>when the kino hits

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show benis

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>netflix zoomer drama

>hey guys are you excited for Lost 2.0? I can't wait until they explain everything and it all makes complete sense

shit finale

haha kino dude
it's kino, that's kino, everything is kino now

It already makes sense.

If this show was in English it would be a hit on the scale of GoT, TWD, or Stranger Things.

yeah, it's a shame people are too lazy to watch anything with subtitles
I bet it'd also be huge if it was released by individual episodes

>GoT, TWD, or Stranger Things
those are retarded shows designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

The premise of Dark is pretty stupid too and it's definitely designed to appeal to a wide audience.

both of you are retarded and out of touch

Is season two done at eight episodes? Season one had ten so I'm double checking it's already over.

Did Noah spend roughly six months with little Helge in the bunker room in 1986 nursing him back to health before sending him back to 1953?

Yeah it was all released at once.


Does anyone know when the next season will come out? A year from now?

>multiple dimensions
Aaaand dropped. How lazy can you get?

Yea, they are start shooting next month i think and looking at the release dates that always have significant meaning on the show, i expect the final season to drop in june 2020 on the day of the apocalypse (can't remember the exact date)

>german soap opera with a time travel gimmick
no thanks

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t. Seething Pole

what was even the point of killing the children and what was that machine for?
i'm a brainlet so pls excuse me when they already revealed it.

ok cool.

honestly, the show has been great but that abrupt insertion of dimensions left me feeling meh. kinda seems like a bad sign of the show maybe going to shit.

but realistically what else could they do? they kept showing over and over that no matter what all these people will keep doing what they've always done forever and ever even when they're aware. they're trapped puppets who can see their strings. something from outside that loop could possibly break that whole thing.

guess again hans ^^

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WHAT was the point of attempting to send Erik, Yasin and Mads? what was ever accomplished with that?

I think the machine used for the three boys was their initial attempt at making a machine so they weren't limited to to 53/86/19 and it just took a while for them to figure out how to actually make a machine that worked. I assume the machine finally worked on little Helge? someone correct me if I'm wrong.

>excited for Lost 2.0

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what always makes me wonder: at least adult Jonas is ready to do anything to stop the loop, right?
so why not simply kill himself? or any character that he's seen in the future.
and especially young Jonas should have done this after he realized that Adam was evil.

the kids died to motivate others into doing stupid shit

exactly, why not just sit your ass down and refuse to do anything? but the point is, what has happened will always have happened and that dictates the present and future, especially when the future informs the past.

>what has happened will always have happened and that dictates the present and future
i get that and it works in some cases, because you don't know if killing yourself isn't actually part of the cycle and happens every time.
But Jonas KNOWS he stays alive for 66 years and becomes Adam, so why hasn't he killed himself yet?
He even tries to stop his father, knowing that would erase his own existence, so if you're ready to die anyways, just kill yourself and break the cycle that way.

>when your wife turns out to also be your grand daughter and your grand daughter your wife
>when your daughter turns out to also be your mother in law and your mother in law your daughter

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I don't know why he wouldn't user.

dark, german netflix kino

I tell you, because time travel stories always have massive plot holes

At least they end it with the next season and not drag it out.
Which character do you think is actually his alternate version from the other world?

what are Yea Forums's favorites Dark characters? for me it's Noah and Helge.

you think Jonas' alternative from the other dimension is already in the show?

The thicc mother with the droopy eyes


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I was more talking about other characters.
Just as an example: Bartosch already died as a baby and was replaced with his world 2 counterpart for some reason.
It's a pretty common trope in alternate dimension stories and i don't see why Dark wouldn't have this.
Also the creators said they planned the story ahead for 3 seasons and wanted to put stuff from S3 in S2 but then decied against it.
Which means there's a high possibility that we they already put in hints about different worlds.

Agnes Nielsen? Catarina?

my guess is Adam is alternate Jonas, because how can they explain the change from hero Jonas to villain?

>Bartosch already died as a baby and was replaced with his world 2 counterpart for some reason.
did this happen or you're merely saying this as an example?

the death of Martha broke him so badly that it could explain how he becomes so cold and cruel.

Katharina, yes.

They already started filming like a week or two ago.

why is Ines the nurse drugging Mikkel?

that was just a made up example. but S3 will guaranteed having another big reveal about and we already had the time travel incest twice.

but Adult Jonas isn't evil yet and he lived for 20+ years after Martha's death.

Can we agree how fucking great the casting is?
The characters really resemble their past and future selves.
I also dead ass thought older Ulrich was the same actor in make-up and a cheap wig, but it's actually a completely different person.

hmm. you're right.

Because every character is a despicable piece of shit

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they are very good however the selection for young Jonas and older Joans is actually pretty bad imo. but damn for Ulrich, Hannah, Magnus, Aleksandr and Noah it's dead on.

old Magnus creeped me the fuck out, because i instantly knew who that guy was supposed to be just be looking at him.

it's so cool though! I love when I can actually tell how much thoughtfulness is put into something and Dark has that in spades.

why is it called Dark btw? such an off topic title for time traveling Germans. I guess the show is "dark" and edgy but the name seems ill fitting.

>tfw can't watch without character chart
>tfw feels brainlet

fucking kino alright until the end.germans are saving Yea Forums

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same here. when you get a grip on who's who in Dark it's pretty straight forward for a time travel story.

I was asking that myself since season 1, but i guess it's just a catchy title for the american market and might be related to dark matter.

>S1 handsome boy Mads Nielsen dead

... or is he???

>dead Mads is actually from a parallel world
>real Mads brought him here to fake his death, so he can be the man behind the curtain

So Adam/Jonas is trying to merge the different worlds, right?
That's what he means with "ending this world", right?

I don't think so, I think he wants to somehow make it so the time travel never can occur in the first place.

then he just needed to kill his younger self

>"They're so beautiful when they're dead."

I'm confused how Jonas aged an entire year between accidentally convincing Michael to seduku.
Actually, I'm confused how these people get so old, like Claudia or older Jonas. Surely they can't be just hopping around time for all that time?

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>like Claudia or older Jonas. Surely they can't be just hopping around time for all that time?
But that's exactly what they did. Probably spend a few decades chilling in the 80s or so until it was time to set things in motion.

from the end of season one to the beginning of season two there's supposed to be at least 6 months...

I think the Jonas we see taking Mikkel to the cave in 2019 might be the alternate Jonas. He didn't seem to have the scars on his neck

There's nothing in those barrels

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deepest Yea Forums lore

Perro caca

Because the show is about how people keep each other in the Dark and keep secrets and it makes their problems worse. Also Dark (Matter)

Which one Yea Forums? For me I'd pick 86. If there would be problems with a random person showing up without any ID then I guess I'd have to go with 53.

>He didn't seem to have the scars on his neck
Can someone check this? I mean you're right anyways. Jonas literally said he can't remember him being there, so it has to be "Jonas 2"

tu tienes que volver

Didn‘t Claudia mention she‘s seen a world without Jonas when he tries to stop his father from sudoku and that it wasn‘t pretty?

>foreign show in foreign language
>time travel paradox
>people speaking latin
no wonder this show is too smart for burgermutts

Franziska‘s naked ass in water.
Other than that, i like Noah‘s intensity.

At that moment i thought she was just lying to keep the cycle going for some reason, but with the introduction of a parallel world, i'm not sure anymore.

Huh, well I guess yeah the show did bring up other dimensions before the finale but in a subtle way.
I kind of expect Claudia and Adam to be completely full of shit tho.

Everyone likes Noah's intensity.
>Priests look like THAT?

Keep him quiet and not rant about being a kid from the future

B-but I've literally ate a burger while watching the show and I'm American...

Bad shit has to be processed eventually, the options are process it sooner or process it later. That's way Mikkel kermits soduku in part.
Ines doing that was disappointing.

>labyrinthine mystery show featuring an ensemble cast which is banking on idiots to get duped into believing they've intricately planned everything they're going to do in the next however many seasons and it's all going to make total sense by the finale
>it's not the same though bro, they're speaking German

I went back and checked the scene, and in the best look you get his neck is covered by the black lining of the jacket. I guess they thought we'd notice his neck during that shot.

>the characters are hard to keep track of which means it's smart
You'll love Game Of Thrones

I read that they've decided on ending it was season 3, I have faith it'll be able to maintain its quality.

I initially loved this show. I loved how well cast the younger and older versions of the characters were, the cinematography and music was fantastic. But I guess I was misinformed because I thought it was going to be one self contained mini-series. The last two episodes of the first season made it clear that was not the case, and what with Jonas going into the future and it being a setup for multiple seasons and everything, it just made it clear to me that they are making this shit up as they go along and it's either going to peter out or it's going to be another disaster. Now I hear there are alternate timelines/realities coming into play in the second season? It's just going to be another trainwreck like Lost or Fringe. Why should I bother?

Not so much decided, the story was designed to be shown in 3 seasons from the get go, so i‘m cautiously optimistic we‘ll get a logical and satisfactory ending in the S3 finale

If you can confirm this I would definitely givin the series another chance.

the creators said they won't explain 100%, just like 90, but the stuff left unexplained will be minor, like what happened to that guy's right eye.
they said explaining every single detail of a story always feels forced and unrealistic.

confirm what? the makers of the show said in an interview a few days ago season 3 will be the last one and they planned it from the start.

>dailydot DOT c0m / upstream / dark - season - 2 - ending /
>Series co-creator Baran bo Odar confirmed in May that season 3 will be the final “cycle” and that they’d always pictured Dark as a trilogy. Setting up a Dark multiverse could be risky, especially since the concept has been overused in movies and TV. But at least six new cast members have been announced for season 3, which means we’ll see new faces.

You could provide a source, like the article or video in question. But if not I'm sure I can find it myself.

>another trainwreck like Lost
but lost was not a trainwreck. lost is now a classic of TV.

well don't if you don't want to. but apparently it was always designed to end with three seasons and I've seen hints that they might actually have plotted all their shit out beforehand.

>"Why doesn't it work?"
>"It will. Be patient. Do you think Einstein would have given up so fast? It is the fate of pioneers to persistently pursue their aim. To believe, although no one believes."
>"I don't want to do this anymore. Why would God want any of this?"
>"Yes. Why would God want any of this? After looking into hell, as you have, it can never be forgotten. It becomes a part of you. And the idea of God, of Jesus the Savior, becomes a thread of hope you cling to. All of us who know the darkness long for the light, but there is no God! God didn't make this hole among us. God doesn't have a plan. There is no plan at all. There's nothing but chaos out there. Pain and chaos! People are bad. Malicious, evil. Life is nothing but a spiral of pain. And the world is doomed to be destroyed. But this here This is our ark. And I'm Noah. If we can harness this energy, we can change everything. Then we decide the world's fate, far removed from all the evil and from all pain. We'll create a time machine that reorders everything, the beginning and the end."

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I realize you are trolling, but Lost has possibly the most disappointing final season in the history of television, and that's coming from a former die hard fan of the show's first five seasons who defended it to all the naysayers for years. I was wrong. It was a shitshow. It was so bad that it retroactively ruined the rest of the series completely. You know this, I know this, everyone knows this. Even that stupid tripfag who always used to shitpost about Lost all the time knew it. It's been like a decade. Stop living in denial.

That was a retarded line. Makes Helge sound like some psycho when he's just a retard (literally.)

never seen it, is it worse than Dexter Morgan abandoning his son with a serial killer poisoner of food whose last words to his son are, "Let's go get some ice cream," along with not managing to protect his sister Debra after all and dumping her body in his ocean trove of victims then giving up and running away to become a lumberjack?

Is the bearded stranger actually Jonas cause he hot brown instead of blue eyes?

Except it isn't. It was mildly disappointing for those only in it for the mystery, but it wasn't a literal mess like Game of Thrones was.

Are you retarded? The creators planned the whole show from the start. They don't just wing it. That's why there will only be 3 seasons. That's ptobably mentioned in every Dark thread.

That's kind of the point though. Ulrich is sitting there, debating if this kid is really going to become so evil and if he truly is in 1953 at all. Ulrich is weighing if he should kill this boy. Then he says that, showing how abused and disturbed Helge already was.
"Psychos" are often not cunning sadists who lick their lips and howl with laughter, they're damaged people with shallow minds and emotions who have been abused. Helge was an unwanted boy who grows up to be an unwanted man, bent into interesting shapes by Noah and his abusive mother. Most sociopaths are just stupid and callous.

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this bugs me so much

I heard the ending of Dexter was bad. I personally jumped ship by Season 6 because I thought it was already getting incredibly stupid, so I never experienced it myself. But judging from those bullet points, I'd say that Lost ended even worse, yeah. I don't think I can even articulate how horrible it was without basically writing an essay, so try this: imagine if Dexter's final season ended with it turning out that his son was in his mind all along, his sister was a hologram put there by aliens, and the serial killer he's been tracking is actually a demonic genie. That puts us somewhere in the ballpark of how bad Lost's final season was.

...wew... that sure sounds.... YIKES

if anything can have a worse ending than Dexter I'd be almost impressed

hannah best girl

you gonna have to explain this one, son. because from where I'm, you've plumb lost your mind.

I don't typically peruse threads for shows I stopped watching, newfriend. Also I don't think they had announced that until recently and what I was describing occurred last year. I'm not sure who hurt you but there is no need to take it out on internet strangers.

>ulrich will never escape

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I really missed 2019 Ulrich in season 2.

Yup, she‘s up there with Skylar and Carmella

why does Ulrich fug Hannah when he's got mommy milkers and three silly kids at home?

>I'm not sure who hurt you

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Cause Hannah is a succubus. Ever taken a look at his wife? She looks old and busted.

You don't know what you're talking about, probably because you were twelve years old (or younger) when Lost first aired. GOT was at least a show full of retarded magical bullshit like dragons and black wisps of sentient smoke that are walking plot devices but the Lost writers conned us for five long years by insisting at every opportunity that this was an island drama with sci-fi elements and that everything would be explained and would make sense. Instead they culminated the final season with magical fairydust laden bullshit about twin brothers one of whom is evil who turned into an evil spirit and is trapped on the island for eternity and so on. It was a far greater shitshow than GOT which no one should have ever placed so much faith in to begin with.

>"But if there is no God, then why do we believe in a lie? Because we prefer any lie to the pain. Years ago, I was still a little boy. A stranger came to us. He looked as if he'd been in the war. Didn't talk much. There was this sadness in his eyes. The kind you sometimes see in those who want to die, but life won't let them. He took a room in our house. The bedroom right next to mine. And sometimes I heard him talk in his sleep. Confused words. But one night, he was suddenly very clear. He stood in the hallway, his eyes wide open, and said, 'Nothing is in vain. Not a single breath. Not a single step, not a single word. Not pain. An eternal miracle of the One.'"
>"I didn't understand any of his words. Only years later, when I felt the pain, did I understand what he meant. That none of the horrible things that befall us should be in vain. That's my son! That they make us what we are. That they give us our strength."
>"Your pain made you who you are, Helge. But it no longer has power over you."

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>Blow our your pussy and have my kids.
>Why is your pussy blown out now wtf

You don‘t celebrate your 25th wedding anniversary and deny your husband a little morning quicky.

>mfw religious nutheads actually believe this nonsense

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Doesn't change the fact that she's not desirable anymore.

They had to deal with their covered in the bubonic plague sick kid.

That was after she shot him down repeatedly

I hold a PhD in Baneposting from 4 Channel University you subhuman mongrel

Was this quote from season 1?

>in a foren language.

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But actually I'm not seeing a whole lot of religion in that dialogue, at least not the typical kind of shit. I doubt free will and believe that the two things that all living things have most in common is suffering and death so it came off to me as an observation instead of dogma. I'm not religious and I doubt others would consider me religious either.

>ooh god oh yeah im so smart unlike those CHRISTKEKS lmao whoa oops my fedora fell down

Hmm did she? Was she pushing me off? I can't recall that specific small moment.

>I doubt free will
You're posting on Yea Forums, there is no force of nature stupid enough to incentivize this. (You)'re just a pretentious cunt.

*pushing him
whoops haha, not a Freudian slip

poor dumb egon

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Yes, should be episode 10.

Ich bin seit 40 Jahren Polizist, das seh ich an deinen Augen, dass du Dreck am Stecken hast.

How am I a pretentious cunt? I've gotten this reaction before for what I stated above.

What was the deal with the new police officer this season?
Is he also from the future?

Don't talk about religious or philosophical topics on Yea Forums unless you want to be made fun of and called pretentious or retarded, newfriend.

Like c'mon nigger, your daughter with special Mary Sue eyes says, "You're too good for this world Papa." And the witch with the special Mary Sue eyes says the exact same thing earlier that day.

How does this not lead to Egon questioning things?

basically you're a nerd posting gobbledegook about how neurons and atoms decide our fate, while Chad is out there fucking cheerleaders with his free will

Did you actually watch the season? He's looking for the murderer of his brother Aleksander Kohler.

I'm not new and I've talked about that before on here many times. It's relevant to the show since Noah is deeply spiritual.

You want to keep it in context to the actual characters then and not start talking about your personal views on that topic.

Most people would just assume it's a very odd coincidence.

Dark has so far been a study about the utter lack of free will which why I'm bringing it up. Noah and seemingly all the other characters eventually seem to subscribe to the same notions, except maybe the new extra dimensional people.
>When Claudia tried so hard but ended up bashing in her daddy's brains anyway and then accepting it.

I watched it in the back while browsing Yea Forums.
How is his brother involved in the time travel?

So far not at all.

So what's Noah to Jonas now? Great-great-uncle?

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I actually never watched the series and opened the thread to see if I should

arr rook the same

when do they timetravel to 1930 and stop the holocaust from happening?

Problem is they don't. Even if you age, you'll still keep certain features that make you easy recognizable especially in adulthood. Since the different versions are played by completely different people, it makes it even harder to keep track with it. Claudia's old version does look nothing like her younger adult self for example. She's probably the worst casted older version.

They'll travel back in time only to realise the holocaust never happened.
Now that would be kino.

80s hannah a cute

Check the Instagram of the director. He posted a picture of the script for s3 and said they are ending it with the third season.

She said she has her period and hasn't shaven in a while. Which to me is akin indicator that there hasn't been much sex at all. She also said something after that when he says "I dont care about that". Basically dead bed room.

Why didn‘t he just rape her again?

The guy running the nuclear plant in 2019 showed up in Winden around the same time the cop's brother went missing, and the name he was using was the cop's brother's name. What's weird is that the cop and the nuclear plant guy look a lot alike, but the one picture we see of the cop's brother shows a ginger dude. So he's not his brother but knowing the show I'm thinking they have to be related somehow.

Still wonder how he could‘ve faked his identity with only a stolen passport.

As employee/chief of the nuclear plant you‘d think he‘d need some kind of security clearance.

Reminder that Tronte and Jana Nielsen didn't show up in S2 despite Tronte being a semi-important character who is the father of Ulrich, helped Peter move Mads' body after it appeared out of the wormhole, and even had an affair with a major character (Claudia).

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He's gotta be working for Adam. I'm sure they're pulling strings at all kinds of levels seeing as they got people as far back as the 20's.

>Where were you stationed?
Ah labor camp. Those people aren't even human. We should've won the war
Are germans really like this? Also to my knowledge the russian empire never had labor camps afoot during the war, it's the germans that did.

Anyways Jonas got really lucky considering the dumbfuck thought they were asking him about WWII.

>be Claudia, know your dad has had a hard life
>still encourage Agnes to go around cucking your dad

Was he talking about when he Jonas vacationed in 1921?

WW1, WW2, what‘s the difference, amirite?
Doesn‘t matter the russkies quit WW1 early.

First part yes, second part doesn‘t seem to have happened yet

It took the Germans and Austrians until 1922 to get all of their former soldiers back from the Soviets you brainiacs

>I am time traveled?
>you am time traveled
>how am time traveled?
>I am different time traveled
>I hav time masheen
>no don’t use time masheen
>I use time masheen
>oh no time masheen not do what should
>hello you need to use time masheen
>okay I am use time masheen
>no wait don’t use time masheen

To everyone who complains about the 'sudden' inclusion of alternate realities:
Don't you remember old Claudia telling Jonas that she has the seen the world, where he never gets born and that its even worse? I'm pretty sure the 2nd Martha came from that world, which is why she's trying to save Jonas

>watched season 1 with family
>parents are now bitterly divorced so it won't feel the same without them

What do bros?

Yeah. It wouldn't make sense that she said that without multiple worlds, seeing as otherwise she would only be able to have seen a reality without Jonas had she truly broken the cycle, which is impossible seeing as its a closed cycle.

An alternative world is required, which she probably ruined by traveling there.

My running theory is that Katharina introduces time travel to the Jonas-less world when she was in the passage during the apocalypse and ever since that alternative world has attempted to severe their fate of the loop world, which ultimately turns out to be the thing that even causes the loop world and with that the connection of the loop world with the Jonas-less world.

Probably your fault for letting your dad fuck your wife.

Because Hannah is the hottest piece of ass on tv in decades

Yes, this is the fate of roasties

Tightest pussy I ever fucked was a single mom though.

Kinoest of all kinos

> dude lol just kill yourself
> ok

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Actually it was more like

>dude don't kill yourself
>no lol

>get to cum inside Hannah
What a life

Gave me some strong Dewey Cox vibes

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Tronte and Jana made a brief appearance at the party in the episode where Jonas travels to prevent his father's suicide.

>young Jonas and older Joans is actually pretty bad imo
Not the same nose at all. Only way you know is meant to be the other is they've got the same eyes.

Is Noah a Catholic priest or a Protestant priest? His outfit is /fa/ as fuck, but his church god ugly.
I can't tell where in Germany Winden is meant to be.

What did they mean by this?

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So can anything actually be changed? Because the Charlotte/Elizabeth paradox seems to imply that everything happened at once and we're only witnessing the inevitable unfold. There is no beginning to all the fucked up events that can be prevented because we have at least one event that has no beginning. Since A (Charlotte's birth) cannot happened before B (Elizabeth's birth) happens, and B cannot happen before A happens, yet both actually happened.

2052 Elisabeth is hideous. I'd put a bullet in her brain and end the loop

2053 Elizabeth. We didn't see Elizabeth in 2052.

So why did Sic Mundus even kidnap and kill the children? Did it serve any purpose?

Do we actually know if Noah is colluding with Adam when he does that though? I always thought he was simply trying to get himself his own time travel device in secret.

How many levels of incest are we working off here?

Hannah is the biggest whore in this entire show. Steals her own son's time machine, expects Ulrich to care about her more than his kids and fucking stays in 1954.

Protestant since he was married.
Also, landscape indicates middle to northern Germany.

Marburg, where Aleksander fled from, is right in the middle

He had one though, he's the character we see most often in different times working as Adam's agent. He had some impact in literally every timeline besides the far future.

I thought it was to find time travel frequencies or something

Time travel as a plot point is lazy writing unless used for comedic effect. Prove me wrong

>muh subs

No one fucking cares, weeb.

>Du bist... der weisse Teufel

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His purpose in S2 was to show his penis to young Claudia

So what is different this time that Adam believes will make it the last cycle?

What does he mean when he says that his goal is to destroy this world?

Is Claudia's goal simply to ensure that the cycle continues? Which is why middle-aged Jonas hates both Adam and Claudia?
