Can the witcher be salvaged? I'd still watch it if it has good fight choreography
Can the witcher be salvaged? I'd still watch it if it has good fight choreography
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Name one tv show that involves both swords and good fight choreography
Its anti white propoganda. Thats a yikes from me.
It's done for with the casting alone. Then shit tier costumes and a garbage writing crew to top it off.
Just flush it.
Early GoT
>stand a few feet away with spear
>jab into face when doing spinny shit
Sword's Path is better.
>ywn have a cute sword gf
why live
I hate that faggot shit so much.
Your words do NOT fall from tongue like shit from ass, this man speaks truth.
look at all these openings lmoa
>spinning is a good move
I would just kick her and rape her and kick her again.
>*stay in formation*
Some pretty impressive fight choreography there.
This was supposed to be Alesia, right? Kind of a shame we didn't get a longer scene with the walls, but I get that the show was always more about the political stuff.
Yeah, the Gallic Wars aren't really the focus of the show and they would have had to sink a lot of their budget into creating a huge siege that didn't look utterly shit, I think it'd be a bit out of the reach of a TV series to do properly.
Better to save the money for the great Rome sets and costumes like they did.
Well block-stab-stayinformation is a damn sight closer in it's depiction of ancient combat to how reality was than wuxia is, which is basically just Asian capeshit in terms of how viable 99% of the techniques actually are and the outright magical abilities of the fighters in most cases.
*bisects you from the crotch up* nothin personnel incel