/bb/ Big Brother 21

HoH: Christie
Veto: Sam
Noms: Cliff, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David

Previously on /bb/: scramble is done

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Other urls found in this thread:


Quarky a cutie

we should do love island except its /bb/ and we do it 7 nights a week instead of 5


the bongs sure seem to like it


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is jack /ourguy/

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He's /fit/ incarnate

>they forced me to call the people that come to my work basic bitches, I definitely lost my job
no wonder she was having anxiety attacks lmao

no wonder taran wants kemi to stay..........

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i dated a girl for a few years because we both frequented the same video game server and lived close. she was a psychopath though. i can't imagine the horrors of dating a chan girl.

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i'm thinking he is

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>now ovi is going home

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no hes a piece of shit chad, we're wholesome incels

>based tommy, sam, jackson, final 2 goat jess

rob won

he just keeps getting more based and more based

ayyy taran is fucked, not a single contender

jesus christ what the fuck is that draft taran?!!

>implying poovi isn't playing the josh game

kat is going home

based jack
>these women have their time of the month

Ovi first was a fuckin reeeeach but I can defend kemi at 2 (just off interviews) and he got good value with the other 2 thots

how many people would you send release forms for?

I'd do mom, dad, brother. Brother is kind of a weird loner so he might not sign his, we used to watch Big Brother together but like BB18 premiere episode he was just like "this shit sucks" and he hasn't watched since :(

Probably like 15 friends from college and high school

based aquaman with the sexism

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>mom, dad, brother
this + if i had a long term gf. doubtful i'd ask a friend. what does the release do?

>eric stein will never play his own game on big brother instead of america's

based Dan lost his v card to her

>bimbo has the overall 1st round draft pick
jesus melissa what the fuck

love it lol just some unapologetic sexism from jack

how pissed do you think production is with Kemi. She talked so much about being a bad bitch but is completely timid and is anti drama

you can talk about them on feeds
i don't think i'd ask my ex-girlfriends even the one with a super famous cousin

based bella shitting on scottie

and he doesnt even know

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>these are ladies
so fucking based

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cant wait to see ovi cry
imagine the smell

oh then yeah definitely only my parents and brother and i guess his wife. i don't talk much about my family as it is.

"fans" got mad he picked the "boring white guys" for his canada draft so he went the diverse route for this one

>eric stein isn't protected by production, makes his own decisions that backfire, leaves midjury and is remembered just like another failed evil mastermind Matt Hoffman


don't worry, he knows

Get help.

who's this cuzin?

immediate family. close circle of friends that i watch bb with


Is it wrong to like Jack for no reason other than he causes mass sperging across every form of social media?

they are saying nicole has a nice body kek

>Quarky has boobs

ooo we're getting into nicoles boob size on cam 3/4 mmm hmmm

>bella is an A cup


no cuz that's his best quality

>how many people would you send release forms for?
parents and close family and that's it
sorry feedfags but I'm not being cringe and sending releases to friends of mine just so feeds don't cut away when I tell stories

the cousin has nothing to do with bb but i've seen their name mentioned in /bb/ this season already

not momoa

nicole is a c

>bella trying to get nicole to show off her boobs


lol no one seems to bring up her face while complimenting her

they turning nicole into a slut

real sexist objectification talk coming from these ladies

has anyone mentioned the Tyler Perry Idol yet or is that just my own autistic fixation

good catch

Speaking of boobs

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Nicole is undeniably best girl

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>how to make kemi connect with nicole
>sexualize her
wtf i love kemi now?

based cameraman

show better angle reee

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based nicole with the milk truck and the dump truck

I've been nicole in this situation before and its uncomfortable as fuck
some fucking shits dress you up like an asshole and YAY SHOW EVERYONE LETS GO TO THE CLUB LIKE THIS

pls be my autustic gf

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wtf I love wheat chex now

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I don’t know many details about it besides that he would try to counterbalance some of my more misogynistic rants with heartwarming stories.
I need an internet gf, but she’d probably turn out to be a dude catfishing anyway.

its incredibly patronizing

>crying nonstop about backdooring kemi
>sam tells her to backdoor ovi
>ok :)

Did she have FT's?

is that a fucking training bra?

too much ass, but that is hot as fuck

its fucking hilarious because all day shes saying she doesnt wanna change noms because she doesnt wanna nominate another person

Sports bra brah

that dress is tight on nicole how the fuck was that supposed to bella's

sports bra, she's pure

>too much ass

found Ireland

Uh-oh, Kat's gonna spiral with what Tommy's saying.

bella doesn't care about looking too fat in a small dress

were you dating Frankie Grande??

This happened to my sister when she was young. Cousins dressed her up like a bimbo complete with clown make up and took a group photo. you can literally see this discomfort on her face.

>the cameraman panning every time

Thoughts, opinions, concerns

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wait you said cousin
how does reading work?

is other cam good
im actually watching kemi do things

hi Scottie, hows it going?

cant believe the stacies are bullying nicole

she’s still got it

jacksons pissed

based tommy and jackson making fun of kat

I like her skinny legs

based viral marketer
be my shill gf

I'm kinda switching cams, but Jackson and Tommy are venting.

this is like 2000s big brother with fashion. wtf is up with all these animal prints. Sam is straight out of 2005.

that's an awfully nice alliance you have there

it would be a shame if something were to...

happen to it

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LOL jackson is so mad

>finances over showmances
she’s lucky they got David out quick or she might’ve eaten those words after she gets out of the house

jackson and tommy dropping the redpills

god I wish it were still 2005

>fuck a girl
>vote her out 10 days later

cubechad is ruthless

you cant wear logos
production takes them

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yeah i know. this year all their clothes seem out of fashion though.

sam is from the midwest, hes like a turbo normie

Natalie and Victor were literally cast for each other, but they broke up on like day 4

Jen was the only good hg on bb8 anyway

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he said this unironically & almost exactly. whew

i like to think that that's his sense of humor and he realizes it's a dumb tattoo but there's nothing he can do about it now

ummmm...... BROS.......

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good call. I know Victor definitely came to win but I don’t remember what Natalie’s attitude going in the door was?

and to be fair, the blackmance usually happens regardless. I get it though, they feel like automatic outcasts because of the racial divides in the US (and not just in drumpfs ameriKKKa)

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she's so bog'd

>those stretch marks

now that’s what I call a BIG brother

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photoshop looks like THAT?!?!?!

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Tommy consoling Kat is kino.

that areola is the size of my palm


>ohh.... ovi's coming...

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Natalie was my preshow winner pick, I was pretty hardline about it, but it was just because she was "fake in the same way a winner is fake" in a weak cast. Tbf she was an okay player

tommy is by far the best player in the house

>be on the block
>have the votes to stay
>breakdown once an hour and start annoying people

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nevermind it was bimbo lol

that's kat

he's definitely doing what you should be doing week 1

I'd need to see how he is with power, but if he stays this cool most of the season...


anyone itt want to cum on rachel at the beach?

This is fake.

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In Rachel at the everywhere

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I wish Tommy was my friend bros

Thinking about getting into this season. How's the cast?

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it's fine

half the cast is legit insane

he is from the east coast less than 2 hours from NYC

Would rate 4/5. No one is great though.

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modern version of bb10
every single girl is nuts, all but one guy is overplaying

boring and unfunny. gameplay and drama is the only thing saving the feeds

very good so far.
there isn't anyone this season I hate desu

i wasnt super high on them to start but im starting to come around, still early but i think i might enjoy it more than i thought

oh god I was actually just thinking about that this morning.
yes I would still like to cum on Rachel at the beach. I’m ashamed of myself for not posting it first...

but a part of you came with my heart, and that part of you remembered

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this is an accurate analysis of my feelings as well.

No one is super likable or super weird but you can still watch it for key metrics like "will Nick have sex" or "will Kemi talk to a human"

I think the first HoH is pretty formative in big brother seasons and oh man, there's a lot wrong with Christie

nu /bb/ is all posts you make are about yourself. kinda sucks

what are you talking about?

thanks, that cheered me up a bit.
I was out of control last year.

i will go to bella and nick's fan meetups after the show
they will get married and they will have children, followed by a messy televised divorce in a year or two

poovi made christie use the normie bathroom

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there’s a lot of different discussions going on pretty much at all times of the day. just ignore the ones you don’t like.

based retard


newfags hate it
bb historians love it

ovi can't just poo in any loo

Reddit ruins everything

watch the f-bombs, or you might get cancelled

can they just get into a showmance already so i can fucking kill myself

I think the only thing holding him back is that he thinks he has a chance with Anal.

he's close enough to sniff sissy's feet bros

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i got two big macs but it turns out I was only hungry for one and now the other one is just sitting there getting cold

thinking of smoking a bowl to get munchies

also captcha is being a real n-word

Is it Bick or Nella?

>only 100

welcome to /jack/

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kek nick's had 3 separate one on one's while showering. he's gonna be so pruned

I dig your style fren

cute feet

nick had 1on1 game talk with like 3 different people while washing his nuts

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at least i have the comfort of knowing that their kid is going to grow up to be a severely mentally ill serial killer/mass murderer

i heard weed can turn you gay good luck with that

>Ovi trying to build relationships when he's already out the door

Christie kissed Sissy's feet on the hammock earlier. She freaky.

me on the left because i'm probably on the spectrum but me on the right because i'm from new jersey

jack and christie are doomed after this week

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sam is gonna win over tommy in a 5-4 vote cap this post


op of next thread please make it /jack/ The Jack Show in OP

i'd have a boner in that situation

tommy cuts sam and takes the whole thing over bella bro he wins by five

No breakout crazy people like Devin or Audrey but half the cast is overplaying in week one. Pretty solid desu.

nick is right
aquaman is jealous

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kek good post

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southerners with heavy accents never make it to the finals

My big wrong read on week 1 was I thought Sam was way more pro-Jack/big alliance than he is

same. he's the true darkhorse.

>crushes Kat's skull

wat do?

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the last time I smoked weed, I came out of a haze of confusion to find myself balls deep in some twinks asshole.

it’s real bros, do NOT smoke the devils cabbage!

yeah, I guess he was close to them just so he was in the big alliance

fucking top kek at Nick outing Bella like that

>Bella says she was with a guy before BB and didn't talk to him about it
>all her stuff is currently at the guy's house
>Nick: "I slept with Bella" (cams cut feed instantly)

sam nick and tommy are about to run this house

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Analyse has got the best ass in bb history

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this is why nick and bella is /ourshowmance/

hottest beaner ever?

isn't it a little bit of a turn-off to call analyse sis or sissy?
sis sounds like sister and sissy sounds like you're talking about a twink

fucking cringe

nat says hi

Spain is white

lol nah


i don't get it either but people in the house call her that.

anal isn't very flattering either and i'm not typing out her full name.

that’s why I stick to calling her Anal, sissy is kind of a weird nickname.

haha yeah that would be so weird to romance your sister haha just totally weird

>he hasn't gotten used to incest porn yet

"Hey sis what are you doing, I'm your stepbrother you cant blow me"

my response when you reply to my post with
>fucking cringe

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lol yah

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She's not from Spain. Her ancestors may have been, but she is a mestizo.
/epic pol mode

bimbo crying




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kat wants to go home

imagine being this gay. lol.
you prefer a "girl" named sissy over the cutest cheerleader girl ever to grace the show.

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now this is based

ovi is 100% donezo, his game is over

press F to pay respect

Looks like guy in the face, buddy.
: / r u gay ?

American Love Island is just gonna be censored interracial garbage

just send her home

self evict

fuck off bbo

you keep trying to push nick as /ourguy/ when he's a fucking douchebag

as opposed to uncensored interracial garbage?

Kat is exhausting

more entertaining too

>kat: i want to go home :(

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imagine being less emotionally stable than a giant sow

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>mfw Kat volunteers to go home and Ovi is saved

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as opposed to censored intraracial garbage?
what's this hold up with race?

tbf they always have the hottest chicks. and I don’t have any step siblings anyway so it doesn’t even phase me.


how far do you think her husband can go in?

ha ha isnt it cute that i am hanging on this litttle bitty asian man instead of the hot guys? ? im diff from other girls
btw im voting with the house

Hope I didn't just give you a boner just now.

>julie interviews him in a bio suit

this deserves to be a png to capture the massive scale of the objects depicted

well hes black so.......

as far as he wants. she’s got room to spare.

>isn't it a little bit of a turn-off to call analyse sis or sissy
i knew one i think it mightve been a popular nickname a generation ago
just a word no connotation to me

based patriot nat

so who's getting evicted? who's on what side?

if it wasnt for paulie and victor
i probably would have rated the worst season ever
that season was like a kids cartoon show

i pretend its my girlfriends little sister
because I dated a girl with a hot little sister who i definitely could have smashed when she got of age so it's pretty easy to carry over the whole "what are you doing?" thing
i can't do the mom shit though.

you did give me a boner. go fuck yourself.

Jess is secretly 38, she has a normal family life, and she's probably not a total dumbass just from reading her well-written instagram captions about ~wellness~ or whatever

some pointless street shitter
hes on the nerds side

>says for the 1000x time how good of a person she is
>isn't a good person at all

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what about paul?

ovi is getting evicted
cool kids on 1 side
gay and minorities on the other
rednecks and new yorkers on both sides

ovi is going home, alliances are kind of murky right now


>nat says hi
you mean jessica

Why do hats always look so comfy on Big Brother? Also would you share clothes with another houseguest?

jessica milagros?

I think the ~*~team america~*~ twist would have broken a lot of people the same way it did nat/james because they cast a lot of narcissists

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that's my favorite big brother player meme desu

>Also would you share clothes with another houseguest?
sweatshirts only

hey you could share underwear with other guys haha just for laughs
and sniff it

>be contestant on bb22
>hear someone yell "hey! ay-non is sniffing someone's panties in the backroom"

wut do...?

ugh did Sam just say r*ce burner?

Someone post the best shot so far of the fat girl's breasts.

go and sniff the panties out in the open in front of everybody

of course not

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walk out with them on my face and say "it doesnt matter who we are, what matters is our plan"

>hahaha it was a joke!!
>I'm kidding!!!!

here senpai

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eat them to hide the evidence

Victor was based

>haha what you guys don't sniff each others underwear? me and my friends all do that at home haha

i wonder if CBS would accept an applicant who openly admits to being a /bb/ poster.

clothes no. Hats yeah.

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Cliff (road)Hogg III

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Imagine having to be considered a twink because of your size and this is your face.

>turns you gay

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based tommy trying to get jess to lose weight

how bad of a season will it have to be for this to be final 3?

what movie/tv/online quote will you adopt to be endlessly repeated in the house if youre on?


Dr Pavel, I'm CIA

user dont you know the cardinal rule. fat girl boobs dont count.

as of now: not great, not terrible

>tommy takes two goats to the end who will both take him

/rbmk/ lines

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i'd do that for a dollar

if you don't want them to win you're a bad person.

You kick my dog, and now my dog need operation.

kek I like moms but not over a certain age. but I can’t hate on people for beating off to what they like either.

they expect one of us in the wreckage

we're gonna put the money in your pocket

that's not the line

I'd train the Jacks and Jacksons of the house that whenever I say "you're a big guy" they respond back "for you"

then just literally wander around the house all day "you're a big guy" "for you"

>what would Devin do?


it is now, cuck. sorry eric.

I’m pretty sure we’re all blacklisted. they probably have a list of hundreds of IP addresses from over the years that they cross-reference just to ensure the female HGs safety.

who the hell is Phil

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>nick and jack right now

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I’m gonna bang Tommy when he gets back to Joisey

Yer gettin' ur cock sucked, kid

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>can someone please have sex with me, I'll do anything, please god

new thread

No homo I kind of want to fuck Tommy

that was some weird touching to do in front of the whole house

>oh you dont like real girls

I would just constantly speak in memes like
>what did he mean by that?
>who was in the wrong here?
>looks like _____ is back on the menu boys!
and sneedpost irl every chance I got

I don’t wanna sound like a queer or nothing but I’d kinda like to make love to Tommy

based me

Strategically hiding crotch area.

Things that make you go, hmmmm