*click click click click....*

*click click click click....*

*...click click click*

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Other urls found in this thread:


Based and didgeridoopilled


based and one race the human racepilled

This is the best post Yea Forums will ever have.

Can some BASED user link me the video with the Aussie singer performing with two abos that make ugly sounds?

Based Sunday afternoon abo poster.

Is this to announce Aussie hours?


Yes, we've all just woken up and we've got mean hangovers.

Attached: Bruce.gif (399x369, 39K)

>Comments are disabled

Goddammit, that would have been a goldmine.

Best thread on the board right now

Do you one better

yo goddah 'moke ya white cunt



Is it wrong I knew what this would be before opening?

my god
he was trying SO hard to be "in to" the sounds they are making.
>slows down the music
>looks at abbos
>looks at abbos
>both of the abbos did not seem to give a fuck
>one starts just smacking sticks together
>the other laughs and grunts

Based and Jimpilled

Not at all, the abbos speak for themselves

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what a beautiful culture

People sometimes wonder what life would be like if there were still Neanderthals or some other archaic humans still around, but all they have to do is go to Australia to see what it's like

If you're not aboriginal this is highly offensive

I'm getting some New Order vibes from this


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Is it really possible that anyone can deny divergent evolution within humans resulting in IQ differences? I'm not saying Aborigines are bad or that we shouldn't try to help them, but come on.

So... these aren't actually homo sapiens, are they? There's no way. No way.


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yes, thanks solely to the existence of /pol/mutts and /pol/-influenced Yea Forumsmutts. if you want to help the "white race" it's time for them to make ultimate act of sacrifice

I'm 90% sure that Australians just shave gorillas, point a camera at them and just laugh at us gullible northern hemispherers.

Is that in creation of "abos" or of white Australians, breh? because frankly I'm confused.


Don’t be rama rama

lol I guarantee you that blonde girl with the purple tips has given up and moved back to inner city Sydney or Melbourne by now. Nothings a bigger red-pill than trying to help them directly and seeing the biggest problem the face is themselves.

>"Nothings" a bigger "red-pill"

Are you sure you're not an abo yourself, budda?

IQ 60. People need to accept it. Drop them in any country you'll get the same problems.


Anyone pass that mentally ill dude who dresses in white chalk in central station tunnel and beats sticks together all morning repeating the same 2 'songs' over and over?



Yeah, what with em sleeping on the fucking roads

I've never met an aussie woman who didn't hate abbos and lust after niggers.
I include Geoff Nugent when I say aussie women.


Attached: aboriginals.jpg (962x642, 374K)

The one at the end that looks like Aughra from the Dark Crystal seems like she's got a normal brain.

Imagine being her, surrounded by your own people like that.

Whenever the government tries to interfere or help they get cries of racism and colonialism.

Its actually fucked. Abo communities like that have huge problems with kids being mollested and mistreated. Government goes ok lets intervene. Before they even can cries of stolen generation ect start and they now can't do anything.

In some communities the abbos still raise and teach kids in traditional abbo language and they don't learn English until they are way older which fucks there ability to properly learn.

They get tax payer cards because they can't be trusted to get food for themselves its fucked. Not all of them but so many of them just refuse to get work they just go its our land fuck off.

>sacred trash circle

> diesel fuel only

Hearty kek.

Why women can't play this musical instrument?

I heard that they only did that because liquor stores are banned from abo townships, so they'd walk miles to one, get blackout drunk and pass out on the road walking home

Not that it excuses it, but it wasn't just because they were that stupid

you're wrong its cause roads stay pretty warm at night and when its windy or a little cold that's comfortable

The Crash Bandicoot games made me think Australian abos were an advanced culture that built ancient cities like the Aztecs or Greeks.

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>australian """"""""""""""""schools""""""""""""""""

And which videogame told you that the aztecs were nearly as advances as the ancient greeks?

this thread changed my life

Do you even one better

this one is unironically pretty well done, for a bunch of kids trying to make a fun song at least

>burns down the forrests and ruins the climate of his homeland because he is to stupid to hunt

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It was made by a bunch of white dudes, you can see them because they're the only ones doing tricks on the bikes

reminder that the fucking leftist in this country think that the abbo’s biggest problems is australia day’s current date yet do nothing to actually help the struggling communities

The tribesmen in the Crash games aren't even aboriginal, not even joking.
>lighter skinned
>wear womven clothing
>totem polls
>built basic wood contraptions and structures
They actually seem more inspired by polynesian cultures than aboriginal which they couldn't be further from.

Keep in mind Crash Bandicoot looks nothing like a bandicoot, tiny looks nothing like a tasmanian tiger (actually resembling a real tiger moreso), koala kong looks more like a bear and obviously Cortex's scifi shit is pure fiction.

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posting in a based thread

JoJo's bizarre adventure

>card welfare system takes away dignity
being on welfare at all is exactly that. it’s taxpayer money. if you are forced to only use it on necessities so be it

this song is sweet

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because the road is warm so they sleep on it

come to auburn and say it to my face kunt

behold abo kino


>no mango pickle

This thread is dogshit


are all aussie pensioners this based

they never figured out even basic shelters or any tools that weren’t just sticks and crude wood. the boomerang is probably their cultural magnum opus



>fuck these wh*Te KUNTS
fucking based


I remember in film school we had to study this documentary about an Aboriginal community, we had to argue why it was exploitive because of how aboriginals are portrayed (in most of the scenes they're drunk or high)

It's fucking bullshit how as soon as a documentary captures the reality of something we have to argue why or how its manipulative.

Yes lets keep pretending that Aboriginals don't suffer from generational poverty due to being displaced and as a result form drug and alchohol addiction. I'm sure that'll solve the problem.



awaken my masters


who has the video about the aboriginal clan that worships an airplane that occasionally comes to a rural airfield


mad respect to him for providing some entertainment for the employed

based as fuck

hundred or so years ago they though the best way to save the abo race was to breed them with whites until they eventually lose the abo genes. backfired horribly and it’s pretty much australias version of blacks crying about slavery to this day. the abos would just die out if the gov stopped doing everything for them

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forgot to add that they took the children from the parents and stuffed them into christian education camps to integrate them into white culture

you are allowed to believe some dog breeds are more 'intelligent', but you are not allowed to believe the same with humans. IQ differences are apparently because of culture, nutrition, and oppression. ignore the fact that south east asians have higher IQ scores than african americans.



abbos are still one of the the iconic things of Australian culture, together with kangaroos and boomerangs

what a fucking joke lmao

Their whole community has wasted away from their alcoholic tendencies and degenerate usage of drugs. In this century their culture and way of life has hit rock bottom. They need help , not cringe idiots on the internet calling them animals. You people have no hearts, same goes for the politicians who avoid them like they're not human. It's disgusting

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abos are just like us

based, I love didgeridoos

Cry about it whitey


>They need help
No, they need more booze and drugs so they will die out. Or if you rly wanna keep them alive put them in to zoos.

Seek help

the fucking piano guy contrasted with them lmfao
this is like the world's best bit


I already did, /x/ guys are great.



They already get more help than any people's in the history of human history, free housing, free education, free medical, free legal representation, yet they can't get their shit together. Their average IQ is literally in the retarded range.

Not gonna defend them but they had those mega-fauna fucking them up so out of the 1million of them they found a few braincells to rub together and invented "scorched Earth" about 40,000yrs before anyone else.

what is this post trying to say, that they are addicts because they were displaced?

ok lads
this one is actually epic
epic for the win

In a lot of ways the Aztecs were more advanced than the Ancient Greeks, but less advanced in others. This is common with any civilization though. I'd suggest reading about Cortes' military campaign against the Aztecs. They had a very large military, cities that the conquistadors said were easily the size, if not larger than, those of Spain. They were capable of truly remarkable things. The only problem was they had effectively no knowledge in metallurgy beyond its use in construction. And even that was arguably limited in scope to such a degree that'd be indistinguishable from the tools used during the Bronze Age.

Point being, don't think that the Aztecs were a bunch of retarded primitives, they weren't.

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maxx is based


>to stupid

>Not gonna defend them but they had those mega-fauna fucking them up
You do defend them cuck, EU/Asia/N America had their own mega-fauna and we have fuckin eat them. Only abos were fucked you by animals with no thumbs.

It is. Finally read the whole comic last year. The second half that wasn't in the cartoon gets really strange and different, but it's still pretty good.

What makes Strayas so loveable

When I saw this for the first time I thought it was a Chris Lilly sketch.

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>Any other fauna competing with Aussie fauna

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Well I find it's easy to make friends over here. You just share a beer or two and you're now aquaintances.
Even if I didn't even know their name, seeing someone from my grade in school I would share my bucket of chips with them.
"No worries" is really the name of the game here.

cane toads, rabbbits and pigs

Watch it.

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Abos havent finished evolving. They literally got stuck on a rock during our primal age and never shared genetics with more advanced races.

I live in Los Angeles and I hear these type of performances under my window every night between 1am and 4am

>we shouldn't try to help them
The final help is the return to samsara.

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Quite literally no one cares about Australia

name a more revolting creature than this mix

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Not before she got abbo'd first

Cool it with the anti-Irish remarks

Name that fucking 3m tall sipiders that have 100IQ and use metalurgy to build tunels/traps. There is nothing on this panet that hunt us like we do with anything else.
You sound like mixed butthurt abbo.

unironcally me

>mega-fauna fucking them up
Mega-fauna is just a fancy word for more meat.


fucking Yea Forums is a better board than this. just nuke it and be done with

Am I the only person who thinks the didgeridoo sounds pretty good?

t. abo

They do sound fun. Its primal sound our lizard brain likes I think.



Fuck. I used to walk through West End every day from my gym and outside CBA there were ALWAYS a group of abbos getting drunk and harassing people walking past.

Musgrave park used to be beautiful when the area was filled with wogs but ever since low income housing was set up to house the abos, there's people getting drunk in that park every day. The children's playground is always covered in piss. Fuck.

It's going to get far worse with actual blacks coming in now and not even the deeply religious ones that christcucks want but just outright filth. Jesus fuck.

I find this thread really depressing.Sad how much differences exist in this world.

ey ese, choo bang?

>things that never happened

Read actual history instead of believing everything the "taught" you in year 8 "history" class.

Abo thread?


Get a load of this incel

They took the half white rape babies


>you will never take an 8 hour road trip to the nearest city with some true blue Aussies

Yeah it’s a mass chune


Abos were able to rape anyone? or just sluts went for exotic dong?

They took obvious abuse cases.

For example the three halfcaste bitches from Rabbit Proof Fence. They had a neglectful mother who didn't feed them and started prostituting themselves for food.

>The historian Keith Windschuttle also disputed the film's depiction of events, stating in his work The Fabrication of Aboriginal History that Molly and the two other girls had been removed for their own welfare, and that the two older girls had been sexually involved with white men.

Windschuttle is a good source of actual history that extends beyond "ebil whitey dun killed all da traditional owners (TM)"

sounds like you watched and believed too many movies. What you're saying isn't 100% untrue but you're phrasing it as if it was in any way negative.

>australian gov notices that aboriginals are dying out, wants to save them
>plans to give them the best education and get them into society, free
>also hooks them up with volunteer white women for marriage

There was an incredible disparity between the numbers of men and women in the early days of the colony.

Mans gotta eat, and obviously even the most retarded abo woman would prefer to fuck a whie fella over her own, especially because they had things like preserved food, flour, milk etc. to give them.

Genuine question, are you retarded? Do you not know how amerimutts, mexstizos or huehues where made?

It's always this way isnt it? makes me think nobody was really opressed at all and its all bullshit made up by media to hurt us.


Great article about often ignored Australian idigineous history

>Genuine question, are you retarded? Do you not know how amerimutts, mexstizos or huehues where made?
You telling me bong convicts were so desperate to fuck pic related? I do not belive it.
I can see fiki fiki some young chikita in mexico but to fuck a monkey its a very difrent thing.

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they literally can not be helped

there’s nothing you can do, so stop demanding the impossible out of assholes other than yourself

Irish settlers actually

Oppression is a matter of perspective. Aborigines simply cannot be treated as equal members of a highly industrialized society. They lived on this continent for 40,000+ years and didnt manage to plant a crop, domesticate an animal, develop a writing system or chart astronomical activitity and yet we, the creators (and descendants of) the largest empire in the history of the world, have been here 250 years and built a country that is at or near the top of every advancement metric, are supposed to think that they can participate in or succeed in that nation on an equal level? It's absurd.

I am all for helping them, but the help they need is in trying to reorient them into living in the manner to which they are suited (primitively),not expecting or encouraging them to live live like us or among us.

Look up pics of actual nigger africans or un mixed mayans/aztecs, they are fucking disgusting. That photo is of an obese elderly woman, they were fucking skinny

who /cric/ here?

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How exactly do you help them? People have been trying and trying for many decades and nothing has done any good whatsoever

Honestly I just feel bad for them. This is clearly a people that hasn't developed enough to adapt to the modern world

Not in years. Just stale memes and /soc/ posting

>Irish settlers actually
This explains a lot.

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>Gonna get caught like Bin Laden Osama

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This really makes me wanna go sniff some petrol

Can anyone post an attracrive abo?

ib4 all mixed, just as easy as finding full blood niggers dhat dosnt look like turd.


What about Lupita ?

Ok well yeh post a mixed one then

RIP Reggae Dave

well polished turd but she is mixed

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haha this song was the shit when I was in school. The guy who made it got taken to court but his dad is a rich bikie and was able to get him off all charges by saying they were parodying racists. That park they're in is Russell Square, also known as Boong Park lol

I knew it was this one kek

>christian education camps to integrate them into white culture
thats a good thing

Mixed with what her parents are Nigerian and she just happened to be born in Mexico retardo

>a hunter gatherer living in a modern first world country surving on gluten an hogh fructose corn syrup cas the same morphology as one surving on the diet they did before colonisation

Like I said, you are mentally retarded and lack any capacity for critical thinking. You are dumber than any abo i've met, fag.

Is that bad that i enjoy sniffing too? Not pure petrol, it's too harsh, but pipe exhaust smoke. I REALLY like the smell.
But then again, i'm a slav, so basically albino version of abbo nigger

Well?, attractive is a subjective term... Jessica Mauboy is horrible but i wouldnt call her attractive either.


Post her then

LOL who cares ya poof

Why do abo's have blonde hair? I've noticed this alot, at first I thought they were bleaching it and then realised that's nonsense since they'd clearly be wasting good sniff material

I've since found out they do actually have some genetic shit that makes them sometimes turn out blonde and really often, but it's this weird hair texure that's just straight and dark brown but bleaches really blonde in the sun. It's kind of bizarre actually.

There's also that shit where they just are way more resistant to poison. Infact, thinking about it, I come from a town with like a quarter abo population and I don't think I've ever heard of any single one of them getting cancer, ever. Lung, breast, ball, any of it. I'm pretty sure they just don't get cancer for some fucking reason.

Maybe science needs to bisect them and investigate their genes.

>You telling me bong convicts were so desperate to fuck pic related

When they weren't otherwise occupied fucking each other in the arse, yes. Colonial Australia was an absolute God damn cess of homosexual activity.

it comes about through exposure to sunlight, same as with anyone else. asian hair "rusts" similarly although as with abos it's more typical for it to go orange

Ramarama as fuck. Topkek.

No. Just google image it you fucking lazy faggot.

Fuck all have blonde hair and its because some of them share genetic traits with melanesians that are blonde.

Remember: Abos are a hogeneous group. They came here in waves from a variety of places with a variety of genetic ancestry


Fucking RACIST tread. I’m DISGUSTED. It’s my first day on this site and it already lived up to its reputation! Get a LIFE and leave those people ALONE

t. Massive pooftah


*sniffs petrol*
*rapes cousin*
*loses one thong*

I award (2) virtue points. I'm sure your fellow "muh whiteness" autists are suitably impressed.

Whoever claims that when the entropy occurs they mean to murder anyone they hear using the word "based" has it a fuck of a lot easier than me.


Why are Australians so damn funny

You american right? there are things like grandparents and other.
I dont eat like my ancestors did, yet Im and most people around me arent bloted, it has way less to do with what you eat but how much.


The fucking Greenies who were watching this shit must've been sweating bullets, before realising no one else watches Q&A and relaxing.

le monke

I gotta say, as a STEMcel whose first job was on a mine in the Territory, it was a real eye-opener.

why would anyone want to listen to some tranny

lol i don't blame them one fucking bit

Absolutely fucking mindblowing

Um, excuse me, SHE prefers female pronouns.

I don't get this



depends how much you enjoy watching chimps masturbate I'd say

In a thousand years, this will be a sacred monolith of a bygone era, and Abbos will still be sitting around it, drunk and half-naked with an IQ of 50.

Yea Forums is truly the greatest place for discussion on tv and films

Honestly based lifestyle.
They picked the patrician beer too.
>not so fast, Banana-Bender

based empathy poster

not so different from us

Their culture was garbage to begin with

Based Rupert Murdoch

>They turn the fuel gauge up to full and push the Speedo up to 200 to make it work better

My fucking sides, oh god.

God helps those who help themselves.

She’s not going to sleep with you.


Micks are just potato niggers.

have sex


The horror

I thought diversity was our strength?...

have sex

Weak bait

I shouldn’t be laughing so hard at the thong bit.

Based schizoposter

>come back to all these You's calling me names and regurgitating racist ideology

This site is a joke

>an aboriginal is walking down the street wearing shorts, a t-shirt and only one thong
>a man comed up to him and says "buddy, it looks like you've lost a thong"
>the abo replies "nah mate, I found one"

you just posted cringe bro

go back then, niggerlover

Attached: fuck off retard.png (1200x800, 126K)

Disperse forthwith then, sodomite.


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lose weight

>Racist telling anyone to lose weight
Leave the basement, talk to people, most importantly get a clue. Lol

>piano; melody, harmony, precision, effort
>sticks: bang, bang, bang, bang
equally beautiful cultures

>get a clue

Attached: 1559472448235.gif (2970x2483, 859K)

have sex

Why feel bad for them? They have an entire race of people fawning over them. Just look at the dopey white liberals in the videos.

>this thread is still up


>She’s still here having a fussy

Absolute pottery

Compassion is our greatest quality.
Abbos might deserve to go extinct, but allowing it to happen means we lose on our humanity.

cope with the fact that aboriginals will never advance or succeed because their neurology precludes its possibility

But without being a meme how do you explain the successful cases then? The fact is that there are Aboriginal doctors, although of course very rare. Even so, we can see that it's possible. And in general I have known many Aboriginal people because of where I live, so I have certainly seen them at their worst and you are correct some are just so far beyond help, but others I've known are accomplished tradesmen, park rangers, there was a fellow who studied economics at my university who was very heavily blooded.

I think it's more likely that the 40, 000 years of their lifestyle has a powerful, powerful momentum to this day, and so of course the culture we have now fucks it up big time with a major curve ball, but I have bent so far around the horse shoe that I now find myself truly believing that more than anything colonisation IS to blame, and what really is necessary is to assist them to function in society. Of course this would need to be very heavy handed and people would only thwart it by calling it racist.

they live in a free country they are free to do whatever they like, their current state is entirely their fault and only they can change this if they want

Have sex, incel.

Can Ye Tell Hwat It Is Yet?

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>Get some petrol Pam
>You look tired lying on the road

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>But without being a meme how do you explain that some people can run the 100m in 10 seconds? The fact is that there are olymalympic gold medalists though of course very rare. Even so, we can see that it's possible. And in general I have known many Usain Bolts because of where I live (Jamaica), so I have certainly seen them at their worst and you are correct some are just so far beyond help, but others I've known are accomplished athletes, there was a fellow who studied fast running at my university who was very heavily blooded.

This is how retarded you are.

The you go on to say:

>I think it's more likely that the 40, 000 years of their lifestyle has a powerful, powerful momentum to this day

Because 40,000 years of such environs will have NO effect on gene selection, right?

>and so of course the culture we have now fucks it up big time with a major curve ball

Because the problems they have now; infant rape, spousal abuse, violence, being fucking retarded JUST started, huh?

>but I have bent so far around the horse shoe that I now find myself truly believing that more than anything colonisation IS to blame
For problems that existed prior to colonisation? Top logic champ.

>what really is necessary is to assist them to function in society. Of course this would need to be very heavy handed and people would only thwart it by calling it racist.

Ever consider that what allows white people to function in society might be thousands of years of genetic selection in favour of traits that allow people to function better in it? Noooo that's just CRAZY and rayciss.

Based fredposter

>shirt says badass boong

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>Child rape.
It was child rape.

>Australian Aborigines have severe social problems
>Ozposters are some of the most vicious racists on the site
There's a correlation here, but which way does the causation go?

cans are worth 10c here
those lads are sitting on a good 100 bucks

Even the abbos had a laugh at how ridiculous it all is.

I don't mind aboriginals but they're just so fucking primitive it's unbelievable. And my entire country is just sitting here pretending it's not the case because the alternative feels too cruel.

Blacks and abbos have no Neanderthal DNA. Pretty much wraps everything up in a nice little package and it's scientific, not sure why "racists" don't mention this at every opportunity? Probably because they hate on Arabs and chinks as well like idiots, which is odd cause they claim to love history.

>She’s still here
? That was my first post in the thread, schizo dumb ass. Take meds.

t. mexican

All that did was remind me of the aboriginal girl who offered to suck me off for $2 on the way home from work when I was working in meekatharra as a teenager. Her opening line was "EY I LIKE UR ASS!".

See, that's what I like about aboriginals. She obviously wanted to suck me off anyway, but realised she could make $2 out of it as well.

Based and yamatji pilled.

They’ll die of old age before they work to take those tins to a collection place. A poof would have to come, collect the cans whilst dodging thrown sticks and thongs, take them away and then stick the money in those Boong’s hands for them to reap the benefits. Even then, the ‘Bos would tell the poof to fuck off “their land” after they snatch the paper.

They're not going to get help until the Australian left fucks off for good. But they never will, because virtue signalling is more important to an urban Australian than the life of an aboriginal.

>tfw retarded but at least I'm more intelligent than abos


>Comparison with Eurasian populations show that the Australian Aborigines have a similar percentage of Neanderthal genes within their DNA as their Eurasian counterparts, suggesting that any interbreeding occurred before the Aborigines embarked on their colonising journey.

It's the best way to shitpost IRL.

I can’t believe I’m typing these words but...Lupita Nyong’o is not mixed. She’s Kenyan.


That was the funniest fucking thing ive ever read.

Fuel pumps with a black handle are diesel.

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