Jesus fucking christ America
Jesus fucking christ America
these burgerpunk threads are boring af stop
Truck stops like this are necessary when most of your population owns cars and it takes more than one tank of gas to drive across your entire country, yurofags.
>Yuro: durrr why does it look like that
Because Breezewood is located between two major highways you stupid fucks. Now go to your morning prayer.
>he posted it yet again
You forgot to say "hurr durr durrrr what kind of kino has this aesthetic durrr hurrr hurrrrrp"
I literally can't stop thinking about this image.
I can't stop thinking about this picture.
rent free
Fucking faggots:
>wow I wish that was all boring useless ass grass
This Shot of Breezewood, PA is Your New Election Meme.
Daaaaah I,ve neber ben more than walk-in distance from my sister-mommas Villa, what does long distance commerce look like? Why don't Americans just fuck their livestock like normal euros? No need to travel that way.
Your country is fucking awful
I:m thinking about thos beans
Holy shit Americans really start SEETHING when you point out the ridiculousness of their burgerpunkness
It's just a sandwich
have donuts
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
europoors will never know the feeling of their stomach growling then seeing this light up in the middle of the night
For me, it's this one.
You'll never say what country you're from. Fucking obsessed pissant.
Stop trying to make America be more like your country. Your nation sucks (which is why it is obsessed with forming unions with other nations), and no one wants to go there. Only street shitters try to emmigrate to your country while every nations people try to get into america
I studied in USA for a year and absolutely loved going on road trips and stopping at random places to eat in between cities. Nothing wrong with OP's picture, god bless america
That's not all of America. Just Pennsylvania
Americans ITT try to make it seem like this is totally normal despite this sight only being a thing in America
>omg you don't have 3 exxons next to a McDonald's next to a Starbuck next to other fastfood shit? You must be a savage
America is the best country in the world. It has the best culture, past, aesthetic etc
Everything cool came out of America
>ywn be a 90s kid in America
>ywn experience the drug fuelled relaxing 70s
>ywn own a gun for home protection
>ywn be a care free redneck
>ywn serve in the military and have a purpose being ultra patriotic
>ywn be a happy father with a massive house and garden
>ywn be a 6'5 high school Chad jock football player
Why even live?
whats wrong with it exactly?
America needs to cut down on their consuming if we need to save the environment, they're using up all the goddamn resources and polluting like shit.
But less consumption means making less money and neither government or companies dare try that, so they'll eat themselves to death and drag the rest of the world with them.
>Americans live like this
Is this a correct use of rent free
Nothing this is totally normal!
you've clearly never had to drive 400 miles through the dead of night to make it to wherever your family is hosting Thanksgiving
>... America[.]
that's cool
What the fuck is Thanksgiving
get fucked venezuela
peak sleaze
I'd rather live like that than having to deal with white trash or shaniqua and trayvon hollering and yelling
The Empire will fall within a hundred years.
>alaska not filled in
i guess it's back to russian ownership, thank god for that!
it's the second greatest American holiday after Halloween
Are you that mentally ill tripfag who always writes in caps ? We all know you are Mexican you do realize that right
At least americans have classy style, check this slav shit.
More like within 10-20 years when we need to stop using fossil fuels and have no alternatives, bringing about civil wars and society collapse.
> your country is so big... it's awful!
Would like to learn russian but those goddamn runes.
What is it about? I know thanks to movies and series it has to do with eating turkey and it's kind of a family gathering but what do you thank for?
Prove you're white Yea Forums:
How many continents are there?
Slav alphabet looks bad in modern billboards
Why can't you just admit you need to submit to the will of others? Life is so much easier when your overlord makes the decisions for you
you give thanks for the abundance that you take for granted the rest of the year. you show some godamn gratitude for what you have that others don't. then you stuff your face with delicious food made by grandma. it's the one day of the year when gender roles reverse into women in the kitchen and the men outside playing football.
imagine being so immersed in consumerism you see nothing wrong with needing to constantly waste half your paycheck maintaining a pointless metal brick just to move around the country regularly
>most of your population owns cars
yes burger, this is completely and utterly insane
reminder that americans literally invented the word "commute" because they spend half their lives driving to work,, normal people don't do this so they don't have that period of time in their conscious mind
To put in terms your adolescent mind can understand; we are the popular kids in school. We have the funniest jokes that don't include you, so you obsess over how much you hate us because you aren't included
It's fucking hilarious how people started calling Americans 'burgers'
not all countries are as flat as Germany. Some people need to spend billions of dollars on ramps and tunnels. Thus America can't have high-speed trains. The western half of our country is really fucked by mountains and the rest of it is just cornfields.
why do you live in a dystopia where corporations trap you into working so you can pay your car so you can work, burger
cars are fucking cheap here. I'm a neet and still have a car
I'd fucking live there. Looks nice.
Are you retarded?
> What is china
> What even is Zwitserland
> What is Japan
How do you pay attention to the road and all those signs? I'd just ignore the signs I suspect.
Imagine unironically believe in the corporate lies and perpetuating them without second thought.
Holy shit kek. Americans are the biggest cucks.