Cast him

Cast him.

Attached: homolesters.jpg (502x797, 108K)

Other urls found in this thread:

in conrete and throw him in the ocean

>3 month old baby

Monsters among us

/pol/ is always right

wake me up when shemitah ends

robert webb

Idris Elba

this is every gay man

colour me susprised

i try to be open minded to other political opinions but anyone that supports gay adoption is evil

Perfectly normal

Attached: fags.jpg (810x500, 61K)

these gay pedos make us normal hardworking pedos look like monsters

>the parents were forced by police to watch the video of their 3 month old son being raped
based police redpilling liberal idiots

well, you still are


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Beautiful culture

Attached: modern-family.jpg (852x1024, 666K)


Attached: 1560155173500[1].jpg (1017x706, 137K)

>letting some friend babysit your kid

Attached: IQo8HPJ.jpg (717x875, 162K)

>publicly-funded gay rights group

Attached: 1544082940406.png (332x425, 74K)

Acute radiation poisoning should be a valid execution method for cases like this.

What do you even do with a 3 months old ? it's just a shitting machine.

>And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted ...

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clown world
remember to never let your kids supervised by a leftist, they will ruin them

>those dead eyes
that kid has seen some shit

lost my shit at the right guy's resume. what a gay life he led.

aaaaaaand now your daughter is a dyke, you are welcome

Of all the words of pen and tongue...


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Its starting to get creepy

there was conspiracy's about this kind of thing 14 years ago

Attached: hmmm.png (796x398, 82K)

>implying most people aren't OK with this shit
The Second Coming's not happening

eh actual punk rocker boomers always create some weird kids that turn out better than their parents, that kid will be fine

Because young girls never get raped in hillbilly/nazi small towns

Oh, thats literally where the most pedo action takes place

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that kid will be a windsock before he hits legal age

>faggots are pedophiles
Surprise surprise

I am sure that Lactatia The Child Drag Queen will turn out fine

Lel could you be any more hopelessly wrong and triggered?

is that an actual name? sound like a fancy probiotic yogurt


Attached: sextillion-pimp.jpg (920x514, 108K)

Gay rights more like gay wrongs


>dull and primitive state
Say what you want about gays, but 'dull' and 'primitive' aren't it.

Attached: MV5BYjc2NTM3ZTEtYzc0ZC00NjQ4LTk3MzktN2I4OWE1NTU3ZDFmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjE5MjUyOTM@._V1_.jpg (2167x2933, 1.98M)

have sex


James Purefoy

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with babies

this. white people are disgusting and should be exterminated.

were you raped as a child? simply asking

For now.

Faggots are the most primitive people. They don't understand basic sanitation.

>im eating shit lol, everyone look at me
gay media is the same as stoner comedies. once you get the premise its the same shit over and over. its always self congratulating and puerile.

like primitive technology?

>third world doesn't report sex crimes
>doesn't even investigates
>"It's safe bro !"

>taking such poor bait

why do white people like to fuck kids so much?

Nah it's hard to come back from that.


This is the true crime.

Still better than faggots who use "whilst"


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Parents at a school in Britain have been banned from protesting about stuff like this.

didn't they cave when muslims were the ones complaining?

can i ask your permission to post this on /r/TIHI? i'd title it "thank i hate human bert" lmao

I think the council has just won another injunction? that bans any protest outside and of their schools. So no they didn't cave.

What double life? Most gay male activists are probably a part of some pedophile ring.


It's part of their conversion ideology. How they reproduce.

Euthanise yourself.

Why? That doesn’t reverse or change anything you fucking retard.

stop pimping kids

I’m not gay.
You should still gas yourself.

>or change
it changes him to dead (you fucking retard)

pedophilia is the core of the white man's culture
if you dont fuck and molest kids youre not white

76th post best post


Attached: Islam.webm (568x320, 2.99M)

what is your problem, raised by two men?(Formerly women)

Imagine being so indoctrinated you believe in secret nazi & hillbilly towns where child sex rings are run from.

Holy shit

he already stated in his culture he cant fuck unmarried women because thats against the law so he had to resort to having sex with boys.
white people have all the women thrown at them yet they still molest and fuck children.

strong whiffs of curry coming off this one
absolutely gagging

It is, in the form of aliens. Of course they won't give a shit about the degeneracy, but fortunately everyone will die all the same.


>its ok to diddle little boys and girls if their religion forbids them to have sex with grown unmarried women
is this ironic shitposting or am i being trolled?


You're right. Christians shouldn't be allowed around children.

About fucking time.

Eat shit.

>white people have all the women thrown at them yet they still molest and fuck children
whites are known to venture to the unknown, they like to push the boundaries of what cant be done and break laws. fucking little kids has always been a taboo in human society so thats why its so popular among them.
why do you think cunny posting is so popular here? why do think only white people from hollywood make jokes about fucking kids?

>do exactly the thing people like you are known to do
>double life

Yeah no