Say something nice about Barbarella

Because I can't... It's like porn where even the mildly erotic scenes were cut off.
And when look behind the scenes it becomes clear why; the actress hated this movie and outright refused to do some scenes, resulting in missing scenes and terrible scene transitions.

Attached: barbarella-poster.jpg (1000x1500, 302K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>the actress hated this movie and outright refused to do some scenes, resulting in missing scenes and terrible scene transitions.


>The actress later described her discomfort on the film's set. In her autobiography, Fonda said that Vadim began drinking during lunch; his words slurred, and "his decisions about how to shoot scenes often seemed ill-considered". Fonda was bulimic and, at the time, was "a young woman who hated her body...playing a scantily clad, sometimes-naked sexual heroine".[25] Photographer David Hurn echoed Fonda, noting that she was insecure about her appearance during the production's photo shoots.[29] The actress took sick days so the film's insurance policy would cover the cost of a shutdown while the script was edited.[25] Vadim would later state in his memoir that Fonda "didn't enjoy shooting Barbarella", specifically that she "disliked the central character for her lack of principle, her shameless exploitation of her sexuality and her irrelevance to contemporary social and political realities."

it was made in 1968, you ethnocentric cock-munch. fucking milennials don't know what things were like in the sixties - it wasn't all tie-died t-shirts and hippy sex.

watch about a thousand hours of "Gidget".

"Barbarella" was a revolution in terms of cinema soft-core porn. kids today who can see triple penetration webms with practically zero effort can not undersand.

Attached: Barbarella_sleep.webm (720x304, 1.67M)

>neurotic shitlib tries to ruin movie out of principle

>Doesn't make it any less bad though.

It's one of the worst movies I've every seen. Not one redeeming quality.

There's a whole layer of sleazy that disappered from media just because it's now real easy to find any variety of porn.

A sex scene in every damn movie was not there because it helped the plot, people were just hornier.

That is to say, Barbarella was fucking awful, if you want to feel like a weirdo with a stache, that's the perfect film.

Faggots ITT belong in The Matmos

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Did she rape Pygar or what?

oh yes my pretty pretty

lol, the author the comic made himself a character in the comic who has children with Barbarella:
>L'artiste: A self-portrait of Jean-Claude Forest. Named Browningwell in Semble Lune, he and Barbarella have a child together.

I like the aesthetic and ideas behind the film, but it doesn't put anything on the nose which I think it could have used more of. This is just a film teenagers would sneak out to watch and fap in bed thinking about later.

The title lends itself to a good Clutch song.

watch barbarella, and then zardoz
also be high

look at his faggot

That film is distilled Italian kino that influenced a whole generation of pop culture.

You won't find any such movies from the last decade. You likely won't see any ever again outside film festivals.

stfu, Whitepanther III: Captain Infinity vs Spiderpool broke new ground recently

for me, it's uwe boll's blubberella

Attached: 268x0w.jpg (1050x1297, 258K)


Attached: Amber-Heard-Feet-1731742.jpg (2000x2691, 842K)

We really don't, it would have a stupid amount of diversity.
What would be kino would be TV-MA anime.

you're the sort of cunt who criticises Leni Riefenstahl films for not being in color

except for the part where the retarded children tied her between two posts and set their fanged robot dolls onto her.

Attached: Barbarella_Dolls.webm (720x304, 1.87M)

It's an entertainingly bad movie with a great theme song. I'm glad it exists.

>takes the role and cash for acting spacewhore
>moans about having to act spacewhore
Have women always been crazy?

Her entire venture on the surface could and should have been cut, it adds nothing of substance: no story elements, not recurring character. If the movie opened with her crashing into the labyrinth, nothing would have been lost.
On the contrary, it would help the movie flow better as the first act is like 80% of the movie, which shows terrible structuring. As the second act begins with the hummingbird scene and ends with Durand Durand trapping Barbarella in the dream room.