cant understand loneliness.

>an honest analysis of their life
Is this what you think films are lmao

not him but im constantly doing things to better myself as well as productive hobbies. i find it sad that for the normalfag work is the most fulfilling thing they have

Any movie about career criminals (heists, drugs, smuggling, ect.) is about NEETs because breaking the law is not a form of employment even if it sustains your lifestyle.

If NEETs have so much free time they should go work out at the gym or become alcoholics or mail bombers. Anything would be more interesting than shitposting on Yea Forums

No, that's pretty much the reality of it. If you wanted to go deeper, you could phrase it as "I'm willing to give up the pursuit of money (a worthless resource) for the sake of more free time (the most valuable thing a human being can possess)", but ultimately it boils down to being "lazy" in the eyes of society.

If you have any other reason for being a NEET, you're not really a NEET. You're a mentally ill normalfag.

i miss being a lazy neet if only for the ridiculous amounts of free time. I could write a shit ton of short stories, erp, erotica, etc while playing video games and binging netflix

having to prioritize your time sucks ass but i'm glad i don't have those feelings of existential dread anymore like i'm just wasting away doing nothing with my life

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A simple character drama, yes. Most films, no.
Are you interested in simple character dramas? Do you like Koreeda films?

i've been a neet for 8 years but I'm "not really a neet"?

Are you happy and content with your life?
I know that you can justify it and i'm sure you do find some pleasure in it, but is it really -right-?


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>not him but im constantly doing things to better myself as well as productive hobbies. i find it sad that for the normalfag work is the most fulfilling thing they have
For most content normalfags their family and friends are the most furfilling thing that they have.
Do you relate to other people well?
Do you have a partner and close friends? Kids or thoughts of them?

What's the point of all that free time if it's spent doing absolutely nothing? It isn't like NEETs are out forming actual relationships, or doing some productive hobby other than jacking it to porn and playing vidya. You want free time so you can do NOTHING with it. That's what I don't understand. At my actual job, I take as much time off as possible to give myself free time, but at the least I use that free time to see friends, family, or spend time with my fiancee. These are things NEETs won't understand.

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There's a difference between the NEET mentality, which is something truNEETs possess, and the state of being NEET, which is something that failed normalfags possess.

All truNEETs are NEETs, but not all NEETs are truNEETs.

I legitimately could not be happier. I couldn't give a fuck about what you think is "right", is video piracy "right"? Is circumcision? Are lynchings?

Personally, I find money absolutely deplorable. It is fundamentally a race to the bottom, here the most unethical thrive and the people who treat others like functioning human beings are poor for life.

I want free time so I can enjoy it. You enjoy your time by hanging out with people, I don't.

The irony of these threads is that a lot of films explicitely or tangentilly about neets do exist.
Because many filmmakers spend long periods of time not working and understand the life.

things like 'Jeff who lives at home'.

But you cunts literally never talk about these films. You're utterly disinterested in them. I think the only film about neets that neets on Yea Forums might watch would be one where they turn into a superhero and get a harem.

But in practice criminal activity often resembles a job or trade. Standing on a corner in Baltimore selling drugs for twelve hours a day isn’t NEET-dom.

Because NEETs think of themselves romantically, as if they are unsung heroes instead of unemployed social leeches. NEETs don't like to think about what happens when their parents stop footing their bills.

>I couldn't give a fuck about what you think is "right"
No user, i meant more like does it feel right to you, are you content. Or are you just justifying your own inadequacies because you're terrified of seeing yourself as weak or flawed?

>I legitimately could not be happier.
words of a delusional man.

There's no need to be rude user. No matter how parisitic neetlife is, these people still suffer. It's not enviable and punching down is never cool.

>tfw have a job and still feeling like im wasting away my life

>punching down
almost had me with that bait user

yes it fucking is, there is no labor involved, only risk of violence and incarceration.

I find most people unpleasant and avoid them at all costs

because nobody likes you


Ok but just don't misunderstand what makes most happy 'normalfags' happy

do you never long for someone to relate to, who is 'different from all the rest'? like an anime character?

Barring another world war, I'm set for life. If you offered me a billion dollars, I'd decline, I have absolutely no need of it.

I honestly am just totally content. I've been content for the past 7 years or so, and I foresee nothing in my future that will change that.

I'm sorry your life sucks. I hope it gets better, I hope you can find peace with yourself or whatever, but not everyone has to be miserable.

yes but I know it's an impossibility so I just learned to become my own best friend. where I can enjoy the company of myself as if I have more then one personality now. most people would consider it insane but I talk and joke to myself as if I'm talking to another person. and I find it fulfilling because I know nobody else will understand where I come from

>I'm sorry your life sucks. I hope it gets better, I hope you can find peace with yourself or whatever,
Do you really mean that? Do you care?

>I know it's an impossibility
It's not, although i know trying to put yourself out into the world and relate to people is terrifying.

people in general are far more similar to you than you imagine. I don't think what you're saying sounds crazy at all. I do similar things as do many other people.

How do you pay for yourself? Who pays the internet? Your food? Electric, A/C, all of that? Because if somebody does that isn't you, then you might want to prepare for your future changing when they stop paying for your shit, or kick the bucket and no longer can. You can put off the inevitable all you want, but your NEETdom is not some magical disability that will make you immune from responsibility down the line.

holy fucking based

This really isn't the fundamental problem with being a neet.
Because it's not impossible to leech out an existence in many situations.

The fundamental issue is that the true beauty in life comes from our relationships with other people and that alienating yourself is inhuman and damaging.


What would be filmed, you jerking it to pornography and playing video games?


>believing in the contribution to society meme

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I used to larp as a normalfag to have friends. anytime I showed my true self "just b yourself" it was immediately rejected by everyone around me. even people who I'd been friends with for 10 years. this is how it's always been for me. I'm likely somewhat on the autism spectrum which is the cause of this social rift. people hated me a lot more when I was a kid and I was completely unfiltered. after a while I learned to mimic normal interaction well enough to have social friendships. but never developing close bonds with others. those close bonds always seemed like something completely alien. like some hidden vault with a key I had no idea where to find. I tried to being more open, being myself etc but in every situation my attempts to be more genuine with people fell flat on their faces as people starter to realise how fucking weird I was

As much as I care about people in general. I hope you can sort your life out, but you know, not enough to actually give you any support or anything.

I have enough assets that money will never be an issue. If I live to 300 then maybe I'll have to get a job.

I don't agree. Relationships with other people are dull, they're really a very primitive form of enjoyment stemming from very basic pathways. I've had friends, relatives, romance, it's all a complete waste of time and I feel much happier by myself.

They make movies about outcasts and the mentally ill all the time. Though I guess I've never heard of one about people who pet their pud to cartoons all day and bitch about how uniquely horrible their life is on the internet all night (you).

>get a fucking job
would that it 'twere so simple

Stupid series, why would women fall for a NEET?

>Relationships with other people are dull, they're really a very primitive form of enjoyment stemming from very basic pathways
Not like video games right?

Imagine being such a lazy pile of shit that you don’t even go to school, work at least part time, and/or seek training to become good enough at something to support yourself. You instead rely on others who also support themselves. Absolutely fucking disgusting.

Imagine being such a lazy pile of shit that you don’t even go to school, work at least part time, and/or seek training to become good enough at something to support yourself. You instead rely on others who also support themselves. Absolutely fucking disgusting.

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>it's not work unless you do it for (((them)))

You are mentally ill

cringe and bluepilled
based and redpilled

If he's an NPC then you're the player character who is too lazy to plug in the controller/computer to play the game.

'To live alone is the fate of all great souls.'

are you a great man?

other people are not worth an intellectual's time. you are the one doing nothing with your time.

Not an argument. Adult human beings who don’t want to have a career or at least have enough of a conscience to not sit on their ass while others provide them with a means to live are self serving pieces of shit.


Feel free to show me the contract I signed entitling the world to 50+ years of free labor.

will he ever recover?

I'm a pseudo NEET. I'm still enrolled in uni so I can claim muh student bennies but I stopped doing any course work or attending classes ages ago and am dreading the day someone figures it out. Probably gonna be homeless when the money tap is shut.

its astounding how easily the "work-shy" dehumanization tactics of nazi germany survived to this day

You have some japanese movies about it obviously. Castaway on the Moon is a good one with a NEET playing an important part in it.
Otherwise I think the western world has trouble to understand the concept of NEET and confuse it with autism.

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no thanks

this is me. I get my results back tomorrow, and I will finally reap what I have sown.

>wanting our business exposed to normies so they get mad and shut us down

Feel free to show me the contract every person who supports you signed that says they have to work to cover your ass as well as theirs while you do NOTHING.

>forces you into world
>demands you work
>makes suicide exceptionally difficult
Why should I work for these people? I agreed to nothing and they won't let me go.

>Not an argument. Adult human beings who don’t want to have a career or at least have enough of a conscience to not sit on their ass while others provide them with a means to live are self serving pieces of shit.

Not true. They are self-defeating not self serving. It is not selfish when your own actions worsen your own life.

and addressing the neet issue is about helping people, not chastizing them for being useless.

I mean, they signed it when they agreed to work. Do you think taxation is theft or something?

For NEETs who don't even get welfare, it should be pretty obvious that a parent should support the child. Imagine buying a pet and then refusing to feed it.

There’s a difference between being a piece of shit dead weight that sits in your moms basement in clothes she bought and washed, using her electricity and internet, in the house she mortgaged and being a homeless person just doing your own thing.

I hope you get into an accident or something and lose your job, you sack of shit. There is absolutely nothing more pathetic than demonising people who take a tiny proportion of your taxes to support, and I'm sure if you needed the safety net you wouldn't be crying about it.

>suicide is difficult
See how pathetic you are? You won’t even commit to a 5 minute google search. Google “Exit bag”.

I've been a NEET for the past month and a half and I seriously don't know how you guys don't want to kill yourselves after years of doing it.

there you go bro

don't like it? Just vote against it or move somewhere else :^)

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have a NEET pride parade to force representation

You don’t need support unless you’re disabled.

you're right, one is simply a drain on his family and the other must be presumed to be an active danger to children

>makes suicide exceptionally difficult
Feel free to try any time. I'm sure even if you live in some nanny state shithole you still can get rope and a sturdy beam.
>bu-but they love me and it would hurt them
They'll move on before the funeral. Maybe shed a single indian tear on your birthday.

What has society done for me besides make every problem worse? what’s the point of constantly glueing back a broken system.

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well I don't humanize trannies, so why should I humanize neets? We have a natural aversion to the mentally ill

It gets much easier when you give up on yourself, then it's comfy for a while and then eventually it gets inexplicably more difficult to ever get out of the hole.

> a movie about a guy who does nothing


It's a cope mechanism
The only way to live a NEET life without regrets it's by being filthy rich

Don't worry, this kind of feeling is normal when you're brainwashed to "contribute". You have to be quite smart to actually see through the bullshit and take control of your life.


notOP but I just recently saw this for the first time, amazing how ahead of time it was for 2006.

The crux of this is just that people see things from the perspective of their own self interest, including you

who here /lazyworker/ master race?

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Unless you’re from some economically depressed shithole, you got vaccinations, primary education, you have access to resources like libraries and parks. There’s a lot society does for people for free because there are lots of good people out there who want to change your life but you won’t even try.

My main source of stress is anything related to money really. If it wasn't for that, I'd prob be more comfy all the time. I don't get any neetbux and have to just ask for it sometimes.

well if you're on neetbux there's that

38 NEET here.

>Because noone cares about you
My mom and much younger sister do. I take care of our chores, and make them lunch three times a week.

>get a fucking job
A job will never define me. If you phrased it as "the career you were born to exceed at" then I might feel major different.

>and contribute something
It's a fact that 90% of jobs in the world are superfluous. Worse than high school. They wanted to breakup strong families to atomize us into consumers so they allowed females to swell the job market. Females can't do manual labor. They can't build anything except Power Point presentations with flying bird graphics made in PhotoShopper. Jobs not only do not contribute to society they make it worse. Google is a great example. The average employee I read on Drudge makes $247,000. To enslave you. At least I'm fluent in the game they're playing. You my nonfriend are cuckadoodledon't.

>and support yourself
I support myself emotionally and treat myself to sushi and Granny's Donuts every Friday and Monday respectively. I do 30 pushups daily which be honest user is more than you've done or attempted this year so far. I'll be up to 200 pushups a day before Trump is reelected. Once he gets these illegals deported then we can all be NEET. There is also a meteor that Japan and NASA have good chance of intercepting. It is loaded with gold deposits. Enough to make everyone on Earth literally a billionaire. I don't they get this one, but it's far from the last.

Literally all of these things are given with the assumption that you will return the investment 10-fold.

These aren't gifts.

>get a fucking job
Does bother me that people think this is always easy, there's lots of factors involved in this you can't just walk over to the local corner store and be like "hey job? ok sure" it's not boomer time anymore, among other issues both personal and not personal that you can't really control.

How absolutely deluded you must be to think access to hundreds of thousands of books is not a gift

This. Wagefaggots so depressed they came here to act like wagefaggots.

what a fucking depressing thread jesus christ
you don't need to contribute to society or anything but get out in the world so you can be happy yourself

what life might be like is not something you can imagine now.

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>for free

Yes retard, you don’t have to pay for these things.

You pay taxes for those you dumb fuck, and guess what, public property is ALWAYS SHIT. Those aren’t gifts.

I kind of think this has got to be some kind of pol influence. They are prob more likely to be wage people.


>I'll be up to 200 pushups a day before Trump is reelected. Once he gets these illegals deported then we can all be NEET. There is also a meteor that Japan and NASA have good chance of intercepting. It is loaded with gold deposits. Enough to make everyone on Earth literally a billionaire. I don't they get this one, but it's far from the last.


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Were Beavis and Butt-Head NEETS? They sorta were, poor attendence all around.

Wendy & Lucy
The Wizard (sorta)
Blue Velvet
Pee-Wee Herman's Day Off
True Romance (Brad Pitt)

Yeah dude when I started working I got so depressed I started taking better care of my house, personal hygiene, cooking all my meals and going to the gym, being more outgoing and outspoken and meeting more people and forming relationships from that. It’s so sad man I can’t stop enjoying things now.

>I support myself emotionally and treat myself to sushi and Granny's Donuts every Friday and Monday respectively
Heh I do this but with friday order pizza day.

I made money off of crypto during the great mooning of 2017, I have more then enough to never get a job again.

The point was that even NEETs have access. Dumb fucker.

Clerks or mallrats,?

>still here
Why pretend you made it?


>This thread
prime example of reddit normalfags being the majority of this board now. I never thought there would be a time where Yea Forums wasn't mostly NEET and didn't positively talk about being a wagecuck.

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What exactly is this magical world that exists beyond home? The majority of workers, who do the same thing everyday, never go anywhere. There’s no time, there’s no money and if you put effort into your job, you don’t even have the energy. I’m convinced the majority if those who shit on N33TS are either in college, have never had a job or recently started working and still live at home.

>take control of your life
>addicted to the computer

No thanks

are you a neet if you're rich?

people find happiness in their relationships with other people
it's not about finding your job furfilling

It's the same as what makes good films. Interesting character drama.

Warsh your penis.

you have to go back.

A lot of wageslaves are seriously convinced that some magical fairytale relationship is waiting around the corner, that their kids won't be annoying disappointments, and they'll be surrounded by an extended family on their death bed.

It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.


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Where do you live that you have time for “interesting character drama” when you have a job and a family?

>I want you to give him a firm handshake
>look him straight in the eye
>and say
>”when do I start?”

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Just because you're not guaranteed a good life, doesn't mean that it isn't worth trying.

It's pathetic to think that because you chose not to try, that you're in control. It's that semblance of control which you so desire, but really your own life is utterly out of your own control because you've had it dictated from the start by fear and paranoia.

You're not making any sense user. 'Character drama' is a facet of stories not our actual lives. And your relationships at work and especially with your family can be more or less the same quite easily.

You seem to be confusing N33tdom with Panophobia.

I don't work til tuesday, so I'm here til then.

I wouldn't want that shit even if it was guaranteed, but it's hilarious to see people actually trying to get something that literally doesn't exist.

Anime has plenty

Highly based post. Fuck wagies.

>happiness isn’t real
HARD cope

He’s making perfect sense. Anyone with a job and responsibilities knows this. You’re a weirdo. I prefer the neets to you.

You're limiting the potential of your future with your current flawed understanding of the world. It's basically confirmation bias and pursuing a forced conclusion.

Frederick Douglas said we should meet and not predict the future.

Ignorance is bliss.

isn't Welcome to the NHK one of the most well received animes out there? the main character is a NEET

which film character do you neet anons most see yourself in?

for me, it's noriko

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fucking kek

>ahead of it's time for 2006
How do you mean?

>society gives me Unabomber manifesto
>realise he is right
>drop out of society
Thanks society.

>literally doesn’t exist
My great grandfather died surrounded by his daughter, 3 grandkids, and 12 great grandchildren. He had a military funeral where they fired off rifles as his coffin was lowered into the grave. An American flag and a floral wreath were given to his daughter.

Remember up until a few years ago my parents thought you still get a job by walking into a shop and having in your resume. I mean even shit like chain stores like they thought applying online was optional.

>read insane ramblings
>take it to heart
100% your choice

Who gives a fuck about some loser living some mundane stay at home life?

Neetdom is a disability like obesity. seek help

Pic related is the film adaptation of the ultimate NEET Russian novel.

And from the novel as to catch your interest:
>Everything was, as it were, at peace, and of that peace, that inertia, Oblomov represented the complete, the natural, embodiment and expression. After passing in review and considering his mode of life, he had sunk deeper and deeper therein, until finally he had come to the conclusion that he had no farther to go, and nothing farther to seek, and that the ideal of his life would best be preserved where he was—albeit without poetry, without those finer shades wherewith his imagination had once painted for him a spacious, careless course of manorial life on his own estate and among his own peasantry and servants.
>Upon his present mode of life he looked as a continuation of the Oblomovkan existence (only with a different colouring of locality, and, to a certain extent, of period). Here, as at Oblomovka, he had succeeded in escaping life, in driving a bargain with it, and ensuring to himself an inviolable seclusion. Inwardly he congratulated himself on having left behind him the irksome, irritating demands and menaces cf mundane existence—on having placed a great distance between himself and the horizon where there may be seen flashing the lightning-bolts of keen pleasure, and whence come the thunderpeals of sudden affliction, and where flicker the false hopes and the splendid visions of average happiness, and where independence of thought gradually engulfs and devours a man, and where passion slays him outright, and where the intellect fails or triumphs, and where humanity engages in constant warfare, and leaves the field of battle in a state of exhaustion and of ever-unsatisfied, ever-insatiable desire. Never having experienced the consolations to be won in combat, he had none the less renounced them, and felt at ease only in a remote corner to which action and lighting and the actual living of life were alike strangers. (1/3)

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>insane ramblings
>from a literal genius who outsmarted investigators for years

And how is being a neet contributing to that?

>self serving pieces of shit.
Read the New Testament. It's not about us, it's about Jews. Living at the home you were reared in is fine. Living in a building called 666 that you own for billions with Daddy's money is sick. Let's not get into Trustfund babies who take up most of the good jobs because they can afford to do four free internships in New York City and Los Angeles, sometimes both at once, like Coachella. Few can compete so we drop out and build our own fulfilling networks and lifestyles. When robots become ubiquitous very soon you'll likely be out of work. My niece is an attorney and I told her this. She was laughing about McDonalds having a self checkout terminal and wants a Tesla. Should have seen the idiot when I informed that attorneys will also be replaced by bots who will write and file flawless contracts in minutes, and will know every statute and loophole on record. She's big time in debt from law school, she passed the bar but not the one in the city she always dreamt of and talked about during holidays. I have about $15k on credit cards that I probably won't pay off, I'll just get another one. This system in the US is not sustainable. 2008 wasn't a freak accident. 2008 was the mist from a sleeping dragon's nostril as it slowly awakes from a century of slumber. Your ass is grass working all day to pay for Betaflix and Death Stranding. That simply isn't going to last. Some of us are just way ahead and extrapolate the future.

>Yet moments there were when his imagination stirred within him again, and when there recurred to his mind forgotten memories and unrealized dreams, and when he felt in his conscience whispered reproaches for having made of his life so little as he had done.

>And whenever that occurred he slept restlessly, awoke at intervals, leaped out of bed, and shed chill tears of hopelessness over the bright ideal that was now extinguished for ever. He shed them as folk shed them over a dead friend whom with bitter regret they recognize to have been neglected during his lifetime. Then he would glance at his surroundings, hug to himself his present blessings, and grow comforted on noting how quietly, how restfully, the sun was rising amid a blaze of glory. Thus he had come to a decision that not only was his life compounded in the best manner for expressing the possibilities to which the idealistic-peaceful side of human existence may attain, but also that it had been expressly created for and preordained to, that purpose. To others, he reflected, let it fall to express life’s restless aspects; to others let it be given to exercise forces of construction and destruction; to each man be allotted his true métier. (2/3)

sanity and intelligence are totally unrelated

>be exposed to the truth
>bury your head in the sand anyway for likes and upvotes
i hate u my guy

>Such the philosophy which our Plato of Oblomovka elaborated for the purpose of lulling himself to sleep amid the problems and the stern demands of duty and of destiny. He had been bred and nourished to play the part, not of a gladiator in the arena but of a peaceful onlooker at the struggle. Never could his diffident, lethargic spirit have faced either the raptures or the blows of life. Hence he expressed only one of its aspects, and had no mind either to succeed in it, or to change anything in it, or to repent of his decision. As the years flowed on both emotion and repining came to manifest themselves at rarer and rarer intervals, until, by quiet, imperceptible degrees, he became finally interned in the plain, otiose tomb of retirement which he had fashioned with his own hands, even as desert anchorites who have turned from the world dig for themselves a material sepulchre. (3/3)

and then she got B L A C K E D

>There is also a meteor that Japan and NASA have good chance of intercepting. It is loaded with gold deposits. Enough to make everyone on Earth literally a billionaire.
based economically illiterate user

>only a wageslave can have a good life

No, I've lived off of trust income for the last 16 years. There are sometimes stretches of longer than a week where I don't go outside.

The Dollar General in my neighborhood does lengthy background checks now.

>what is the Clerks

I am leeching from society, it grows weaker.

>insane ramblings
So what was he wrong about?

Who /workfromhome/ masterrace here?
The best of both worlds

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As long as you keep paying for my shit you can be whatever masterrace you feel like.

Cringe and edgy yet extremely based.

Had an idea floating around in my head of a tv series about the lives of NEETs spending all their days online with a similar vibe that you get from trainspotting. I'm not talented enough of a writer to make something out of it, I just thought it would be cool to explore the lives of a bunch of outsiders in the digital age.

Most of Jim Jarmush's films are about NEET-dom. Permanent Vacation? Yeah. Down by Law? Kinda. Dead Man? NEET Man. Only lovers left alive? Literally shut-in NEET: The movie.

Just create something and forget the boomers.

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Wagies will never understand the immense Zen of reading all the ebooks you ever needed all week and then Friday arrives and you leave the house. Then return with your favorite meal. I get two miso soups instead of the salad, and my place knows my name and I don't need to tell them I like extra wasabi and no chopsticks because I have ones that Mom bought.

My dad still believes that shit even after having five kids and his wife tell him for years that it doesn't work that way anymore. He can't fathom that he might not know shit about the job market even though he hasn't had to look for a new job in over 20 years. Not to mention all the other boomer shit like "oh, I got a paper route when I was 9, you can get a job at 15!" or like when when I finally did get my first job (which was a pizza place that somehow got away with paying teenagers less than minimum wage) he would go on about how he only got such and such back in his day and did fine.

This reads like it was written by a coping wagie.

Enjoy being poor while I work 3-4 hours a day at best and can afford whatever the fuck I want

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Clerks at least has dialogue. What, are we just going to get a movie of protagonist NEET narrating his shitposts and clicking refresh until he gets a response?

And yet here you are, just like me.

Everyone look as this fagg gets destroyed



It's only I dunno the biggest story of the century. I guess since you're wagecuck you can't read everything we can, and you can't into zeitgeist.

Yes, because I enjoy being here

It's quite sympathetic to the main character. I recommend the movie adaptation, but better yet you should read the book if you have the patience for it.

I'm perfectly fine with not being an obsessive materialist.

Wtf did I just read

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Get a job faggot

>a redundant elite
Still gonna read it though it appears to miss the point of neetdom. This isn't a criticism of the work itself but I think there's a massive difference between an idle nobleman and a true neet.

>the idle nobleman: has the luxury of refusing to engage in any kind of productive behavior and still maintains his high social status
>the proper neet: probably would've become a marginally functional member of society had his life choices not been restricted to the following, either becoming a debt-ridden cog in a machine that produces nothing but paranoid, desperate people who all despise and envy each other or sitting around in a section 8 apartment playing video games and beating off when not shopping for sugary snacks with an EBT card
It's a pretty easy choice. I honestly can't believe people get asssmashed about neets. Look at how awful modern life is for the bottom 60%, nothing but their used cars breaking down constantly, having to take the Worldstar Express to work everyday and pray you don't get stomped out for your iPhone, work some filthy and pointless job stacking boxes or washing dishes or assembling hamburgers, getting bankrupted by your medical expenses, never being able to pay off the student debt you racked up trying to get a job that was just gonna get outsourced or L-1'd or H1B'd anyway, ending up in a marriage that's about 50/50 to end in divorce and child maintenance and alimony... it's just an endless chain of pointless and humiliating failures. Why take the risk? You're gonna end up in the same station either way: in front of a glowing screen while stuffing your face with Diabetes Tarts.

Boomers in my family didn't know Google was a company until recently. They just thought it was a harmless search website that sponsored other products, and made the creator well off. Oddly they know Jeff Bezos and spend all their excess money on Prime shit.

high iq

I realise you are shit posting, but the writer of that article is a genuine retard. Are all wagies this stupid? He thinks that the minerals would maintain the same worth if that thing was actually harvested.

Based Super Villain Poster


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It's just Sunday afternoon.

A Confederacy of Dunces and ironically it will never get made into kino because only NEETs could envision it properly.

I think it shows well the internal turmoil of a particular kind of NEET (or recluse in general).

The sort of person that cultivates his solitude, while deluding himself into becoming social and accomplishing things in the world by coming up with plans for the future which he'll inevitably postpone again and again (both in developing and in putting them in practice).

The protagonist is portrayed as a man of good heart and character and his portrayal is quite sympathetic in a tragic manner. Oblomov is not portrayed in a condescending manner as being a pathetic person, but as a person that for better or worse has resigned himself to his fate as a recluse (after a number of failed attempts initiated by other characters as to get him out of his state of being).


Kek, a Rhodesian pound goes for almost $180 on eBay.

I need neet advice

so most parts of it are fine but my bitch mom is saying now that i'm not allowed to have a gun just because i fired it once inside by mistake which wasn't even my fault because i have fucking told her that she needs to call me before she comes in the house after work because she knows that i have anxiety issues and am on high alert and thats not hard at all its just a sensible security system but instead of actualy listening to me for once shes just setting these fucking libcuck rules to take away my gun even though i paid for it with my own money that my grandparents gave me and thats how i protect both of us incase ofniggers come in the house or anything like that i think she WANTS to be raped and i'm honestly so angry about it i need a way to teach her a lesson so she'll give it back because she doesn't know how enough not to mess with me and i will make her learn

so yeah i'm not sure exactly what to do though.


redditors think this is edgy and humorous satire

Why do you enjoy something that doesn't cost money?

Yeah, as soon as I hit enter I realized I'm more of the idle nobleman neet (trust fund) than the proper autism SSDI neet. I guess because my trust is really small I feel more like a true neet than some socialite.

Ni6ger I'm not shitposting. Go type "asteroid gold billionaire Earth" and see every big news outlet confirming this is legit. They have the tech and telemetry data now. There wasn't shit on the moon to mine except possibly water. Why we don't go back. But these gold asteroids will make the Wild West look like complete babyshit. Will it make you a billionaire? Clearly not. But it will make Bitcoin surge because the money markets will be rekt by inflation from all the gold. Combined with automation, we Fifth Element now.

They will never know the pathetic humiliation of being literally disarmed by an overbearing mother.

Earn enough Good Boy Points to get it back you fucking idiot

NEETdom for me started in 2010. Maybe it was the same for the user that said that

Why do you make baseless assumptions?
Being able to afford whatever I want doesn't mean I'm a materialist

Then find weird people.

I did

no im neet fk u

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How does one go about getting enough neetbux to live? I know there are subsidized housing options, though then I'd have to live with niggers. And I am legitimately bipolar, but I don't know how I could convince a psychiatrist to sign off on me being fit to have a job since I mostly am.

If you're not a materialist, what does it matter if one can afford something or not?

You defeated your original point, user.

Get a diagnosis, file a claim, then get an SSDI lawyer to rep you when it gets rejected. Initial applications are almost always rejected but appeals are almost universally successful.

Lmao wagies ree
>normalfags can't deal with the idea of humanising outcasts, mentally ill etc
So much this
>their entire idea of the world is rooted in just world fallacy. if you made an endearing movie about a neet it literally would not compute to them or it would shake their worldview so viciously they might have a breakdown
So blade runner 2049?

If you're a winimum wage slave it's probably about equal to being NEET in terms of misery to be honest. But once you get over say $20 an hour or so it blows NEETs out of the water. I make enough money to buy what I want and do what I want whenever I want and enjoy my work, I own a house and a pontoon that I take my friends out on during the summer, if I had to fall back to either NEEThood or wageslavery at this point I'd become seriously depressed because either way I couldn't live the life I've grown accustomed to.

BUT, obviously wageslaves are much more respected. Even though their lives suck they can fall back on being considered useful and somewhat respected by normal people. Literally everyone hates NEETs, which is of course a good thing because they're worthless scum.

>neet = lack of money
>wagie = lack of time (and usually money)
It's a lose lose
T. Been both and still neet currently

>can't deal with the idea of humanising outcasts
It would also kind of undermine the idea of lifestyle propaganda.

But I don't want anything. Why would I need money?

>normalfags can't deal with the idea of humanising outcasts
t. votes for trump build the wall fuck niggers fuck trannies cut taxes etc etc

>Hey user I was also only earning $10 an hour 30 years ago and no one cried for me, everyone's gotta start somewhere

Normie lifestyle is boring they don't really struggle for anything so everything is meaningless to them
At worst they have debt and take happy pills oh boo hoo meanwhile my generations grew up homeless into their teens - 20s (gen yza) no jobs no hope just shit fucking luck

Fuck normies and fuck their placid infantile world view fuck working for pittance and fuck niggers

highest iq in the board right now

> I make enough money to buy what I want and do what I want whenever I want
And yet you're here.

Tenacious D: Pick of Destiny
Gus was literally a NEET

>I don't want anything
You want food, water, electricity, appliances, plumbing, internet access, and a phone or computer to post on at the absolute minimum. People work to make these things and you sponge off them without feeding back into the system. That's why people dislike you. Not rocket science.


>they don't really struggle for anything
Most of them have lives are far worse than ours. I spent many years as a wagie. I absolutely despise the upper classes but I have a great amount of empathy for the slobs I see scrubbing grills and toilets.

>pic related

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Why would he stop coming here?

Yeah I was a taxi and heard about their glum shit all the time and rage quit after I couldn't even make enough money to pay for fuel for my car to drive to the depot that was years ago fuck work

Then theres the record debt and depression teen suicide in my country it's fucked honestly everyone just needs to go rural and get the fuck out of cities and decentralise at this point the systems fucking broken

Why would he boast about what money could afford him when in actuality he'd rather use this free board?

This. There are heaps in the Anglosphere:

Candy (2006), Naked (1993), Hard Eight.

Being able to afford anything doesn't mean being a materialist. Get it through you thick skull

read the book then

You still haven't replied to

Yes, of course it's about equal in those terms. But again, at least wagies get some modicum of respect. As a NEET it's difficult to make friends or network. The instant normalfags find out they will never look at you the same, you instantly fall to the bottom of the social ladder. I've been there myself and I've seen it happen to others as well. You become a social pariah. It's not good for mental health.
You want basic living necessities and the only way you get them without working is by leeching off of workers, which will obviously piss them off.
And? I've been coming here since I was a 16 year old virgin in 2006. I can't lurk any other forums in my free time because only this place gels with me and shares my brand of humor. You know you don't have to perpetually be a loser for your entire life to come here, right man? Don't hold yourself back.

Unless you become genuinely self-sufficient by living in the woods, you're either

>A. leeching off someone else


>B. starving to death in the streets

Basically, it's get a job 'or else'. I'm not a fan of this system, but it is what it is.

based and redpilled

Neets would get assblasted. It’d be a comedy and or satire about their sorry lives.

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>enslave yourself hurr durr
Christ you boot-licking subhumans sicken me.

Stupid fat NEETS btfo

It's much easier to live when you don't have to worry about the money you spend on food, bills, etc.

>Yes, of course it's about equal in those terms. But again, at least wagies get some modicum of respect. As a NEET it's difficult to make friends or network. The instant normalfags find out they will never look at you the same, you instantly fall to the bottom of the social ladder. I've been there myself and I've seen it happen to others as well. You become a social pariah. It's not good for mental health.
Good fuck normies and fuck their meaningless worker bee attitude and mental drudgery they are boring dull idiots on auto pilot
>You want basic living necessities and the only way you get them without working is by leeching off of workers, which will obviously piss them off.
Good fuck them rich fags politicians and (workers) higher up the chain do this all the time.
The middle class is dead fuck them go into debt for me wagies yes pay more tax the rich don't
>And? I've been coming here since I was a 16 year old virgin in 2006. I can't lurk any other forums in my free time because only this place gels with me and shares my brand of humor. You know you don't have to perpetually be a loser for your entire life to come here, right man? Don't hold yourself back.
Lmao I'm a 29 year old virgin and I've been here since 2006 newfag

>when you don't have to worry about the money you spend on food, bills, etc.
Necessities are covered by the tax cattle, so I don't worry.

>more than 250 posts
>only one mention of "Jeff Who Lives at Home"
proof that this board is just a reservoir for the shit overflow from the other containment boards

wagie normalcunts will never know the feeling of becoming enlightened through quiet and peaceful isolation

We had everything we have now except for smartphones in 2006 zoomer boy. NEET culture was well known back then.

>Mr. Hector recollects [Samuel Johnson's] writing 'that the poet had described the dull sameness of his existence in these words, "Vitam continet una dies" (one day contains the whole of my life); that it was unvaried as the note of the cuckow; and that he did not know whether it was more disagreeable for him to teach, or the boys to learn, the grammar rules.'

Another pro-tip from him: Double curtain your blinds.

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I don't understand how being here stops someone from making it.

It's a Duplass film, so not really worth considering in any meaningful way. I'd also draw a distinction between suburbanites enduring a kiss of temporary ennui and actual neetdom. Jeff just seems somewhat bored and misdirected, and is also capable of leaving the house and playing sports and other normie bullshit. Neets loathe themselves for lacking the fortitude necessary for suicide and find it next to impossible to even keep up a conversation with a cashier.

Honestly I'd consider We Need to Talk About Kevin to be much more relevant but Kevin was merely in high school.

The difference in our lives' trajectories and mental states based on our life choices is pretty clear. I've chosen to advance while you've chosen to stagnate. I've been to so many places and done so many things over the past 13 years, thinking about sitting in a room that entire time is seriously depressing. Meditate on it for a while my man.


>over the past 13 years
that your age?


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I am no NEET, but I may as well be one. I have a job, but I put in the least effort possible, and refuse to interact with coworkers on matters not related to work.
I only do it for the sake of my parents though. One day they'll be gone, and I think when they're gone I'll just quit my job (or just stop showing up) and use what money remains me at that point to do what I never had the courage to do in life - go on a bender, get drunk, etc. Just to know what it feels like. When the money runs out I'll just walk into a river and drown myself. Anyone else feel this way?

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What was his source of income, exactly?

>that I take my friends out on during the summer
normie cringe.

NEETbucks and the local bowling tournament

I'm a IRL jannie and I avoid my coworkers as much as possible. Most of them have some disorders or are just terrible people I want nothing to do with. It's pretty cool, some days I only work six hours and take a nap for the remaining two hours. I'm pretty sure I could hide in one of the rooms without cameras and build up some overtime if I needed the dough, which I don't because I'm not a loan taking retard. If I inherit any money, which might not happen because my parents are unhealthy boomers with hospital bills, I would like to learn the art of the blade.

The real life Lebowski had a relative that invented the rubix cube or some shit and he lived off that.

imagine being this pathetic
boats are kino and women love them

only if its about someone desperately trying to break free of NEEThood and the struggle therein
no-one wants to see a movie/show about some loser enjoying being a drain on society

>break free of NEEThood
lol. get a job. there are millions of them (thanks to trump)

No he doesn't, he's been a film producer for almost 50 years. Probably now his biggest source of income is Lebowskifest.

This. I've been trying for damn near a year now and the deeper you were in the NEET life, the harder it gets to drag yourself out of it.

I wont argue, but what what I said is true for someone. Somewhere there's a guy taking it easy on rubixbux and he knows about the big lebowski.

All this stuff can be maintained by AI and robots.

>story would have to take place in one location - the NEET's room
>no goal in life - no journey - no growth - no character arc
>only other characters would be the parents - not a lot of source of conflict

Why would you want to end this

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That's because "the real world" is the true illusion and NEET life is outside the matrix. Godspeed.

>tfw have jobcentre appointment tomorrow

what do?

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>a job will never define me

You are either a chick or a faggot. Either way you enjoy penis inside of you.


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>a Duplass film, so not really worth considering in any meaningful way.
Nicely said.


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Plead insanity - oh wait, that's what you do in court. Fuck me if I know, I've thought of cutting off a few limbs so I could just go on disability benefits but I think social workers would still find a way to fuck me over somehow.

>le travel and do things
This will not advance an individual. Only philosophical study and meditation will. A normalfag who fills his time with 'things' is living a stagnant life, as it will only produce offspring who do the exact same thing.

Feels good when I win 20 matches in a row on my Jeopardy! app and have to stay in bed until two p.m. Almost get restless that I don't lose. (Toronto tourney, disclosure, not Paris yet.)

>women love them
Oh no no it just gets worse

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Why? Just don't go. If you have to for the NEETbux, overdose on some non-lethal pills in the waiting room.

>received universal credit for a year and a half despite never applying for jobs or going to check up appointments
>only found out 6 months ago that they stopped by neetbux
>last of that money ran out yesterday
whelp its the end of the line for me.

Change your surname to Rodriguez Rivera. And look the part.


I don't enjoy travel, though?

I ended my neetdom at 22yo. It's been 4 years and I miss living the lifestyle of not having to care about responsibility. Now, I've been going to college full time and working part time and it's been like this for almost 3 years now. It's brutal

>was neet for years
>feel kind of bad but not much else
>get a job to try and feel better
>feel 100x worse and contemplate suicide daily

b/c no one fucking cares about your sorry frog posting faggot asses

Get a fucking job.
Get an apartment.
Get a dog.
Get a gf.
Have Sex.

that was a nice movie, thanks anons

Why would I put myself through all that? Are you a masochist?

arbeit macht frei

fuck you germans
fuck you and your autistic ways

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am yank

cos what would they be about? a dude smoking weed and masturbating for 2 hours is just weird porn, not kino at all