Mmm una delicia

mmm una delicia

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Why don't the dogs just move to a first world country like America?

that's sad but chinks gotta eat too

Because drumpf

*continues to eat meat*

Has china even contributed anything useful to the world in the last 1000 years?

*eats a cow*

Contributions are irrelevant

dogs are not cattle my nigga when will you learn my nigga not all animals are the same my nigga

eats you


all of them can feel pain

>Don't eat this animal that has evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to be our companion
*eats animals that haven't been evolved and have been domesticated as food sources*
Stay on seekay.

Fuck dogs

*continues to eat pigs*

they are colonizing africa and bringing some semblance of order back to it after european countries retreated and stopped giving a fuck. this, among some other initiatives of them, will save mankind and the world.

those are some skinny suckling pigs

dont give fuck
didnt say that

Americans be like:
>it’s sad chinks have so little food they need to eat puppies
Chinks be like:
>I really like how suffering makes the meat taste and dogs suffer the most of any animal in death


What's your point? House flies can feel pain too, doesn't stop me from killing them.

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Thank you. Op is a retard

meat eaters are worse than redditors

Explain me how allowing Africans to breed like rats will save the world ?

Nice try, redditor.

That's what I call a hot dog.

Lol keep telling yourself that Wong


This. Chinks also do this to their own kind. Asians don't have souls.

I feel pain too. Does that absolve me from getting eaten. lol no

>wow da cow is inside roasties house its just like my dog owo

Gunpowder, chow mein, special flied lice

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This is literally how vegans think, it's absolutely pathetic, a worldview readily espoused by a teenaged girl.

>dogs and cows are equal
>mfw animal rights activists think all animals are equal
FUCK P*tbulls, Labrador Retriever master breed.

must be fun weekends

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Having a dog as your companion who guards your territory and guides your sheeo herd is far more useful than roasting him over fire and eating the little meat there is on it.

But let's say a pig humans literally have no use for whatsoever than to eat, and you can get wide variety of meat and fat from a single pig that can feed a family for a long time.


I’ll bet a boar can maul ur fat ass.
