
Rian saved us from an unending flood of mediocre cookie-cutter Disney shit flooding the market from now until the end of time. He subverted not just our expectations, but the expectations of Disney CEOs as well.

Rian Johnson is the hero Yea Forums deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we hate him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent director. A watchful subvertor. A Franchise Killer.

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>Rian saved us
go fuck your self rian, nobody likes you here, stop posting shit.

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Rian made the best SW since Empire.

>TLJ was just a troll
Nah it was really just a mix of incompetence and heavy studio interfering.
Hopefully JJ can fix it but i doubt it.

>Hopefully JJ can fix it
He already announced to double down on all negative aspects of TLJ

STFU Rian and preferably kys too.

>Rian saved us from an unending flood of mediocre cookie-cutter Disney shit
No he just slowed it down for a bit. They are going to milk star wars until its dry and dead.

We should have been loyal to George


He amputated the infected limb.

And replaced it with a more infected limb

he transplanted a dog leg, theb ody rejected it, they had to put it in a coma

We didn't know how bad it could get.

>They are going to milk star wars until its dry and dead.
Rian knew that, that's why he put this symbolism in.

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This scene was so bizarre and unfitting it would make sense if it was a hit at Disneys franchise milking. But I doubt Rian is this clever.

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You reading way too much in. Rian is really just a hack

yeah bro if my gf never cucked me i never would have known i liked it THANK YOU STACIE

>Muh 4d chess
Fuck off rian

to be fair all SW movies except for TPM are snoozefests

Its all about emasculating male heroes. Thats also the reason a character like holdo is in the movie

Yes. If only it had been on purpose.


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He just hates Luke

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>not a snoozefests

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What did he even mean by this?

is he saying muh dick? what is mahdeeek?

It's his way of throwing tantrums when people criticize his work. He's a passive agressive asshole.

Does his trilogy still happen?

I really don't know what to think. I think his pile of shit had to be made on purpose, plus he looks like the kind of director who hates corporate movies, and he is a really really big Star Wars fan.

O the other hand he looks the kind of idiot who would have made a movie like TLJ.

No, apparently the GOT guys are working on it...wich isn't necessarily better

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Does anyone else hate the “le subverting expectations” meme? It comes across like Rian in throwing out the rulebook did something groundbreaking or shocking that audiences just werent prepared for. When really this movie was uninteresting and just dull as all fuck, it’s not like say when GoT subverted expectations with the Red Wedding where normies were btfo and we got something fun to watch out of it. It’s more like if you turned the wowit’sfuckingnothing.png into a movie. We expected to see a bunch of cool shit in the second trilogy and instead we were lectured to. This lazy criticism actually juet fuels Rians ego and makes him feel smarter than everyone else.

I'm sorry for you my friend, living with ADHD must be hard

>wich isn't necessarily better
it depends. If they are given a good script they can pull it off. Don't let them write the story, though.

>he looks like the kind of director who hates corporate movies
Everyone hates corporation until you become a part of it

>Hopefully JJ can fix it but i doubt it.
What a pathetic cum-grizzling faggot (in a bad sense of the word).

I don't WANT star wars to die. It's not impossible to actually make a good SW movie.

Not him but looking at disney track record with this franchise your optimism seems foolish

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Rian is still on board

Based rian, exposing the utter dogshit that is nuwars


yur snoke theory sneeds

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Yeah, we'll see.

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>Emperor's built up through all three films

TPM was Kino

They discuss him in ANH, you see him in ESB, and he plays a major role in ROTJ.
Are you confused?

>No distinguishible sign of boobs
Even more disgusting. It's like feminism turns them into half boys

Others are posting it now too :D

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yes, yes it was

Thank you for posting this.

It was an actual movie formed from a director's vision, on porpuse, and that was the problem.

literally our guy

I liked the Last Jedi and I'd rather have a dead franchise after IX than an endless stream of fanservice junk movies like Rogue One and basedlo

>A Franchise Killer.

still an amateur compared to John Boyega who killed 2 franchises.

rogue one and solo were absolute nadir of cinema

No they were meandering bullshit full of vain fanservice so brainlet fanboys could clap when they saw star wars imagery they recognized

Rogue One is an absolute mess of editing because it was two movies slapped together

>bullshit full of vain fanservice
That's all Disney wars will ever will be