What are the best stealth movies?

What are the best stealth movies?

Attached: elephant crawl.webm (712x400, 2.52M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Mission: Impossible films

Attached: 1556311863529.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

>Snake, the Soliton RADAR isn't active when you're in crawling mode.

Stealth hehe

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This is unsettling. There could be an elephant under my house right now

Die Hard.

Could be one inside your house and you'd never know it until it was too late.


What is this?
Asking for a friend.

Based elephant user. How many of these webms do you have, and what drives you to wage this war against the jannies?


Attached: Elephant charge.webm (480x360, 689K)


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Why are elephants so kino? Can they be honorary Whites, bros?


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I remember when an African dude set an elephant on fire because he thought it was cursed with voodoo

Attached: sex luthor (1).jpg (320x320, 59K)

Was it?

what were you doing in africa

did the elephant curse get removed?

Lets talk about the elephant in the room here, there probablly isnt an elephant in your house

Some of them are simply insane and demented.

Attached: 1561463238002.webm (640x640, 267K)

They basically are.

Attached: Incelephant.jpg (960x654, 91K)

Lmfao. Incel elephant van of peace rampage

He is the incelephant, newfriend.

I wonder if anyone's ever fucked an elephant. Surely they have.

Those chad Romans probably did, but records of that hot pounding have been lost to time

Attached: elephant vs car.webm (656x448, 451K)

Absolute madman.

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Attached: elephant friend.webm (648x720, 2.93M)

>tfw no elephant horror kino

based incelephant rising up against the normies

Attached: Elephant goose.webm (400x400, 1.79M)

Dumb penisfaced mammal

we don't deserve to share this planet with such amazing creatures
poachers go to hell

Elephant pussy is too big for tiny human cock

I love elly threads.

Jannies best not be hatin'.

>leftists are so assblasted that people they perceive as right wing are enjoying themselves that they are counter-signalling animals and animal rights
What a time to be alive...


t. hairless monke



Attached: Elephant family.webm (720x422, 2.74M)

God, I wish that were me


Attached: slide.webm (360x640, 1.48M)

Well yeah, I'm not saying it'd be particularly great, but then you'd say you fucked an elephant. It's less a case of thinking elephants are the greatest unknown lays on the planet and more a case of it obviously wouldn't hurt the elephant in the least so why not?

Asian elephants>African elephants>Indian elephants

Or, this is the simplest answer, that person is just insulting you over something they think is childish.

>Raising his tail and wagging it as he runs away
He fucking KNEW he was up to no good the absolute goddamn madman.

Look at how big those doggos are!


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hope this boi is okay


Attached: rhmit4.gif (245x220, 396K)


You'd need a ladder since the pussy is so high up, it would be difficult

Day of the Trunk

Attached: Elephant pool.webm (854x480, 2.36M)

It's only fair

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I bet it could suck your dick with its trunk tho

Or, simplest answer, no. There is so much retarded, immature shit on Yea Forums that that this thread looks like masterpiece theater. Like the fahs that set that cat on fire because it looked like Hitler, you leftist faggots are unhinged. Yeah, calling an elephant an incel is very high brow, though.

not with that attitude it isn't

also trunk-jobs

Attached: CarlExplainsTheFacts.jpg (320x240, 27K)

water is chlorinated tho

Why would you want to they look so dry and dusty, makes my peepee hurt just thinking about it

>elephants trigger soulless numale redditors

Really makes you think


Goddammit, I wish that were me.

Would the chlorine make him sick?

only harmful per bodyweight
people use chlorine to purify water in the field all the time. a few tablets to get the bacteria out. This big boy can handle it.

he slides down like three hills in the original video.

Attached: chase.webm (1000x1000, 1.7M)

butthurt jannie detected

rent free desu

How many levels of schizo are you operating on


God damn it Babar, no means no.

>Or, simplest answer, no. There is so much retarded, immature shit on Yea Forums that that this thread looks like masterpiece theater. Like the fahs that set that cat on fire because it looked like Hitler, you leftist faggots are unhinged. Yeah, calling an elephant an incel is very high brow, though.

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user, take the political goggles off for a second and realize some people are assholes, regardless of political affiliation.

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>he doesn't get turned on by the mere sight of elephants

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Well, I'm Ashkenazi Jewish, so about 40% more than the average population.

Fucking geese know no fucking fear.

You must be a woman. These animals are cute but get your redditor fagspeak out of here

>half the thread is r*dditors that think elephants are cute
>the other half are incels thinking about fucking elephants

this is why I still come here

Attached: Elephants in the water.webm (1280x720, 2.3M)

elephants are cute though.

Fuaark. Imagine if an elephant hit the gym

>I'm Ashkenazi Jewish
fucking hell no wonder you're so whiny and annoying

>if you think elephants are cute you must be a redditor
Kill yourself faggot.

Not the one who started slinging politics, user, you can scroll up amd see who did. Just here for the pröööhs

Don't make me call the jannies on you again.

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Elephants are more appealing than roasties. You cannot deny this.

yes but no need to get reddit about it

Reminder that circus animals are routinely tortured and beaten.

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>i you enjoy anything you are a s*yboi, cuck newmale, faggot

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Attached: Elephant walk.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Oust the comunists squatters from thy head user

It was started by someone raging at the 5d chess leftists are playing

Attached: 1548638228536.webm (854x480, 2.69M)

Circuses don't exist in America anymore

Elephants have been known to patrol a thot or two

Attached: 1558072298370.webm (1280x720, 2.04M)

Who hurt you?

Attached: O2LalLc.webm (720x404, 2.82M)

Attached: Elephant kicks a buffalo in the head.webm (854x480, 1.72M)

Like five or six my dude


What's this?

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Attached: 1548446549287.webm (242x362, 398K)

Thot btfo

what the hell is his problem?

Based incelephant.

He's really horny.

Attached: Elephant bullies Rhinos.webm (854x480, 2.9M)

That's a long trunk.

Who was in the wrong here?

Fucking Stealthephants....

>pulls up shirt to try and show off her flat ass
>instantly destroyed

god why are eles so based?


For you

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Attached: elephant slides down to the river.webm (720x720, 1.06M)


>hey marcus? You see that giant monster over there?

>yeah brutus?

>how many septimns would you bet i wont go over there and fuck it?

>idk VII at least

>white girls
I'd post the webm captioned "what I think when I see white girls buying peanut butter" but I'd get permabanned

Wh*te women crave the BEC

post it

It's interesting when you remember elephants aren't just parts of the landscape, but are actual alien intellects with passions and drives that will fuck you up.

Take one for the team.

You have to user

Attached: Elephant and tourists.webm (854x480, 2.89M)

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Attached: Elephant slide.webm (644x640, 2.81M)

t elephant hiding under my bed

what makes him do it?

holy shit what


>Yo what the fuck you grillin' me for white boy
What is it about Africa that instills such behavior in its creatures?

ii read that in his voice i fucking miss this show

> haha not with that attitude it isn't

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Chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai

There's a reason why Africa was the only continent that didn't have all its megafauna get APE'D when humans evolved. Animals there know to never rest around a h*moid.

What autism does it take to post this in an animal thread?

terror & sadness in an eye

*sniff* *sniff*

Attached: Hippo and Rhino.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

BASED and sniffpilled

>only strikes when she tried to be a thot
Base elephant, even animals know to put roasties in their place

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lmao rhino dont give a fuck

How to elephants get so strong eating only grass?
Grass doesn't have protein.

what the fuck is wrong with white women?

Didn't you see the webm? They sneak into your house at night and suck your dick while you're sleeping, they steal protein from other species.

I don't know what I just watched, but it was pretty funny

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grass eater have super strong digesting system so they can break all those tough ass grass into energy
they just need to eat more grass


fuck dude omg i honestly thought over the years you fuck broke me from ever feeling but i finally felt something

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For Poop!

He eats the booty like groceries

see the wet spot on his temple? That's his mutsch, in mating season they produce so much testosterone it seeps out of their skin. This boy is hopping mad.

RIP Tyke, gone but not forgotten

It's so easy to anthropomorphize elephants. This doesn't seem like two animals fighting, but really feels like a "person" telling some animals to get out of his yard and throwing a stick or a rock at them to do so.


Name a more iconic duo

It's fun

Oh I'll show you something else you can feel
*unzips penis*

You don’t even need to see the ears to know that’s an Indian elephant

There are only two species of elephant you retard.

I was going by regional subspecies you brainlet

>elephants are stealing our gamer girl pee


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>Get outta here you hippo fucking shits!

imagine the smell

what the fuck was his problem?

based thread

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Because of poaching a lot of elephant family groups were broken up, bull elephants need guidance from the elders to direct their energy and to control their instinct to fight (other bulls). There's lots of young male elephants that are "lost" so to speak, they don't know how to behave.

based elephant

Attached: 1554813960397.webm (446x320, 2.76M)

n-no mr elephant they are watching us now

The Bollywood version of Prometheus looks pretty good.

Sounds like American men

Attached: 1561466181025.webm (240x240, 378K)

Zero Dark Thirty is peak CIA kino

Attached: zero-dark-thirty.jpg (1000x667, 72K)

Stupid animal. Blow its brains out.

some elephants just want to watch the world burn

t. roastie

Now fucking an elephant is a pretty tall order there bud. A full grown elephant is not just gonna let a man fuck it.
Now maybe if you had a couple of buddies you could overpower and fuck a baby elephant, but that would just make you a bunch of pedophiles.
For a man to fuck a full grown elephant he would have to essentially date rape the poor bugger. Which is almost as bad as being a baby elephant fucker.

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what kind of dog is this?

cast him


Huckleberry PRROOOO

Attached: 1554812798851.webm (432x432, 2.93M)

I’d sproooooh inside of her if you know what I mean