>been talking to this really cute girl for a while
>don’t show feelings for her, and just make her laugh
>depression is killing me, don’t know if I should make a move
why is it so hard lads
Been talking to this really cute girl for a while
Other urls found in this thread:
You're scared of rejection, I presume
If you didn't get with your highschool qt you are forever doomed to sharing used women with other men for the rest of your life.
Don't feel like you need to shoehorn your depression into conversations, but you can bring it up casually in a conversation and maybe open up to her about certain feelings you have.
Was your mom the one who run the family?
Was your dad passive person who didn't taught you how to get what you want?
This is actually true.Women who leave their bfs after highschool become turbosluts that fuck every dick they encounter.
>been talking to this really cute girl for a while
have you talked in person or just online?
user stop you're going to make him even more depressed
I used to talk to a girl at work quite frequently, she seemed to like me but I'm self-aware enough to realize I would have nothing to offer in a relationship so I just started ignoring her.
haha nothing better than seeing a woman's face the first time she sees you irl after weeks of online chat.
I made it just last week bro
You can get the girl you love
I believe in you user, I too thought as a Yea Forums shitposter autist I'd never make it
but here I am :)
>>been talking to this really cute girl for a while
beta cuk orbiter af
You are afraid to mess things up so you wait for the right oppurtunity to confess to her. The problem is that the right opportunity is imaginary contruct in your head that will never come. It sole purpuse of it is to keep you from actually doing anything in order to keep you away from rejection that is unacceptable for you. This fear of rejection is so strong in you that you rather never try. You basically reject your self first before she can do it. You think you spare yourself from pain that way. The problem is that it creates depression that perpetuates your situation.
My advice. Stop clinging so much to succes. Yes the chances are she will reject you. So what? You don't need her to be happy. But what you need to be happy is to be true to yourself to your feelings. You like her and you want to tell her. That is the truth and if you don't live up to it it will hunt you back in form of depression.
Again for your happiness it is not important to be succesful in what you do BUT to try to be succesful. When you live in truth with your feelings it hurts because more often than not people reject you for who you are but the biggest pains come when you reject yourself.
Rejecting yourself rather than letting other people reject you is self-defence mechanism that children use because they can't deal with difficult situations. But as an adult you are much stronger to deal with it. You just need to break of this kind of mentallity you learned as a kid.
Can't relate, I'm cute
it's your fault for not showing her what you looked like before meeting irl
until she sees your micropenis amIright.
Here's what you'll do OP: Start a conversation about something, and then ask her out for a coffee/beer/movie/etc depending on how familiar you are with each other. If you're afraid of her cutting ties, you can always say "hey, I was just being friendly :^)". If you feel like you're not smooth enough to do a move further, keep asking her out.
Just remember that you have nothing to lose. Try it.
I'm going to curb stomp you if I see you irl, pedophile.
opern a dictionary from time to time instead of playing Fortnite all the time kid
>You don't need her to be happy
You say this, but everytime one of these snivelling faggots posts bonbi I still die a little inside
>If you didn't get with your highschool qt you are forever doomed to sharing used women with other men for the rest of your life.
Probably true. I married my high school sweetheart after college and we've been married for almost 20 years now. She was a virgin the first time we had sex.
This one always gets me. Prepare yourself, gooseposter
is2.Yea Forums.org/wsg/1561902995400.webm
just ask her to get some drinks
and have 2 beers before meeting her. it reduces the stress.
Pedophilia, hebephilia, doesn't matter when there's a bullet lodged in your head.
Fuck off to >>>>/reddddit/ with your beta blog.