Why do women need everything spoonfed to them?
Why do women need everything spoonfed to them?
I know a few girls who actively enjoyed kinobyl so this must be a certified retard even by woman standards
Have you ever known a woman to pay full attention to anything without being distracted? If they can get 10 minutes into a show without checking their phone or getting up to go to the kitchen or bathroom you're doing well.
Women are given everything throughout their lives.
lol ed cumming
what did he mean by this
At this point having all women arrested is the only logical solution
All millennials are.
It's very weird watching something with a girl and you can clearly see they don't understand a goddamn thing that's going on.
>the guardian
What a surprise
fuck man, I love it, I even recommended to my fellow womyn , some really like it.
I watched this with both my girlfriends.
gf A: Liked the visuals of the catastrophic reactor accident, all the things you would never see before in documentaries or other versions or re-tellings of the event. eg. actually seeing the burning reactor etc. Hated the female shoe in character. Thought the best scenes were skarsgard and harris alone. Enjoyed the slav architecture and feel of the visuals. Writing 4/10 because the viewer was treated like a retard half the time.
gf B: Same as above but didn't care that much about the bad writing, just liked to see nice visuals. Got mad at the retarded made up character. Didn't care overall and called it a flick that you have on in the background.
The first part of their lives. Nature's trick on women is pretty cruel. They are especially effected nowadays. They are constantly doted on by everyone in sight, put off regular life things because they think theyre the shit, and then they blink their eyes and end up bitter 40something cat ladies like the entire cast of charmed. Pretty fucked up desu
> T. faggot with a rich dad
What are you supposed to do with a woman you want to have sex with
>Nature's trick on women is pretty cruel
You're thinking of Nurture. Nature is pretty clear what women are for and does all it can to make sure they can do it. It even sets a deadline for them to do it.
Kinobyl is the new Master & Commander.
Girls don't enjoy anything other than attention. Anything they do has the ulterior motive of being able to take a picture of themselves and post it for internet points to soothe their constant need of being petty and getting attention.
even the comments section of her article was calling her a retard, which is saying something