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Fuck he got me, how will I ever recover, +100 Karma to this dude!

Implying I want to improve

now that i think about it, because of how much this tweet made me think, i guess i am wrong. i should be leftwing instead, after all, it is the current year

Wait I thought the left loved the poor?

What is it with people damning their opponents as irredeemable or too far gone to change? Doesn't that just make your ideal system impossible to achieve?

What's wrong with beggars? Jesus said be nice to them

>worse than beggars
what did democrat mean by this?

It was painfully obvious the Dems were never going to learn a thing from 2016. They'll continue calling everyone who doesnt support them hitler with an added dose of extreme leftist policies like not only decriminalizing illegal immigration but giving them free healthcare as well.

wtf I love anti-white tranny leftists now

>create a show showing how awful Democrats in office can be
>Trump gets elected
The ironic thing is Trump has done more for Black Americans that any other living president.

I thought he would learn after spending years in Baltimore with democrats in charge

>worse than beggars

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the left hates beggars now?


>twitter screencap
You have to go back

>We have a beggar problem on the streets, the people are poor, we must do something


It's important to have contempt for your audience.

look, they nearly won 2016. The only difference is that now they can literally say YES WE WANT TO REPLACE YOU BECAUSE YOU (WHITES) ARE NOT VOTING FOR US. It's all so obvious.

Is there even any big candidate for democrats this time, like Hillary?
It seems like all they have are literally-whos.


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I hate when Hollywood personalities pull back the curtain like this. Please just let me enjoy the thing you produced without revealing what a retard you actually are.

>worse than beggars
well we all looked down in shame even though we didn't quite understand it

Is this an attempt at falseflaging?! No way people are this mentally ill. I bet a lot of people are going to vote trumpsimply to spite people like these

>No way people are this mentally ill
men can get pregnant/abortions now. didn't you get the memo?

No they hate the rich.

>worse than beggars
Lmao seriously what the fuck is the deal with champagne socialists.

Yo sé por quién estoy votando

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Yea Forums-alt right teenagers bitching about twitter screenshots

America will not vote in commies just because they aren't white men. Trump will win again

Right here, cheers to you friend.

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Watch Show Me a Hero. He hasn't learned at all.

It wont be as good now that almost every major social media platform has a no fun allowed/cant criticize leftism policy

I hate thug culture, I hate illegal alien spics, I hate trannies, and I hate radical feminists. I bore these hatreds long before 2016. As it stands the Democrat party supports ALL of these, so I have no problem supporting their opposition.

Fuck jannies,trannies,niggers, AND democrats

Biden, Warren, and Bernie are the biggest knowns, followed by Harris and Beto thanks to the memes. Biden aside, they're really no different from the duluge of small time socialists all trying to out-do each other before turning coat and courting the independent vote. Dishonest as fuck, but they know no self-respecting Dem WON'T vote for their hypocritical ass and risk being vilified as a Trump enabler. It'd be pretty hilarious if they actually believed the silent majority would go for most of their proposals.

You'd have to be insanely privileged to be on the left and also advocate for giving a non or third party vote because you don't think Biden or whoever else isn't left enough. So glad I don't have to deal with the subhumans in America, holy shit.

>its another if you dont vote how I vote you should be killed thread

The left is hypocrisy in human form

Despair is a the devil's work



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The only Dem I’d vote for over Trump is Gibbard, it’s a real shame that they’re going to demonize her

>I'd rather be right than win an election
That has always been the left's motto, here and everywhere. Whatever "evil" Trump does doesn't affect them at all so they don't give a shit about winning. It's hilarious watching them insult the people whose votes they need then complain that said people votes for the other party

Biden sanders ticket all the way . No women, no niggers, no speak spanish, thank you.

The only one possibly worth voting for is Tulsi. Simon is a nigger-loving cuck.

What's wrong with them anyway, shouldn't Dem party have a dozen ultra socialist women for 2020?

If they're smart, Biden will be the pick just because he's a moderate up against Trump and is an honorary member of the Barack "Black Jesus" Obama legacy.


Fuck off, uncle joe told a bunch of rich donors he wouldn't change anything, might as well vote for Trump

wtf? this guy called me names and all of a sudden I'm a #KamalaKamikaze?! what a hecking world!

You mean the successful

Sanders of course but alot of the enthusiasm has died down for him after its more commonly known now that he's quite a rich socialist.

old man Biden who is being lampooned for being not progressive enough decades ago even though he would be considered quite progressive in that time period. Ironically he has good appeal to the states that they lost in last election.

Warren is actually not as radical leftist as everyone thinks, having been a registered republican until recently. She also has some mid west appeal.

Andrew Yang with his UBI neet bucks and rabid fan base. That said his policies while far fetchcial sometimes at least seem thought out and transparently on display.

I suppose you could also say Beto Orourke for being texan and basically whiter Obama.

Everyone else is irrelevent and/or a meme.

So those illelgal inmigrants who has to be beggars becuase they can't find a legal job in USA are also disgusting human beings? How disrespectful to you, David Simon. Even veterans are beggars because they can't find a job either. YOU MOCKED THE VETERANS. AMERICAN VETERANS

Now this is based

does any other party in the world gult trip citizens into voting for them

While her anti-interventionalist stance intrigues me, she's also voiced her support for more retarded gun control policies and other Democrat memes. You'd think a soldier would know better, so I'm not sure which side of her will end up being the real one.

After 3 years of nonstop anger and outrage over Trump, it'd be impossible for them to let off the gas without the most extreme leftists raking them over the coals, which wouldn't matter if the party image weren't so devoted to virtue signaling on a national scale

Its polarization.
Each person has policies that are relevant to them and policies that are unacceptable to them.
When you have essentially a two party system, most people aren't choosing who they like more, but rather who they dislike less.
I can not fathom a situation in America where, lets say Pennsylvania gets sick of both, citizens come together to form Pennsylvanian Party and win the local elections

it's similar across the western world, but USA is the worst


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Niggers and women hate Bernie because he didn't base his 2016 campaign on BLM. Biden's pedo shit cost him many votes. Time to buckle up for 4 more years of russian hackers lowering unemployment


You mean even more fun, right?
Cause this time they are closing themselves off in a little bubble where no outside info can convince them they are wrong so the result will come as quite the shock

wait, left politicians hate beggars?

Fucking this. Same with athletes.

>"im more than just a millionaire who makes a living playing a game who won the genetic lottery. My opinion matters"

Just shut up and dribble the ball

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>an honorary member of the Barack "Black Jesus" Obama legacy.
More like Barack “Assassinated an American citizen without trial and Drone Struck a MSF hospital” Obama
I fucking hate normies for not remembering this shit

>more commonly known now that he's quite a rich socialist.
cant be helped hes jewish It's in his dna to hoard gold, I still like his ideas

This is true, if Biden gets the nom, i fully expect him to start walking back gun control, healthcare for illegals & supporting the hyde amendment again

>worse than beggars
Wait, isnt begging the literal platform of Democrat voters?


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>give people a choice between bad and worse
>get upset when they don’t choose bad

I vote for whatever causes the most problems.

thoughts on prosecutor Harris?

yikes, is this real?

>holding contempt for half the country
hold my beer

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>forgetting Kamala "yaas kween" Harris, who will be the nominee

she's like hillary but with bonus black points

I feel legit bad for black people that are decent and normal trying to get by in life. Because everyone compares them to the mongoloid gangbangers and wannabe rappers. Ita gotta suck being raised in a decent enviorment and having intelligence but because a good majority of your race cant stop doing stupid shit 24/7. You automatically get lumped in with them.

>muh left-wing boogeyman
The actual left has literally no power in America. The right has won. Be happy.

He got a peace prize and then started 5 wars, but because he's eloquent and black it's a win for America.

Her whole platform is identify politics. Next?

Would everyone get UBI?

More likely you'd see a major party collapse first. It's happened a couple of times here in the US when public favor dropped to politically non-sustainable levels.

Deplorable comment

every single one of them also said they favor decriminalising crossing the border

So free healthcare+open border
I mean drumpf is a retard but jesus christ

but for free? not sending the bill to their nation?

Unless they don't learn and double down. If America doesn't love them then damnit let the Maoist brainwashing begin.

Yep, even non-citizens :^)

if you know they are illegal then why not deport them? Im from europe so I don't follow the illegal alien thing in US.

Kek they lost decisively, as they will this time.

nope lol

>you people are worse than the dirty homeless and poors that shit outside our hipster cafes and starbucks

fixed for you common filth with no taste

how are you supposed to not have a civil war when Democrats hate the other side THIS much?

I live in NY, so fuck you.

>The actual left
faggots sitting around reading 19th century books don't matter. the "actual left" is the one people vote for. grow up commie

>vote for a guy just because he's black
>surprised when the presidency becomes a joke and reality TV star morons get sworn in

You played yourselves.

Being eloquent and black is pretty rare desu

Too bad the Republicans we're too pro-war to capitalize on that. It would have destroyed his moralistic sheen.

A literal right-wing shithole.

They're right. Those immigrants should pay for insurance.

>The actual left has literally no power in America. The right has won. Be happy.
The right got voted into power explicitly BECAUSE of how powerful and crazy the left got.

You cant say that because trump is president that every single cultural voice in america suddenly is right wing. Every single tv show, every single media outlet, film, celebrity, song, whatever...all of it is pushing the same globohomo viewpoint
Trump is the reaction to that

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wtf i hate beggars now

What percentage of Americans actually support such policies?

Not an argument.
That's just plain bullshit.

The simple fact is this: Donald Trump's big orange dumbass won solely based on his immigration stance. Democrats present the polar opposite immigration stance (open borders). Not only that, in 2016, liberals still had plausible deniability about things like open borders, post-birth abortions, tranny sex parades, etc. Now it's all out in the open, all of their dirty little secret agendas they have for this country.

I don't see any realistic path for Democrats to win in 2020. Now in 2024 and beyond, white people are finished as Trump's SC picks have basically legalized illegal immigration. Society imploding is considered a victory for your average leftist though.

>current year plus four
>calling it the current year
the true Current Year is and will always be 2015

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My favorite thing to do to people who non stop complain about trump is to ask them what hes personally done to you. What has he done TO YOU that makes him so bad. Watching lefties do pic related and then respond with something like "hes hitler and hes evil" is hilarious. I take it a step further sometimes and ask how is he more evil than hitler? Give me examples. And They end up brining up russian collusion and the grab em by the puss comments and of course when i say again HOW IS THAT COMPARABLE TO A GUY WHO THREW THE WORLD INTO CHAOS they do pic related again.

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The worst case for Republicans, in my opinion, would be if the more central elements of Dems would split away from the looneybin that it has become.
They might not win 2020, but in 4 or 8 years time I think such a formation could secure a good chunk of moderates and undecided, especially if they win some local elections and show good governorship.

>if you know they are illegal then why not deport them?
Because their children born on american soil instantly become US citizens due to retarded laws written long ago. The democrats know those kids will vote for democrats and thus are trying to get as many of them here as possible. Plus they hate white society and see flooding it with mexicans as a good thing even though the only reason liberalism is allowed to exist is white tolerance of it

I can only hope that 50 years from now that he’s as villainized as Hoover is for starting all this idpol shit.
SJWs won their first beachhead with the “Beer Summit”

And people call Trump a retard.

>It would have destroyed his moralistic sheen.
Leftists couldn't care less what their own leaders get up to in other countries. Use the wrong pronoun? Your life is over. Bomb a hospital full of kids? Meh.

I love how you said "not an argument" then immediately responded to something you disagree with with a non-argument

Why are leftists such faggots?

some throwback ancient stupid rule where if you put feet on american soil you have to at least speak to judge and plead your case for citizenship

>not 2011

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You spelled "centrists" wrong.

31% and they're sure as shit all living in already hardcore dem states like cali
Dems are going to lose, guaranteed

Shown herself to be thoroughly dishonest. Will reinvent herself to fit the audience. No actual principles. Makes me think she'd be a weak leader once in office, but she *was* a DA.

>they're not REAL leftists because they don't read marx and [insert obscure debunked leftist "theorist" here] like i do!
grow up commie

Nigga you fucking high?

for some reason many countries even in east europe started copying USA politics with, race baiting bullshit even thought we are 50 years behind and nobody cared about this stuff few years ago, im starting to think its all a ploy to agitate people against each other while groups in power do whatever they want