This shit is so fucking stupid. Why is this famous? Also this was the first anime I have ever watched. The best part was when they were at school. What do I watch now?
This shit is so fucking stupid. Why is this famous? Also this was the first anime I have ever watched...
imagine being too dumb to get evangelion
Based retard
It's not stupid, user, it's just not for low-IQ individuals.
Sneedon chuckisis phvangelion
Oh I get it. It's just fucking stupid. Should I watch the movies?
why is it stupid?
I agree op
Ghost in the Shell is so much better
The fact katsuragi is kept in the dark about what the Eva's are
Please kill yourself.
why wouldn't she be? She didn't help develop them. The plans for the Evas are older than she is. Finding a commander with Misato's skills are probably a diamond dozen, plus she hasn't shown maturity to be worthy of such secrets.
Stop. Listen to me. This might be the most important post you ever read on this website. Copy this text and save it to your desktop for future reference. Do this now. You're unhappy. I know you are. You don't need to pretend with me. Do you want to be happy? Answer honestly. If you don't, stop reading now. Come back whenever you feel you can love yourself. Sometimes even that is too much to expect. If you do, you must do everything I say from now on, to the letter. First, stop watching anime. This is the most important thing. Don't ask why. Just stop watching it. Stop watching cartoons in general. Don't read comics. Never read manga, or light novels. Avoid genre fiction in general. Next, go to your doctor and ask him to test your testosterone levels. Your levels will come back low. Ask him to put you on supplements. Start working out. Stop eating junk food. Stop eating fast food. Next, stop playing video games. Throw out your consoles, and your TV. Stop looking at porn. Stop dressing to draw attention to yourself. You aren't as smart as you think you are. Buy a King James Bible and read the Gospels. Start going to church every Sunday. Repent and pray to God. Focus on eliminating sin from your actions and your heart. Volunteer and give to charity. Call your father and tell him you forgive him for not being there for you and not raising you right. Throw out your PC. Downgrade to a dumbphone. Read books. Seek out people. The final step is to stop coming to this website forever. Do all this, and you'll be able to begin your journey to becoming happy. I can't tell you the next step to take. That's yours to decide. The entire world is open to you now. You're free.
What do you reckon. This kid:
a) didn't watch the entire series yet alone end of eva
b) watched it dubbed
Cast your votes.
>The best part was when they were at school.
You're not wrong
>The final step is to stop coming to this website forever.
Should be step 1.
Imagine seriously replying to an obvious bait thread
Good characters, excellent animation, glorious atmosphere, but the storyline... I fucking hate the storyline.
I'll just leave the objective truth about the series here
>a diamond dozen
I finally bit the bullet, and I am disappointed. The characters are annoying as hell, especially Shinji (though that's kind of the point). The part about the EVAS is interesting and I want to know more about the world, but every episode is 60% high school drama bullshit (even in the middle of battles) and 40% humongous mecha shenanigans. I am ten episodes in and I am seriously considering leaving it here.
low iq tier take
NgE is overrated for a mecha anime. Really the eva fights are cool and thats about it. If you want something good check out Gundam Wing or Gundam Seed.
>a diamond dozen
Do the human gene pool a favour and never breed, you colossal retard.
>a diamond dozen,
I mean doesn't the fact that he is continuously on the verge of getting brutally killed by space monsters change things just slightly?
I stop watching any anime when a character is screaming his dialogue for no reason.
I haven't gotten through one yet.
>it's all about symbolism and subt-
lmao who believes this shit
watch Tarkovsky or Bela Tarr
Read Umberto Eco
and listen Tool
you will be ok
oh no no no no no no no
le ebin underage eva tourist has arrived
ok, no tool. but the rest i was right
Next? I suggest trying Boku No Pico.
golden boy
Imagine being such a virgin that you think that just because there are hot women in your life that you cant be sad or depressed.
>Also this was the first anime I have ever watched
opinion disregarded
stay mad pleb
lol found the newfag.
Don't be gay, it's only 26 eps and a movie. You can finish it like how I finished your mum
Mahou shoujo is the best genre
She doesnt need to be privy to those, like how it is irl.