Muh feels are science
Muh feels are science
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I think love is very much tied to the biological cycles of growth and decay.
Women can't love
fpbp unironically
democracy is good
I just want to smell her shitty space suit
>at the end when they reveal the father has been peeping on his daughter through the bookshelf
>people unironically think Interstellar is a real sci-fi
why doesn't hate do the same
Love is just a biological imperative like pon farr, salmon swimming upriver, or needing to shit really badly.
Hate when films try to be all poetic about it.
What a gay thread.
I left the cinema when love led them to matt damon and he actually found the perfect planet. What a cliche ending.
>reveal the father has been peeping on his daughter
TFW you realise the whole movie is the directors self-inserted pedo fantasies...
> love
there is no such thing
What about Sneed?
Seriously though, what is that even supposed to mean in the reality of the movie?
Wait a minute has she always been this ugly? I think I was tricked into thinking she was attractive, for many years, up until now
What is love?
>“Pornography is one of the branches of literature – science fiction is another – aiming at disorientation, at psychic dislocation.”
— Susan Sontag
>Sontag was born Susan Rosenblatt in New York City
>pon farr
You're a nerd, but I kinda respect that.
this is why inception is way better
none of this feefee gayshit
Love is love even in the movie, but how exactly does it transcend space and time??? How does it work within the plot???
what movie is she from again
>to the biological cycles of growth and decay.
it's all entropy bb
>using pon farr as an example of biological drives
heh, nice seeing a fellow intellectual on this pedestrian board
If you just turn your brain off your love will also transcend space and time you fucking nerd
She deserves to be raped by a pack of niggers
I still think she's purdy
It's ironic considering the movie was fucking cold and soulless. And just thinking about it, my ears are bleeding
This quote makes reddit popscience fags seethe with so much rage that its good
I saw her in person around 2008 or so. She was stunning.
I want to stick my tongue in the little heel gap on her shoe
I too watch big bang theory
actually that was a pretty neat concept in the movie
just because they cannot love YOU doesn't mean they can't :^)
have sex
>actually that was a pretty neat concept in the movie
I forgot how it worked. Please explain.How did love transcend space and time in the movie?
post tits
well it was the love between Murph and her dad that let him send the message of how to control gravity or something through the bookshelf
anne was so ugly in this movie. Why did nolan do her like that
>well it was blah blah blah lovey dovey bullshit blah blah blah
Listen, boy. First of all, take off the trip when you talk to me. Second, I don't give two fucks about your '''''''Expert YouTube Influencer'''''' analysis that you've regurgitated and I've been forced to read.
it does
this, hate is so underrated.
Blissful blast of energy, even bigger than love.
Any kinos about going consciously berzerk and dont being portrait like a psycho?
that wasn't love. love didn't create the bookshelf tesseract.
love is actually incredibly fragile and fleeting when not romanticized by people in the moment
my first thought is metal gear. there's gotta be movies with traumatized soldiers who embrace their killer instincts.
That doesn't mean love transcends shit. That's just psychological motivation.
the video game? I will check it, but I dont like the idea that you have to be traumatized to embrace hate, Im looking for something that shows the other end of the same string that its love, neither are good or bad, just feelings that you have to accept-
I check that, thanks
>Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
yeah i suppose metal gear is more about trauma and ideology than hate.
in a spinoff one character gives in to his child soldier indocrination and goes berserk but again, it's not healthy hate.
>Character on the edge of a mental breakdown spouts some bullshit to try to convince the crew to go to the planet that her boyfriend is on instead of Mars
>Dumbasses claim the movie isn't scientific
How brainlet can you get, nothing about the movie is wrong, and is a pretty clearly explained story of people trying to process upper dimensional fuckery and due to being 3 dimensional meatsacks can barely keep a grip on sanity by focusing on the family relationships/romance that is the context for the event instead of focusing on the time travel crap
oh, I love that "healthy hate" thing
now it got me thinking. movies often depict short term hate (rather, anger) as super motivational, strength granting and a normal learning experience. long term hate is pretty much always negative. it makes you look like a junkie, obsesses you, corrodes you on the inside, warps your world view and beliefs, sets you on insane crusades of revenge all while keeping the scared child inside you alive.
i still can't think where i could find healthy long term hate in movies.
just turn on your heart bro
>misinterpreting the desperate rationalization of one character based on their personal desire to reach a loved one as a statement of fact
well, I was just checking on some films and the only thing that appears with hate is "hate crimes", It surprise me cause I didnt even was thinking about that.
I dont know if long term hate is healthy, I dont think so, I think we jump from love to hate constanstly.
Maybe Love by Haneke its something that reminds a little of that, but not quite.