What movie is this from?

What movie is this from?

Attached: 74225-004-884D2BF5.jpg (401x450, 14K)

The dark knight rises.

The Jackie Chan film "Nosebleed" (2001)

Fiddler on Roof


America the great - 2011

Escape from New York

what in-flight kino were they watching

gotta be 18 or older to post here

Inside Job (2001)

House of 3 Thousand Corpses

It happened in 2001.

City Lights

Tuesday morning news live.

I was in elementary school when this happened so they didn't tell us anything and when I got home from school I turned on PBS to watch Redwall and the coverage was on. I honestly thought it was a movie because I was 8 and the idea of it being real was just so inconceivable to me.


Loose Change.

I remember making a joke about PETA going too far and my roommates chewing me out about it.

Fuck this shit. They skipped airing a new episode of DBZ that evening. Still mad.

George Bush Gets His Anus Wrecked by Donald Rumsfeld

>9/11 was 8 years ago

Attached: 1560960720010.webm (854x480, 1.42M)

It's still pretty wild.

You shouldn't be mad about missing DBZ at all. It is just silliness.

>9/11 is old enough to fuck


He didn't fly so good, who wants to try next?

Attached: glitchedspawnpoint.webm (480x848, 2.33M)

There are people among us right now who are 5 years younger than 9/11

i was 10 and the principal announced over the PA that new york city had been “bombed” and i was in complete disbelief. for good reason too

anymore suicide kino?


That Adam Sandler one

dat filename though.

Attached: 1557797714781.jpg (750x645, 54K)

Easy, Tiger...

Attached: RIP Medusa Cat.jpg (640x639, 60K)

Attached: zqahtzefpr311.gif (500x308, 746K)


he didn't fly so good

Is he OK?

They didn't, retarded. This is a myth.

100k dead muslims

Tower Heist

>actually doing us a favor by exposing exactly how fucking corrupt and incompetent the federal government is

keep the flame alive

A space odyssey

Attached: God Wills It.jpg (500x600, 95K)

Yes they did you newfuck.

Damn, I can't believe Raimi got away with that.

Attached: Uncle Ben.jpg (900x682, 318K)

Morrowind remake is looking good so far

911: Fight For Israel!
A Saudi Arabian/ Israeli Co-producton
Produced by Dick Cheny and Donald Rumsfeld
Directed by Larry "Pull It" Silverstein

After Evil Dead and Xena, he can pretty much get away with whatever the heck he wants.