Can anyone recommend a good film about a guy who just wants to be left the fuck alone

can anyone recommend a good film about a guy who just wants to be left the fuck alone

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>about a guy who just wants to be left the fuck alone
Is it autism?

uh oh thats a cartoon you know what that means

no im just sick of people lately

its a meme, you dip

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hey sneeder

Inherent vice

Same, except my issue is I'm extremely standoffish. I usually avoid others because I can't establish repertoire with most people. I'd rather be alone than noticeably bore someone with my monotone voice and dull observations/questions. They don't interest me much and I'm not the least bit interesting myself, having no social life, friends, girlfriend, etc. My personality is a collection of interests in vidya, music and tv/film

Feed myself
Seed to me
I'm the farmer
Who's out to change our history
Feed myself
Raise your glove
There's no greater
Sneeder in the land!
Everything I do, I do for you!

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Watched that a few days ago. Didn't really get that feeling from it though. But it was pretty good.

Honestly a lot of the time it's just not worth the effort required to be around people. The only people I know that don't require effort to be around are my mother, brother, and my closest friend. I don't really have problems talking to people or being social, it's just not worth it for me when I can be alone listening to music, watching movies, playing vidya, etc.

cemetery custodian sounds like the perfect job for someone who wants to be alone... thanks user

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I would feel the same way if not for a complex manifested during my childhood, that I feel extremely depressed at the fact that I'm not exactly liked by most, (maybe even disliked). Forever at the fringes. Particularly in my blue collarish job, where everyone is outgoing and constantly bantering. Passive aggressive offices aren't so much better though desu, I seem to get along most with the rare similar personality type, or eccentrics


I feel that, I also had a fucked up childhood... seems like everyone who could be considered 'fucked in the head' really just had a shit childhood.

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My problem is that I'm extremely inappropriate socially. I'm not autistic, I know what not to talk about around people I don't know, but my friends and I all are completely honest and talk about anything, our fetishes, depravities, genuine problems, and joke about all of them. I get so bored of quirky boring dumb shit that other people find funny. I prefer to talk to my friends about how badly I want certain actresses to smother me with their armpits

This, but instead of actually having friends it's Yea Forums Sneed threads

I wanna kill myself, I'm such a broke human being I don't even know where to begin. I feel so isolated and voiceless, fucks me up down to my stomach. I Saw a therapist last week for the first time in the hopes that she'll help me but she spouted basic psychology and even told me to write down my dreams.

What the fuck can I do to learn how to be human, and develop a personality? I'm already in my mid 20s, and I still feel so locked in my head and I haven't had friends since I was 15

If you are into creepy low budget horror pic related is about a protagonist that seriously wants to be left the fuck alone.

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I was being generous with "friends". By friends I mean the single friend I've had since elementary school and my brother.

In terms of developing a personality, the only advice I have is just honestly to be yourself. Redundant but it's true. I'm not good at making real friends because I flake out and prefer to be alone most of the time, but getting people interested is pretty easy if you do just "be yourself." Don't be self-deprecating, but also don't be ashamed of saying some goofy shit. The thing that's helped me be more social is watching the Delray Misfits, oddly enough. Big Lenny is an inspiration in that he's unashamed of his tranny fetish, freakish gut, and the other disgusting and weird shit he does. The truth is most people aren't that judgmental and will appreciate your honest when you are open about weird shit you believe or do. As long as you are self aware and know you're weird, people won't think you're autistic. Don't let yourself be locked in your head, you just have to let whatever autistic shit is in your head out. As long as you're aware it's autistic, normies will find it extremely intriguing. You have to remember they've probably never encountered someone quite like you before, and they would like that. The only issue is that girls can be a bit judgmental, but that just weeds out the shitty ones.

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*honesty. Apologies, I'm drunk.

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It honestly sounds like you just hate normies man. Or NPCs, whatever meme you wanna call them.

>I Saw a therapist last week for the first time in the hopes that she'll help me but she spouted basic psychology and even told me to write down my dreams.
This is why I don't like therapists. I feel like they won't ever understand what it's like to be fucked up and living as a 'weird' person. They are normies who can only help normies with normie problems.

>By friends I mean the single friend I've had since elementary school and my brother
exact same for me... the fuck do you need other than a few people that actually get you?

wish I hadn't already watched Jojo, fantastic villain right here

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After Hours
The Big Lebowski

Vanishing Point
The Road Warrior
The Conversation
Le Samourai

The Machinist would fit I might think of a couple more just give me a bit

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I definitely get a leave me alone feel from a boy and his dog

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I connect with you loners

Nice to have a thread about these feels outside of all the fucking bullshit and faggots on r9k.

The station agent

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