>nothing says STARWARS like a woman using a mini-gun
so more JEDI-LESS crap?
>nothing says STARWARS like a woman using a mini-gun
so more JEDI-LESS crap?
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thats not a minigun sweetums
Lots of Star Wars fans have been saying they are sick of Jedi for years now.
Why the fuck would you add a mandalorian and not give them a cool helmet, fucking stupid as hell.
That looks pretty star warsy.
caitlyn jenner looks like THAT??? holy shit slay queen
how would you know that she was a waman then ok sweety
why are entire planets just one biome in star wars?
why are all the planets just barely populated towns with a lack of local authority?
Because it's a fictional kids movie.
Cool gun but it looks old for Star Wars
The armor is kinda dumb, arms exposed and no helmet
I'm pretty sure she's not a mando.
why have grown men written books and made websites cataloging everything that exists in the universe of star wars?
Isn't Pedro the only Mandalorian?
Its a single screenshot. Maybe she will have a helmet, like the main character has.
Anyway I lost all hope I had for SW movies, but this show is something I plan to watch.
Because they are the textbook definition of losers?
Because every manchild needs a hobby.
>girl with a gun
>Vagina carano
>everything needs to be about jedi and sith all the fucking time
There's a whole galaxy out there, user. Two tiny orders of dogmatic virgins aren't constantly relevant.
>but this show is something I plan to watch.
>this time will be different
>hey, should we save Gwendoline Christie, a giant of a woman, for a role in the upcoming Mandalorian movie, where we are certainly going to have a female mandalorian, a race that is significantly taller than other humanoid races in the universe?
It looks like it could be good. It has decent names attached to it, intresting plot, and the cam captured trailer looks good. I can still have hope, can I?
>significantly taller than any other humanoid
Brainlet and non starwars fan detected.
For one, mandalorians aren't a fucking race, they're a multispecies culture/nation. Secondly, humans weren't even the original ones. Thirdly, the humans that are Mandalorians are regular humans.
>For one, mandalorians aren't a fucking race, they're a multispecies culture/nation
That's a retcon. They will always be their own race to me.
Why would sith be virgins?
>so more JEDI-LESS crap?
Because the Jedi stuff has been SO GOOD recently?
>they will always be their own race to me
Okay. Here's your Mandalorian amazon babe, bro.
>a race that is significantly taller than other humanoid races in the universe?
Boba and Jango weren't noticably tall. Jango was a manlet because his actor was a manlet.
Nah, I'll just take the taller human version
If you're really good with the force can you wipe your ass with it after making a poopoo?
Theres no way she can wipe probably bros let's be honest here
>nothing says erection like Gina Carano
>Cool gun but it looks old for Star Wars
OT guns were literally just old firearms with some extra doodads glued on. Some of the guns they used dated back to the 1800s.
So what's yours then.
>inb4 sex
Nope. Idiot
This has to be the most retarded comment. The whole gimmick of the series is that the Mandalorian never takes off his helmet, alla Goblin Slayer.
Because why the hell not?
If it sucks, I can just drop it after a few episodes.
I'm not a poorfag so $7 for one month of Disney+ is basically nothing to me.
You don't see much Sith kids running around.
wow really? then like...what the fuck do they want? why watch star wars? why not just watch something else
>why watch star wars? why not just watch something else
This is something Yea Forums can't answer you. There's hordes of autists still bitching about TLJ here.
>mini gun
>It's huge
What was the intended conveyance of meaning here?
Yeah and fans were incessant about how the OT is better than the prequels. Disney listened and produced garbage.
that's just a regular machine gun lmao how is this Star Wars
The OT guns were literally just regular gun designs with shit added onto them, retard.
star wars retro futurism get fucking boring really fast
it's how lucas thought the future would look like in 1970, right now it doesn't make any sense to produce a movie where everything is analogue
>ep VII
>ep VIII
>ep IX
yeah but that gun looks like it has a drum magazine
They gave her a big gun just like the goblina in Thir Ragnarok. It's a symbolic phallus. This is what we're at fols, women with dicks is the furture decided by Disney
So does the Laser RCW from new vegas.
not really relevant. OT blasters don't have magazines
Kinda looks like an RT-97c or DLT-19, but its neither. The RT-97c had a the drum though.
The dumbest argument you shills come up with.
We know you're a shill because you're in here, saying only manchildren care about Star Wars...even though you're clearly here to defend Star Wars.
>don't have magazines
They literally do, Han's DL-44 is just a mauser with a scope and a thingy on the barrel.
The place where you stick in the Mauser's stripper clip is where the battery pack goes.
If you don't like the lived-in 70s aesthetic of the OT with old guns, just watch your zoomzoom crap like pic related and don't bother real men.
Yet no one seems to ever be able to present a counterargument.
It made since in the OT, becuase they implied Jedi were super rare and some people didn’t even believe in them,
In the prequels they made them head of the government council, who would be a warrior when thier are litteral mages running around you could make you do a dance with your gun, pull your pants down and fly you through town
There's more to Star Wars than the jedi and the sith. What I hoped for in the sequel trilogy, was a continuation in a world with no jedi and sith. What factions emerge to fill out the power vaccuum?
And according to Mr Mysterybox and Mickey Mouse, jedi 2.0 and sith 2.0!! Because even after both factions proved time and time again that they do not work, someone went and remade them anyway. To make matters worse, the Empire is back too in the form of the First Order, leaving room for a new Rebel Alliance.
>Cast Jake the Muss as the father of the most badass bounty hunter in the universe
>He doesn't get fucking furious and stomp someone's head in
>why are entire planets just one biome in star wars?
>Implying there aren't desert and ice worlds in our own solar system
>implying more than one specific location is ever shown
That's like watching movies and arguing that the entire world looks like toronto, or southern california.
>implying jedi don't fuck your young padawans like altar boys
That's not a minigun, dummy. This is 5 years after RotJ, so Luke exists, and may have apprentices at this point. Also, Ahsoka exists, and Ezra is somewhere.
There were multiple mando helmets shown in the BTS vid.
Lmao that's embarrassing.
the fuck are you blabbering
There wasn't a single Jedi in the original trilogy. There were a few former Jedi and Luke was a trainee.
I want to cuddle with Gina Carano.
[citation needed]
You can't just pull shit out of your ass and present it as fact so when it doesn't go the way you wanted you can go all geeksandgamers about it.
We all now who's involved here
>t. pleb that hasn't watched the leaks...
It's literally an MG42. They didn't even Scifi it.
I wanna cuddle in between her strong arms and feel her abs while she pounds on my dick like a power hammer.
meant for
They've had them since oh, before you were born.
Try again, kiddo.
I didn't even know there was gonna be a movie with her but I like it
She should be in every action movie
I saw them first-hand in that room, faggot. At no point did they ever say he never takes off the helmet.
so erotic
Didn't think I would ever fuck a tank, but there she is.
Show me ONE SINGLE FRAME from any shot from the leaked footage or in-universe promo imagery where The Mandalorian has his helmet off. Also, listen to what Pedro says about the character in the first video. It's clear that they're using the "mysterious masked man/audience self-insert" and "building anticipation for the protagonist's face reveal" tropes as hooks for the series.
It's incredible how qt her face still is considering how most other MMA cunts look
Jango and Boba are not Mandalorians.
>nothing says STARWARS like a woman using a mini-gun
yeah why is there a sci-fi concept in a sci-fi movie lol fucking sjws ruining everything
hey at least Gina looks like a proper trooper who could snap a tatooine mook in half
Imagine the perfect children they could have made.
>It's literally an MG42. They didn't even Scifi it.
That's all star wars weapons, ww2 guns with some piece removed or a scope added
Where is that scar on her arm from?
>I ground and pounded her in 39 seconds
Jesus, my dick.
I bet every single female MMA fighter has a lesdom fetish
Pretty sure they would've produced garbage even if they hadn't listened
Its an MG-34 not a MG-42.
Prime Gina was such a QT.
Just because you ignore them doesn't mean they don't exist
Too bad she aged.
Yeah humans do that. She looks gorgeous.
>It's literally an MG42
It's a BREN with an MG15 drum mag stuck to the bottom rather than the original top-feeding magazine, and some extentions screwed in front of the gas plug
Show me ONE SINGLE FRAME of Nick Nolte as an ugnaught, the Mando's bounty a baby, Bossk, Rotta the Hutt, or the Mando's Deadpool-like face, (since he was scarred by sarlacc digestive acid, and is revealed to be Boba Fett in the final episode). You dumb motherfucker.
Wine ages too you know.
And them you just drink it and it's gone.
what's with the scars
>no boob armor
low iq show
How come her shoes are always so sexy? Trying to compensate for non actor or model background and doing it better than most true actresses and models in the end?
So...why not watch something else...if you dont care about lightsabers then you can literally pick any sci fi fantasy shit
Also, the baby that Werner Herzog wants dead or alive (who the former Imperial science man wants alive) while never referred to as Luuke, because that is dumb, is most definitelythe only surviving clone of Luke who had been smuggled out of a secret lab while in stasis during the chaos that succeeded the death of Sheev and Vader. Setting up season 2, Rotta has an enourmous bounty out on Leia, and agrees to throw in Slave I, which is in a hanger at his palace (formerly Jabba's) on Tatooine where it has been for 5 years.
I want to see a movie where a sexy female bounty huntress and her sarcastic HK-47-esque droid sidekick kill multiple Jedi.
Just like in my SWTOR.
I wonder if they will ever cash in on the Old Republic setting with moves somehow.
Better yet: sexy female Sith power hungry antihero with equally sexy cynical and mercantile female bountyhuntress sidekick, wreck the Old Republic's shit, pillage and kill Jedi. Would be based as fuck.
Aurra Sing show when? I know she's dead by the time of Solo.
Star Wars is largely a space western in concept, only the PT focuses more on the Jedi mythology and makes it like a modern Shakesperian play (regardless of the personal opinion about it, that was the attended style Lucas choose), so yeah, it fits in the timeline.
Ready for ol'Billy Blaster Balls?
Is this from MOMPov?
>tfw Dash Rendar goes bald
>holding the weapon by its barrel changing handle
>female mandalorian
>no helmet because muh we need to see actor faces muh how else will the audience know shes a strong womyn
into the trash
Okay I'm sold on Mando Milkers, this her right or am I incredibly faceblind?
Looks like a spacified MG34 which is funny since everything in the original movies were WW2 props spacified.
Kino, yeah look at the new trilogy weapons, they're all bricks and nerf guns
>what this?
>oh this is a schwetband
Well they tried the stonk womyn with helmet and no one remembers that character.
She is not mandalorian
So generic.
Hot damn do I like me some Italian broads.
Like reverting back to Muskets
surely the E-11 overly-mass produced as everyone and their nan had an E-11 in universe
that's baroness with contacts
probably because she had a total of 2 minutes screen time
My older brother Jimmy told me cause they use condoms , contraceptives are against the jedi teachings.
yeah exactly, and then they tell us making female character heroes doesn't change anything. It changes everything! Everything has to be adapted to virtue signal their presence and how strong they are. The plot is relayed to background noise, it's all about showing off girl power. It's annoying as well. It will never stop as long as Disney is in charge
No I dont care about disneywars.
they could not make it without being cringy as fuck
What if the Mandalorian bangs Cara Dune? Is it ok then?
>Because why the hell not?
>If it sucks, I can just drop it after a few episodes.
>I'm not retarded so torrenting a few episodes is basically nothing to me.
They will show her flirting with Twileks. And when the Mandalorian will try to seduce her, he'll get a kick in the nuts. Sounds crazy, right?
She should have been Wonder Woman, such a crime that she wasn't.
Christ, what a beefcake.
That’s how it is. The imperial rule enslaved many outer systems. The government is removed and then the planet is ruled by a Grand Moff from the safety of his star destroyer. Tarkin for example
I think Star wars is boring as hell but this right here makes no fucking sense.
It's like redditors that say "that horror film with no horror was a bReAtH oF fReSh AiR"
Why not watch something else?
There were like less 1,000 Jedi in a galaxy with a hundred trillion sentient life forms. The Jedi were most definitely fabled. expand your imagination. Most life forms never even seen the capital. The major system we see the Jedi live on is Corasaunt. When obiwan visits the kaminos they are perplexed at his life view and call it silly behind his back.
>hurr it's people who didn't like the shit prequels fault
Star Wars IS ABOUT THE JEDI AND SITH CONFLICT. Don’t let anyone tell you anything otherwise. Every fucking piece of continuity has the Jedi and sith conflict at the center. Period. Abandoning this is a new take DISNEY not the fucking fans have decided to go with. I have never seen anyone seriously discuss Star Wars brig better without the Star Wars aspect. Every book every game every comic is a Jedi sith conflict. Jesus. It’s like wanting to read about Tolkien’s world but you don’t wanna know about the elves or the dwarfs cause “that’s getting old”
what's with women and the need to remove the mask/helmet in ANY form of media?
>Lots of Star Wars fans have been saying they are sick of Jedi for years now.
That's because if you take Jedi out of SW you get Halo.
That is these people you are talking about, a small group of SW fans that are mouthbreathers that play vidya 10 hours a day and never had a gf and just want live action Halo.
Fuck those failfuck virgins. Jedi and Sith, when done well, make SW great.
>That's because if you take Jedi out of SW you get Halo
Dumbest thing I've ever read in my life
Star Wars without Jedi is just Farscape without sex.
In the prequels, Jedi were still considered super rare. The known galaxy is massive and even in universe with interstellar travel, most people never left their city/town let alone their planet.
ahh yes
why would i watch a woman doing anything that is not realated to giving birth to a man?
Scottish stormtroopers?