Haha can you imagine?

Haha can you imagine?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Dubs and I lose my virginity to M in July.

At least he had a job and a place of his own. You know, a stable life.

>all of his neat stuff he gave away to get with a used up whore

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t. kiss, hug and sexless 29 year old

Who's M?
Maybe it was still good. Maybe she did kegels

If you must stay a permavirgin, better live like a NEET parasite.

For real

When I was in elementary school a kid said that I reminded him of "The 40 year old virgin" and that I would grow up to be one. I'm 25 and remain a virgin.

Haha he plays Halo just like me, I love this movie!

>Who's M?
A Stacy who teased me and then rejected me when her female friends convinced her to not dump her boyfriend.
He's an ugly manlet but somewhat likeable I guess.

Only 10,5 years to go. I feel the tingling feel of coming wizardry already.

I would love to become a 40yo virgin just for the immense privilege of being alive but I doubt I can survive 10 more years.

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25 now. At this point I've made up my mind to hire an escort once I make a bit more money. Full girlfriend experience. I want to spend at least one or two hour afterwards cuddling, crying and talking about my feelings.

Why do you say that? You'd be surprised, you'll probably live longer than ten more years whether you want to or not.

Really doubt it. Health is not in good condition and I have the same anxiety toward hospitals and doctors as I've had all my life toward women.


Come here, bro.

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i wish i wasn't such a coward so i could kill myself

8 years to go bros

I want to die ;_;

91 here am I going to make?

any literal 40+ year old virgins here? out yourselves and explain why you haven't been to a whore

Why is that?


>losing your virginity to a whore
No thanks.

Same but I was in high school and the guys actual name was chad.
Someday when I turn 40 I'm gonna find him and tell him he was right. Then commit suicide the next day.

Have sex

why? do you value your virginity? what's it got you so far? you're not a 14 year old girl.

Central Incelligence Agency

I actually care about what I think about myself.

>Have sex
Alrighty, get on your knees

haha could you imagine a 27 year old who is balding and still gets acne? haha

what would you think of yourself, and why?

Trips and I get a 10/10 gf before the end of the year while everyone here remains a virgin

I value being STD free

I made those 10 extra years and it sucks. shit is progressively worse, alcohol is ruining my life and my already dwindling health.
I'm just so fuckin lonely. I have no family who cares, they all think I'm a weirdo and avoid me. I have only one real friend left who I cant see often. None of my steam friends even talk to me anymore.
I have nothing. A car that was once pretty cool but now shabby and a nice big house that's rented. I basically live in one room where my bed and computer and tv is.
I've had a normal life in the past when I was young, even some hot gf's. I was once engaged. I just fucked everything up. I wasted the last 20 years playing computer games and spending money on shit I don't need or giving it to camwhores just to have someone talk to me.
I love going to my job because I can be kinda normal for 8 hours but I hate being there at the same time and can't wait to get home.
I only have a .22 and I'm scared I'll botch it or it'll hurt

Oh no, not the toys!

>I get a 10/10 gf
you don't want those kind of problems bro

haha yeah I can because that is literally me
Although the acne is less frequent since I switched soaps to a moisturizing one.

Being a virgin isn't a problem
posting on Yea Forums when you re above 25 year old is

Under normal circumstances a male's beautiful rock hard penis would ejaculate small amounts of blood in the seminal fluid. My stepdad on the other hand got kidney Stones and asked me to suck them out so I did. That's how I lost my virginity.
What I'm trying to say is this movie tells the path of the virgin more better then any other movie about adult virginity.

I wish you well in all your endeavours.


I'll be there soon, 24 now with a bday in august

haha could you also imagine that same 27 year old hasn't had friends in 15 years and hasn't talked to someone that isn't his parents in years?

haha wow that is bad. Imagine if you still lived with them because you are too stupid to do any work besides min wage jobs and can't afford to a place of your own! Haha that would be sad

I was all about romantic shit when I was younger, professional prostitute wouldn't do it for me. Even that "girlfriend experience" crap, since I'd know all the time it's not real.

Fell in love with that one girl as a teenager, was rejected hard and laughed at, of course. Never attempted anything since, it was too painful. I don't want my heart to get burned in a nuclear fire again. Learned to deal with the idea, that I will spend the rest of my days alone. Scary at first, now not so much. Not great, not terrible.

Sex ages you. Many bugs that reproduce die shortly after. Stay an incel and you'll live forever. All of the human centurions say the key to living longer is to have less sex.

double digits and you'll turn GAYYYYYYYYY

that would be me in 1 year from now, yeah my life is garbage so i can imagine

I mean why stay a NEET incel when you can be a well adjusted incel with a job and a roof over your head that you paid for? Like the carrells character.

haha can you imagine he dropped out of college less than a year in which clearly disappointed his parents that he still lives with in a 4 room apartment but they still care for him because he was their only child

>All of the human centurions

Came to Yea Forums in 2008 or something like that, I was 18. I actually witnessed Yea Forums shortly before captcha, the OG tripfags like ABATAP and Kaiji, the classic "younger actresses" c-c-c-c-c-c threads.

11 years later and I'm still here. You want to make a change before it's too late? Take a good look at the man in the mirror, leave Yea Forums and never ever come back, unless you want to end up like sorry excuse for a human being such as myself.

imagine being this traumatized by teenage dating lmao

my bad. centenarian.

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based as fuck



haha yeah I can because I only was able to scrape out a 2 year degree I can't even use. Can you imagine being the youngest of 4 kids and the only one that is unmarried.

Shut the FUCK up Chad. You don't know what its like falling in love and having your heart broken because your coasting through life on easy mode. All you do is have sex and that's it. You don't know what it's like to go years and decades without having sex.

whew this thread

I am convinced you people are making this shit up. nobody can be such a fragile, egotistical and lazy

You still jack off, though. Either way heart problems will get you sooner or later, as sad as it is.

haha at least you managed to push forward and graduate with something. can you imagine the only extended family he had was an uncle who died when he was 9 years old so its only been him and his parents his entire life and can you imagine he hasn't had female interaction since he was in junior high school haha that would be really bonkers

Heart disease or auto accident.

Here’s my story: I had sex between the ages of 16 and 23 with my two gfs, then I didn’t have sex again until now (I’m 30) I don’t know what this means but im having way better sex now , that 7 year dry spell weighs heavy on my mind though

>I was once engaged.
How the fuck did you fuck everything up? You can get back on track.

What's preventing you from doing those things?

same bro

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"Wait, why would I need your phone number if you work right across the street"

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you can ask the whore to get tested prior you brainlet

Why don't you focus on yourself first user?
Women will be attracted to you if you get your shit together

This. Incel doing well > total failure on suicide watch.

What dating?

>nobody can be such a fragile, egotistical and lazy

hold my beer

aww, bless his little cotton heart

Imagine turning your life around for the wrong reasons. Not for YOURSELF to be happy, independent and successful, but to please roasties.

28 here. I finally went on a couple of dates this year only to find out that I didn't feel anything when kissing or touching her, can't get it up and I was counting the minutes to go back home to play vidya.
Don't know what happened, I wanted to fuck her when I saw her pictures and actually fapped to the idea of it but I was completely aloof when it actually came down to it.
Well, at least I'm not kissless anymore.

>to find companionship and love
I dunno mate, this sounds like a good reason

Fuck off faggot. What does success mean? Having money and being a productive wagie? It's all about sex and being accepted and validated by the other gender. Everything else is a means to that.

>Have been offered sex before, turned it down because I wanted a virgin woman to experience our first time together
>Realize virgin women are virtually impossible to find now and getting married is a death trap
>Still a virgin, still waiting
>If I keep waiting like this I'm going to reach my 30s without experiencing any kind of young love or intimacy altogether

Should I just get a gf and have sex?

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>turned 14
>immediately started breaking out in severe cysts everywhere
>combine that with new teen angst and depression
>become a lifelong shut-in
>never try because i convinced myself im worthless
>28 now

i think i had the least graceful entry into adolescence of all time

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Reminder that this exists

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What are you, the fucking maiden of the forest? Literally have sex.

the lesson in that movie seemed to be that he was better off being a loner who doesnt have annoying women fucked up his carefree life. women ruin all your fun and make you change and stop liking your hobbies and make you throw out your cool grown man toys, fuck dumb broadz, virgin forever!

I had a room full of collector stuff, actions figures, statues, etc. Filled 12 glass cabinets. Sold it all this year to keep my fiancee happy.

I have. I've been lifting weights for about a year and a half now, I'm better dressed, I've started going back to school, etc.
All things considered I feel pretty good about myself for the first time in my life, but it hasn't changed the treatment I receive from women (or lack thereof) in even the tiniest way. Fortunately I feel good enough about myself that it doesn't bother me as much as it used to.

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get in shape and bang hookers. you'll realise quickly that sex on it's own is practically irrelevant and nothing to worry about. still fun though.

i cant magically grow my hair back or make myself have a clear acne free face

retard detected

the point of the movie is that sex doesn't matter. andy had many opportunities for sex when he was younger and after 40 ( the drunk chick, the tub chick ) but he knew that it wouldn't make him happy so he turned to his consumerist hobbies. the one thing that would make him happy, opening his own tech store, was always out of his reach until he found someone who pushed him enough for him to achieve his dream. the point of the movie is that relationships are not just about sex but about mutual support.

was Yea Forums better back than?

i dunno his life seemed pretty good but that yappy broad came around.

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it’s better to be post on here when you’re 30+ after having spent your 20s having life experiences and socializing.

10 more years, friends.

>Fortunately I feel good enough about myself that it doesn't bother me as much as it used to.

It's the secret to life m8. Just nut in a whore or get a handy from a happy ending

andy used his toys to distract himself from how unhappy he was about not following his dream of opening up a store. the woman he met made him realize that and he became happy. sex had nothing to do with his happiness, that's the theme of the movie

>reading 3 lines is somehow too much
Get your ADHD checked.

i tried to get adhd meds but the psych doesn't believe me when i tell him i can't concentrate on anything

exactly. back in my 20s id never waste time browseing the internet but now that im an old man (almost 35) and my life is boring and i have almost no social no more because im a boring old man now may as well hang out with the cool Yea Forums bros now because people in real life aint as cool and you can swear and use racial slurs here if i did that in real life at work id be fired, the internet is way cooler than real life!

how is adhd real nigga like just concentrate lmao like just pay attention dude how hard can it be lol

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>Don't know what happened, I wanted to fuck her when I saw her pictures and actually fapped to the idea of it but I was completely aloof when it actually came down to it.

iktf feel bro. i think for me, it's the pressure of dealing with another human being.

I don't read runon sentences

that's what he told me. he literally said "just concentrate harder"

Women already think you're weird and unfuckable by 24 years old at most. I mean realistically most women would be raising eyebrows at a 20 year old virgin. Women use other peoples' perceived judgments about you (how many friends, social media followers you have, etc.) as a measuring stick for your worth. If you go 30 years without getting your dick wet, sorry but it's all over.

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Haha, who comes up with these crazy ideas?

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i pretty much took the hint since like elementry school that girls didnt like me, didnt get any better by middle school, high school, college, adulthood either. THANK GOD FOR HOOKERS!

this looks like absolute kino

Just got home. What are my pals on Yea Forums up to?

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haha what a fucking concept!

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it's absolute contrakino

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>back in my 20s id never waste time browseing the internet

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i lost my virginity at 24 and have been getting laid at least twice a month for 3 years straight

not married or religious, just decided to stop being a beta and it paid off

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I'm not him but I've been here a similar time. I never really ventured out of Yea Forums though till it got bad.
This place along with video games has allowed me to waste my life with reckless abandon. I was never bored or lonely at Yea Forums. I always fitted in and everyone was just like me. We used to do some fun things like raids, drawlball operations or just all making sock puppet facebook accounts and friending each other just to play farmville and do trolly fun stuff.
My real facebook had like 50 friends but my fake one had about 300

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when this movie came out in 2007 or 2008 i thought it was funny, now i am 39 years virgin and my life is just worthless

what have you genuinely done to completion to improve yourself

>tfw no asian gf

i've done nothing, because i am not worth anytyhing, any thing i may try to improve myself or move forward will fail miserably , i am just shit there is nothing to add

no amount of lifting weights and shit can fix an ugly face and a beta personality

Is Yea Forums the most pathetic board?

Not him but autism most likely

i am a beta and fucking ugly and my life is such a joke that i am not even mad at your words because its the truth

both wrong. the blame is on you and your choice to continue fucking up is your fault alone.

pic related, listen to it

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i never blamed anyone else for my shitty life, i know that my life got shit because of my choices and decisions, i am not here trying to blame anyone for my miserable life ... its me and me alone who got myself to such low life

what does it feel like to almost turn 40? I just turned 34 and I kinda feel hopeless.

then stop

Just fucking roid and lift like a maniac and hit on women like crazy, at your age everyone will just mistake it for wisdom gained through experience and a care free attitude. Seriously man, it doesn’t matter, you might as well have some fun fucking around.


Also the only reason it's shit to stay a virgin is because you idolize sex and become an Incel. But Andy wasn't interested until his buddies convinced him.

Anyone who's had sex knows it's not worth any hassle if the pussy ain't hassle free then it's not worth your time


Literally me in 12 years unless i kill myself in a few years

he's been neglected for being so innocent

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Don’t do it you’ll feel worse

I doubt it.

imagine they give you the time for free and soon pay you to fuck them silly

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Your brain is fried from porn

of course i can. having micropenis means ill never have sex unless i pay someone. ive resigned to being a virgin until i die.

Why would I?

fuck that must be rough

Just ask a girl out, bro. Come up to her and ask if she wants to see a movie.

It's that fucking simple.

any sort of attention I get from a female, paid or not just makes me obsess and end up feeling suicidal when it sinks in that it's not real

just think how males born in the 90s or late 80s most definitely have the biggest percentage of permavirgins since the dawn of the homo genus
i bet even the ugliest grug got some furry cavepoon once in a while eventually

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I would trade places with a virgin if it meant I got all that cool stuff.

y'all got smalld icks lmao

His whole life was unironically and objectively made worse by the film's dramatic/comedic arc. The actual moral of the film is that past a certain age, it is better to remain alone, in social isolaiton with your toys, than it is to engage with other human beings and to attempt to fully participate in the lifeworld of adult sex. This, because past about age 40 or so, that lifeworld is not worth jumping into cold anymore, especially if you don't have the life-gratifying memory of prime teen pussy.

One of my friends recently married and lost virginity at 30. He is waiting a son now, and his wife is actually pretty good looking.

I'd say rape was far more common back then.


No, I am only 32. Still plenty of time...haha.

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How would you know virgin?

each year passes faster than the last, shit gets scary real fast

Internet porn ruined me. How could sex actually compete with all the fucked up shit I've been exposed to?

>did nothing but smoke weed and get drunk all first week of summer classes
>mfw its sunday and im already behind

sounds like a good week to me

>gave away

I thought he sold them off and made a couple hundred grands or something like that?

It's that simple but that doesn't mean it will work

Everyone in this picture looks better than me



>muh feefees

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>stop watching porn
>buy new clothes, don't dress like a retard
>get a haircut
>take care of your facial hair, if this shit doesn't grow, shave all of it off
>if u don't know how to be with people, try to act like some character (Not like The Goose, obviously)
>ask stupid questions from people, you don't even have to listen to their answers

Personally I make fun of my pathetic life unironically, because it's funny and makes them laugh.

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>Stay an incel and you'll live forever.
Doubt.jpeg but it is true and easy to see that deviants age horribly, look at that ghost busters guy or bill clinton [he was even a meme last year]

He becomes a CHAD in the alternate universe though.


I'm in the same boat, but 31. Used to laugh at how silly this movie's premise is. I ain't laughing no more

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can I ask how high are your standards to be a virgin after , i dont know 21? cause the other day I saw a down syndrome girl kissing passionately a albino guy in the park, I dont think that neither of you are THAT bad, maybe you are waiting for a 10/10 but that rarely happen. settle for a 6/10 and you will have a lot of sex and maybe a happy life. My bff have 32 and she is a virgin, she is waiting for anime character. for real.

I actually can't since i've had sex
with countless of ugly, fat women

if you cant afford a fucking $400 escort over the course of 40 years you are fucking subhuman trash

I just gave up on women after some time and try to find happiness in little everyday things instead of obsessing over drama creation machines

I did some weird hookup shit with a chick who lived in my apartment. While both of us were nearly blackout drunk we made out (I called the cops on her cause her music was way too fucking loud) she was drunk too and came to me. Asked me if I had a card. I was outside cause I wanted to watch her get busted. Didn't know it was her coming to me.
I went and got her my wallet. We walked to her door and she used my ID to break in. I then went in and we made out.
We went on a super weird date. We went to a nearby bar and we each paid for a round then at my place she wanted me to basically body the fuck out of her.
I don't like beating up chicks. I think it's weird. She needed me to fucking mess her up to cum. I'm a virgin and don't really like it but what am I gonna do?
I rough her up and she leaves. Later, her friends tell her (i imagine) that I was a nervous virgin.
We hook up again and she asks if I am. I say yes. She doesn't care. She just says "Don't cum in me". Which fuck if I know I'm gonna do?

She leaves after I suck her tits for a while. Never see her again. She moved to California.
Anyways sex is confusing just fucking beat off.

turn 34 in october lads, going for arch magus status, I'm gonna make it

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I bet most of you chads only ever did it with a condom on and are hence still actually a virgin

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In my case, it's not a matter of standards, but of fatalism on my part. I simply do not find modern dating appealing (flirting and acting like a caricature of a romance novel character), so I just resign myself to loneliness.

If I could just tell a woman "this is who I am, this is my background. How can I prove my worth to you?", I'd be okay with that. Feigning interest for retarded small talk and waiting for the right moment in which to initiate a new step of physical intimacy is just too much bullshit for me to bother with.

I was raped as a kid, so this will never happen to me. Suck it, virgins

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That's worse than remaining a virgin, desu

You've built it up to be more than it is. A whore for first time is fine.

right you fucking faggots. I was a virgin till 27. moved to a big city, hit the gym, worked in strip club. banged my mates ex gf, banged 15 more women. now im a boomer at 40 and engaged. your virgin shit is all internal barriers you have placed around you. improve yourself, have confidence, even fake confidence, dgaf and ask girls out, it's that simple. I'm not a chad at all, I'm a fucking loser with no money but can pull a cutie pie asian that is about to marry me.

I'm a fragile snowflake too. If a girl I like dumps me, I'm left with years of recovery. Decade in one case. Just remain lonely forever. Better that way.

>sex on it's own is practically irrelevant
It surely is when the love is not involved. I'd rather remain permavirgin than bang a girl completely uninterested in me.

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Im 25. Ive had a girlfriend and gotten a blowjob but no sex yet. Ill make it, right?

I just haven't made any moves on women. None have ever made a move on me, so nothing has ever happened. That's really all it takes, it's not complicated.

It should, girls like to be asked out.

you both sound perfectly fine

youre are right about the drama machines but not all the time its like that
all the flirting, small talk shit its not necessary, I personally hate it and never have a relationship that start like that.
I dont know, but I think that first you have to be friends with someone in order to have a relationship that does not hurt you bad. Actually kinda like in the movie from OP, he only have sex after he shows itself like it is.
Im thinking about relationships more than sex I guess.

that thing happen to my friend, she have a work that have no men and all her hobbies are very girly, and she refuses to go out with my other single friends too.

This is kind of my situation. I have no female friends, my friends have basically never had single female friends, I only interact with other guys and all of my hobbies are very male-oriented. I honestly think if I spent more time around women something might happen, I just don't really get any opportunities and I don't really want to force the issue.

I try not to.

Just stop jerking off

My mom left when I was a toddler, and I went on to spend about 13 years being abused by my dad's second wife in just about every way someone can be abused, so I'm really fucking uneasy around women, in the same way one who was savagely mauled by a dog as a kid might be irrationally nervous around dogs as an adult. I realize it's stupid, but it's just how my brain is wired now, and it's not like there's a switch that I can just turn off.

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>tfw gonna fuck in my car today

later sneeds

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There was one really good one, she was slim, goth and big tits and ass
and batshit insane to boot

I thought the same thing, but then I started working out, drinking a shitload of water, and cut down my fapping to like twice a week, and my T levels shot through the roof.

to try its not to force, online its a good way to make friends (females in this case), what are you in gaming? cause I know girls that are into male oriented hobbies or nerdy stuff, no sluts, just girls in the same situation as you.
all this talk make think that its a lot of misscomunication or noncomunication at all between people with the same interests . Its kinda sad.

It's Yea Forums, breh. There's no need to imagine.

>explain why you haven't been to a whore
I don't need to explain myself to you faggot millennial. Worry about yourself and have sex.

I am honestly more afraid of my first kiss than my first sexual experience, if either ever even happen that is.

25 years old

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Its not weird, you are obviously traumatized and with a good reason. My mom was shitty too but my grandparents took me and save me from hell.When they die I have the biggest depression ever, I took pills for a few years and then recover and grief properly. Most of the people are afraid of the shrink but sometimes it very helpful, more if you know what its your problem.

Ok so serious question here:
Are you guys all playing along to keep up the "this place is full of losers" meme or did you really never have sex or kiss a girl? You are joking and acting, right? Because I could not comprehend how anyone could never have experienced that. I mean there are obese fucks, braindead rednecks and burn victims out there with multiple relationships.

haha yeah it's all just a le prank I actually have sex every other day, penis in vagina am i ritr haha

>has friends
>a house
>a stable job
>he doesn't have any interest in sex so being a virgin hasn't eaten him away leaving a bitter, spiteful shell of a man

No, I can't.

I legitimately, unironically, sincerely never even kissed a girl and I'm in my final year of college.

yeah, I made the same question, but, they seem sincere and I seen it irl with some friends, so.
I think a very big part of the humanity its going hikikomori

just go back you absolute normalfaggot tourist

Oh my fuck another thread with faggot nerds complaining about there fucking virginity if it's that big of a deal just fucking kys or buy a hooker,fucking homo

fucking hell....how?!

I'm 29 years old and I've never even TOUCHED a female in an erotic way.

hell I cant remember the last time I had physical contact with a female at all.

The closest I got to pussy was when I accidentally touched the cashiers hand

Maybe read the thread.

I just don't leave my room that much.

read the thread its all there

I've honestly thought about saving a few grand, and going to a brothel just to get all the jitters out of the way. I'm sure they've got some kind of "first time" package.

I wonder if you are looking just for the sex or a girlfriend/boyfriend whatever floats your boat.
cause if you just want sex go with the escort dont even doubt it , the other case is more difficult.

You do you.
Losing my virginity to a hooker while never even kissing a single girl seems like it would only wreck me even more.

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I'm saying just to get all the feelings of not knowing what you're doing and nervousness out of the way.

Most people here crave for genuine connection/care from another human being, the sex is secondary.
If simply inserting a penis into a vagina was the only problem everybody would simply get rid of it by going to a whore once, but that's clearly not the case

yeah, thats what I tought.
Since we are on tv/ any of you are part of a movie community or group? In my country are several of those, great places to meet people.
Maybe I sound naive but I found super important have something in common to engage in first a conversation and second a relationship ( friendship--->more than that)

No wonder you guys are all trapped here. You have nothing. At least here you can feel an artificial replacement for real friendship and companionship by sharing the suffering with people that are the same. But this place is a lie. The memes can only distract you for so long. When the browser closes late in the night, all the unsolved shit in your life comes crashing down on you even harder. And the more time you spend here, the more years you waste here, the harder it becomes and the more of your real life you waste away. You become bitter and angry. With the "roasties", the "chads", the "modern culture". How come they are happy and you are not? If you are truly honest, it is just self-hatred directed outwards.
Leave, user. Leave this place. Go read a book in the sun. Go for a run. Go get a job. Go get in shape. Build your life. It wont be easy, but the satisfaction you will feel will be a thousand times more than that of a few (you)s. It will be true happiness. And you deserve that.

Then wtf are you doing here?

you got a point in the "go out", but you are being to harsh its not that simple for everyone.
I love the end,

I come here from time to time to remind myself what I once almost became and how close I was to the abyss. I look into these threads, then I close my eyes and feel pride and am thankful, before closing the laptop.

I lost me virginity late by societal standards, and I've known guys that have remained virgins well into their 20s. I can see how it can happen. Sometimes making that first step to stop being awkward around girls is really tough.

Is that you Mike?

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enjoy being a drug adled zombie
t. zombie

i wish i was joking. it hurts that i'm 22 and still virgin

>self-loathing narcissism
>body dysmorphic disorder
>histrionic personality disorder

>furry cavepoon

thanks for the lol user

>obese fucks
But I don't want to fuck female landwhale.
>braindead rednecks
But I don't have hot cousin.
>burn victims
They have more chances to have pity sex than me.

I mean, I dont, it was temporarily and like 6 years ago, for me it was help, never felt like a zombie, I guess depends on the drugs you take and how good is your doctor. What Im trying to say its that some problems need these kind of solutions. Not all problems of course.

try nineteen years nigga

32 yo, I never kiss a girl. But I have lots of sex with prostitutes. it kinda addictive.

>Fuck off faggot
You're the gay one here.

>i think i had the least graceful entry into adolescence of all time
You'd be surprised

This is so fucking retarded only an incel would post it
Unless you are indeed a complete autist, your first time having sex will be shit but the girl should still have no idea you're a virgin unless you tell her, or unless you eat her pussy out. Sex is extremely easy, especially doggy. Fucking true incels

Kissless, Hugless, Sexless 39 year old. Will do an AMA thread when I turn 40 followed by livestream suicide. November 18, save the date.

>tfw people are genuinely baffled by the idea of me being a virgin post-20 years old
Man my life is such a fucking joke

change this one to vincent ambrosio in the background

God I want to fucking kill myself

Let's just say it was a different time.

t. that user

39 here. Not a virgin, but the time acceleration is very scary.

I no longer even care about getting a gf.

exactly the same here friend

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I just paid to prostitute. This girl was my first one. In other situation she will be way out my league.

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The Jew keeps me too docile and compliant with fluoridated water, porn, processed food and my smartphone.

Do chads not realise that in the modern era with tinder no woman even looks at a guy below 7/10 in attractiveness? Women would rather stick toxic Chinese silicon in themselves while thinking about Chad than even entertain me with a conversation.

Get lynched you nigger

Jokes on you guys, I'm going to fuck Juju at the next Yea Forums meetup

I'm a fucking 28 year old virgin and I'm not even autistic.
I have issues, I have social anxiety, I have no self esteem and I happened to have been molested as a kid. I don't know why I am this way, I never dared to try, I've never made advances at a woman, I've never tried, not even online. I don't feel like I have the right to do it, I feel like I'm just a bad option for anybody.

I can't relate to people that have had sex, I don't know how they do it, they live in a real adult world and I don't, I'm just a child still, afraid of everything. I can't imagine bringing a woman into the bedroom and being intimate with her, it's out of this world.

Fuck life.

As worthless as such a response may be, I know that feel


highly recommend you read Year One. Author is about 50 years old, married 20 years, one kid. This is fatherly advice and good for you. Do not let preconceived notions turn you away. at least give it a read.

It's not going to help reading something cancerous by some faggot that has a chapter of his book called "The Bitter Taste of the Red Pill" sorry.

I don't need to be "redpilled" on women, this isn't my issue. I don't hate women and I don't need to hate them, I hate myself. Fuck whatever faggot wrote this trying to capitalize on current political trends. Jesus.

Tell us about the time you acted like Blade Runner 2049.

>maybe you are waiting for a 10/10
>maybe you are waiting for a 10/10
I'm certainly not, I'm just not desperate to hook up with any body. Personality matters more than looks, quite frankly, most women around my age or slightly older here are insufferable, post-cock carousel, about to or already hitting the wall and more often than not with bastard mutt child. The worst thing is that I know I wouldn't even be a good paying cuck for such a lady (and her kid) to settle with after spending her 20s getting fucked senseless. I wouldn't mind, if there was a nice woman that has reasonable self-esteem. Good luck finding that, bet it's almost as rare as finding a virgin in her 20s (yes, including landwhales, etc).

I know these feels user. It sucks but im trying to make it too. Finding a decent (not even good woman) nowadays is literally like winning the lottery. Whatever you do NEVER SETTLE FOR SOMEONE JUST BECAUSE and NEVER MARRY A SINGLE MOM. Outside of that go with the flow and see what happens. Best of luck.

>she is waiting for anime character. for real.
Who isn't?

>you are fucking subhuman trash

Good for you, bro. Hang on in there.

>leave Yea Forums and never ever come back
what will leaving Yea Forums improve? serious question

I don't want to cram pimpage.

Only 12 years to go lmao

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ill roll to that fren except I'll lose mine

I could not comprehend that there are people who could not comprehend this. Is it so hard to believe? It's like people suddenly realizing that there are people who wipe their ass standing.

Same bro I feel ya
I'm aiming to lose mine with a milf/teen.
Women in their 20s discugust me

What powers do you unlock at 40?

No idea I don't give a fuck about chads brads or dads

Literally based

Sme that's why I've met up with 4chs and we've been miserable together
Sadly no women only fellow brodudes

just look up on youtube about how to look charrismatic and how to be attractive, you'll be more confident once you get the hang of it, its just little lifehacks that could change your life, you'll just need to be a little dedicated to it and your lifestyle automaticly changes. also do cardio 3 times a week, running or jogging for half an hour is enough. i lost 12 kg in a year and it wasnt even hard.

>just fucking beat off.
Ha! Story of my life.

Lmao look at this normie reee reee reee not everyones just like meee meee meeee
>>has friends
Does here and discord count?
>>a house
Got one
>>a stable job
So much this there's no fucking money or work anywhere unless u just so happen to study the right meme
>>he doesn't have any interest in sex so being a virgin hasn't eaten him away leaving a bitter, spiteful shell of a man
I've been like this since forever
>No, I can't.

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>just look up on youtube about how to look charrismatic and how to be attractive
I sincerely hope this is bait

>When the browser closes late in the night
Where do you think you are?

>tfw there's a cute 6/10 nip girl at my workplace
>speaks in engrish
>super tiny
Only reason I haven't fallen in love with her is because I can't tell how old she is. I wonder what anime I should bring up with her to break the ice

Hoho snap
My vague

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Jealous you 6 levels above me
Do u really feel the power over 30?

Kek roastie I don't believe your lies

Literally me although I've always hanged around either generation besides my own who I hate they are all s o y leftist faggot hipsters with dumb babbies and stupid lame hobbies and their entire life center around work.
So fucking boring I can't stand gen y
X z and a are OK

dont watch american channels. school of attraction is a decent one, i read a book written by a ducth guy and he is spot on. this channel basically tells the same theory.

Im very, very, very, very ugly. The kind not fixed by haircut, lifting or surgery.

>implying you're in a position to be choosy

it doesn’t help that catherine keener is one of the most unpleasant actresses on the planet. not to mention the daughter in this, what a shit show

He's a plebbitor tourist
So what I lost a shit load of weight and still no luck

Most normal people are dumb and stupid

Fuck being what other people want you to be you stupid antbrain mong

It's easy to avoid if you just stop caring, unfortunately when you start to care you realize you have no sociual skills but are self aware enough to realize it so you just resign yourself more. And if something comes along that makes you care you either spill your spaghetti or have so little social skills you can't see the obvious red flags, either scenario just fucks you more.

20. Not obese, reasonably bright and no burn scars and I've never even held hands

>Go read a book in the sun.
Doing so already

>Go for a run
Went cycling for seven miles yesterday

>Go get a job
I'm mostly through my application to get into the military, just got an interview with some officers to go

>Go get in shape
See above

I've got plenty of female friends, but i've never had a romantic spark with one. Not a hint of a flirt that I could read

All virgins over 25 should be listed as potential mass shooters.


Once you hit a certain age, it's either accept the fact that you're going to be a stepdad, or deal with a chick with psychological issues that have kept her single.

I didn't just liked her. I was completely, totally IN LOVE, for the first time. I'd actually eat sand if she commanded me to, just to be at her service. It was really pathetic.

>tfw ywn take someone’s virginity

Where, though? Like just talk to a complete stranger? I don't know where to go to meet women in an environment where they'd be receptive

What do you mean you've got a surplus ITT. Take your pick

Because this is an anonymous website people think others lie profusely, but I don't think that's the case. People here tend to telling the truth unless their obviously trolling or trying to prove a point in a trollish manner.

Theres a lot of guys out there struggling to find a sexual partner. Both unattractive and attractive people. It's not hard to believe. People can be REALLY shy and its hard to break that shell even in your 20s. I'm 24 and never kissed a girl, despite "dating" one for a few months. I'll let you wonder how that is possible.

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your physique is just a starting point so you'll feel better.
most women dont come at you just because you look good, you need to approach them, you'll fail a lot, but you'll learn. beeing happy with yourself is a must have, you need to give them the feeling that you can take care of yourself, and never need anything from them. needyness is a killer for women. also be funny, give compliments but also do the opposite in a fun way to break rapport. make the impression that you have a lot of currency, and i mean not in money, but in love, friendships, happyness confidence. even if you dint have that, you can trick your mind into doing so by meditating. start with the things you already have. it will all help. there is so much more to say, try to fiend a book about it, its crazy how simple everything looks once you get the theory.

>tfw 35
Yes. I can imagine.

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Most women don't appeal to me tho their all s o y and have boring personalities

That's the real problem imho

After finally obtaining a gf (27 years old) I now want to end it after almost 2 months. I hate going out or be constantly texting with her if i'm alone. Sex is nice and all, but for some reason I still can't cum after fucking, I think it's psychological but dunno.

you can practice on them,
>they are boring
so what, you don't need anything from them. you are the fun guy, make them laugh, flirt, always flirt in a sexual way so they know what your intention is, don't do it in a direct way, but in a ambiguous way.

Nah I want a tomboy to gfd me
Crush me with her giant milkers.
Screw hitting on npc thots who I can't even hold a conversation with

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So dump her

Fuck that's ruff mate
Giv gf
The smell?

>in the same way one who was savagely mauled by a dog as a kid might be irrationally nervous around dogs as an adult.

this. to this day dogs hate my guts and vice versa. can't stand people with any house pets, actually, unless they are living in the countryside.

>all this talk make think that its a lot of misscomunication or noncomunication at all between people with the same interests . Its kinda sad.

You got that right, boi.

I am legitimately a 24 year old virgin, if I could prove it to you I would.

They told me that too it was a typical bully meme but then I lost it at 18. Ps I’m a normie now.

I had sex when I left Yea Forums. Naturally, I couldn't quit it for too long. But I would definitely recommend it to everyone in order to grow a little bit as a human being.

Imagine there's no virgins...
I wonder if you can

Actually no, in ancient times each high value man would have multiple women and all other men were incel. Then religions came along and introduced monogamy and arranged marriages. Modern day society is now sliding back towards how it was in ancient times, with Chads having multiple fuckbuddies and girlfriends while many men have nobody at all.

It makes sense, if you think about reproductive evolution. 1 man and 10 women can make just as many babies as 10 men and 10 women, so all the women may as well be getting Chad genes for their offspring. Without the social pressures of monogamous society, women would rather share a high value man than have a low value man all to themselves. In ancient times low value men would have to plunder and rape, I wonder whether that will happen again or porn + video games will be enough to stave that behaviour off.

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Dubs and I die in my sleep tonight

>the normalfag begins to feel terror as he finds the internet not exactly full of mirror images of himself

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Thank you for reminding me that I don't even know how to kiss properly "as grownups do". I only kissed a girl on the cheeks and maybe on the lips once when i was in elementary school, but that was just cute little innocent smooch.

hahaha I'd an hero long time ago, if i wasn't that much of a coward.

Too bad all the women use birth control so no kids are born even from the chad seed.

>tfw lost virginity at 25
>still not had sex in the 2 years since

I think I'm low T, I just don't care enough to pursue women. Started lifting a few months ago maybe that'll cure me

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It's honestly not that difficult, and neither is sex, and I'm saying this as an autist who sometimes has trouble tying my shoelaces up, and drinking water without spilling a bit.
DO NOT romanticize this idea too much. See it for the mundane shit it is.
Even your parents had sex, and we both know they're squares.

>and we both know they're squares.
My dad has three kids with 3 different women and dud time for meth, I would call him a square.

33 kissless virgin here. i jerk off a lot but other than that, i dont particularly care anymore.


And you're gonna let your old man best you like that?
We both know you feel superior to him in every way at this point. It's time you prove it.

I smell roastbeef

The power to will yourself out of existence, hopefully

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>it's all just a le prank
Yeah, hehehe, I was just MERELY PRETENDING! Te-he-he-he *slaps gf on the buttcheek repeatedly to prove manliness*

kissing's easy bros just suck on her lips and run your tongue side to side they love it

I mean I already have him beat by not having a child out of wedlock at the age of 21 with a girl he met working at a theme park, although I inheretited his taste in women so I've got more issues to worry about.

Honestly, if you're 40 and haven't done it, just hire an expensive hooker.
But if you think your life will improve in any big capacity, I'm sorry to say it won't.
For example, I feel better now that I have a new job, then when I wasn't single but had a shitty job.

that's wrong, you are lonely, have sex

I would never do that, my main reason for not even seeking out sex is the fear of diseases and trannies.

Honestly lads after I lost my virginity I was a lot more confident. Before I felt like I was a freak and I was really paranoid that people could tell I was a virgin by looking at me. Now I feel like a 'regular' person.

So yeah I highly recommend losing your virginity :D

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Go out in public, do EVERYTHING, hiking, riding bikes, book shopping, regular shopping, eating in a cafe/restaurant, see a concert, hell even going to the movies I guess, BUT you have to be a TOP FORM, you can't expect to get pussy if you don't put in the effort, dress nicely, be /fit/ and make eye contact, if a girl smiles back at you don't be afraid to talk to her, I just did this this morning on a train after a girl smiled at me and I smiled back a few times. It helps if something funny happens, like you both see a funny dog walking on two legs or something crazy, and you make eyecontact and your eyes say: "wow what a crazy dog" and then you go up and say: "wow what a crazy dog" (this is just an example) make her laugh and you'll be in it to win it post-nuptial style!

GTFO normalchad scum and never come back

>like you both see a funny dog walking on two legs or something crazy, and you make eyecontact and your eyes say: "wow what a crazy dog" and then you go up and say: "wow what a crazy dog"
You lost me here.

>The closest I got to pussy was when I accidentally touched the cashiers hand
One actually tried to hit on me, but I spaghetti'd and once she realized I'm a lost cause she lost any interest completely.

>a girl smiled at me
lost me here, that never happens for me

It literally doesn't matter what you say if she finds you attractive, she wants to talk to you just as much as you want to talk to her so it'll work. You're overthinking it

Just be more attractive idiot
If you're not doing all these you're volcel:

>growing stubble/beard + good haircut
>skincare regime + dermarolling
>wearing decent clothes

ok imagine a dog walking on three legs, can you imagine that?

It never happened for me until I started working out, dressing nicely, BUT most importantly being happy, if people see you are happy they will want to be around you. Smile when others look at you. Don't sulk about your past, but imagine the future.

It is not fair, but most people don't want to be around sad people, it's not like the movies where some sad girl will meet a sad boy and they will be happy together. There are a lot of girls staring at their phones, bored out of their minds, and when they see a confident man, who isn't afraid of eyecontact and speaking with strangers they will notice. Working out will unironically boost your confidence too, when your biceps is tight in a t-shirt you'll know. I'm not even big, I'm a manlet too, so everybody can make it, but you have to create the happy attitude, it took me four years and good friends to be happy most of the time

Yes, it's Virgins Anonymous.

>if she finds you attractive
Lost me again.

>Just be more attractive bro
>just be happy bro
Made me reply, a (you) for each
>Smile when others look at you
Also, I'm not American, in any civilized part of the world that leads to your skull being caved in for being a phony fuck

Thank you, Milo Peterson.

Ah, I remember being 22...

why are you ugly, describe your insides and out

K bro then how come I talk to all these women in Europe faggot? You're are a sad sack and nobody wants anything to do with you because you're even a feel sorry sad sack on an anonymous image board when some strangers waste their time giving you advice. You're not fun to be around even on the internet. It's a meme but it's true, you have to have a personality and need to be happy or else nobody will like you bitch!

Not him but you're beyond saving

I live in the UK which is the most depressing place on Earth and most people smile back at me when I pass them on the street. It's a natural response to smile when somebody smiles at you. And there's a positive feedback loop so smiling automatically makes you happier. So if you smile at someone and they smile back you're literally making them happier and they unconsciously associate that happiness with seeing you. This is all basic shit so fuck you for making me type it out, you dumb miserable fuck.

Set the date to November 24, please.