HoH: Christie
Veto: Sam
Noms: Cliff, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David
Previously on /bb/:
HoH: Christie
Veto: Sam
Noms: Cliff, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David
Previously on /bb/:
Other urls found in this thread:
first for holly
second for jackson
second for DAMN
this isnt /jack/
How tall is Tommy? He must barely be five foot
eight for friendship
5'2, I think.
do any of you actually say based irl? i've probably done it less than 10 times in the last decade
im grateful for bikinis
What are you grateful for, /bb/?
I'm grateful for /bb/ : )
you user
jessica milagros is literally going to win big brother
how can Ovi have a girlfriend but not me
They have a literal vote boat in the backyard
you didn't just bee yourself
I catch myself about to do it all the time. I almost meme out loud pretty often, but I always resist the urge to actually let it come out of my mouth.
oh this is a good one.
what does that face trying to convey?
I'm grateful for president Donald J. Trump.
His family is wealthy.
unofficial house meeting
women think yelling replaces personality
>me chinese me play joke me put peepee in your coke
literally disgusting
oh, yeah.
I miss bb20 feeds.
"If you only knew how bad things truly are" - Bimbo
also gays
not really, but I also don't use it here either
>i'm emotional because i think about my friends
yeah ok
BB14 feeds were pretty good because Dan would get bored and just start asking everyone questions over and over like a three year old.
>Kat crying again
they're going to break the fucking table
why is tommy actually hot
why did grodner have to cast an attractive gay this time
what did Jessica say she was grateful for? Kemi?
BB After Dark has too many commercials
it’s little meme phrases like this that I’m always fighting the urge to say out loud.
I need a thought bubble over Jackson's head because Kat's crying...again.
>Kat crying over not being able to text her friends
I'm grateful for being pretty, and perfect
>tears again
damn dude when is the fucking veto ceremony?
Guys I don't want to sound like one of em faggots or nothing but I'd love to get Tommy in the showers and we take turns sucking each other off
see thats some queer faggot shit, I'd fuck Tommy's ass but I'd never suck him off.
kat is 29 going on 39
tomorrow since kemi is safe now
>hey user how are you able to adapt so well to the house?
>Don't you miss your friends and family
based subpar modern woman
sunshine and clean air
this is terrible
is this hell?
I just want someone to blow up at someone else right now
based bikini barista
had to mute kemi there for a sec this chick is fucking mental
fuck off homo every bro knows a dick in the ass makes you a fruit but mouth stuff is whatever as long as you both agree you're just being fairsies
>i'm thankful for...... sis' butt"
Which house guest has the lowest IQ?
I would even sacrifice cliff hogg ii this week to have kat and kemi waddle around until like f6 without developing as human beings
why does jack run like a weeb
statistically speaking kemi by a country mile
big yikes
but also watch bb9
>uhduhh, i'm thankful for protecting the ocean so we can all survive in the environment
she just stole what Cliff said before her and put it through an 80 IQ filter
veto ceremony?
are the HGs any good at corn hole?
he has adhd. i think he spent a lot of time with the autists in high school.
people here won't admit it, but my money is on anal
you all claim you're females yet you always putting down other female big brother players. Us girls need to stick together and we'll be stronger
women are all the same and the problem with that is there never a clear hierarchy, which is why we have to fight amongst each other for power teehee
fucking a guy in the ass isn't gay, getting fucked in the ass is
just sam
>when you survive christies hoh
You know I think LGBT culture is destroying America and am strongly against gays being able to marry but if Tommy wanted to strip down to his underwear in front of me and rub his body with oil and I got to masturbate but we never touch and I think about girls while I masturbate I think I'd be okay with that arrangement
I bet she’s really loud in bed
Despite all the bullshit you like to preach on Twitter, women bring down other women much more often than men. Also ignoring someone's mistakes because they are the same race/gender/whatever as you is fucking retarded.
based closeted faggot
>responding to shitposting seriously to get on some sort of soapbox
jesus christ, shut the fuck up you moron
tiddies sittin right
cringe and blackpilled
>you all claim you're females yet you always putting down other female big brother players.
unironically, this is how you know girls post here because girls are more critical of other girls than guys are of girls
allowing rampant shiposting without giving them shit back is what makes this general so fucking garbage
please stop
It's time
veteran onion catcher
have sex
>aquaman dropping the m-bomb
I like some of them but these might really be the most boring houseguests ever theres not really any stand out or big personalities everybody is either really subdued or generic, nobody's lived up to pre-season expectations, even the Chads are boring
>please don't pull out of that
go back to you know where
kemi is staying, stop whining already.
t. determined hall monitor
Imagine getting on big brother
And theres a cute nerd archetype girl like nicole
And she starts baneposting and Devin and all the memes
And you tell her you know what she's doing and make an alliance
And then spend a lot of time cuddling together just talking shit and game
And then she fucks the alpha chad who gets jealous of your connection and takes you out in week 5, she ends up going on The Amazing Race with the chad and they eventually get married. The only physical contact you have is a bored blowjob from big meech
nick and jackson reaction was funny
Hes a manlet tho
thank god hes not like 5'10" and straight.
Name me one time the chad character went for the femcel nerd.
The virgin ovi
The chad kemi
Straight 5'10 tommy would honestly be mogging the other guys in the house. kind of stacked with ugos this year.
Fuck off Neda
>he wasn't around for bb16 feeds when nicole was constantly saying she had a huge crush on ian only for ian to get autistic here that he couldn't wait to meet nicole at the wrap party
I mean, I'm glad she's staying, but she's still pretty boring. The cast just isn't interesting outside of Anal's ass.
femcel fantasies are fucking pathetic
bro, the only f-word we say around here is friendship. knock it off, bro.
What ass lol
sorry I was being GUMPY
dude... not cool
I can't tell if Nick is wearing some kind of elaborate dan gheesling-style douche costume or if this is simply the way nick is
Nicole isn't a nerd. she's your standard low tier stacy that adapted the geek culture/fashion to stand out more in the niche.
Did Ian actually post here frequently? I started watching in BB18, so I think he was long gone by the time I was in these threads.
>christie starts talking spiritual bullshit again
>you can see the exact moment everyone else starts disassociating
she fucking looks like bobby jackson.
I watch some Northernlion Binding of Isaac stuff. Is Dan's gaming content any good? I'm glad he's doing shit instead of just plugging products on instagram or relying on reality TV get-togethers.
>implying the girls of /bb/ who'd get cast on the show aren't low tier stacys themselves
his username was JohnBlaze, he didn't post all the time but he was fucking obsessed with nicole. I remember in BB18 he actually did show up a couple times because he talked about how he had a crush on Big Meech
>He wasn't here for the BB14 finale
anyone have the links?
where my /sissy/bros at?
>Did Ian actually post here frequently?
He still does
Hey, Ian
lack jack joking bout nicks lil dick to him
the fact that anal is more obsessed with nick than any other dude in the house should put this whole stacy chad shit to rest
I can't think of anyone in this cast who wouldn't vote for marianne williamson if she was polling at like 10%
the song jack is talking about
4channel stepping up it's game.
I got a progressive ad at the bottom of the page
Get paid chinkmoot
this is helping me realize how insufferable aquadouche is
>implying that you’re not Ian falseflagging
>Jack says his favorite book
>Ovi says he likes that one
>Jack says "Well you've never read it so"
what a dick
He has the same douchebag ebin spicy food taste that I do though. Aquakru
Please do. Fuck the bomb squad.
>seeing ads on any website
I guess his new domain idea worked.
im calling a house meeting
perfect pillow material
I think the night cameraman likes sis
wow the 4channel idea actually worked
I take back what I said about Aquaman being the new Winston. Winston wasn't even this bad.
I enabled ads here and on YouTube
The other kikes can fuck off
Official week 1 /bb/ Fantasy League Power Rankings
1. BigBubber (Nick/Sam)
2. drupdrupdrup (Tommy/Kemi)
3. CoolStoryRachel (Cliff/Nicole)
4. pooploser (Anal/Jackson)
5. JustinSebiksKnife (Jack/Christie)
6. GripNSip (Kat/Holly)
7. mistedlol (David/Bella)
thats basically slandering winston
Who is bimbo?
is this normal?
Winston was a good guy. Just a paranoid mess
oh fuck I forgot robotsamsarmy (Ovi/Jess) after GripNSip
hope aquaman wins hoh next just to hear christie bitch and try to control his hoh
BigBubber checking in
based old ladies
cringe old ladies
What website is this from?
>I enabled ads
3rd party ad networks are a means to spread malware. Even on youtube.
You should be blocking ads on all sites. It isn't safe to allow ads. Buy a pass if you want to support channel 4.
nice mist
it appears I’ve been misted
Im serious
ok i'll tell you
the live feeds
>Sat 8:36 PM PT Christie telling Holly, Analyse, Jessica & Ovi that she always knew when Haleigh (BB20) was drunk because she would get a little more chatty and touchy. Christie gives her a shout out and said Haleigh would have won BB20 if it wasn't for Fessy
its just the CBS website's chatroom
This is good in theory but in reality an aquaman hoh is just a stable alliance picking off the ovi types with minimal drama
Nick eats ass. Fucking based.
If you have all-access you should see the chat
is kat crying again
>this cast SUCKS! i miss big personalities like Rockstar and Bayleigh and Raven and Cody
fessy is the reason she lasted so long
anyway my new gimmick is pretending to be a boomer in the chat
What are you suppose to say either then midget
it's totally not ok for women or homos to make faces like this
nick was laughing harder
Guys, did you hear? Girls can run this shit!
Jessicas boobs have been brought up on the feeds y'all
little person, saying midget is like saying FAGGOT for gay or NIGGER for black
real talk: plus size and thicc models are one thing but calling that beautiful is irresponsible and dangerous
they’re gross
fascist detected
Little people which just sounds way way worse to me
Seems more derogatory than a regular mbomb
You're wrong and Jessica is a beautiful woman.
based and handsome
>bread for this game
>im hotter than andy
>less annoying that frankie
>taller than JC
Imagine eating her ass
I'm surprised they knew midget is thought of as offensive. It was probably on a list of banned words.
he's gonna go far!
I would destroy jessica
Tommy is good at getting people to open up
she must be so hungry right now
i want a real death fat in the house. this one is 250 max, i want a tess munster 400 and up in the house.
Bayleigh’s reaction to that was sooo hypocritical. Like she criticizes him for using a word that’s not for him to use, while still repeating the word midget, which he has calmly told her that’s not her word to use. I’m also pretty sure she said faggot too
Shes a fucking nigger and married swaggy. You think she has a brain
>>this cast SUCKS! i miss big personalities like Rockstar and Bayleigh and Raven and Cody
unironically this
>That night on feeds where JC said NIGGER right to Bayleighs face and called her a bigot.
>The long feed shutdown when we all thought he was getting expelled
Legendary night, bros.
tommy said he was almost on OTT. how do you think he would have done bros?
>Sat 10:32 PM PT Kemi and Jessica are telling Analyse she looks like Jasmine
the ovi backdoor is getting sad
ovi has so much hope to go far in this season
depends who he replaced
Been much more bearable than Jason. hopefully worked with Scott and Shrimpman.
this cast is pretty much full of superfans
I need a anal jasmine cosplay bros
there's a reason these people were enslaved
Who do you think he would have replaced, user...
>ovi talking about chronic shitting
were we aware of this already
but seriously WTF
i dont know. i think the fan vote on the returnee was a big hook. maybe they would have had a vote for a straight player then but that would still make it even more different and impossible to determine.
hi I've kinda lurked /bb/ for around 2 years now (only caught a couple of shows) can anyone give me aquick rundown on the lore of big brother?
why is the "outside" astroturf and clearly just a poorly lit studio.
why do people wear swimsuits on the astroturf
is the "House" just also in the stage?
where is big brother filmed?
- /bb/ noob
>First time an indian has ever been on the show
>gets backdoored to save the "diversity" of the show
What did they mean by this? are blacks the only PoC that actually count?
haha holy shit dude
Imagine seriously talking about a reality show
honestly better comparison than the girl playing her in the live action movie.
haha imagine
Better get back to one of your 50 marvel threads, dude. Endgame is about to beat avatar!
i just want more hog posting
studio city, CA
lol wtf who would do that haha
thats way too many raw carrots to eat in one sitting
Have sex
>christie said "type-thing"
yeah ok thansk but what about why the lighting outside looks like a studio and the astroturf? is it really outside or what? I can never tell. also in the op picture there's a washer and dryer in the right-hand corner. do they have a washer and dryer outside??
If you watch for gameplay, no, he's terrible. If you watch for quality wholesome entertainment, yes. His twitch streams are better because of chat involvement
imagine caring what other people like, you dumb zoomer piece of trash.
yeah, its outside. You can look up and see sky and planes
its astroturf so nobody has to mow the lawn. I've literally been watching this for years and never saw someone care about the turf
This Tommy Ovi convo is fascinating knowing Ovi's a dead man.
how come you can't see the pool in ? yah sorry im just kind of obsessed with how weird the exterior looks. also the inside looks really gross. I remember watching uhh not big brother but what was on mtv in the 2000s?? they had a real house I think
the real world
bella is wincing from nick combing her hair
my dog refuses to come into my room and when he was in here before he kept staring at an empty spot on the ceiling.
if I get murdered by a ghost tonight, it was a pleasure /bb/
dont worry its just ghost devin
here's an image of the house from google maps right now, you can clearly see the pool
people who honestly care about house design dont really appreciate the fact its a game. Oh wow there's a ladder to climb up to HOH now
whos the hottest boy this year?
>ovi talking about reddit
i think house desin a big part of this. real wordld had a good house like he said
ovi explaining reddit
ovi DMd Dan Gheesling
he looks like a rapist
he can rape me
real world had a different house every season, because it was in a different city every season
they'd just rent some fucking rich ass house.
Big Brother needs
1. The audience
2. The house
3. The backyard
4. The challenge area
and it's the same location in LA year after year after year
Dan literally doesn't read emails and said multiple times he just deletes them few times a month.
woah. where's the audience?
>politics discussion
isabella is a kunt
Ovi is a based volcel
Damn, that ovis friend must be mastermind.
They build the games/challenges they use in the backyard. Another reason for the astroturf. They can cover the pool and build stages etc.
its there for live shows
Ok, I'm not sad ovi is getting shafted anymore
Here, watch this video from 4:00 on. You see the HG get evicted, walk out the "front door" and into the live studio audience
>are you familiar with black face?
Fucking nbomb can't even whisper like a human
this ovi convo is really cringe
i'm going to bed wake me up when kemi realizes she's in the big brother house
ovi is Reddit personified
>ovi making all the racists here seethe
based and bluepilled
more like booted and evictedpilled
Can Jessica be even called a floater if she would sink?
goodnight /bb/
why is he so based bros?
Represent your community
based Tommy shouting out white straight males.
Tyler isn't more interesting than a single person on this season. So hes unbased actually. Now if he said bring back Paul...
This general is just poltards getting worked into a seethe over Twittercaps. I blame OTT desu...
jackson is so fucking pissed at kat, jack had to tell him to breathe and that he's proud of him
god i want to cum inside her so bad
I hate that lesbo so much...
so to the jacks she shit talks nick and to nick she shit talks aquaman
Is she embellishing again?
wtf nobody said christie was gametalking with her alliance
Wait is the Black chick still going home or did they switch to Ovi?
shes just recapping the day
fucking ovi...
ovi in the room
I'm watching episode 2 now. Jessica cracks me up. In her tape the first episode she talks about how athletic and active she is, then in the HOH her fat ass flops off after about 10 seconds.
She doesn't want to lie, btw
Also Ovi again, lol
not evicting kemi gave birth to the alliance (plus sam) on cam 1/2. good move, lesbo
Ovi has Andy-level talent at crashing coversations
imagine being stuck in an alliance with this retarded dyke and its still this early
what happened?
christie pretty much admitted dr told her backdooring kemi was racist
hes always busting in on HOH room game talk and precisely when they're shitting on him too
>spouts hate on jack to the outsiders
>spouts hate on bella/nick to her alliance
Like a reverse Andy. Generally liked by feed watchers, but not popular in the house.
the alliance and the veto holder in the hoh room with the backdoor target lol
And to think how easy that week would have been if only the hoh wasn't a basket case
Has no one told poovi those glasses fell out of style in the 90s? Even then they were only worn by immigrant dads.
now the nominee who is getting veto'd is in the room
Does the house know who voted for who during the camp director election? Does Jessica?
havent been able to watch feeds all day. perused the threads today
>mfw quarky is starting to win the hearts of /bb/
no she isn’t there’s like 3 of you
Dont know if I'd fuck her, but I'd certainly marry here
new thread