

Attached: Kaneda111.jpg (718x480, 53K)

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one of my favorite soundtracks and bands but the movie itself sucks tbqh


Is this the most violent movie of all time?

Why does he turn into a meatball and then why do the smurfs send him into space

The movie is good in spite of how bad it is


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Watched the movie for the first time recently. What a letdown, not at all what I was expecting. Not a fan of aniweird. I do think that the art design (not including the awful faces) was top tier and good music though.

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what did you mean by this apu?


His powers grow so much they start to manifesta physically. Little blue niggas summon Akira, now an ethereal entity, to transport him to a new universe. It is explained better in the manga.

It's a straight forward action movie with a mysterious ending that's all there is to it, not sure what your sneeeding issue is




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The live action version is going to suck balls when it eventually does escape development hell.

>During the Battle of Chosin Reservoir in 1950, mortar sections under the United States Marine Corps started to run out of mortar rounds. The radio men of these sections started requesting more rounds. There were too many nearby enemy anti-air emplacements however, and the risk that they might lose any airlifted supplies was too great, so they had to wait. After two days of waiting, all the mortar sections ran out of rounds. At this point they accidentally ordered hundreds of crates of Tootsie Roll candies instead of mortar rounds. This was because some elements of the United States military had used "tootsie rolls" as code for mortar rounds.

Yeah what's up?

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The faces in Akira are great. I wish more anime had that kind of realistic flair to it rather than the anime style. I want japs to look jap dammit