Can smuggle cocaine

>can smuggle cocaine
>can't smuggle success at the box office

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>Can remind america that Nancy Travis has not passed her Last Fuckable Day yet

>is a republican

Home Improvement was never good.

hes a right wing turd

I will beat your ass Jonathan taylor Thomas

Tim "The Candyman" Taylor

lol i always hated this guy and thought he was a corny faggot until i learned he hates leftie cocksuckers, now im all about that tim allen!

how edgy

A man of principle I see.

hes a cuck

fucking hell these mutt town names

>publicly endorses trump
>still gets a lead role in a major pixar release
get dabbed on faggot

>3rd sequel to a 30 year old franchise
>"gets" lead role
delusional drumpfcuck

Fuck you, I liked this movie. And I like Tim Allen.

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trumpers are so cringe

>what is Toy Story 4

Did they REALLY call you Candyman?

>the comedy event of the year

fuck, forgot image

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wtf i love the santa claus now!

Hey Mr. Candyman

Hes a convicted felon retards he can't even vote

any "I'm a conservative" talk out of him is just to get people to watch his show

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He just happen to get his break when every second rate comedian was given their own sitcom.


Pic related?

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>second rate
>own sitcom
Try again, sweetie.

>Home Improvement is outdated because men don't have kids anymore and they don't have homes to improve

>>can smuggle cocaine
Obviously not.

Shut up boomer

>can smuggle cocaine
no he can't, he got arrested for it

And he will live on FOREVER as the beloved Space Ranger Buzz Lightyear that said "To Infinity And Beyond". A line from the world first CGI animated movie ever.

Oh, yeah, and his talking action figure went to fucking space. His voice has been heard on the moon.

Attached: NASA Buzz Lightyear 2.jpg (1140x695, 71K)

Cry harder.

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