How does he do it?

How does he do it?

Why are his writing so kino?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because he is gay and he is black which is like a fuck you pass to say whatever he likes.

He's an academic not just some "film lover" with a journalism degree. He's actually studied and trained to be a critic and he excels t it. Also he's gay and black and so he can say whatever he likes without someone pulling race/gay card at him, something his opponents would do to anyone else sharing his views because they are lazy and stupid and not real critics.

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I was impressed he enjoyed John Wick 3, his review was glowing actually. And he likes the owls of ga'hoole and Iron Giant, the man is an absolute genius.

Dude loves animation actually.

As long as it isn't Disney, excluding the Winnie the Pooh movie from 2011

Do you guys think Armond has ever seen Billy Herrington's filmography?

>Billy Herrington's kinography

ftfy, and of course he has

they're not you ridiculous chimpanze. He's a fucking contrarian or just mentally unbalance, which is why so many of the /pol/tards on Yea Forums like him

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ITT freedom of speech from intelligent person makes for interesting opinions

He's a talented writer. Frustratingly so, because his political bias gets in the way of his actual reviews. When he did Toy Story 4 he came so close to pointing out the failure of capitalism but he stopped just short of it, waffling about I'll defined "consumerism" instead. He's technically much closer to Adornos school of criticism than to the shallow liberal or the insincere rightist approach to it but he can't quite break away from his own biases.

Nigger with a thesaurus

that's still more talent than most niggers

niggas be readin two books now

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>le /pol/ booogie man!
unironically kill yourself nigger

oh shit they're evolving

Go suck Almond's nigger dick

wh*te """"people"""" on suicide watch

aw did a critic say something bad about one of your capeshits?

>does not refute that he does in fact suck nigger dick

>I hate /pol/
>nigger nigger
You sound like /pol/, buzz off Armond is based

Armond is a nigger

People say that he is contrarian etc. but when you look at his sight and sound list he picked great films. From what i understand he is a fan of Antonioni which means that he knows his shit.
He voted for
>Jules et Jim
>Lawrence of Arabia
>The Magnificent Ambersons
>Nouvelle Vague
>Passion of Joan of Arc
>Sansho Dayu
This is better taste then 90% of Yea Forums and better taste then those retards that complain that he shits on their newly released capeshit garbage.

the only real critic.



Oh wow, he loves well loved classics, shocker

have sex

stop nigging

Reminder this dude found out being a contrarian makes you a name. It's fucking obvious.

Films he likes
>Mr. Deeds
>Pain and Gain
>The Neon Demon
>Man of Steel
>A Serious Man
>Jack and Jill
>Hot Fuzz

Films he hates
>Toy Story 3
>BR 2049
>The Hangover
>Infinity War

Imagine taking this scammer seriously

Not only is he a troll, but a classic troll. When confronted with any of your arguments against his points, he almost always deflected the question and either changed the subject or nit picked at your question/choice of words.

Another tactic that grew wearisome was his referencing older films that he can assume you have not seen and therefore remain unable to engaged him in a conversation about. And calling Steve McQueen’s film an “art thing?” It’s just juvenile.

No lol

He writes like he’s the last honest man in America, but contrarianism, by definition, isn’t completely honest. It’s self-hype, designed to provoke a reaction. I truly do believe that Armond White comes to the vast majority of his opinions honestly.

He’s a gay African-American fundamentalist-Christian aesthete, and if that doesn’t make him anindividual, I don’t know what would. But it seems to me that Armond, over the years, has become so invested in the idea of how different his gaze is from everyone else’s that he has turned individuality into a species of megalomania.

Imagine being a pleb like you. Implying Mr. Deeds isn't kino is sick

Imagine memes rotting your brain

We get it you have the same opinions as every other critic and are butthurt Armond disagrees, get over it. Armond is the king of Yea Forums

He liked Little Nicky and Dawn of the Dead remake more than the dark fucking knight and the departed. He's a troll, retard



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If you didn't think Toy Story 3 was Pixar blatantly emotional manipulating you throughout the movie you might be retarded
Also Hot Fuzz is kino

Little Nicky and Dawn of the Dead remake are pretty great films. So what if he doesn't like dark knight or departed.

Toy Story 3 = unkino
Hot Fuzz = kino

Other critics = unbased
Armond = based

>he hates fun comedies that don't push agendas

>Films he likes
>>Mr. Deeds
>>Pain and Gain
>>The Neon Demon
>>Man of Steel
>>A Serious Man
>>Jack and Jill
>>Hot Fuzz
The only questionable thing here is Jack and Jill, everything else is certifiable kino. Also you're making the classic zoomer mistake of thinking a critic is suppose to simply 'like' or 'dislike' the films he's criticising, Armond analyzes the films he watches and explains his thoughts eloquently. I don't have to always agree with him but I enjoy his point of view none the less

Now you're getting it

He's a take down critic and his reviews are written from the point of view of someone deeply offended that they watched a movie they didn't like.
Literally baby's first film criticism.

Armond speaks the truth, he's no snowflake

All films emotionally manipulate you, retard

Imagine thinking what a nigger writes is of any value

Imagine thinking nigger is a good retort. Armond is a beloved intellectual



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Mr. Deeds is actually not that bad

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>iPhone user
>nigger lover
It checks out



Yes but some are honest about it and some aren't

Niggers are dishonest

Yikes! incel

But c'mon it's silly how someone can like Phone Booth and Green Inferno more than Casino and TDK and Argo and Spotlight

Even his music taste is shit. He recently praised Bob Dylan and Morrissey and Oasis (a literal meme band) but doesn't like ANY modern music or even Tupac and Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones

you're the definition of unbased

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he loves Kanye West and thinks of him as an auteur

How can u tell. Sounds like ur being biased and want things to fit your narrative


have sex

If a movie agrees with my politics it's based and honest
If it doesn't it's cringe and dishonest

>Bob Dylan
Based, and he's popular so Armond isn't contrarian.
great band
Modern music is shit. He also likes Prince I think.

Yeah, cause Kanye shares his politics lol








But he's correct about literally all of those examples you just posted?

Armond White? More like Basedmond Based.

He's based, user is unbased


That's literally you and Armond lol

That's literally based and cringe lol



I can't tell if you're joking but Phone Booth and Green Inferno are 100% better films than TDK and Argo and Spotlight and I'd probably watch Green Inferno over Casino if I had to choose. Also no one gives a fuck about dad rock and tupac, Morrissey is based and Oasis is not a fucking meme band you must be a yank

Unbased post

>Morrissey is based

Worst thread currently on Yea Forums

Attached: 1561729761382.jpg (600x600, 58K)

>be Armond
>be based black man
>be based Zionist Republican
>suck based cocks
>trigger cringe discord trannies
he based

yikes, user

These are some pretty based takes that I mostly agree with. I've only seen two scenes from Jack and Jill but they were both hilarious.
>Maybe if you weren't an atheist God wouldn't have given you a rat-face.

based zack "kino based god daddy" snyder, who is based

Have you read the tone of his reviews? He acts as if making a film he doesn't like is akin to a cardinal sin punished by death.
He is literally a child throwing a tantrum in the supermarket isle because mommy got him a different juice than the one he wanted.

based takes > cringe takes
seething discord trannies on suicide takes

Shut the fuck up, you unbased cringe

Daily reminder that I am based and you are cringe

>when /r/Yea Forums tries to fit in

Reply to this post with based or your mother will cringe in her sleep tonight

Just did a based, was it kino?

Have you read the tone of your and every other hater's post about Armond? He's just being critical

haters gonna hate
they see me rollin lololol
u mad

>>when /r/Yea Forums tries to fit in
>nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
>b-but he doesn't like led zeppelin!
seems about right

Every point he makes in his negative reviews is ultimately made weaker by the fact that he is seething on the page.


kys tranny

kind of how you act when someone says the flick you liked is bad?

it's called being passionate about his craft, a based concept, something you wouldn't understand.

the dork knight is only liked because the junkie died and you know it
the only good thing about the film is the batmobile/batbike sequence

no i'm fine with someone not liking the same movies as me, they're just films

Then why are you having a sad about White?

based concpets

try being based instead of drinking soi


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interesting analysis

at the end of the day it's not good film criticism, imagine if teachers insulted their students while grading their papers

Seeing how schools are at the moment it probably wouldn't hurt

ur not funny


no its just stale

listen to how well he's able to articulate his beliefs when talking to another academic in a relaxed and non-rushed manner. these interviews are excellent

>Films he hates
>>Toy Story 3
>>BR 2049
>>The Hangover
>>Infinity War
And what's wrong with it you absolute reddιt zoomer faggot?

Classic mediocre Nolan with terrible dialogs
>Toy Story 3
Emotion bait for faggots
>BR 2049
Bad movie as a whole, gets carried by Goose and Ana
>The Hangover
Do i have to explain this one?
>Infinity War
Drink your soi milk and fuck off
Overated but not that bad

Go back to plebbit now


Agree with all, but 2049s visuals were pretty good as well

if you read his critiques you'd know that he references a bunch of obscure shit (for normal people). He's one of the few people who actually deserves the respect a formal education used to garner.

>but contrarianism, by definition, isn’t completely honest.
he's never claimed to be contrarian you absolute mongol

Is that a famas?

>ur not funny

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Aside from Jack and Jill how is he wrong. Go on, explain it.

>Mr. Deeds
>Pain and Gain
>The Neon Demon
>Man of Steel
>A Serious Man
>Jack and Jill
I think this is a meme, I'd want to see his review that he actually liked it to that extent.
>Hot Fuzz

>Toy Story 3
Mega fucking trash
>BR 2049
As of yet, nothing has surpassed this level of dishonest filmmaking
>The Hangover
Super fucking trash
>Infinity War
McFucking kys yourself Marvel shitter
Autism if it were a movie

Spotlight is an awful film that glorifies corrupt media using the cheapest of all smears against the Catholic Church, the montage of the children's choir singing silent night (or whatever) was the most hamfisted attack ever. Such contrasts have been done to death.



U just want to argue. Just take a look at IMDb, metacritic, RT, and critic experts on YouTube

Prince, I thought you were dead

>wow he is a contrarian!
>wow he is not a contrarian!

Imagine defending Michael Bay, Adam Sandler, Zack Snyder and a gay cuckservative meanwhile acting smart cause you don't like directors who are praises by most film enthusiasts and film buffs

Michael Bay and Zack Snyder are based, don't know too much about Adam Sandler though. if you don't like them, you are gay.

based redditor cringin at everything

>meanwhile acting smart cause you don't like directors who are praises by most film enthusiasts and film buffs
Film buff who praise Nolan probably only watch capeshit and star wars. I hate to break it to you but if you only watch blockbusters and Tarantino you are not a film buff.

>capeshit reviewer enjoys superman
>capeshit board losing at his taste on infinity war
What the fuck happened to Yea Forums? It's not a joke anymore, we only have capeshit left.

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Based Armond sees straight through retarded successful meme flicks like fucking Birdman. He sees them for the vapid trash they always were

>agrees with the Rotten Tomatoes consensus 49% of the time

Wait, is A Serious Man unpopular?

it's unpopular on reddir because it "isn't funny". Plebs, user, they are different to us.

>Films he likes
All based except Jack and Jill not because it's bad but haven't seen it.
>Films he hates
All based except Drive, but I'm advanced enough on the spectrum to be involved in the movie and one of its obvious target audience. I can see its faults and how it would turn off a less autistic man.

I thought it was quite funny.

There is no other film critic alive that knows more about films than he does.

>it's unpopular on reddir
Is it?

Because you have taste

He has great taste, disneyshills can only SEETHE at this fact

It's a pleb filter. You have to be either Jewish or anti-Semitic to really get (and laugh) the movie.

Only Jack and Jill sounds like trolling, everything else is spot on

>Infinity War
Quality bait, you deserve all these (you)s good job

I dislike all the films in that dislike list as well. The films he likes are a bit hit-or-miss though, sure. Pain and Gain is actual kino.

>Imagine defending Michael Bay, Adam Sandler, Zack Snyder and a gay cuckservative
Have you watched the films in question specifically? Don't bring general memes about the directors into it

Using "gaze" as a noun should warrant physical violence

I wonder how that movie would be received if Heath Ledger didn't die. It is an overrated movie, Batman Begins was so much better

it is a noun you ESL paki pretentious fucktard