What was his problem?
What was his problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
he was gonna die an old lady
he just had to get to his fucking job
he just wanted a pancake
I'm a cop
See? Look at my badge.
if you watched these you're a zoomer
Pre-2010 Klay World was so fucking based, and then it went to shit in a spectacular swan dive, the suddenness of which I've rarely seen elsewhere.
Luckily, though, Robert's live action videos stayed good after Klay World declined, and have pretty much always been good.
Ya man I still catch myself singing macaroni macaroni macaroni macaroni put the cheese in the noodles and what do you get? For time to time
I can lend a helping hand
very based post OP
t. /f/
More like /f/aggots
What happened?
Chips in a tube? That's just crazy
I don't know really, the early episodes were weird in such a way that was hilarious, like the weirdness had a certain wit to it. Then in the span of about a year it seemed like the new episodes just seemed like they were being weird for weirdness's sake and it just came off as boring and cringey.
LMAO I remember this faggot Knox on YouTube his mom threatened to sue me when I was like 12 for also making shitty claymations hahaha
that is true
No way are you serious? What year was that?
Did your guys look blue? Also yeah knox is a total basement dweller type
You ready for a beatin’?
Robert literally never, not once, dropped his autism persona in any video, which led me to believe that maybe it wasn't actually shtick that he was putting on, and that he really is autistic. Can anyone confirm?
Not sure exactly but it was before he got really popular. I just remember her YouTube name was KnoxsMom and she said she printed out all of my mean comments to show the sheriff of their shitty Texas town. Then I used google to see if she could sue me and laughed at her.
$20 says this poster is actually Knox.
Does anyone remember the claymation made by someone else about an angry dad tryin to get his sons to hunt a turkey??
Too much dilly dallying in this thread.
He failed to pay taxes on his "Klay World: Off The Table" video and got slapped with a huge fine. Also, all that interest in his first professional effort fell through hard and never got made.
I remember liking his early stuff when I was a child and getting excited once because he said hi to me on my myspace page. What a fucking weirdo lmao I was like 10.
No I actually made little humans mostly with the wire skeletons and give them those little googly eyes you buy at Walmart
I used to visit his forums regularly and made sigs for some other users. KnoxsKorner I think it was called.. what a fractured piece of internet history.
Now it's all cuddled up nice and cozy under a chink owned Reddit so no more independent forums can really exist and prosper.
He dilly-dallied
Very early zoomer. A huge chunk of people on here seem to think le golden age of YT was Filthy Frank, Idubbbz, and Maxmoefoe shock humor videos.
Just needed some co-co-co-la
KnoxsKorner was before YouTube though. The Golden Age of YouTube was genuinely 2012.
You got trolled hard, b'y
he just wanted to play halo
Love this guy's sense of humor. Shame he scammed his fans though.
Reminder that sneedposting is not and was never based or redpilled but is, in fact, cringe and bluepilled
Interesting watch.
Its also reddit