P-please be nice to u-us and do our jobs for us!

>p-please be nice to u-us and do our jobs for us!
remember to vote with your trash. if the movie is bad, it's your responsibility to let the staff know.

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>crying because you have to do your fucking job
I bet the same guy who posted this demands higher minimum wages.

What the fuck? As the designated shooter I would NOT have allowed this type of behavior at my showing...Why the hell were these unruly and disruptive manlets (and you JUST KNOW these ''''people'''' were manlets) not in the popcorn mines?

Ew, an open redditor on Yea Forums

How pathetic do you have to be to make this thread on this shitty website? Have sex or maybe just kill yourself

I mean if anything they're being extra nice to the staff by making sure they get something to do and aren't laid off.

look mom i made the thread again


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holy fuck didn't just make a mess also just left that guy there
hope they pick him up

If only the staff saw it that way

>Oh no I have to sweep a little bit and throw soda cups in the trash

Bitch try cleaning up a logging campsite every night, cleaning a theater is easy.

Cleaning is for women.


I don't understand the problem. As long as it's not human excrement then what does it matter?

You think cleaning a logging campsite is bad??? Psssshhhhh, try doing what I do every single day and try cleaning up after my WIFE'S SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So's having sex nerd.

They don't want to do their job

I guarantee you that was a Chinese customer


It's mostly highschool students who are working at a movie theater.

Sounds boring. As sad as it is to clean up after human pigs, doing nothing is worse.

like I give a fuck

I was just correcting your retardation of thinking that anyone above highschool level would ever get such a shit job.

here's how this works

I throw my popcorn and drink on the ground, and you'll pick it up and no amount of university degrees or reddit upvotes will save you from your fate

Fucking whinging cunts. It would take literally 1 minute to clean that whole mess if that.

A couple of boxes and some spilled popcorn?

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Wakey Wagie, time for slavey
Kinoplex calls, don't be lazy
Clean the bathroom, clean the stalls
Clean the poopdicks from the walls
Someone pissed inside the bin
Toilets backing up again
Plunge them wagie, up and down
lose your job if seen to frown
Time to clean the seats and floor
a never ending wagie chore
all is sticky, wet, and vile
clean it wagie, with a smile
something smells, you take a look
and see a turd smashed under foot
you hear a cackle near the door
the NEET is laughing more and more
he smugly turns and gives a wave
"clean it up, you wagie slave!"

Quit. Stop replying to me. You have no argument whatsoever and you are a dumbass virgin retard. Leave.

the user we need

Wow I didn't realize how stupid Yea Forums was. Not once did I protest against throwing shit on the floor for movie cucks to clean up, I only said that anyone who works at a movie theater is a bottom of the totem pole entry level highschool kid loser who just got their first job. Try reading replies before replying.

Didn't I tell you to leave and STOP REPLYING TO ME!!!!! STOP IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!


Clean my shit

no one's arguing here

you're cleaning up my mess and no amount of words will change that

No you're cleaning my shit up.

wait.. they left a human person on the ground after watching a movie? that's a new development

Yea Forums is obviously filled with slobs. Nobody is asking you to sweep the floor retards. Just don't purposefully throw shit on the floor and put your garbage in the receptacle.

You're a rapist, too, aren't you?

I will not be cleaning up anyone's shit


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I dont do this because I rarely buy anything from a theatre.

But considering how much of a rip off food is, I would do it just to fuck with the theatre.

>I work in a movie theater
All that trash? You're welcome.

>leaves my shopping cart in the far reaches of the parking lot when I'm done shopping

oh, it is personal wagie, you better believe it

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Why was he shooting at an empty row?

>I get paid to push carts

what are some fun ways to fuck with cart cucks?

I'm 23 and I legit can't even find a job like that; I've applied to all the nearby theaters and never got any call or anything.

Run them over. Literally just mow into them with your car. Retail is so fucked up that their manager will generally always be on the customer's side no matter. Killing them isn't necessary (and quite frankly, less fun). Just break few bones, hopefully cripple them for life.

don't you have a coin system in the US?

>leave my bag of concrete in a shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot
>the wagie bonks his head into the shopping cart handle when trying to get a selfie depicting what a struggle it is to do is job
>he tries to have a dramatic meltdown in public for attention but no one is around, it's a deserted parking lot
>goes inside to relate this story to his boss to finally get some validation for his tribulations
>boss interrupts him and asks him why he isn't cleaning

this destroys the wagie

>tesco cart pusher saves for years to buy a range rover
>gets dented by a cart

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>as a cart pusher
you just know these freaks are voting for sanders

You're overqualified according to the people who are hiring at these places. They want younger and dumber because they think you'll try to ask for more money. They don't understand that a desperate broke overqualified guy will work harder than a highschool kid who doesn't give a shit.

I don't get it, Why is she doing that?

Do I clean up after myself when I visit a restauraunt? No.

Part of paying for the fucking movie is having someone else clean up.

I might be more inclined to clean up after myself if they didn't charge me out of the ass for popcorn.

This desu senpai. Next these cucks will be asking for tips.

to protect her knees from the hard ground?

Based, fuck wagies

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i've heard about that in England, no we don't

I'm not overqualified, I didn't even finish college. And even then, what difference does it make? If I asked more than minimum wage, they'd just tell me to fuck off and get someone else.
I think the issue is that I've not work experience besides freelance jobs, but then again how am I supposed to get experience if no one will hire me (even fucking McDonald's rejected me). Being to stupid for college leads to a life of suffering it seems.

Maybe 10 years ago, now they're literally all pajeets or mystery meats at least where I live

Like that guy has any room to talk. What kind of retarded tie is that? A holloween joke tie? Also look at his collar the fat fuck neckbeard cant even button his shit.

well I guess it makes sense since you have 1/2 dollar bills

I hope you're not putting that you went to college on your resume.

WHy doesn't she just squat like any other normal human?

Because she's disgustingly obese and probably hasn't done anything physically exhausting in decades. Literally all women suffer similar fates

so I'm just supposed to leave a 5-year gap on it? Why do I even put on it then? I have nothing else.

Lie about having another job then guve them a friend's phone number as reference.

Lie until you don't have to lie any more. It works

Say that you traveled for 5 years

Or make shit up.

>no blood

We've got rid of it in a lot supermarkets now. It's nightmare now because most them don't employ people to clear the trolleys like they do in costco.

I’ve got a theater gig right now too and that’s not even bad. Avengers messes got so much worse than that. Still even if it’s really bad there’s no need to make something so bitchy about it. Just get on with the job, it’s not that bad. I’ve had much harder jobs before. And still cleaning those auditoriums is better than anything else you could be doing in the theater especially when that shit was huge.

Explain resume gaps by saying you were taking care of elderly grandparents or some other sick relative. It's an understandable excuse, it makes you look like a good person and they won't think you're a big enough piece of shit to lie about something like that.

o-okay, thanks anons

That's his fucking job, if people cleaned up after themselves he would have to find a job in mcdonalds.

That fag needs to be fired. Stop fucking crying on the clock and sweep. Dumb fuck probably thinks his job is so hard.

No problem user and good luck on your wage slaving.

That's a no. McCuck here. I work at a particularly nasty joint, in the middle of my cities nightlife/red light district. So the fact this cunts complaining about fucking popcorn, and not vomit, spew or half eaten burgers actually makes me pissed.

>ten years of wage slaving to buy a range rover sport
oh vey

You realise wagecucking is only worth it if you make 6+ figures, it's better to be a NEET than a mccuck

Clean it up wagie.

Sorry, but I have an important meeting to go to, and I don't have time.
Clean it up!

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Only Aldi still does that here.

>it's better to be homeless than to have a home

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your parents aren't going to live forever you know

>making I contact
This is why you push carts, wagie.

you have Aldi in the US?!

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Ask Chris Chan what long term NEET prospects look like

Only the ghettos.

Begging is one of the most humble jobs that person can have. Do not be so quick to judge.

i'm not german enough to find this funny; I just find it sad

I don't get it, why the vendetta against people that put cart back for you? Am I missing something or you are just fucking with innocent people?

What the hell is a cart pusher anyway, like said, why not just use coin like in my yuropoor country.

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That dosen't even look bad.
Vacuum and big garbage bag, done.
Whiney kids.

Who else here /PublicBathroomArtist/ ?

it's so funny, just the thought of that poor son of a bitch who has to clean that up for 9 dollars an hour makes me smirk

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So let me get this straight, min wage workers are upset at US for allowing their job to exist?

At the end of every film I watch at a theater, I wait till every person leaves, pick up my extra large popcorn and punt it across the room. Then I unscrew the lid from my drink and toss that too. If there are any bowls/drinks that people leave around, they get the same treatment. It's become a tradition.

I don't qualify for NEETbux since my parents are too rich, but at the same time they're not about to go out of their way to pay for every whim and fancy. Plus, I actually enjoy going to work.


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>put cart back for you

They're not doing it for me, that's for sure. It's not my cart, I don't own it. They could leave it outside until it rusts for all I care. I believe they are doing it on behalf of the company that pays them.

There are nice ones in nice areas but they do seem pretty indiscriminate about where they set up shop

Cart pushers are generally mentally handicapped people who are allowed out of their assisted living community to work and feel normal.

oh no, you have to do your job!

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lmao owned

They're untermenschen. Using them for our entertainment is a net positive for society.

Cart pushers should be genocided.

Did he died-doh'd?

Knowing Chinese infrastructure, probably. But he died valiantly.

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ITT niggers
Living in a civilized society means doing your part even if you aren't required to

the reason slave societies are less productive than wagie societies is because you don't have a percentage of the population dedicated to making sure the slaves do their job and don't run away
slaves don't get to have fun
at least wagies can spend their minimal excess cash on frivolities

at no point should you spend your own extra time making someone else's job harder
in fact if it costs no extra time to do then you should make someone else's job easier
in the end if you start pushing shopping carts into shit spots, into rivers, or letting them roll into other people's cars then they will realise a wagie collecting them is a waste of money and they will take your shopping trolley freedom away
they will make you put a big fat coin in them to unlock them and give the coin back when you return it
then the homeless will pester you and fight over shopping carts
in the end you lose your freedom and turn your community into a spiteful bitter and confrontational environment
and then you will wonder why living in the area is so shit

you can judge the quality of a community based on what it does with a lost glove
>put it up off the ground where it was found eg on a fence post or tree
>throw it in the bin
>walk on it and destroy it until it is useless garbage

every time you throw trash out the window or on the street, someone somewhere will have to pick it up
if you pay taxes that contribute to the cleanup then you have thrown money away
if you buy from a shop that has to cover the clean up of the trash you threw out, then be sure that the wages of the cleaner were in the cost of the item you just bought
it is not productive to break light bulbs just so someone can have a job replacing them

all the money governments and businesses spend on correcting errors would be better spent if the error never existed to begin with

But without them all your local store's cart would be fucked, I don't understand your thinking at all. If all the cart in my store were rusted and fucked I would be mad, but again we just use coin without any problem.

LMAO, who cares? These subhumans will be replaced by machines in 2 years max anyway.

Fucking based now instead of companies paying them a wage the government will pay them to live with my taxes. I friggin love automation!!

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>job is to clean
>cry when forced to do job you're paid to do
Get a new job, then.

not an argument

I'm a cleaner. I work at a school.
The students are either ne'er do wells or retarded.
They dont understand bins. mainly paper recycling bins. Pic related.
Its not my job to clean the recycling bins. I take delight in knowing the smell of rotting fruit and chicken and bread is bothering them while they continue to treat everything with disrespect.

It'll never end. Just got to hope the yelling I do at the children sinks in before they leave school, but then they are replaced with new younger dickheads.

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I dont get why these are so funny to me
>remember to vote with your trash
how about you vote with your money

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sounds like a problem for this mister local store

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Why did she pick the kid up preemptively ? Is this such a common occurrence that they expect it to happen?

For England, James?


So much cope.

keep paying your tax wagey, gotta pay for my neetbux

>Literally all women suffer similar fates
This guy knows whats up

i've been where you're at though and voluntarily left lol. one of the reasons for which was what i said, what are you gonna do when your parents die? i've done neet life with and without parental assistance and one is a whole lot fucking worse

I'm a scandi neet, I get free house and money, government is my parents

mfw i poop hammock

clean it wagies

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Wagies have to jump through so many mental hoops to justify selling 1/3 of their time to soulless megacorps for chump change. Sad!

>it's theater staff's job to clean up the garbage you willingly left behind
They literally put several garbage cans between you and every single exit
How fucking hard it is to carry your own waste 20 steps to properly dispose of it?
It's their job to make the theater look spotless for the next wave of viewers. It's NOT their job to be your fucking mother, you dirty fucking amerimutts. You don't have to pick up every stray chunk of popcorn that slid down your greasy, abhorrent globglogabgalab body, but the least you can do is throw away the packaging of the overpriced slop you bought so you'd have something fatty to shove down your throat while you watch fucking Avengers for the second time.

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Whoever was sitting in the top centre chair really caught it hard.

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they know that, it's just bait. if you told them all the garbage was left behind by black people you could probably get their honest opinion on that behaviour

Yeah vote with your money after you've already brought a ticket and seen the movie, retard

i want to that bird

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>get paid to clean theaters
>cleaning isn't actually my job tho
Nah, earn your wage or fuck off.

Don't get too over exhausted writing angry posts on Yea Forums wagey, need to be fresh for Monday morning

rolling. fuck jannies


>spit butter syrup over robert
rude, what did he ever do to you?

Probably, but he would have got the death penalty regardless. Little pisser.

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Yes. Seen another clip of a dad with his two kids reaching the top and teaching them to first stretch a leg forward and do a few light stomps to see if the floor gives before moving forward. The woman in the webm didn't make it, of course, brutal way to go.

based but whoever rigged this should have tried to have the turd swing forward as the door opened around face hight

When the movie is over, you have to haul your morbidly obese disgrace of a body out of the theater one way or another. And again, there are garbage cans between you and the exit.
Literally the only difference between leaving your shit behind and throwing it away, in terms of physical effort on your part, is contracting your hand in order to grip a few lightweight paper/cardboard items, and then release those same muscles a short time later.
Comparatively, it probably takes three times more calories to take a single step forward and drag your 300+ pound, atrophying, sorry excuse for a human body forward just one pace, and even if you were too much of a fat fuck to drag your ass up the stairs to anywhere but the front seats, it will surely take you a few dozen steps to get back into your mom's car to be driven back home.
If contracting the muscles in your fat fucking twinkie hands is too much work for you then you must have a sorry life, because even if you somehow managed to dig your 3 inch cock out of the countless folds of fat in your vaguely human body, you apparently wouldn't be able to muster the energy to even jerk off.

pro high level internet expert tip: they're being dumb and inflammatory on purpose and will not succumb to your attempts to make them feel shame for their behaviour

>I'm not overqualified, I didn't even finish college. And even then, what difference does it make? If I asked more than minimum wage, they'd just tell me to fuck off and get someone else.
>I think the issue is that I've not work experience besides freelance jobs, but then again how am I supposed to get experience if no one will hire me (even fucking McDonald's rejected me). Being to stupid for college leads to a life of suffering it seems.

go to walmart or work in a warehouse. this time of year literally anyone can get a warehouse job because people quit over the heat. If you get a warehouse job by February you'll be a supervisor if you are decent.

>garbage cans
For use by garbage professionals who get paid to clean up.
>All you have to do is grip it bro
Then quit crying and get back to work.
Can't be bothered to read your whole post so if I missed anything, oh well.

>garbage professionals

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>garbage professionals

>living in americuckland

I push carts. AMA.

What's your five year plan?

shut the fuck up you wagie trash subhuman fuck. I pay your fucking bills I'll throw my shit wherever I fucking want, including in your dead-eyed mongoloid face. I am the customer ergo you are my fucking bitch. You'll dance for that dollar wagie, you'll change my diaper and suck my cock at the same time and you'll do it with a smile and ask for the same all over again. How fucking dare you presume to tell me what to do with my hard-earned money you disgusting little faggot. You expect my respect when your means of suriving on this planet is by acting as a human bib, capturing the little flecks of shit that I generate simply by enjoying myself? A wage is too good for you wagie, we should just do what the arabs do and enslave the fucking lot of you. Now clean up my shit. Wagie.

"designated shooter"
haha whoa there you're just kidding around, right?

Nothing solid.
I originally believed that because of my lack of education and some physical ailments that the best career path I could forge would be at costco but I'm already considering other options.

I give these people their job by doing so. I feel like an employer sometimes.

>making sure he's part of the image despite his face being irrelevant

why had this become a thing?

I'll be sure to make an extra filthy mess next time I go to theater.

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you can download movies for free dummy. if a movie is good buy it afterwards

Proest higher internet expert level tip. Hes being inflammatory in purpose too and theres a very high probability that they are the same person

kek this is comedy gold

seriously what the fuck is wrong with people, they pay you to do this you stupid fuck

I dont give a shit about wagecuck tears. I'm going to throw my popcorn on the ground and you're going to pick up my filthy mess wagie.

Rolling nig


c'mon big bucks no wagies no wagies STOP

t. Other wagie that makes $1 more than the one they talk to