Any good movies where the protagonist goes to a restaurant?

Any good movies where the protagonist goes to a restaurant?

Attached: 1561863992515.webm (640x800, 2.23M)

Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction

Is girl skin as soft as it looks?

Sorry to break combo but why the fuck does this board obsess over the most basic of women?? You could literally find this bitch at any cafe or on tinder

Mulholland Drive

No, she just has a lot of makeup on. Womens skin underneath that is just as fucked up as ours

Who is that?

that's the movie from the one image everyone always posts talking about how they can see the girl's butthole. I think it takes place in a restaurant

In america, that's almost a 10/10

And she would reject me

She's well above-average in the current year.

Fuck off.

Damn nigga I'd love to live in a place where girls like that are in a cafe or on tinder

Blue eyed bitch

I'm pretty good looking and I've never had sex with a girl that attractive.
I don't have a ton of pics out with friends, because I have no friends, and a bunch of selfies on a dating site is repellent

Are you British or something?

The girl in OP's video is British.

>I'm pretty good looking
Post a pic

Doesn't change my point.