Is Sophie Turner destined to kill every project she touches after Dark Phoenix?

Will Maisie end up having the better career?

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Classic case of girl born hot not learning she has to work at life vs girl burn a complete uggo who learned a good work ethic at an early age.


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I like gingers, aint gotta take the soulless fucks to church

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I'd fuck her I don't care what any of you fa/tv/irgins say

Same, she's a fine bong slag

her tattoo looks like an witcher sign lol

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Would you do shooters with salsa?

that's a man baby

It is

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Both of them are going to end up with dead careers within a year because nobody will give a shit about them because they aren't attractive enough to warrant the attention. Its sadly a reality of the entertainment business.

Even so, Turner was never a star. She wasn't even a star on GoT, she was a side character that mostly just served as a pawn for the plots of the other characters and the it was the plots that were the real main characters when the show focused on her. How she managed to bag X-Men I can't understand apart from perhaps the casting people having Sophie sign something and then just shoving her into the first big ginger role that came around because "Well you played a ginger on Game of Thrones, you should do fiiiine as Jean Grey."

she's blonde

What a Jewish shirt.


To be fair as terrible as Sophie's career is no one really wanted another X-Men movie

>smoking a juul
aaaaaaand dropped

>no one really wanted another X-Men movie
yes they do. they want a MARVEL STUDIOS ONIONS MEN MOVIE

I'm blaming DP fall on the merger. Wait until the next movie she does before deciding.


zoomer slang for blowjob

feminists are the same as zionists


And that's going to happen when? Never lol.
It's going to be Bryan Singer twinkfests until he dies or gets removed

the definition of a basic bitch

soulless tranny clone controlled by demons confirmed

She could do a decent boy george biopic, that is if the sjw don't force her to quit in favor of some tranny

more of this set? btw I know its cameron

transpocalypse now was right

Agreed. Sophie has literally no charisma and it's absurd to even think she could lead a major movie. Maisie will end up same, nobody cares about her outside GoT and she'll never become an actual actor much less be able to bring a crowd of paying customers. Actually, I don't see anyone of GoT having a noteworthy career as in they will not be elevated to superstardom even though they will try to. I'm expecting Kit Harington to fail spectacularly in some upcoming flick or series never to be heard of again.

Sophie & Maisie will look like zombies pretty soon due to their drinking etc.

No one from GoT will have stellar movie career, they will b mediocre at best

Maisie's only chance was an X-Men spinoff that will be swept under the carpet or not made at all.
Sophie was born to play Boy George, but that biopic would be shit unless it was some totally surreal take on his life.
Both careers are almost certainly dead.

It’s honestly just bad luck on her part, her “charisma” would not have saved that movie.

Emilia has also had a run of bad luck, if either Terminator or Solo had performed to expectations she’d be doing very well right now. Solo was like comically mishandled by Disney.

emilia's already doing fine. robb's actor had that bodyguard series that was well received.

Lena will do alright if she gets over her vanity and starts taking “middle aged” roles like, now. But she probably won’t and keep going for roles reserved for 17-35 bracket

Both have underdeveloped brains due to abuses. They are fucked.

I agree. She's a chav slag, but a reasonably hot one.

She's also a terrible actress and is going to be dead by 30 due to drugs or suicide.

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No brain function.

I think it's more the man that look like a woman there

Yeah, but that makes her hotter in a way.

just be feminists guys

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up to a point, beyond it its like necrophilia.

imagine being retard enough to take a pic in this position

Emilia should play to her strengths she seems to do well as the "cute, quirky female self-insert" in romcom/drama stuff

She's a 5/10 slag. She was cute when she was 14 or whatever, but they all were.

Just. Be. Feminists.

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I'd still fuck her dead body, honestly, as long as she was still warm. But I'm a dirty boy, so...

White ((((women))))

Is pretending you eat pussy to turn men on feminist?

I just came here to say that if you're not a feminist, you're a bigot.

I'm a feminist.

Nah they're both fucked. The only young GoT actor who will have a long career is the guy who played Robb and hopefully Alfie Allen who unlike Maisie, Sophie and Kit actually grew as an actor

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Her husband is a Jonas brother. I'm pretty sure she'll be fine for money if acting goes tits-up

Maisie will probably get TV work. She's not a terrible actor, compared to Sophie.

Also, you're a faggot nigger

I know Sophie has claimed she experimented with women, and I could believe it, because a lot of girls do. Whether she's actually bi, who knows.

Maisie is bi for sure.

If her liver, kidneys and other organs don't catch up.

They both have stable relationships with a glass of anything alcoholic.

That is definitely true. They have also both admitted smoking weed.

Maisie almost certainly does pills and stuff too.

they both look extremely old and decayed for their age.

Like I said earlier, I can see Sophie ODing before she's 30. Either accidentally or not.

>absolute unit


Where are their families and any friends who actually care? Not just party "friends".

Families just want the money.

Brits don't care about family. 1000 daughters raped by shitskins and police let it happen. No riots. Nobody fired. It's unbelievable that island used to rule 1/3 of the planet 100 years ago.

Its truly turned to shit.

>Brits don't care about family.

>Turned to shit

Implying that it ever wasn't shit.

She's so average is stupid. Classic case of dumb cunt think she's hot shit and getting cast for red head roles because theres only like 2 red heads who aren't ugly as fuck. Fuck outta here. Once the ginger roles stop so will her career. She'll do some hbo feminism show or some bullshit handmaids cameo. But she's fucking average. And ugly to me white women age the worst.

it would arouse me if she allowed me to smell her butt if you catch my drift

Smells like fish and chips.


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>tfw no twink boy george to cum inside of


There's only one thing I want from Maisie, full frontal nudity.

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Fuck off you smelly looking edgelord, she’s a 10/10 compared to your gene pool

She’s not a great actress but I would watch her just because she’s beautiful, then she outed herself as a far left retard so she go fuck a cactus for all I care now.

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>as a far left retard so she go fuck a cactus for all I care now.
same here

uuuuuu suck it bish suck it real nice

Maisie Williams naked. I will be her shaved little pussy is amazing to behold.

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this is hot af

>your gene pool

There so many photos of Sophie and Maisie drinking some alcoholic beverage its truly ridiculous.


She is the smartest person I've ever met.

the worst part about game of thrones wasn't season 8, it's the fact that all their discovered unknown actors are now being let loose on the world. had a perfectly good containment zone going damn.


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Are you forgetting that Maise’s X-Men movie is so bad it never even got released?

I wanna fuck Boy George now.

Oh, sweetie. I already do.

You could have this. If you put any effort into life at all.

fuck man i dont have enough time before work to jerk off

>lol just sleeping!
>more makeup than a Chanel store

based and bipilled

Why is it so hard for English broads to look presentable on a day to day basis? I mean she cleans up great but looks borderline homeless the rest of the time. Why is it so hard to brush your hair and do natural make-up instead of looking like you've slept with your mascara for a week? I guess it's just normal with slaghood and alcoholism.

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peform sexual intercourse

>slaghood and alcoholism
Damages DNA. I rest my case.

In effect with enough alcohol you become subhuman genetically. Like a retardation of sorts. Gene expression etc get fucked.


Do you really want to

>be a stupid twat
>want to have a career in motion pictures
>cover your arms with tattoos so it will cost the producers of these movies a lot more money to cover up on set and in post to make sure nothing is showing through

and legs

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How are Maisie’s legs so lewd FUCK I need a gf bros

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Delete this! It's offensive to incels!!!

>a lot more
lmao yeah, like $5

she's working out
maisie is prime example of how a girl can be attractive without having the best facial aesthetics

Yeah but Emilia was one of the stars of the show. When the story focused on her side of things, her acting was a major component of what kept people watching. Even if you might disagree with her characters behavior through out the series, she did give a memorable performance from start to finish that will talk about for years to come. Neither Turner or Maisie did.

Robb's actor also tried doing movies but it didn't work out. He solved that problem by just going back to TV and ended up on a great show again. I really doubt that Maisie and Turner are going to go back to TV.

What I feel I don't hear said enough about her is that she's got an absolutely appalling voice. It cracks everytime she opens her yap.

Nobody wants to have to hear that in their movie or their show.

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What is this tattoo mean? I see
\lambda, \epsilon ? , \delta or \phi?

I don't have enough lifespan to waste on an entire gender you daft superficial retard.

>Will Maisie end up having the better career?
For both them, if they drop dead or just sick from alcohol and all that other crap their careers won't matter for shit.


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>t. velcoro

Is she an alcoholic due to being abused or just a victim of British decadent culture?

She was hot. She just hit the wall at 14.

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>hit the wall
Its like her lifeforce drained away after a point. Like she has been vampirized by all the "habits".