Has any other kino absolutely destroyed the nation state of america as hard as this one?

has any other kino absolutely destroyed the nation state of america as hard as this one?

Attached: 220px-Super_Size_Me_Poster.jpg (220x314, 21K)

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>*cough* *cough* I'm dying *drinks 2 gallons of pop* in front of this *destroys food logs* conveniently placed camera. Someone call *gets drunk* 911!
How did he get away with it? I honestly can't understand how something so obviously bullshit got memed around so much.

cope Spurlock, you should be in jail for rape

Have sex

seething fatty

>McDonalds still in business
>USA still has obesity epidemic
didn't do diddily squat in the long run

Wasn't he drunk during lots of it?

The Big Short

You're just too dumb to understand why it was a profound criticism of late-capitalism in America.

It was so ahead of its time now billionaires are scared shitless of a French Revolution: America Edition coming Soon™ to a tycoon near you.

>didn't do diddily
>Vegans intensify

Why are vegans so delusional about their actions making a difference?

Because they are nutrient deficient

seething Spurlock, I hope you didn't touch any kids in the playplace you sick fuck

>Eating mcdonalds for every meal is bad the movie

>go out of your way to ruin your diet
>wtf why do I not have a balanced diet

Jews should be very scared. In Minecraft.

>>go out of your way to ruin your diet
he ate like how the average american eats

>proves you lied

Attached: fat.jpg (300x400, 28K)

Americans actually do have a sickness though, if you go into an American Walmart it is an absolute nightmare abomination. It sickens me to my core.

>"FAST FOOD ISN'T BAD" says terminally obese man
lmao sure buddy

>Guns, fat and money, the fall of America: How China took over as the worlds new superpower
Coming soon

This is your future. America leads the way.


if the chinks take over, you will literally felate every american to convince them to come back

Gook cope

>This is your future
But Japan is the future. And the future is a sex doll in every house.
>Man invents new ways to have sex (Tinder)
>Man realizes only a small portion of men are actually attractive, the rest are just husbands used for babies
>Man invents sex robots
>Man invents artificial wombs
>Men breeding more men with robots
>404 Women not found


I think we should give Germany another chance. It totally wont go wrong this tim- wait shit how did this train get here.

>blames liver failure, whiskey dick, and mood swings on fast food

>Or is it because I’ve consistently been drinking since the age of 13? I haven’t been sober for more than a week in 30 years

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He got a medical check up on all those things before doing this movie twattard, and he was healthy.

I know, Americans are actually so efficient at distributing calories and products that it's become unhealthy for their society, what a terrible problem to have.
Now if only they would be more like Europe and start taking legal action over internet discourse.

Yeah so healthy that eating a single fast food meal made him puke lmao.
I get that he wasn't used to such food, but to the point he'd throw up? Fuck off.

You're just used to it lardass

Have sex

Yet a swedish study replicated the diet and found no significant liver damage.

>One of the most shocking scenes in the film is when his three doctors urge him to abandon his experiment after getting the results of blood tests which show that his liver is so badly damaged it looks as though it is the result of heavy drinking - "You're pickling your liver!". While Nyström and his team also noted "significant" changes in the liver, relating to the liver enzyme levels in the blood, and the content of fat in the liver, the changes were "never even close to dangerous".

Is it possible the man making a product to sell might omit things to make his product more sensationalist?
The same man who would not publicly release his food logs or medical records for his (unscientific) ""health study""?
The same man who would not disclose his rampant alcoholism in a documentary about his own health?

Tip top burger post.
Cares more about FREEZE PEACH on twatter than the population eating themselves to death and ballooning the healthcare costs.

Attached: obese.jpg (786x855, 212K)

Sensational movie exaggerating the sensations

Nope, I eat healthy as fuck, haven't eaten fast food in a year. I still have no problem on the rare occasion that I eat junk food because I'm healthy. Or, more relevantly, because I'm not trying to play things up for the camera.

Have sneed.

I mean yes, I definitely care more about free speech than that. Or pretty much anything for that matter. It's really, really important.

Yeah I know. Having a youtube account is a human right.

Yep. Through the whole thing. Before he got sober he hadn’t stopped drinking since he was 13

yes american, consumerism is bad, if you are forced to kill yourself because you don't have the time to cook food then maybe do something about your corporatist culture

*knock knock*

>Guns will cause America's downfall to China
This ain't Tiananmen Square 1989 Chang

It is, yurocuck tranny. Corporations must not control the means of speech.

I guess the problem will solve itself when the fat kids need to start working or die. How will your problem solve itself? You're not even allowed to talk about it.

How does being fat make a person intelligible for a career anyway? Looks like a bullshit article. Notice the use of units in non-moonfaring countries. Good thing our marine bases just open themselves up to foreign journalists.

>It is
No it isn't you dumb fat fuck.

You need to make the distinction between energy and nutrition. The point of a movie like Fat Head was that you can lose weight on McD, if you take care to make sure your energy intake is LOWER than your energy output. Nutrition wise, a McD diet is of course completely horrible.

Sometimes it's good to read an article and not just react to a headline. It's in the fist paragraph

>The reasons: obesity, no high school diploma or a criminal record.

Explain how forcing freedom of speech on literally everything would be bad for anybody except corporations.

Since when did abundance of something turn into forced use? Contrary to your education of America via Hollywood, no one is force feeding anyone. The food addicts will die, and the people who live moderately will live. This is called nature, over a long enough period of time it may even be evolution. It's what makes free will so great. I would rather have an option for abundance than a complete lack of it.

You should try not hiding behind a screen.

>forcing freedom of speech on literally everything
>forcing freedom of speech
Is this freedom?

>YouTube is not part of a massive corporation


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You can find every critical nutrient recommended for a healthy diet on the McDonald's menu. Many of them are not ideal sources, but that's a different matter.

And most importantly, the country's malnutrition crisis is dwarfed by our obesity crisis.

Real talk here: We need to dismantle the top-down 1% capitalist system we have now. Abandon factory farms in favor of locally made products. But a double Quarter Pounder with Cheese is fucking delicious.

Yep. You have to force people to not do bad things, like kill people, sell drugs, make kids work etc.

Stop defending corporations, yurocuck tranny. Why did your government vote for a law that makes corporations censor the internet?

You only linked a headline. And how stupid must you be to believe that 71% of the youth of any society falls into one of those categories. This isn't mad Max 3 where all of the adults disappeared one day. That kind of degradation is gradual. Unless of course they are counting massive immigration influxes.

Just because a news article has unbelievable facts doesn't make them true. Is this your first encounter with click bait?

So if the Yea Forums jannie bans you for spamming on Yea Forums Hiro should be prosecuted for violation of your free speech?

mcdonalds is delicious. eat shit eurofag

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Absolutely. How would that be bad?

>eat shit
But you're already doing that.

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Nobody's defending them, but you're only so mad because you are a scared fat faggot who would never try to do any activism offline.

The discontinuation of the McLean deluxe was the point where the wave broke and american culture rolled backwards. No longer would we strive for the stars, open up new markets, or design a better more healthy burger.

It's $1 mcdoubles and icy soft serve from here until the muslim hordes invade, boyos

>be american
>get job
>have to drive 2 hours to work and 2 hours from work
>pay $50,000 for car and have to keep paying for it (???)
>work for 10 hours
>get home
>have to go to sleep so you can wake up at 3 AM to drive to work
>forced to eat fast food on the car drive
america deliberately creates a system based around giving corporations as much money as possible

My God. Talk about being stupid. You react to a headline, refuse to read the actual article and think you look smart.


You didn't even address anything in his post and just started posting autistic greentexts lmfao

>how is it forced?
then i answered, maybe if your education system wasn't broken you could comprehend anything

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I've yet to see an argument against this. Are you sure you're not the one who's been destroyed?

Change commute time to 30 minutes,
Work time to 8.5 hours,
Auto cost to $25,000 if you want new any extra must be for repairs,
Wake up time to 6am,
And meal time and consistency to whatever the fuck we want.

Anyone paying $50k for a car is using it for the reaction.

That is the average American lifestyle. Anyone in your country saying otherwise is blowing smoke up your ass.

Ja nawet nie jestem od tego kraju, ty kundel. What exactly is wrong with your life that causes you to seethe so hard about a country you don't even live in lmao

the point of the doc is "what if a non-blob started eating like the average american"

>didn't do diddily squat in the long run
Not true. It made fast food taste shittier and got rid of supersize meals so now people who used to buy those just buy two larges instead and people who enjoyed an occasional burger and fries get nasty-tasting food.
All because some guy revealed the "secret" that eating fast food three times a day for a month makes you sick and fat.

Well I'm certainly not going to waste my time with click bait when I can look around and see it is completely unbased.

Are you going to go read an article about the Earth being flat because some stranger on the internet posted a ridiculous claim.

The average american doesn't exclusively eat mcdonalds. I guess if that's all it takes to make a documentary I wanna make one that shows what happens when someone drinks only beer with every meal for a month straight. Apparently that'll prove that drinking in any amount and moderation is bad and that beer must be changed and removed and I deserve a huge paycheck for my revolutionary realization.

Yes absolutely. The point is that it is first and foremost a question of portion control. People consume a lot more energy than they spend. Either portion sizes has to go down or the big portions of calorie dense food need to go down in favour of more stuff rich in fiber, which is more filling.

i don't know, do you notice when the dog shits on your carpet

America is fucked, no fixing that mess. There are so many factors that conspire to make people overweight.

What country are you from, where a very significant portion of you population isn't obese?

Quick Google shows me my country has 47% of adults who are technically overweight, ie. a BMI of over 25. Not saying there aren't some of the same problems where I live, but it's just worse in America.

>when I can look around and see it is completely unbased
Absolutely retarded.

>My country is extremely overweight, but that doesn't matter, because America is more overweight than mine!

I fucking hate vegans so much.

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The difference is other countries actually make an effort to address the issue.
Americans ignore it.

Is that what I wrote though?

>Americans ignore it.
The food industry actively suppresses debate.

Fat people are far from the biggest issues in America.

> do not reveal veganism
> do not reveal alcoholism
> do not release medical log
> do not release food log

Even within the scope of a one person experiment, this is extremely flawed.

Sure, but we talking about obesity in this thread.

>America is fucked, no fixing that mess.
The point is the world is fucked. There is no developed country without a huge percent of the population being overweight.

It's not a competition. It's a problem everywhere absolutely.

wasnt he debunked. everyone who has tried to replicate his experiment has nowhere near the same results. I believe some british university tried it and some of them lost weight. Weight is more of a question of how many calories you have a surplus of. obviously it is unhealthy to eat mcdonalds, but the dramatic body transformation was bullshit that he underwent throughout the film. also this fag who made a big deal about mcdonalds no picking up the phone to talk to him wouldnt answer questions from researchers. Whats the run down on him being a pervert?
and fuck him I had to watch this gay ass documentary 4 times a year at my highschool. Along with the other retarded one King of Corn.

Not that guy but really? A guy who claims he hadn't been sober for an entire week since his teens? Who also had been eating exclusively vegan until instantly switching to his mcdonalds challenge? Those doctors must be crazy.

Pretty much. From a scientific method POV, his results are either extremely vague or never replicated successfully. Nobody could get his results from his experiment.

No, they don’t. The 2 most obese countries besides America is Mexico and the United Kingdom. Neither of these countries are addressing the problem.

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How do you know?