So is this shit or is this groundbreaking amazing? I cant decide.
It was good but seems to filter a few on Yea Forums
It was ok
Cheddar Goblin approves of this thread
It's a pretty okay revenge thriller slightly elevated by the visual extravagance
But I wished it actually had been the occult/demons instead of DUDE LSD LMAO
I laughed at the cheese, but then that shit took a hard turn into WTF. Not so much as some on epulling individual veins out or anything, but in felt like I was watching a very fucked up videogame, then at the end it took the hardest turn I've ever seen into "the fuck" I've ever seen
I was waiting for demons too
It was pretty bad to be honest. I fucking hate the mumbling dialogue, I wanna like the cheesy horror vibe but it's stuck far up its own ass with its indie tropes like shots that linger on for no apparent reason. The only scene worth a damn being where the guy drops his brainwash spiel on the girl.
It actually made me reconsider Only God Forgives as a superior film despite suffering the same tropes, so it made me appreciate OGF more, so there's that.
visually it's pretty interesting and it's actually creepy as fuck. the soundtrack also is very eerie. i watched this very late and sleepy alone and was kinda scared at some parts just by the atmosphere. while it is cheesy, it still kinda fits. like a metal music album came to life.
Really great film. You can tell if people have taken LSD or not by their reaction to this kino. Probably the best on-screen representation of psychedelics since that hotel carpet scene in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
Nick Cage was born for the role. He nailed the revenge craziness. Overall the movie has some great visuals and a good soundtrack but the story has been done to death. I have been looking for a gif of Nick cage doing the mountain top of cocaine if anyone has it?
thought it was fantastic
i enjoyed the movie, thought it was interesting, creepy and wacky at the same time.
Not everything is about drug you fucking degenerate.
Style over subtance; more of a plot guy. That said, wish more people would take risks like this.
I'll agree for the speech scene where his face shifts back and forth sure
But the more vivid hallucinations not so much
Except Mandy is literally about LSD. Besides the plot, Cosmatos was very clearly trying to mimic the effects of psychedelics with image, sound and theme. The scene where the cult leader talks to Mandy, like mentioned, is where he succeeds most.
LSD/mushrooms are redpilled drugs that should be used carefully for specific purposes and never just for recreation. I haven't done any drugs besides my weekend Jameson and Guinness /sips/ for three years. I took LSD twice and mushrooms once in my early 20s during a transitional point in my life, and they helped me figure some deep-rooted issues out. Dirty hippies who shill for smoking DMT every night and tripping every weekend are retards, though. Psychedelics will offer you an immensely valuable look at the world and yourself, but if you overindulge or abuse them you will burn your brain to toast.
>I need someone to spoon feed my opinions.
You have to go back.
Would have been great if the kills were more satisfying. Unfortunately, they were pretty dull which brought the movie down.
engineered for reddit
awful movie for faggot retards
Yea Forums in a nutshell
Mirroring the ending to BtBR was easily the most kino part of this production.
Did you not see 'Beyond the Black Rainbow'? I don't think Panos Cosmatos would agree that we will ever find anything good exploring altered states.
Bet your pleb-ass didn't even pick up on the Saturn-imagery.
Cage's bathroom scene was kind of amazing.
Both, damn that's a good movie
ye that scene was good too
Cage always seems to give it his all
A monologue of screaming, crying, and drinking. Perfectly cast.
For me the whole plot is a biblical metaphor. Each main character has a couple of roles. "Shadow mountains" part is the vision of paradise where Red and Mandy live happily like Adam and Eve until Mandy meets the "Serpent". In the final scene she reads "the serpent's eye" and then she's seen in the woods from Jeremiah perspective, as through the serpent's eye. Red also mentions Saturn (the rebel, Satan) as his favourite planet.
"The children of the dawn" is a story of misleadings of religion through the millenia. Here, Mandy becomes a witch or the whore of babylon. She's a freethinker, artist, rebel, she can tell the right from wrong without a religious guidance. Jeremiah (pope, false prophet, God's emissary wicked by wealth and ego) tries to convert her by force, not to God, but himself. When she rejects him, the "children" burn her, just like the church burned the witches who refused to renounce the devil. In that case Red might be seen as Satan (witches lover), but also Jesus (stigmatised hands, pierced side) who spent time talking to sinners, wrongdoers and whores (like the scene at the gig where he was charmed by Mandy). I found that some people connect the number 44 (favourite shirt) with Jesus. Black skulls are obviously the riders of apocalypse, summoned by horn. Jeremiah's disciples wield some true power by using artifacts.
The book of Revelations also mentions Jesus reign with iron scepter (axe?) in his hand. There's a meaningful scene when Red's '44' shirt is destroyed, and he equip a vest with Lucifer's sigil on the back. Then he visits The Chemist (God), who's preparing massive amount of acid blotters, as for keeping the humanity in their dreamland. He's allknowing, as he reads Red thoughts and knows what he came for. He's dissapointed how the 'children' could have wronged Red so much, which fits perfectly with the theory that Jesus get so outraged by the sin that he brings revenge on the wicked church on the day of the apocalypse. The Chemist mentions that everything is ok when Lizzie (beast of apocalypse) is calm, but after hearing (reading?) Red's story, he releases her to roam the surface of the earth. He also knows where to find the 'children'. When Red enters the empty church, he finds an old book on the altar that appears as a forgotten relict. Cellar door and long, underground corridors, resembles churches secrets and hidden agenda. When the old woman speaks to Red, he looks the other way, as Jesus is said to do to hipocrites on the day of judgement. Jeremiah starts to pannicly accuse Red for all that happened. Red's devilish voice suggest that Jeremiah sees him as the devil, cause he stays convinced that God is on his side. His final scream is also downpitched which may repreasent the Serpent manifest in the end. Red crushes Jeremiah's head, the same way as the snake is foretold to die in the bible. Red sets the corpses and the church on fire (false prophet is cast to the lake of fire in revelations) and Jesus also said that he'll come, and destroy the temple. In one of the animated visions of Mandy, she stands upon a dead crimson beast. In revelations the whore of Babylon gets burned by the seven-headed Crimson beast (wasn't there 7 people in the cult?).
In the end Red rides in the dark alone, with unreal sky in the background, maybe as a symbol of the new world beginnig after the apocalypse.
I'd also like to point out that everything after Mandys death parallels Dantes Inferno. The guy who gives him the crossbow, and the axe, represents Dante meeting death. And one by one he goes down every ring of Hell, until he reaches the Pit at the bottom, with Satan, or Jeremiah in this case there.
Sadly, Mandy sheds a tear for him at the end, as she does for the young fowl at the beginning. By getting revenge like he had, his soul had died.
Here’s the ending explained:
The chemist and the guy who gave Red the weapons both said the Super LSD gave someone supernatural powers that allowed them to cross dimensions. When Red consumed the LSD it gave him a bit of that power. It was also hinted that if Red went down this genocidal path, he would lose his soul. Losing his soul is what allowed him to finally cross dimensions, and why he was able to burst Jeremiah’s skull. This is why at the ending the setting is in a different world, and why Red has flipped his lid with Mandy crying for him
Nic Cage's eyes getting dilated as fuck happens when you take LSD
Great read
Anything with le 80s neon visuals is instantly Reddit and shit
Further proof is that people who sound like they give blowjob in nightclub bathrooms like this faggot here liked it. I cant think of a bigger redflag
Yeah, as to
There is a lot of style, but there is substance too, hidden in allegories and metaphors. I like how the movie is kind of open to interpretation
Mandy doesn't really have neon visuals outside of a few scenes, the whole style is more unsettling psychedelic
>*Superior psychedelic kino blocks your path*
it is ok
but mostly it is shit
if you watch with a good sound system, it's great. if you watch it in 480p on your laptop, it's shit.
Ew. Thats all sharp and in focus.
Red dueling the buff cultist with a chainsaw was hype af
dude oedipus lmao
It changed my life. I'm still haunted by it. The film maker reached out beyond the screen and shook my soul, and the aftershocks of it vibrate in me still. I was not a likable film, I don;t think I'd recommend it to anyone, but it was deeply memorable and it's style and feeling left an impression in me. I feel raped by it, but I'm better for it. It was like what Ramsey is to Sansa.
I was not impressed. 7/10
There really isn't that much substance to it. Even with the hidden meanings and shit.
Not without its faults but personally one of my two favourite movies of the past 5 or so years. Haven't had that much fun watching a movie in a long time.
Then go watch it again and/or give it time until you can make up your fucking mind.
I thought the scene in bandersnatch was pretty well done
this shit is peak redditcore