Unironic question. Film with woman losing all dignity with those professions is something I'd watch.
Any kinos about the shame, humiliation, etc. of being a stripper or porn star?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sex work is work, it’s actually empowering
I miss Siri
look no further then you'er mom LMAOOOOOOOOOO
Better than working retail
leaving las vegas, the center of the world, requiem for a dream
Most stripppers love this rjob and put it on thier tinder profile.
They make bank and are very overpaid for thier age job
the Louis Theroux episode and the follow up he did are p good
across 110th street
the last time I went to a strip club the girl wanted to fuck me. Guess i'm just that irresistible
Post more of this thigh goddess pls
Try "Mom Reacts to Daughter's Blacked scene"
You can move on from working in retail, you can never undo being a pornstar.
The episode on hookers is very enlightening. They are trying to find fools that will throw money at then to "save" them from their pimps.
reminder that siri had sex with a midget for her literal first scene
What's it like to hug a woman's thighs and smother them with kisses until your mouth goes dry?
Sex work is the only work women should be allowed to do
The woman's name? I've seen the video where she's posing and showing off her thighs but can't remember the title at all. Think it was written in Korean or something too.
Tell that to the faggots who can't stop bringing up that they worked in retail every time I give some retail faggot a hard time.
siri resurfaced on the internet a couple weeks ago
she did a ama
maybe one day she will be back
Sounds boring. "Dads react" would be more interesting.
That's low.
wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble
Yeah, ain't nothing more empowering than being unemployable in most respectable industries and the object of shame in your family for the rest of your life. You go, girl!
surprised no one mentioned Showgirls right away
magnified even more by the real-life parallels, Elizabeth Hurley first being good girl Jessie on Saved by the Bell and then literally whoring herself out in her first big movie, ruining her career
This movie maybe? Idols are a sugarcoated prostitution business.
Hot Girls Wanted
Why would you want to see a video of boomers having a wank?
the girlfirend experience, the movie not the show
Isn't that Siri's experience? Based on the hearsay I've read, husband was some weirdo that made her go into porn and she ended up regretting it, feeling humiliated, lost dignity, etc.
>elizabeth hurley
Watchingmydaughtergoblack exists
Boogie Nights
Holy shit. I'm suprised she's allowed on stage though, I thought the gookchinks only allow anorexic robots.
How the hell is she so prolific as a porn star yet no one knows her real name? Is having the name protected or whatever part and parcel of the industry? Could be, as Boogie Nights had them use a bunch of aliases and their real names being unknown. But even so, that's 70's before the internet.
post sauce
Women get off on being humiliated
oh, i have that shit already
i dont think thats her first scene though
pretty sure its not
>Elizabeth Hurley
Just look Siri up on pornhub and you'll find loads of videos where she does shit like that.
It's shopped, she just looks slightly thicker than most kpop girls
Yua sakuya.
Goddamn I want to fuck a big girl like that, what's it cost? Must be hypnotic to lie there while she rides you and you see her tits bob around
fat cow
>Yua sakuya
The 'dont just stare at it, eat it' scene in American Psycho
It's called prostitution
ooo massa
>Sex work is work, it’s actually empowering
Jessica Biel in Blue Powder I guess. Never seen the film but have wanked over her strip scenes and there's a bit where she sees her boyfriend or something watching her strip and she starts throwing hot candle wax at herself as if to punish herself before breaking down and crying and cover the tits up in shame. If you want to wank over that, try to find an edit that cuts out the constant cuts to Eddie Redmayne's weird face.
You can never undo working in retail, either. You're making a point, but very poorly.
That's just you being socially inept.
If you didn't get with your highschool qt you are forever doomed to sharing used women with other men for the rest of your life.
Siri said when she started her husband and her are swingers.
If her husband has no reason to find out about it and get mad he has no reason to oust her real ID.
>sex work
No that's just retail faggots being faggots.
Stop being pedantic. Porn history will cast a shadow that mundane retail never could.
Sex work isn't work and they definitely don't deserve respect for it.
problem is every girl past age 14 is used.
If you don't capitalize on your grade 7 crush you're fucked for life.
Love the scene where she gets creampied by a nigger
She needs to do blacked scene
Stop being retarded and I'll have nothing to pedant about. Have you ever written a resume? You know that you can leave things off of it, don't you?
Implying anyone looks at a retail history the same way they do as a porn history.
Not to mention if you get employed you aren't going to get fired because someone came across your retail history.
>Not fucking your sister
Get a load of this cuck.
I just thought her real name would have leaked. Maybe from somebody who worked on porn films she did or something or somebody that knew her before the porn tossing her name out there on the internet somewhere.
>make a deal with the devil
There trolling.
Alright Yea Forums post your fav pornstars
She already did a CHINKED scene
>Implying anyone looks at a retail history the same way they do as a porn history.
I don't know who taught you how to read, but I hope you saved the receipt.
>you aren't going to get fired because someone came across your retail history
That's not remotely true at all, lots of people have shitty retail work histories. You've never had a job before.
Why are pajeets so obsessed with black cock?
Why did Shyla Stylez have to die, lads? Apparently she was planning to do a comeback.
"Pedant" is not a verb you high school dropout whore
I'm a different guy from . But I got his meaning immediately and think you're stupid for being unable to grasp. No shit you can leave it off a resume but if your porn past becomes known it changes how people look at you. They may gossip, think less of you, treat you differently/worse, etc. Those are all very plausible things that could happen in response to your porn history becoming known. Far less likely your past a working in retail for a summer causes that kind of shit.
You probably live in a diverse degenerate urban hell hole, so obviously that will happen.
Yeah, you're a faggot. Just post scat if you're so determined to de-rail or end the thread. It's a lot quicker.
Yeah, that one was sad.
Amanda was a beautiful person.
I doubt she was ever going to do comeback. She has a history of drug abuse which lead to her death.
Shame all the great pornstars have retired from the bimbo era. (Shyla, Lisa Ann, etc.)
I'm curious too as to how she could hide her real name so well or it not being leaked by someone else.
>I'm a different guy from
>I got his meaning immediately and think you're stupid for being unable to grasp
You're illiterate too, I guess, but you need to read this: Calling someone on saying something stupid isn't misunderstanding. Not every point is valid. You should be familiar with this, if your post is any indication.
>They may gossip, think less of you, treat you differently/worse, etc
You've never had a job, either. People always gossip, think less of you, treat you differently/worse, etc no matter what you do because the people who do that are petty cunts.
>I doubt she was ever going to do comeback. She has a history of drug abuse which lead to her death.
A drug habit just means it's more likely they end up going back to porn. Not to mention Shyla was an opioid freak even back when she got into porn.
>Shame all the great pornstars have retired from the bimbo era. (Shyla, Lisa Ann, etc.)
Lisa Ann came back, just a shame she looks awful now.
unironically the picture that got me interested in shemales 5 years ago
How the fuck would I know? I'm a 43 year old never kissed forever alone neckbeard virgin who lives with his mom.
>Laying on your back is work
>requiem for a dream
I'm annoyed we didn't get more naked shots of Connelly.
She did porn too lol
So millions of women go out for drinks then go work for men they barely know at the homes on weekends? And for free?
Seems problematic
Even if Shyla made a comeback she wouldn’t be same as before. Her recent scenes basically avoided anal and other complex sex positions. Her last scene with Brazzer was probably her worst appearance and scene.
Lisa Ann should have never retired if she was just going to come back. The only greatest comeback I’ve seen is Tori Black.
> kinos
You sound like a retarded hipster.
What's that red string thing on her ass, in the right pic?
>the newest of fags
Most annoying woman
Watch Pornocracy
> if you don't misuse faggy slang you're a newfag
What part, the voice?
Why should I watch a porn documentary when I can watch porn
ava addams, sara jay and a few more
It's boring and whiny. Never pay for porn, folks.
Man, fuck JAV covers. They always photoshop the shit out of the girl so she looks completely different from the actual video. Look at that cover, it looks nothing like Siri.
>Even if Shyla made a comeback she wouldn’t be same as before.
Right. Which is part of the appeal.
>Her recent scenes basically avoided anal and other complex sex positions.
That's not true. She did anal right up to the end.
>Her last scene with Brazzer was probably her worst appearance and scene.
Is that sex swing scene? Yeah, that sucked.
Her scenes in general. They went from normal to crazy. There’s a scene where she’s cucking her porn fake husband and it’s disturbing.
Like kissing bags of sand
> google Sarina Valentina
> see a bunch of plastic dolls in the results
God that was so fucking hot
What a cutiepie
What'd her name bros?
Yes, that’s the scene I’m talking about. I think it’s shame we will never see Summer Brielle & Shyla Stylez do a scene together.
I think Adriana Chechik fills the void for Shyla in terms of performance.
I've heard it's like licking salty bags of sand.
>I think Adriana Chechik fills the void for Shyla in terms of performance.
Adriana is a total slut and a really energetic performer but for some reason I'm just not interested for the most part.
Makes no sense to me but that's just the way it is.
Whore. Seems pretty obvious to me.
Okay, maybe.
I actually don't watch porn that much and seen only a few videos with her.
I just wanted to shitpost with her because I like her type. Seems like she has a funny cheery personality judging by her youtube channel and interviews.
Also she aged badly like they all do because of cocaine and lifestyle. (But not her ass and boobs).
well it was Franklin back when we were cadets together
she abandoned her child with her parents in order to pursue a career in porn
Why did she get castrated if she's not gonna get a fake vag?
>Also she aged badly like they all do because of cocaine and lifestyle.
Are you sure it was excessive working out and a cycle of test or steroids in Phoenix's case? She used to be so hot and when she hit the wall she basically turned into a man in drag.
>You can move on from working in retail
not if you touch the receipts
I see where you're coming from. She really should have taken the kid along.
Adriana is a total slut because of traumatic childhood. She was place up for adoption at a young age, never got to meet her biological father, and suffers from abandonment issues.
When she was adopted Adriana started to advance on her step dad once she started to mature. She had sex with her step dad and several years later she re-acted that into a scene.,
TL:DR daddy issues
if only you were published in your lifetime cho
but this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you
she doesn't look like she has teeth when she goes in for the succ, well put me off her.
I don't know.
A female actor should be pretty stupid to do testosterone if she does porn and/or modeling for living.
Every single porn actress has daddy issues. Every single one.
Yeah, I get you but she got more muscular, her face got more masculine, her voice got deeper and her clit grew to be a basically a small dick.
How does that happen unless the woman is doing steroids?
>It's empowering to literally only be useful for your hole
Now that's dedication. Love it.
What is this bodytype called?
Yeah, look at corporate managers and CEOs. Empowered and only useful for their skill niche.
>vertical press instead of horizontal
NGL that looks pretty disgusting. If I wanted to fuck some jello, I could do it pretty cheaply
I had a friend who worked at Blockbuster for 5 years making peanuts and now he's regional manager for a major chain of McDonalds. He makes over 100K a year just showing up to various restaurants everyday. How is prostituting better than this?
Who is most popular pornstar currently?
so, basically what said?
Your mom
Rembrandt's woman, with "postmodernist" porno-boobs.
You're asking the wrong question
>Why fuck a tranny if you don't get to play with a dick?
Sauce me bredren
This is hitting too close to home. I had this friend for a long time, we were really close for years. I always knew that she lived 200 miles away from her father, and she barely knew him although he would call her sometimes for birthdays etc.
Anyway, so daddy issues: the woman. We haven't talked for a while, as we're now living hundreds of miles apart, and last November I actually found out she had been making amateur porn, and of course she says "Daddy" in the video in her distinctive voice.
I skipped through the video to random points and it 100% was her. There was a clear face shot before the... face shot.
And the guy in the video? He used to date her mum. It makes me feel sick to even type this shit.
Getting plowed isn't a skill
Even in Stone age Russian women were thin.
Based Russia.
how accurate is this?
Angela white
Bella Brooks
Riley star
It is what it is, bruh.
> what is manipulation with sex
Angela White
Sara Jay
>Lady Sonia at #4
That old tart is still popular?
Highly erotic.
That's just life, mate. Seriously, women desperately need a strong father figure just as much as men do.
wow the Venus of Hohle Fels looks like someone actually tried to fuck it one rainy day
>9 out of 10 are milfs
>lance hart
not very accurate
Who cares, such women make for easy lays.