What the fuck was the creeper?

what the fuck was the creeper?

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creepers don't actually exist. there is nothing to worry about.

idk, these movies sucked

a pedo

Similar species to IT. Neigh immortal, has hunting cycles, feeding rituals having to do with fear. In short? A breed of boogeyman.

shoulda hacked its body after they ran it over and then burned them, stored the ashes in separate chests/trunks

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This. It was the director trying to exorcise his demons.

You are the best user, thanks.

Old man Johnson

The director unfinished screenplay of the first film expands on the origins. It’s said to be a collector of souls kinda like death but highly prefers collecting the souls of children that are boys. He’s forced to do it as he’s cursed with this obsession. It’s supposed to symbolize the pedo directors struggle with being a kiddy fucker. The resurrections are supposed to be like him relapsing I guess.



i thought he was just a vampire who was lonely as all his friends were in europe and all his friends he had in the middle of america died of old age already

tragic story

>shoulda hacked its body after they ran it over and then burned them, stored the ashes in separate chests/trunks

It's not a good villain. It being immortal makes the final outcome a kind of a forgone conclusion and saps tension.


I saw Clown House recently, also by Silva
One of the creepiest movies I've ever seen. Not because of the film itself but because I found out that Silva had raped all of the little boys in the movie.

The entire film production was just a front for Silva to get down to his kiddy diddling.

Fucking figures.

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Ask /x/

An incel.

>human teeth visible

The third movie explained...to the character, but not audience and after that failure, we probably never get the 4 one that explain that shit

Didn’t the last movie implied that even a small part can posses a person and take full control?

>he doesn't realize the Creeper is made up of various human body parts that it sews into itself from the people it kills
Amateur hour.

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The last movie is shit and doesn't exist

It's shit and exists.

Seriously the creeper dosen’t work on day light, without that he’s just a monster on a rampage

So which one is everybody favorite 1 or 2? I think 2 has a better plot and progression, but the ending of first one is more scary

mesoamerican god or something

That scene in the last fucking movie, i fucking snapped, the origin is explained through a vision to a character but you don't see what he's seeing, you just catch that black dude with his eyes turning white and passing out. i just saw it for the laughs, but i wanted to punch the tv, it was so incompetent, it crossed the line of funny to infuriating

>Victor Ronald Salva (born March 29, 1958) is an American filmmaker and convicted sex offender. He is best known for directing the films Powder (1995) and Jeepers Creepers (2001), and for performing oral sex on an 12-year-old boy.

he GAVE the boy head. how much of a beta faggot do you need to be to be the bottom to a fucking 12 year old?

you're a huge fucking nerd

The friends we made along the way

The first one was the only really scary one.

1. it has a nice mix of spooky visuals when needed and everything else seems not quite normal. him stalking them for the whole movie was good.

2 was a cool idea but it just felt off. from what i remember of it mostly takes place on the bus right?

The absolute best scene in the first film

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Film goes to shit after his death.

The tension comes from the characters having to survive till sunlight when the creeper goes back to hibernate. It's a classic thriller storyline used in many movies.

Oh shit, he did Powder?
that was a pretty good movie

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I was surprised to see Sam Rockwell in his first role.

that could of been a cool idea to get into
shame the directors a chomo

i couldnt get past the scene when the van starts killing people, fucking dumb, can you explain its origin please

Exactly, that’s why the third movie was so bad, the creeper hunting in the day always showing him was horrible idea there no thrill and unlike the scenes in the previous were you barely see him to maintain the mystery in this one he walks like it’s nothing

That’s the thing user, they don’t do it, an old lady and black touch the creeper’s sereved hand and have some kind of possession for like 20 seconds, then they say “we know what you really are” they never shown or tell us what did they saw

Tzimisce are breaking the Masquerade, having pics taken of them

A cheap Predator ripoff.

not really lol

was the director seriously a pedo? did he write the screenplay too?

Yes and yes.

holy shit. holy fuck.

this is literally about a monstrous being feeding on young boys AHHHHHHHhh

it's just a cicada cryptid monster. IT is an eldritch inter-dimensional being that is not actually physically present in our reality. So not the same thing.

Are film directors who are convicted sex offenders required to tell production crew/staff & talent that they’re sex offenders? I know Hollywood is filled with pedos, but I’m talking about those who were caught, convicted, sentenced & did time.

Is that JesuOtaku?


He also directed the movie

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I really liked how his design had a purpose. The face flaps opened, the noseslit would spread, everything seemed to function. Lots of monsters these days are just slimy overdesigned clusterfucks

Rose McGowan's quote from an interview in The Advocate in which she's asked about Victor Salva. Always worth repeating:

>Yeah, I still don’t really understand the whole story or history there, and I’d rather not, because it’s not really my business. But he’s an incredibly sweet and gentle man, lovely to his crew, and a very hard worker.

Seriously, fuck that hypocritical cunt. She then later tried to say in another interview that she had no idea Victor Salva was a convicted pedophile while starring in his film Rosewood Lane (2011).

The pedo director said at one point the creeper was going to be a creature of black lagoon type cryptid that has human sentience but is still monstrously different