What the fuck was wrong with her?


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Other urls found in this thread:


She's not my waifu that's what's wrong with her

She based

Everyone has a dark side

What's weird is that it's easy enough to imagine some desperate loser being brainwashed into joining a cult, but how do you recruit someone with fame/money who seemingly has it "together"? She had to have been broken in some way that wasn't obvious. My guess is sexual abuse as a kid or something (she did start acting as a child, so it wouldn't surprise me).

she wanted to have sex

He was a bespectacled, greying old manlet with less charisma than your average /r9k/obot.

Ask Tom Cruise.

Scientology worked for him though

A cute woman like her will never look at you like that

My pure speculation: he's so full of self-loathing and/or denial of his sexual preferences that pure desperation drove him to seek out anything that could quell those feelings. Something about Scientology must do that for him, and he's latched onto it with a death grip. See also: Travolta.

Slaves are a helluva drug

This guy is so boringly retarded I got a headache two minutes in while he babbles aimlessly about creativity

You remember when you had this pretty big crush on a girl. And you thought she was the cutest, smartest, put together person you'd ever met. Then you meet her boyfriend and the guy is just dumber than shit but absolutely full of himself. And you're just baffled how this wonderful person could sit there and eat up this bullshit with a smile on her face. And then you actually start losing respect for her, she's still cute but the pedestal you had her on just got snatched out from under her. That's the first 5 minutes of this video.

Watching her smile and blush and act astonished with the insights of this asshole and his sociology 101 bullshit is...sobering. Whatever nostalgic feelings I had for her are fucking gone.

I kind of feel like I should thank you OP.
Thank you OP.

wtf just have sex

I tried but they told me I had to get branded first.
Seemed like a bad idea at the time.

I've been there. Although it's initially painful in that your first reaction is "This loser is worthy of your affections but I'm not?", once the realization dawns on you that the "flawless" person you fell for was just another dumbshit, it makes it a lot easier to exclaim "NEXT!" and move on.

Also, nice trips.

Is she going to prison?


Then you realize literally all women are like this

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Thinking you deserve a 10 when you're a 6. Get fucked, buddy

That's why you should just pump and dump Tinder thots, women are retarded and only worth one date at Chipotle at best

She pled guilty in April (probably as part of some plea bargain), but won't be sentenced until September. She could get 20+ years, but realistically that's probably not gonna happen.

Dont mind me


Unironically MK Ultra

>nigger thinks that using buzzwords will make him look smarter

That dude also Clarie Bronfman to be him sex slave and dump over 150 million dollars into the organization.

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Isn't Tom Cruise basically living like a god (moreso than even his level of money and fame would afford) thanks to Scientology?

what is the symbolism of this scene?

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her jew shizo dna took over

Hollywood itself is a cult this is probably just the tip of an iceberg but we will never know.

How can these psychopaths tune in so easily and brainwash successful people into cults? I don't understand. Don't people watch psychopath documentaries and youtube vids all day and fear everyone they meet?

incel trips

She legit loves that dude is my best guess and would do anything to please him.

whitepill for you

this "cult" is one of many that are the tentacles of hollywood. Every single actor is involved in one of them. The entire cast of GOT are in various ones. They're given power over others and have power laid upon them by those above. It's literally mini secret societies that are all joined to larger ones that are joined by larger ones.

It's how this whole shit works, it's all compartmentalized.

Contrary to popular belief, 'psychopaths' aren't uniquely gifted at figuring out the weaknesses of others, they just completely lack any impulse control/superego to prevent them from acting out their worst urges, which is why they so often get into trouble with the law. This is also true of the allegedly high-functioning ones, who survive in society largely due to luck/the patience of others, rather than some innate genius at manipulation.

Instead of 'the eye of an eagle', think 'the nose of a vulture.'

If he can do it, so can you

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Was Clark gay?

Imagine this woman making you her sex slave. How could you possibly refuse?

Well i couldnt since id probably be a baby

>person with blonde hair
>somehow ends up with mud colored hair

Why does this happen? Does blonde hair just fade away during times of hardship? Think of the lannisters in game of thrones.

yeah all he did is learning how to talk to sluts without offending sluts

Slap on the wrist

>just seize some of your real estate and you are free

He truly is a god among men.

>tfw Cally joined that cult too

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She got kicked in the head one too many times on Smallville

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Why do these cults always go too far.

I don't give a fuck about the wall. Allison Mack is still waifu for laifu. And if they didn't fucking go too far she was prime sex slave material.

Gotta draw the line at branding. That shit is fucked up.

I always assumed they used proper branding irons like farmers use of cows. But in the video they use a laser to burn it into their skin instead. There was no screaming or anything

Look at her, she doesn't regret a single thing she did

He quit Scientology a few years ago actually. They were trying to tell him to limit time with his kids. He finally told them to fuck off.

According to Leah Remini, the leaders of Scientology bent their own rules to basically give him the world on a plate.

if you do not brand sluts, they will be want to be fucked by other chads

Based Tom

>"Inherent in science is this notion that we can have free will [...] and stuff like that"
total genius

id sell myself to slavery for that wisdom

I would say that's pathetic but just about all the other religious do that too.

Think that after some point, life doesn't give you surprises anymore. And most people are very basic. They are alive because they live among people like them.

Think about computer security. Most computers are easy to hack, there are in luck no hacker is near.

This is the episode where she becomes a cheerleader right?

Gotta love fan service

Should've gotten a better slave master.

Reminder that she toppled his ex-wife from the top of the slave totem pole. She never got to brand the serfs but based Mack did.

she was the real master manipulator

yes, but the fan service is done for women, especially from s3 onwards

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what is the most recent picture of my slut CHloe?

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Wrong? Wrong? She was living the dream. Bottom bitch in a sex cult? It's like one of the best jobs in the world.

Damn, Pete was cut

she is a powerful heir, im not surprised

>how do you recruit someone with fame/money who seemingly has it "together"? She had to have been broken in some way that wasn't obvious

You poor deluded faggot. You clearly didn't see those jness videos Mack made. She was just alone and not getting any work.



This was the guy.

>He is listed in the 1989 "Guinness Book of World Records" for being one of three people in an IQ group called Mega, a Mensa-like collection of geniuses requiring a minimum one-in-a-million IQ level and formed by philosopher and librarian Ronald K. Hoeflin.

> One associate at the time recalls female recruits hanging on his words during training, erupting into adolescent giggles at his jokes.

>He once convinced a high school dropout, who would become a romantic obsession, to take an IQ test, and then, after scoring it himself, told her she was three points shy of genius.

>One woman who learned Raniere's ways was his former girlfriend Natalie, who has survived years of legal battles with him. She described her relationship with Raniere in a series of Times Union interviews. The first time she met Raniere, she said, he had noticed she'd gone outside for a cigarette and asked if she wanted to quit smoking. When she told him she did, Raniere took her into his office for what she thought was only 15 minutes. Her husband at the time told her afterward that she had been in the room with Raniere for 2 1/2 hours. She doesn't remember anything that happened during the session, but she didn't smoke again.

>Some who have been suspicious of Raniere initially have become strong supporters. Nancy Salzman, a registered nurse, first met Raniere in the 1990s and told Natalie she thought Raniere might be warped. Natalie said Salzman spent four days holed up with Raniere in his offices and emerged as his business partner.

haven't seen fight choreography this bad in a while

Remember these two created a symbol from their initials and started branding bitches

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>claim to be smart
>devote his life to sex

kek, its like the ''hi iq people'' who do finances instead of science

>This was one of the biggest shows of the noughties

Unironically the lamest decade till this one.

>kek, its like the ''hi iq people'' who do finances instead of science
Whats wrong with this? Do you think "high iq" causes selflessness? Do you think only your STEM cuck degrees are compatible with high iq?

Yeah, Kreuk was weirdly proud of her spin kicks but was useless in a fight scene

this comment makes no sense

>She was just alone and not getting any work.

no you're right. I'm sure she was raped by many black niggers. Or maybe it was her white parents who raped her. Either way, it's NOT her fault she joined a cult, held people hostage, raped them, forced them to get raped and revelled in the power it gave her.

Totally NOT her fault #believewomen

Women can't rape people

Dude, acrors are dumb as birds


Not saying she wasn't stupid, but apparently Mack had issues with self esteem and fitting into Hollywood society.

please post alison mack in bikini

does not exist

fap to this

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thinking about just starting a cult lads, seems real easy.

what did he mean by this?

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I remember watching this a couple months after hearing the "rumor" on here, totally in denial until she teared up at his pseudointellectual nonsense. I can't believe the only time I ever developed a celebrity crush, within months she gets arrested for some freaky shit.

That would have been amazing.

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This sounds like some faggot amime shit. These women are just dumb as fuck, literally retard-tier.

Allison Big-Mack :^)

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Imagine if some charismatic psycho showed interest in you after years of failing to gain any meaningful acting jobs.

is alison mack pussy ruined now or is there still something to eat out?

That must be the worst thing if you're a successful actor when mental b tier nobodies try and talk to you like you're on the same level. At least when it's a fan there's an obvious delineation but what do you do when someone you could potentially be working with in the future starts giving you the old "does that look like a pyramid to you I don't think so it's a whole new paradigm".

So am I.

One of the girls in college I watched Smallville with kinda looked a bit like a skinny Allison Mack. (Though it was her chubby roommate who I dated.)

What are the chances I just randomly skipped to that point, wow.

>skinny Allison Mack

Kieth believed that excess fat prevented the cosmic energy from flowing through him and into his lovers/sex slaves, so he made them live on increasingly calorie restricted diets as they climbed the ranks.

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>hese women are just dumb as fuck, literally retard-tier.


It serves Emma for being into "the movement". the irony is feminism is the only shit she's left with since nobody will hire her for anything. And she still hasn't cleared her realationship with Harvey Weinstein. It took her a whole week to make a dull statement when the scandal broke out

God he's so fucking spooky, what the hell. I felt genuinely uncomfortable listening to him force her to relive her casting couch experiences

She's scary. She looks genuinely happy in all her photos. is she high on something?

Nope just completely broken.

> Imagine this woman making you her sex slave
She only made attractive girls her sex slaves. And then offered them to superiors, not used them herself.
I'd rather imagine her suck my penis like that lolipop of hers.

A female cuck?

Trips of true. I'd had three or four "cutest, smartest" sluts I orbited until I finally realized what's cooking. Never even talked to a woman since that day, besides work shit.

He's literally an IRL supervillain, complete with a massive IQ and slightly weird accent. What a fucking madman.

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>He quit Scientology a few years ago actually

Let's look at the good ol' exploits of CC-1 AKA MACK DADDY ALLY MACK

After Jane Doe 2 joined DOS, CC-1 suggested that Jane Doe 2 temporarily move to Clifton Park, New York and spend more time with CC-1 and CC-2. Jane Doe 2 began spending more time in Clifton Park, but regularly traveled back to Los Angeles for jobs. Two of Jane Doe 2's first acts of self-denial were to refrain from sex and masturbation.

At one point when Jane Doe 2 was in Clifton Park, RANIERE sent Jane Doe 2 a message in the middle of the night asking her to go on a walk with him.
During the walk, RANIERE told Jane Doe 2 sexual jokes. Over the course of several walks Jane Doe 2 expressed to RANIERE that she wanted to open a T-shirt business. RANIERE expressed interest and told her he would partner with her. Jane Doe 2 left for Los Angeles for a job and while she was there RANIERE sent her a text message saying, "If you want to start this business with me then come back, the sooner the better. Jane Doe 2 returned to Clifton Parle She was soon given new assignments, including being kept on a regimented diet of 860-1000 calories per day. After several months, Jane Doe 2 received a text message from CC-1 stating that CC-1 wanted to speak to Jane Doe 2 about a "special assignment."

CC-1 and CC-2 then contacted Jane Doe 2 and told her the assignment was to "seduce Keith" and have him take a picture of Jane Doe 2 to prove she had done it. CC-1 told Jane Doe 2 that this assignment was a privilege that few women had the honor of experiencing, but that CC-1 and CC-2 both had. At the end of the call CC-1 told Jane Doe 2, "I give you permission to enjoy it," which Jane Doe 2 interpreted to mean, "I give you permission to enjoy sex with RANIERE." Not suspecting that RANIERE was involved with DOS until this call, Jane Doe 2 asked CC-1 on the call if RANIERE knew about DOS. CC-1 said that he did not.

He's high on Kieth

This is CC-2 (direct slave of CC-1 - Allison Mack), the founder of "The Delegates" by the way. Mack has very good taste.

>India Oxenberg: This 27 year old beauty spent more than $100,000 on trainings and expenses to live in Clifton Park. Started having sex with Keith. Got branded. Now she is in substantial debt to ESP for trainings. Much like Dawn Morrison did 20 years earlier, India started a business based on one of Keith’s ideas. Her business, Delegates, is a personal errand service for ESP students coming to Clifton Park to take ESP courses. She is making almost no money and ruined her credit. She cannot pay her bills. Chances are in 20 years, she will be running errands and broke, too old to pursue the acting and modeling career that seemed to be within her power to obtain just a few years ago when she lived in Los Angeles.

Eh, you can't fault Mack's taste that much.

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note that if you pronounce it any way other than "processIZ" youre a fucking retard

She had neither of these things. A no-named actress on a CW show? She got paid a potato a week and nobody knew who she was except internet nerds like us.

Many of the DOS victims were branded in their pubic regions with a cauterizing pen in a process that took twenty to thirty minutes. During the branding "ceremonies," slaves were required to be fully naked, and the master would order one slave to film while the others held down the slave being branded. Some DOS victims were told that the brand stood for the four elements (the lines represented air, earth and water and the cauterizing pen represented sealing with fire). Based on information obtained during the course of the investigation, however, it is clear that the brand in fact consisted of RANIERE's initials.

Masters told their slaves after the branding ceremonies that the videos of the branding ceremonies and photographs of the women with their brands were additional pieces of collateral. In or about October 2017, the New York Times published an article revealing the existence of DOS. Several weeks after that article was published and after the FBI began interviewing witnesses, RANIERE flew to Mexico with an heiress (the "Heiress"), who is a member of Nxivm's Executive Board and is a known financial backer of RANIERE and Nxivm. Prior to this trip, RA.NIERE had not fl own out of the country since 2015, when he visited the Heiress's private island in Fiji. RANIERE is currently believed to be residing in Monterrey, Mexico, where Nxivm maintains a center, with a branded DOS slave.

On February 1, 2018, Yahoo! produced information associated With the account. The subscriber for the account was identified as "ivlr Keith Raniere." The subscriber information also included a date of birth that matched that of RANIERE.

This man really ran a successful sex cult for years using a yahoo email account which had his real personal information, even DOB.

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>Mack has very good taste.

She really does, yummy

all women are whores

Reminder these things are allowed to vote.

Within the material provided by Yahoo! were numerous emails, only a few of which are described here, which support the conclusion that RANIERE created DOS. On August 10, 2015, CC-1 sent an email to the account. CC-1 's email was titled "vow 3" and included an attached letter.

The letter pledged CC-1 's " full and complete life" to RANIERE. In the letter, CC-1 used the terms "slave" and "master" to refer to herself and RANIERE. Moreover, the letter identified "collateral" to "cement" the vow made by CC-1. This collateral was described as: ( 1) a letter regarding CC-1 's mother and father that would "destroy their character"; (2) a contract that transferred custody of any children birthed by CC-I to RANIERE if CC-I broke her commitment to RANIERE; (3) a contract that transferred ownership of CC-1 's home if the commitment to RANIERE was broken; and (4) a letter addressed to social services alleging abuse to CC-1 's nephews by CC-1 's parents.

On July 12, 2015, another woman believed to be a DOS master directly under RANIERE, sent an email to another email account believed to belong to RANIERE, which RANIERE then forwarded to the account. In the email, the woman requested edits from RANIERE to a series of passages in which she described a vow of total obedience to RANIERE.

The account also contained emails between another woman believed to be a DOS slave and RANIERE. Attached to some of the emails were WhatsApp chats between the woman and RANIERE. These chats include discussions from as early as in or
about May 2015 about a "vow" that required "collateral." On or about, October 1, 2015, RANIERE stated to the woman, "I think it would be good for you to own a fuck toy slave for me, that you could groom, and use as a tool, to pleasure me .. . . " On or about, October 23, 2015, RANIERE again suggested the woman recruit a slave who would seduce RANIERE. Throughout the chat RANIERE alludes to the fact that DOS was his creation.

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Seems like you could run a successful cult / harem indefinitely if you just avoid anything explicitly illegal. If they just didn't brand the girls would we even be hearing about this?

Yea Forums had threads on this in 2013. He was doing it fine for years until yeah, the branding shit hit the NYT.

He misses the General Lee

I don't really have anything against whores, but stupid people fucking disgust me.

So hypnosis then. Imagine falling for that old chestnut. Serves them right.

> Sex cult, so at least you get to have sex.

Seems like a fair deal.

Jane Doe l believed that at some point all the other slaves directly under CC-1, which included CC-2, learned that RANIERE was CC-1 's master and their
grandmaster. Throughout Jane Doe l 's time in DOS, CC-1 regularly required her slaves to pose for nude photographs, including on one occasion close-up pictures of their vaginas, either as assignments or collateral. Jane Doe l later learned that CC-1 was sending these photographs to RANIERE, because Jane Doe l observed CC-1 sending these photographs using CC-1 's cellphone to someone over a messaging service and then receiving responses which CC-1 would sometimes relay to her slaves. The responses included that the photographs were not graphic enough or that the slaves were not smiling enough, and that they had to be retaken. On one occasion, Jane Doe l saw a text exchange on CC-1 's phone between RANIERE and CC-1, in which CC-1 sent a nude photo she had just taken of all of the slaves on Jane Doe l 's level and RANIERE wrote back, "All mine?" with a smiling devil emoji.


As part of her DOS assignments, Jane Doe l with tasked by CC-1 with reading and reviewing dense articles written by RANIERE that were labeled at the bottom with ESP's copyright. Each article took hours to review and Jane Doe l was tasked with reviewing up to approximately 95 articles.


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>(2) a contract that transferred custody of any children birthed by CC-I to RANIERE if CC-I broke her commitment to RANIERE;

Surely that could never be enforced

Superman? More like Superfag, amirite?

I'm rewatching Smallville and he really is an annoying little queer despite these women throwing themselves at him.

He's not hguman. It's like having sex with monkeys for him.

This is some fucked up shit. Just imagine how many more cults like this are out there and how many famous Hollywood actresses are a part.

In addition to having to perform “readiness drills” — responding to Mack’s texts within 30 seconds at all hours of the day or face harsh punishment — Mack’s “slaves” were required to pose for “family photos,” a group nude photo that Mack would take before the start of “church” every week. The women were required to smile and look happy, even though Nicole found the experience deeply degrading. “This was supposed to be a women’s empowerment organization,” Nicole said between sobs. “How was it empowering to take off all of our clothes and send them to a man?”

The situation in DOS escalated during a group “bonding” trip to the Berkshires in October 2017, when Mack gave her slaves another assignment. As Nicole put it, Mack instructed the women to pose for, “a close-up photo of all of your pussies.” Nicole said she initially refused, prompting Mack to accuse her of “throwing a fit” — a common NXIVM-ism for women refusing to perform a certain task or adhere to a certain behavioral standard. All the while, Mack posed the women on the couch and made comments about their genitalia, at one point referring to one slave’s “beautiful cunt.”

In early 2017, Nicole and Mack’s other slaves were branded, with Mack telling them that the symbol was representative of the four elements: air, earth, fire and water. (As other members of DOS have testified, the symbol actually consisted of Raniere’s initials.) The idea behind the branding, Nicole testified Mack told her, echoing Raniere’s early emails, was that “pain is love, and you show your love to your master by pain.”

So what will her sentence be? No way she's getting off the hook.


Allison Mack. Leader of DOS – and an ultra-loyal member of Mr. Raniere’s harem. Most likely to be arrested of all the slaves of DOS. A slave to Mr. Raniere but has several of her own slave pods of six women each. Each of her slaves is required to find six more slaves. Miss Mack is on a 500 calorie diet that is actually causing her to look “not sexy skinny but concentration camp skinny,” a friend says. Known now as one of the “bobble-heads” because her head appears too big for her emaciated body. Miss Mack is fond of this quote from Rumi, “Beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” She has led the charge to enslave women into DOS and bend them into obedience to her master Mr. Raniere.

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>This is some fucked up shit
Is it? I just see it as some kind of personal fetish, everyone either had a good time or were too dumb to understand they're being used as the stupid whores they are. It's not like they were actually in danger at any point. If you don't like all that kindergarten BDSM - just walk away, close your pussy or something.

Are there any more videos besides the one where the girl is held down by other girls while the female doctor brands her, and she says I love you at the end?

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just bring the branding iron

This. How would that even be possible?

you can't enforce someone to brand your initials on them either but that didn't stop them.

But handing over kids is something else. Since it happened on condition of her breaching the cult rules presumably she would then go to court against them. At which point surely a contract saying you hand over your kids can't be enforced

>recording stops right after
I wonder why...

Unironically drugging hypnotising get out tier shit

Elite sex cult eyes wide shut shit

>presumably she would then go to court against them
You mean like they went to the police for getting branded?

all these people saying "how could she??? how could she possibly???" i would rip my balls off with my hands to be her sex slave and join her cult

But this situation is after she has broken cult rules and therefore left. The branding was them still in the cult

God this show was fucking cheesy as fuck, but that was the charm.
Arrow literally cannot compete.

look up that korean sex cult scandal which has been shoved under the rug,half the runners were in the sex cult meaning it didnt matter who won

>after she has broken cult rules and therefore left
Where are you getting that conclusion from and even if we do accept that just because you've been kicked out the cult doesn't mean you've magically become a normal functioning member of society again.

>here are you getting that conclusion from a

>(2) a contract that transferred custody of any children birthed by CC-I to RANIERE if CC-I broke her commitment to RANIERE;

>if CC-I broke her commitment to RANIERE;

>if CC-I broke her commitment to RANIERE;

So what and read the second half of my one sentence post.

What the fuck is wrong with normies

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Bullshit, tryin to be a hack with "big boys" words and a fuckin MRI. No neurological pathways, no scientific explanation, no proper endpoint measurement... into the thrash it goes.


kek your totally right.