All you do is going to the gym

>all you do is going to the gym
>why aren't you doing something more productive?
>you STILL don't have a girlfriend?
>when are you going to give us grandchildren!

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Nice blog post faggot

all perfectly fine advices and question
stop being a pathetic piece of shit
you are even lower than niggers and soibois

literally me except I don't go to the gym

If my parents were rich then I would be too and could easily get a gf by displaying wealth

First of all, how dare you humblebrag about being physically active on Yea Forums

Second of all, that is arguably productive

Third of all, a lot of us don't have girlfriends and are older than you

Fourth of all, fuck your grandmother

Fifth of all, I'm reporting this for misuse of 2049

Sixth of all >>/r9k/

>it makes me happy
>I'm doing what makes me happy
>If it happens, it happens and I won't be pressured by you

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>bring someone into this shithole (life)
>why are you not enjoying social isolation? Why aren't you thrilled to be a slave toiling your life away to push up profits for a company that is apathetic to your humanity? Aren't you grateful for the opportunity to desire those that are repulsed by you, to feel their rejection, to exist as an awkward abberation in a world already lacking in order?

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feminism and dating apps have lowered the average man's chances of having a gf

>dont have babies son, women are a bit crazy today