>Directed and Written by Richard Stanley
>Produced by Elijah Wood
who the fuck is Nathan Gardner, Mayor Tooma and Ezra tho fuck this modernization
Color Out of Space (2019)
rats in the walls when?
I swear if the color is just pinkish with no extra gimmick I will be maf
This is a film to oppose the Jews who run Hollywood, look between the lines
will probably be like that rainbow colour you see on bubbles
yes busted lol, forgot to rename filename
it might be, pic related
The only way it would make sense would be to film it in black and white.
forgot pic related
stanley is gonna focus more on the other aspect pf "colour" than the weirdness of its colour
>Nicholas Cage
Dead on arrival.
I love Cage but he is a terrible choice for this.
I think so too, he doesn't fit the mood
I'm colorblind what in the fuck is the big deal
>Tommy Chong
And people are complaining about Cage being cast??????
>The Island of Doctor Moreau
Wait, that sounds familiar, it's the one with the insane production, right?
Yes the one with Val Kilmer and Marlon Brando.
>Nathan Gardner, Mayor Tooma and Ezra
wtf.. i can't even find imdb profiles for them.. Is this movie going to be starring stage actors?
wait ia it the chong from the stoner movie?
im starting to get bervous
god, i'll bite just in case you arent baiting abd are just retarded. Those are weird renames of the characters nathan gardner should be nahjm gardner and is played by nic cage
who is the loli with the choker?
Nahum, not Nahjm, if you're going by etch-pi-ell's text but this is a modernized adaptation taking place in current year so of course they modernized the names as well
>casts cheech and fucking chong in his lovecraft flick
when does it release?
Anthology film, multiple Lovecraft tales merged into one, or just one story blown up to feature length? Color Out of Space is great and all, but the whole gimmick really doesn't lend itself well to either a feature length film or, tee bee aitch, a visual medium at all.
TFW "the color out of space" becomes a #WOKE PRIDE icon.
>Nic Cage
Confirmed kino
Richard Stanley is kino director
>tee bee aitch
What the hell.
Remember the version with Wesley Crusher?
Yeah, nobody does...
you mean dub u tee aitch
I tried writing a script for this as an exercise, and there's just not enoug there. I tried to focus on the dichotomy of Delapores relationship with Norrys in particular, both as a surrogate son and his resentment toward the man for surviving when his son barely lingered on in a maimed state, trying for a slow burn with the rats, the discovery of the priory and the twilit grotto with some added scenes supposing what happened to his ancestors, though sticking to the obvious conclusions one can draw from the mentions of them. The problem is, while the main character's descent into madness makes a decent-enough conclusion, the fact that all the human-cattle creatures were long-dead by the time they're discovered leaves a lot to be desired. And if you make it so that they aren't dead (and surviving on the very rats that have feasted on most of their corpses), you're basically doing a Descent period piece. I lost the old computer and thumbdrives I used at the time in a flood. I don't trust clouds. And honestly, it wasn't really worth finishing.
I was just going to call him Blackie.
This is the problem with putting a lot of Lovecraft's work to film. Take the Unnamable goes from some amorphous, shoggoth-like thing, to a gargoyle with tits.
It's hard to actually show the indescribable.
Die Monster, Die was a decent movie. Not a great rendition of the story overall, but a decent movie for its era. Though ultimately, the Lovecraftian elements turn out to be nothing more than the mad obsession of an old man, with the Color itself having a scientific explanation.
The Happening was a feature length movie
Mandy was another Cage film produced by Elijah Wood.
Should be interesting even though the source material sucks this time.
It's already been turned into feature-length films three times...
The only way it would work is if you mix Lurking Fear with Rats and make the story take place during the construction with "monsters" still living under the ground and workers being kidnapped for added suspense and mystery and only the last act being when the contruction is finished and he's moved in.
So basically not worth making as it would be too different from Lovecraft and too similar to 200955 other slasher/horror flicks.
In some editions he's called Black Tom.
I don't like when they change things in books, but BT is a based name for a movie version after Black Philip and all that.
That's the problem with a lot of Lovecraft. Good stories don't always make good films.
Actually, the Unnamable is the ghost of the horned skeleton found in the house (in the short story). The point of the story (besides the meta angle about weird fiction) ) is that something already weird is even weirder as a ghost.
imagine how many colours they can see after a couple of bong hits whoa
>gargoyle with tits
failing to see the problem here
Not even nice tits.
The Unnamable 1&2 are a guilty pleasure of mine.